TAGE HlJt WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 8 p.m. BABY PEGGY IN "THE FAMILY SECRET" The liny Sarah Hernhardt in a combination of Frances Hodgson Burnett's celebrated novel "Edillia's Hurglar" and Augustus Thomas' lirilliant stage success "The Hurglar," A jihoto-drama with many big moments, shadowy secrets, thrilling events, a charming child nnd intriguing fates. "Help"! she cried and the hurglar responded heroically in this photo-play of love and laughter. When n child gets into trouble the world feels a tug nt its heart-strings. The discovery that the burglar in her own home was her own fattier well that sure was trouble, A picture for the whole family. Exciting! Appealing! Joy-infusing! Superb cast. Hatty Peggy Montgomery, Kdv;ml K.irle, (iladys Ilulelle, Frank Currier, Cesare (Iravina, .Martin Turner, Martha Matlox and others. Comedy "Roughing It." Fox News-Gazette. Admission 35c and 10c. PUBLIC TAKE NOTICE. We air m a position to quoin yi'U (lie lowest market prices on Veal, Lamb and Peer. Hotline Href, per Hi. . . . 5o Pol Unas!, per Hi 8c Choice lloasl, per lb. . . 15c Lous of Lamb, per lb. 35c Shoulder Lamb, per lb. 20c Veal Slew, per lb 7c Choice al Itoasl, per lb. 15c Home Made lleaddiec-se, per Hi 20c Sausage, per lb 15c Hi'tpping. per lb 15c Ilologna. per lb 20c Come in ami tqlk to us on a fine price on quantities. Lowest in town. Our new slock of llaisins. Peels. Nuts. Cherries, Figs ami Dales has arrived. lleltcr Quality and Lower Prices. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428 Orders of $3.00 dellvcrsd MEAT MARKET AT ECONOMY STORE Special Notice to Consumers In Sections 6, 7 and 8. We cordially invite you to visit our Meat Dept. and see for yourself our slock of Fresh Meals. Why walk a lens distance this wintry wcalhi-r? Our prices are just us reasonable as elsewhere nnd our slock is selected from Ibe best on the market. Give Us a Trial Kcoiiomy Jiutler, No. 1, per lb 4 Per It lb. box 55.25 Sweel Clover Lard, 3 lb. tin 60c No. 1 llacon, per lb. . . 45c 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84 "inco Rupert, 3.C. BUSY WINTER LOOKED FOR IN CALIFORNIA C. E. Balnter, Formerly of This City Is Visitor For a Few Days on Private Falling off of the boom in California and ij marked reduction in building activities caused quiet business conditions in- that klalc dur'iili? the summer but a large tourist trade it is expected1 will make things lively again this j winter, slates C. K. llainter. for-uier insurance man of Prince ( Huperl, who arrived in I he city j yesterday aflornoon from Lingi 11... ...1. In, Iummi loe.:iled 1 for the past several years. Mr. llainler asserts that the many former Prince Huperl citizens now located in California continue to lo well. Accompanied by Jess Croft or Idaho, Mr. llainler arrived from Ibe sotitli on the Prince Huperl 'yesterday afternoon. They left today on the gasboal Point May, Charles Wallace, for a trip down Ibe coast and expert to be back mi Saturday. They will return south on Tuesday night. Mr. Jlainler is here on private THROUGH SLEEPING 1 CARS TO SHIP'S SIDE ' . i I The Canadian National Hail- ways have made arrangements to operate tourist and standard Isleepintf cars through from the pacific Coasl to the ship's side al .Montreal and Halifax in connection with Old Counry sail-lins. during November and Dee-ember. Full particular regarding rales, reservations, passports, els., can be secured from City Ticket Oilice. Canadian Nalicaa! I Railways, 528 Tl ird Ave ue jl'r.nce Huperl. Phone 200. BOAT ARRIVALS Arrivals fur Prince Riiperl from the south on the steamer Prince Huperl, Capl. Harry Ned-den, yesterday afleriHjou included .1. H. Mayville. (i. Millar, J. Muir. W. Javin, S. Zulich. C. Fourchalk, Mrs. Cameron, Dan Mason, A. A. Mitchell, II. II. Mustard, Mrs. James I.. Hrew-sler. Miss Brews I er, Mrs. V. Aiken Hallinej. 11. Caslillou, S. Morrison. J. It. Cameron. C. F. iHaiuler. J. Craft, Miss Mitchell,, .1. A. W. Hell, T. II. Johnson. F.j .Simpson, W. W. V. Hazlelt, M. S.' I Ifyruti. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lutz.t B .1. A. Sniilli, Mrs. M. L. Slcpp and daughter. Mis S. (iudmansoii, Mr. Justice Gregory, Mr. ami .Mrs. A. K, Warren. I Passengers going through For Stewart Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hanks, D. Chisholm, Mr. Slen-slruui and Charles Scruthers. For Anyox H. C. Fraer, Mr. Iluulinir. Mr. .Millielunoi. Mr F.aton. J. II. Jones and Mr. Skin-! ner. I TIME For Sale Time is the life . vaocouver. b.m. measure of Thai's what our salesmen offer you. They are selling a real service, giving you time for more important duties than washing. Will You Buy? Phone 8. PHONE 8 VSfitfj 60X392 PRINCEr-r RUPERT CANADIAN SERVICE FROM HALIFAX TO QUECNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Caruiunu. .lu-r. tl l.mim.ti-lu. . Jan. 5 TO PLT mvUTn-vHERBOURQ-LONDON Andaiila . Ir x Aiitmiu . . . Jan, m TO OLAIOOW Casanli-a Pit. fl Mar. 3U mom new tohk TO CUEENtTOWN AND LIVERPOOL l.aruiiU . . . .v. Camilla . . . Ore. CaiiiianlH .. lu-r. 13 Auranla .. Iiit. JO TO CHERBOURQ AND SOUTHAMPTON licieiitraiia ... ov. so, Jan. 17. Feb. 7 Maui-rtanla pec. J Aqiiiisiun nci is, Jan. a, fm. TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW Cammmla ...Nov. id Columbia. . Per. la Caiiif-ronla .. Hsr. 7 MHH .. Jan. TO PLY MOUTH-CHERBOURO-LON DON Andnnia . . . I'fr, A Saionla . . . Jan. 3 Aiuonia .. Jan. 17 Aiixmia . . Jan. 31 Money onlera and drafli at lowrit rates. Full Inroimatlnn from Afpnli or uiininny-i omrra, iimunrs si, w., WEEK-END SPECIALS Icing Sugar in butk, lb. 10c In 2 and 1 lb. lots only. Drown Sugar, 3 lbs. for 25e COMBINATION SPECIAL 361b. Mixed Vegetables $1.00 Assorted as follows 8 lb. H.C. Cooking Onions 12 lb. Terrace Turnips C lb. Terrace Carrots C lb. Hed Heels I lb. Large Parsnips We will substitute Potatoes for any of th' above items. mm JSfMi3; Shredded Wheat Biscuits Fresh Stock, 2 for .... 25o Fels Naptba Soap, per 10 bar carton, special.. 75o World Matches, rcg. 0r pkg, special, 3 for $1.00 (itobe Hrand Pears, 2's, ex-Ira special, 2 tins for 25o Circle Hrand Sliced Pineapple, 2's, special, 2 for 35c Pure Plum Jam, X lb. tins ... .... ... ... 60o Solid Pack Tomalu, speeial, 2 for . . . . . 35c 0 for $1.00 Rogers Golden Syrup, Always in demand, special, 5 lb. tin 45c 50 only. Jars Libby's (jueen Olives. IloyaF size jar. Heg. GOc value, islock-laking special . . . . 45c Bird' Custard Powder and lllanc Mange, 10 oz. tins Flavors Strawberry, Hasp-berry. Vanilla, Almond. Lemon, Chocolate and Standard. Stocktaking Special 35c Maraschino Cherries, 5 oz. jar, special, each . . . 25c Cerebos Shaker Salt. ea. 25c See this line, it is just what you want. Canada Corn Starch Special, package 10o FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Hriissel Sprouts, Celery. Cauliflower. Head Lettuce, Mexican Outdoor Tomatos. I'xlra choice slock now in. MEAT DEPT. Fresh Killed Chickens and Fowl a specially, Phone your order in early and ro serve a nice roasting chicken or boiling fowl for I lie Sunday dinner. Cleaned ami drawn if requested. Rupert TableSupply P.O. DRAWER 1712, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 3 Phones, 210, 211, 212 All That A Gift Should Be Useful, Ornamental, and a lasting token of friendship. A visit to our store will convlnco you that our stock Is up to date, well selected, and marked In plain figures to compete with the keenest competition In Canada. DIAMONDS In the latest settings. WATCHES, all kinds, hundreds to choose from. CLOCKS with 12. day movements. STERLING SILVER and HOLLOW-WARE In pleasing designs. COMMUNITY and 1847 ROGERS In several patterns. CUT GLASS, the finest assortment In Canada. CHINA, English and French, in beautiful designs. UMBRELLAS We specialty Invite you to see this line-it will save you money. BRASSWARE and NOVELTIES, etc OUR OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST will test your eyes and fit your glasses properly. OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Max Heilbroner JEWELER. BAZAAR PROVED GREAT SUCCESS Ford Car and Many Other Artic les Raffled Last Night by Moose Ladles CLOSED WITH DANCE Something Like $2,500 Netted as Result of Efforts of Local Lodge The Ford louring ear offered as first prize in I he grand draw ing nt the Muoe bazaar winch closed last nijbl, was won by J. Home of Parker's garago the man who put (he iiiaeliiifv- together. 'Ibe winning ticket wa No. . The second prize, a 350 Vtelorv bond, was won by Mrs. C. Duranl willi lick el 21 and the third prize, a ton of coal, was won by J. Polulo with ticket The drawings look plain at the big dance . last night which brought the bazaar lo a close. Mis Marie Mussallem drew the winning tickets. Other article were rallied as follow : Night dres. ihiuatml by Mrs. Jack Italcbfiinl, won by Sinn F.ricksen. GET IT AT! DIAMOND SPECIALIST. Jltaiikel. donated by Ibe Moo-e-heart t Legion, won by O. Skiu-wu-k. Doll, dotiuled . by Mooehear Legion, won by Pclc Tholupou. Cushion, ii. muled by Mr, Kit. Larsen, won by Kd. Wintber. Night dress, donated by Mrs. It. Phillips, won by Mary lk-stmiii. Fruit dish, donated by Mat lletlhroner, won y Mrs. llHLell. Plllowslipi, donated b Mus Jennie lllrkland, won by .Irs. V.. I.arsen. 1 ! Library scarf, donated by Mrs. Krikevsky. won by F. Long. Table eoer. dnualr-d by Mr. '.. K. Ylreberg. won by A. Hill. Fruit dish, donated by N. Mui- jsatlem. won by Mrs. Hart. I Cushion, donated by Mrs. O. Slegai', won lay J. II. Meagher. ' I leaded band bif. donated by Mrs. M. Fosler (California), won by Mr. Alf Clir1.tlanen. Library scarf, donated by Mrs. O. K. Ytreberg. won by F. Lind- 'piUt. j Mahogany tray, donated by Harries' Furniture store, won by Mrs. Oiler Memoir. Fruit basket, donated by Mrs, ,11. FldwariK won by Mr. Mat llellbrouer. (Jake, donated by Hujierl link-ry. won by O. Skiuwirk. Cublou, doiiatiil by Mrs. J. Field, won' by A. CarUon. PHONE 586 OUR HIGH CLASS -GROCERS OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE AT 40c and 50c LB. Christmas Cards Ihir.yeiir me the nicest we have ever hud more color uiorn vjuiely more design unr iinujc up heller than ever before, Prices range fi-onToo each for the nnliijury ones to I.B0 each for the large haud-paiuted lines. tlall in, u'ld make your cloiee today while the selection i best. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall 8tore Third Ave. A 8lxth St. Phones 82 and 200 Thursday ovfmyf THt DAtLi WEWg , , ,, , . .lMt SPECIALS rrK-.nt, I ui c. r. it vr tAKH LTD. wra n t i n 1 m-Z-lJ Arrow Shirts ' I HE kind of workman-ship you find in Arrow thlni doctn'i come out in the tvjih. Ic rcmiim lonf after thf eood cloth has shown evidences of wear and tear. And the color stays, too. We carry a strong variety of the newest Arrow creations, and we want you to see them before the best in the collec tion is roue We, orfer the u"w ., vuriety of He.isonaliie us our Specials for ! FRIDAY A SATURDAY Onl, Arrow Shirts, z-; , 17. Ilftr. ;i,7,j s .,- tjft Ladles' Mercury Black silk none, an r, ,: :ur ankle, faip y .u lid line. Ileg r , pr, pair . . . lu, Silk Crepe, gorgr -. ' , v. for evening dn- . - , j Sl.lt.V Kiecv,i "LUISETTE"- trie - a- , Kcric Silk, niaki I;, , -rarments. Ji,-i ,, rial for your n i t-i ,t Ileg. l.7." per i , s rial, per yard jjj Boys' Extra Heavy All Wool Ribbed Hose, z u ' . Ileg. M. lo. Si r tit 20TH CENTURY CLOTHE! Mr. Skimp ' V next week iHU' 1 ' Stewart lo i.ik-nienl. We -lo IriNliire yon h Watch Our Adt. Next Wtck. Universal Trading Co, YOU WANT THE . ...EST CANNfcD SALK.0N "RupeYt Brantf Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, ehoose "Huperl Ilraud" Salr..:n, A few tins in llie pantrj' arc always hartdr Slock a supply on jour boal- -lhat s a gozi lata. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd Prime Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C, LTD. Siltmn true Trior Huprt, er VANCOUVKR, VICTORIA, Sn r, M AI.M l.r, T4f. ' rr vANCouvcn. viCToniA, ai.m a.r, .n.x atf, immr, H" rof ANVOX, ALICf AMM, STCWART, tu4r, S P.M. Tor ANYOX, rOBT SIMPSON m 4 Nui Rlt.r CK.fl.., rrK.f US ln4 Aimu. t. . A.L PrlM. nr- Ilox of apdei.,. donated by N.jWiid.-a Mn- .Mii!ulli'iu, won liy J. M. Mom- Jm-kon I'li- SOII. Sweler, donated by .labour Hro.. wimi by A. Mnrznn. Itarber. The actual number was J Hit and Mr. Ila'rber's suess was 75. A number of article which bad been doualeil by (. I). Tile, F. Stork, Joe llaroii, C. Ilixsiart. Ornies Ltd.. Seuvlew Orocery. Frlzell's, llarrie's, p. Hums v! Co., Ltd., .labour llros., MaKj lleilbroiier, MiMfiillem'H (I roc cry. j Mm. .1. Ivarson, Mm. II. Julinuu.j Mm. Skalllebol nnd Mm. C.I VVIialiiian, sr., were auclioned off by N. Mussiilleiii. The bazaar coiiiinillcc eonsisl ed or Mm.' Jack llalcbfonl, Mm. O. Sleiravitr. Mrs. .1. Field. Mm. Tbor Joliiifoti, N. .Miiiillcm, II, J. llacon, (lillis Iloyer mid I'ercy Cameron. 'I'beie were about U00 pemonx irecnl al Ibe dance lut iiIkIiI. The alTalr slarted at 10 o'clock imd came to n clot ut .'I this morning. Music was furnished by Miss ft. Cyr's orchestra. Ii- fresbuienls were served at inid-liluhl. The social comniitlec in charge or the dance consisted of llaloh no'iiiaiicr, miiii All ' ox. Fred eotiiuiillee rnini" Mm. 'loin lvD)ii Cburle Ldwiinh A eascr(de, tli prie for'wii iiist of - yuesintf the correel number oflbe iknir wen' beaiiM in a Jar, wui won by F. Ilalpb Klefbabo It will iliin;t ' ' that ouielliiim hood of lS.r)00 fa-, as a rt'Kull f 'lu-was admilled by n landiii nun- WANT Mil If TRAIN HERE SATURDAY Parent-Teachers En,or?'l-quest to Have Train W Saturdf The I'areiil Ti iii lion I is -1 iilylit a einlor- " 8 ineelhiK ,i ..... i .. i -i -.1.- in ' " ' WINCH IS IIC1IIK 111""' - ( whv eoniiuinv aK If time rreluhl wbli li ' here on Sunday " fresh milk to be I''"11"" cily on thai day II seems Ihal a) l,; thu is st" lint.. Ti-iilulil nnd tin l'""r' train arrive on the saw' i, m. in i-K.ii mat ii" " arrives front TlinrW UK Mr ehaiiKed lo Saturdii.v , Madden, A. (,.,,0 p. i V" TlW .... - i llmr.. vviiill.l lid irc.'n . i-ioii, .mis. .1. i-ioiil, .MI'S. I'll. UI1-! ' . ,..(.! I.ft PI ' r. Mrs. ;. Lni.l.pi.sl. Miss 'benefit In nbi'd"