IS .,v Nmemhei- 30, ,10ft. "Headaches, Bilious Spells, Are Now All Gone" Mri. John Ireland, Nobleton, OnL, writes i I "i trrat tuffrrfr from fVfte headaches ind bilious pell. I Iried a number of rem, diei without obtaining y ten. M until I wit adviied to ui Dr. CWi Kidnty-Livtr Pills. The completely relieved me. and made me feel like a new perion. I am very irateful to Dr, Chaie' Medicinei for what tlwy have done for me. and you may uie my letter for the "benefit of ntk.,. " Dr. Chase's Kldney-Llver Pills ru. a bo I of II pllla, j!ntanm. 111, a Co., 1x4., Toremto iTARIO RABBITS 'ZZ?u ,. STALL MOTOR CARS 0"" " " in-i.. m in local mcrehnul goes him one L ,M'' " ".at a h.g Pick, HI, Way Among Shop- P i""'1 ,"""'r .n""-, n.r. In City Strut. ; uim in I lie lane beside hi home '" ..... lo hi, It MIItA on' Nov 20. -A,,r;T ;laM I .. .. startled It..- world by"v'1' V V .. V , ; . -hal r..lton-rott'I,,Prt rfl,'b"; ." r,r",,,'M" " ,M,M8 'bale-l. Mink in H.N J :, , w-m ,.; i ilii V vrc 'stalling thej , t the country roads EFFECTS OF TRAVEL. , . Ihr driver, with) a ' ij s III row ii ll h theyj frf,t (hp Allanlic roasf i- d along hi herds. Ap.isnld m liiiawa for five time the li. v haw not diminish- sum received by the fishermen, fa" I whirl, inny he an instance of lie- ..r ny ii big fellow broadening effect of travel, i, UK down Arllnir SI.. Montreal liaeiie. z x ;ib 'fie asphalt rnad - - :ireru whatever for1 AdvcrlUe in the Daily News STOCK REDUCING SALE Our stuck i Ion heavy for this tune of Ihe year anil e fieri rig our entire line .f merchandise nl greatly I in ier. i) r Inventory jle in on animal event in which f the piililic exceptional tinrgaiii. We are pulling on Ihe Mile n little earlier this year ; we like lo gel it oyer hefore lite Xtnits rush roin- ULE STARTS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, and CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY, NOV. 22. DO NOT MISS IT. DRESS GOODS DEPT. lv ir;i Flannels, iii ft variety of colors. Heir. J2.r0. s.- , $1.85 iV r : :.f wnle. Ileir. 2.. Sale S1.85 - .loth. Iieiiuliful iwlleric, U" wil. Meg. 12". Sale ; 05c epev Meg. M nl Jl.rtft. SJlr $1.15 Ve!, hi Ulack. Y'.xirn ginwl ipiality. Meg. )0. .Sale , . . . , $4.75 I : s r Voile, yen tifelty patli'm". Meg. ?l.3.. S y $1.00 g i w.ilo. Hlaek, Hrrnvn, Xiggcr Hri.wn. iil lle.! Meg. ?K.V). Sale $3.25 UNDERWEAR DEPT. -i" WaUou Silk ami WoimI Coiiiliinalion. in nliy u le rciinrci. .ov neek, V neck, with leevc .. no leevt!, !horl sh-ove or one .lrp. Knoe 't'.ip or ankle length. Meg. 5.7r. Sale .... $4.75 lav- All Wool WnlMih (miinntion. !.f.vle a uhin-.v Meg. from JJfl.iiTi t( .75. Sale . $5.25 lie Pure Wool lrte Omilnirtitimni. .Meg.,fnrn .7r, fo Sale $5.65 READY-TO-WEAR ' I.::i!ies )ree. Vrtliies n.nge frniri 120.00, to X.00. Made in Serges nml Taffeta. hrep-onal bargains for $15.00 i iir.-is licniilifnl lvl.w niniie in Mlk rreie nml ;ilntK. Values run from :r.00 lo ffo.Oll. Sale l'rice $25.00 Knitted WiMillen Suit. Mrg. 1 7.."0. Sale 11.75 h Ladies Crepe Skirfi. To clear at each $5.00 lilh Unite. Meg. ".no up to K.oO. Snle $5.25 'ilh Holieji. Meg. 1 Loll to n..VI. Sale $10.25 ChauinUeMe (Unyen. To clear for $1'.00 Mdie; WnshnMe Kid (Moves with flniuillels. Meg. VMT, Snle $3.50 "Kl.'h Knilled Hosiery. Meg. $1.25. Sale 00c l".iarh Silk Hosiery.' Mfg. finlc S0c MILLINERY DEPTw a.1 ami I -aril off nil Jlnt in our store. ""i l.n Iiesse Corhfls. Meg. 2.ot). Sl $1.85 ''his h n line we nre not carrying in future. I Take advantage ff thr clearihg price. -. Corsets dii fiim th'.al .' $1.50 kbour Bros. Ltd. Dr 3rd Ave. and 7lh 8L Phone 045 INTERFERENCE ON RADIO SETS Local Fans When Receiving, Radiate Squeals to Those of Neighbors The local uilerfemire question is iii'iiiiujng unite, terrifically Indeed, such a stage lias li..i reiH-hed right in this eily Unit i is nut imssilife to receive fur ten mioules at one time with-uiii Hie exasperating interference i'iiiii-i ) I he radiation nf kcal reeeiv. rs This is said without Hie -liKlite.l exaggeration in any wav. Hadio receiving is being dange: -misty menaced by an overwhelming fmee which, linpre-senlr.l. may kill and blot nut this ei-y sorf in Prince M iiicii for goMl. Instead of sit- 'ing d'wo lo enjoy the thrills ofi in exfellcnt eonrerl liiilldreils of miles away, one is force I to sit for limii-i on end ill the hope Of really hearing something good, and listen to such a riot of ear .liiiM.g squeals and groans that in the end it becomes provoking. iiiinst mg and even maddening. I'l... t.i.l jl i . n r rftoulilii tkflrl of It is (hat nst of this interference i Is atis-dutely preventable, were, Ihe interfering receiver operated j eorrert y. I'Ajileutly they are not.; in spile of many fruitless nl-lempls. here and elsewhere, to call listeiiers-iii lo control Iheir ct as they ihoulil. There is a court y "ii the air Itie same as there is nnywliere else, hut il seeniV to be alisolulely disregarded here by most radio fans. He-member that Hie atr Is a vast theatre and improper action In a theatre, would be similar to those on 'he air. ' Two Types The two types of receivers that' I seem to be causing a great deal; !of the interference in town are lilie single circuit and Ihe Flevvel-ling The latter type have been' I positively outlawed in all of the larger cities ami il is peculiar that Itnperl radio fans nre allowing Ibis type of inlerferenre to Irin'inue. This Flewelling i i doubtless an excellent receiver, I but 0 should lie operated miles I from any other receiving sel. The, s(nge circuit receiver Is, on Ihe oilier hand, an excellent receiver if operated as il should be. If not. however, il. becomes nearly as bad an inlerferer ns the nhnv mentioned Flewelling. Moreover, il Is the source of much (rouble here in Prince Huperl. Obvious- jly one of two things is nl fault.' Killier the persons owning these ils are ignorant as lo how Ihey j should be controlled, or else Ihe (Interference is intentional, malicious, designed lo destroy the enlerlainnienl for others. II Is bard to credit the latter -to be Ihe rase: therefore the former must He the cause, that of lack nf sufficient knowledge. Fans Should Learn j Now this is not a difficult point to get around, since it only requires Ihe rending of n few points in any of the radio magazines. ' How to operate slnglo cirtults THE DAILY KEVVB PAGE FfVU UNITED STATES BROADCASTING STATIONS Following is (in additional list of some of the chief tiich power ItroailcafliiiK nlalons in the United Hales: j WJJO Mooseheart, III Union Trust (J. .. , 390 W'JY New York City, N,Y Mno.elieait Itaillo Stalion .. 278 JAX Clexeland. 0 Itadio f'.nrp'. oTv'America ... 403 ill' Xew York, N.V. Itadio (Jorjr. of America .... 155 NVKA0 San Juan, Porto llicn . . Hadio Corp. of portn Ilico . . 3(50 WKAIl Kast Lansing, Mich. . .. .fieli. Agri. College 280 NVKHK Piovi.lenee, H. I. ...... iHttee Flint Ine.- i... 28f. WLHI Slevens Point. Wl. ... Wis. Depl, or Markets 278 W1.K--. -Chicago, III Sears Itoehuck ti tj( 345 VI.V Cincinnati, (). Crosley Hadio' Corp. 423 WMAO--Chicago, III Chicago liail'y News. ii8 W.MAV- Aiiliiiin, Alahana la. I'olylechnic Iiutilule .. 250 W.MCS Mcnidils, Te.xas Commercial "Appea' 500 WMII Cinrinatti, (. Ainsworlh rtate rtadio Cm.. 30U WOIII San Anlonlo, Texas .... Soi.therrt Knuipment Co. .. 385 WOAX Luwiencehurgv Tciax .. James Vauglian 3C0 WllAW-.Omaha. Net -Woodmen of Ihe World 52C WOAX-Trenton. XJ. . . .. F. Wolff ; 2i0 W'OC )ariiMrl, Jowa Palmer School of Ciiirop. .. 48'i WOI Ames, Iowa ;Iowa Slale College 300 WOO- -Philad'dli.ta, fa John W'ann mater' 509 WOIJ--Kansas City, Mo Western IladiVi Coj , 360 WMt- .Newark. XJ L. Ilamherirer A rfo 105 W'OS Jefferson City, Mo. Missouri Slate Marklg. Hur. 411 WI'Alt Stale Colh-ge. Pa Philadelphia Slate College.. 283 WPAI. llumhiis, O Wery Lneh F.lectric C. .. 280 W0Jt:iiieago. Ill Calumet "Making Co ii8 WHIM: Valparaiso, Ind Immaniiel Lutheran Church 278 WP.C Washington, .C. Madio Corn, of Afneriea ... 1C9 Will Seheneetnilv. X.Y nion College Hadio Cluh ... 3fi( WH.M L'rliana III University of 111 3C0 WHW-r Tarrylown, X.Y Hadio llesearrh Lahs 273 WSAP. Clems.fn College, s.C. .. den.son Agri. College .... 360 W'SAI - Cinciiinali. O. U.S. Playing Cahl 309 WSK Atlanta, (la Atlanta Jmirnat t 4? WiTAM -Cleveland, O Willard Storage Mali. Co. .. 390 WTAS Klgin, III t:has. Frhslein 286 WW J iMroil. Mirli Detroit Xew 51: and how fo prevent them from radiating unneees-arily has ever been and still is Ihe conlinua1 subject of every radio periodical today. The search Ihen is not bom for a person desiring information along this line. Any ex-ncrienred radio fan will bp mill ion glad to answer any questions the novice will have to nut. pro vided of course H put in Hie righl manner. I.very radio owner should know his set, know the fundamentals on which it functions ,and know vvln it is op i not radiating. Failure here is Ihe eanjc not only for poor results on the part of Hie owner, hut of poor resulls on the narl Of Hie whole neighborhood on ac count of the interference pro riuced. , Take Effective Action Something has to be-done, and In he done quickly if radio is to enjoy pnpularilt here, as else where. The fans, amateurs, and dealers should interest them- ehes wholeheartedly in this mailer ami lake some effective action immediately, not only as H benefil lo thentelves hut lo the whole radio fraternity. Now is Hie time In strike white the iron is hot! II has been done elsewhere, why not here? THOUGHT STATIC WAS PEOPLE GOSSIPING ALL OVER THE WORLD VIKXNA, Nov. 20. The establishment of a regular service of railio concerts and entertainments by Ihe post offifo department has resulted in provoking BENT'S LADIES' Winter Coat Sale IS GOING STRONG. Beautiful Winter Coats at WHOLESALE PRICES Heg. 05.OO. Xow $52.00 Heg. 59.5fl. Xow $47.50 Heg. 7.50. Now $53 50 Heg. 15.00. Xow $36.00 Iteg. $59.50. Xow $47.50 Heg. $79.00. Xow $65.00 Heg. $70.00. Xow $65.00 Heg. $69.00, Xow $55.00 Meg. $75.00. Xow $60.00 BLACK LEATHERETTE RAINCOATS Flues 30-lrt i a . $9.50 "BENT'S" Third Avenue the first ease of radio insanity on. record here. A !('- Inhnrer. lilho- gniher hy trHe, went to the Iolice the other ilar lo comivlain Ihflf IK. rli.f .....M (nll lnr. ..... nl,..,.- nifiiij nun ifiiniiii ahonl hinr. lie said he was con-' Heeled with a radio receiver nncjl could distinctly hear r.eonle In every part of the world gossiping aooui him. His pitiful plea ended in an urgent- request to disconnect him from the radio. It developed that the radio had gone to his head, and he was placed in an insane asvlum for observation. Football Fans College fool ball fans who I line in on KCO Saturday evening. November 22. will hear the fam iliar voices of seven "old-timer" football players and coaches in various phasese of Ihe big game between the University of Cali fornia and Stanford University (earns, played at the California Me.nerial Sladium on Saturday afternoon. Watt Chrislfe, veferan track coach of the University of " California, will introduce each speaker before the microphone. Here are (he okl-tiiners who will be heard: Waller Christie, Paul M. Downing, "Oreek" Howard, "Hilly" Ifarrelsnn, Ollie Snedlgar, Percy Hall and "Slip" Madigan. A program of unusual interest will he offered KfiO radio listen ers Thursday evening, Xovernber 20, by Ihe Fiona Hrothers organi zation of San Francisco. The lealure musical novelty of the evening witl be a radio quartet rehearsal conducted by Carl An derson. X. L. Hourgeault, of linos Hros., will give some interesting sidelights on ''Fitting the Heads of Ihe Family." In the Letter Box i GOLD AT MASSETT Kditor Ilaily News. Prince Hupert, H.C. Under the heading "Massed liold" in your issue of November 7, thero is a letter over the sig nature of liichard Evans, may I congratulate Mr. Evan on putting his name fo it but why did he not do so when he sent an unsigned communication lo your paper on a former orcasiori. Do you recall Sir, statement printed in your paper a few months aro (hat the first con signment of gold had arrived under armed guard and bad been hipped out of Mussett, j cannot find my copy of that issue and therefore cannot quote dale or exact words. You will be sur prised to hear that the writer of the letter dated Nov 6 claims to be the inventor of that astounding statement and now he says' less than an ounce of gold wasre- rovered from 60 lo 100 Inns. A little sum for a mathematical expert: How many Ions of sand would have to be concentrated lo require the services of an armed guard nl 75 tons to the 0z. The above extraordinary un truth which might have done such incalculable harm only for the fuel (hat Hie statement wu loo apparently eilher a poor at lempl to temporarily raise the value of some elaiui Or the act of U hunioflcf humorist, was one of Ihe many reason. for Mm formation of our Association The same of a similar brain might formulate a less crude but equally unture story of Craham Island gold which might be be lieved ami cause a great deal of harm to what we hope Is going to lie a sound industry in IhU neighborhood. The letter of Nov. 6, from ti writer with such a record for inexactitudes cuts no ice and can do no harm. J. CECIL S. IH" NX, Sec. Oraham Island Miners' As sociation. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. W. V. llazlelt, Toronto; J. A. Smith, J. A. W. Hell, M. S. llryan and II. Caslillou, Vancouver: Dr.' II. R. Mustard and S. Ztilicb. Ocean Falls; Mr. Justice Gregory. Victoria; Miss S. Cnd-manson, Winnipeg; J. Mulr, Klny Island. Central C. Fourchalk, J. Mulr, fi. Mil Inr and J. II. Mayville, Ocean Falls'; Mrs. Jack Holmes, Ceorpe town. INDIGESTION relieved in two minute. with JO-TO Soaking takes the place of rubbing TUST by soaking the clothes in the suds . J of this new soap.dirt is gently loosened and dissolved. Even the dirt that is ground in at neckbands and cuff-edges yields to a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Not a thread is weakened. The mild Rinso suds work , thoroughly through and through the clothes without injury to a single fabric. Rinso is made by the makers of Lux. For the family wash it is as wonderful as Lux is for fine things. All grocers and department stores sell Rinso. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO HE SURE FELT MEAN I BUT MENDED HIS WAYS; maiJ Said a well known local Ihe oilier day "Well. Sir. the UieaneM feeling I ever tiad coma over me was last Christmas morning. I had passed up Ihe Christmas card idea entirely ami of course was deluged will, all sorts of lovely- Christmas greet- ngs from relatives and old friends. And there, I hadn't sent out a single one. I thought then . ' . I - 1. II everyone nan neen iiKe myser. a lot of real joy would have been lost. I 'determined lo see that nothing of the sort occurs this Christmas. I am going lo dis- ense sunshine on the "glad morn" as well as receive it." Your private greeting card-can he .selected at Hose, Cowan & i.afla's, Fourth Sly from our wide range at moderate ' cost, 'ami cards will be printed on day of oilier. Phone 234. y Ltt i f a'lkJkai A dash of Clark's Tomato Ketchup on fish, chops, or omelets brings added Cuada't N.immI Cvndiroeat Sotd mrfh R-4-lt a:el Trader; aMreiMtl to the under-iwmi and t-noorkrd rr uie "CuurtrnclKm ind I qnptiin-nt or one 1 1 ; Forlj foot Motor Lanftrti" wttl be received Bp to Noon, November iHUl, 14. Plan.. tpecirirMton. and tarm tot tender max be obtained at toe iiMrrs or the r.MH Forenter, Virtrla. the District Forester. Court IIuum-. Vantir, wkI lb" DUtrtrt Forester, Prince Hn4ert, oo dt posr or whleh will be rernndet. on I be return of plans and sperirtratWm. The hTsreT nr any tender not necea-larlly ici-toted. 0. B. HADES, ill tVpiity Mim.-ter of land OVERWHELMING MAJORITY IN SILENT ELECTION, Prince Rupert Women Register Interesting Vote to Save ' Monev and Lessen Work It is a sign of the times that woinen should demand more authority in their homes. Not thai Uiey want alt their own way but that when comfort and economy ar at stak they are usually better judges than their husbands. j "-They are at home all day and know more about the things that !go lo TYiake for the comfort of illio home than the husbands who 'come home at night expecting everything to be just so. This fs why so many Prince Hupert ladies insist on saving Xanaimo- ' Wellington coat. They have made a study of coal and have discov- iered that Nanaimo-Wellington is far superior lo its competitors. Very little lasts a long; Mime. If drafts are shut off at night Ihe fire will be there in the morning. No rock, very little ash and no slack are, oilier inint in favor of Xanaimo-Wel-tinglon. Tins famous coal is sold only by Alherl & McCufTery. They have their own team and trucks and assure prompt, service. Order d rect from tbem and bo sure v..n gel I lie only coat Xanatino-YAeHmgron. Their phono tiiltn-tiers a -e 110 and 504. and it it id mild, o digestible that you can serve if in score of tempting nou rishing dishes good for little tolas. Dr. Cnite. otd food sp- ciauel MfS Thai clwm may a-a fivan to a baby ( a rs.rand.h.D. KrallCliMsa caniaina la vilsniiMs that troduca naauh a4 grvwUk. i il trait NwLarsa ' Cami Ca. Liautal Ntatml Sead ns Irta raclaa beak. kilrnt xcsr-t" Sift