25 TAXI nnd Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and Oth 8L MATT VIDECK, Prop. YOl XIV NO, '0i f '-.S t", . It II t , - ' i i . i i i i v 1 i .II1KI ' "W -I I ' I 'i. "Hi tit In .in tlir .! 1 1 1 1 HI ' 1 1 Ml . tills Hlplllal'sCOIMt l lime u CHpiicity sli:(iiKiiai and will ao'imipany v way ill Pi iih . ItllpPi l lo TRADE WITH DOMINIONS Premier Baldwin Announcos Commons That Steps Aro Being Taken to Dovelop Imperial Commerce In I O.NlKiX. ,-(-. n. - Premier, sl;iiiley llalilwln oullined in Hu' ltni(. or Commons today a pin- j K'lain Tin' lln. ....i.ui.ii.i.uiiiiii nfl Mil has liti. dolph .-: i w.: .1 v i:ni' -lar tn- uva Philippe vosted recall' Hon. by lion. Philippe I'ellelier. of Ibe poulifiral llrcgory. ' .1 IS' 111.' .1 ' ' !n ) fi.iii) A'iy"j and i will in- aluianl. 1 I. Annum I hose locally who Iwvr list of bought liekel for Hip vessel are inl alMnh i hi- pro- Mi K. Jenpii of Hums Lake; l 1 1 1 1 1 1 if ni' ' Hn' ii.ntii- o. Pliillipsnu of HazelUm; Mis) Taylor. Arthur II. il . "u "ifi. i- hu. Ihiiniliv K. Kiild. William Smail. i Wold. C. I'ajkvi'ld d. Tin 1 will pull If it vt MrJ4ieJiW.. MU U- -AUv . JAaC IV vi. i i. i wi'ii ,i limnnT K'Mih-. Mis A. A. Pierre. O. Ccr PORTUGUESE TO VISIT RUPERT Flyers Will Follow Route Mapped For MacLaren During Coming Summer iiii ii i.i i ii hi ci. iii i urn I'll' lliriiiiuh I'i'iiM'i- ltiin-rl i Ian iitiiliirf. A ilr'l''h l.iuiii : lUniiili'ialii- ' IS iM'lttft lllllil'' wilh '! iiii lr flighi min!" 1 inn IIhtii Afnra. Al.i lil''ina. wliirh I'.iiliinuiii'lri s I i,i C.ittirui iid Ailiiuial 1 ll'l iirr proMI!illK In lml M r i ,i IWO knigbli;i''dlalpy. order of SI. i of smeller t Wail iKi-ya;. Cii ii-K.' Inr- g' I- lli ii-ii iw J II llal- ( II f. till "ll Jill! Wollg. I- lt i!.h Mrs Mi x Monro. F. UiiIhmi Miss I. Itnurassa. S. Poison. Cant. I". T. Saunders Mr. ami Mrs V. F. Otinn. S. O. Johnstone. V. J. O'Mutley. H. Salvation Army Will Give Dinner to Unemployed TIhti' art' in Piiiiit lliii'il urn' uurinpluxi'it hi who hai iidw licri' In K" at Cln i-lin.i- and tin Saltation nii i arranging In gnf llii-ni a (iliri'ltna- iIiiiiht in Ihi'ir hall Dial day. Tin' iliiiiivr will In' ivi'il liolwi'i-n IS ami S .-iml il will In' fiilluw'il liy it I wo hour I'lilKrlniiiniiMit. The H.iily Ni-w will In plail In r"-ii Mihrriiliou low.uil lln fund or Hit mniu'y may In- m-ii! ilirt'i'l in Hit? Sah.iliiin Army, llonliiliiilioiis will be a knuw ledgi'd in (In- papi-r. rviai,:;: Sistresemann unable looking to stewart fii- auplaii in llollaml fliahl. TTii' propooi'd IIii-oiikIi Mnp-rn, Malla, AIi-pmi ami ltHrali; Ihcrp-i followM lln- rnr map- mil fur Marian i'ii. Hip I'.ng-fii'r, piiiliiii al SI. John!. Tmiiiiiin., 'liin ri-prp(pnlt ' il iliilaiipi or 17.050 mile. "Hi prtipnHPil lo rni Iho unlir. Hi' I.tIiiiIi-mI ili'li'"' "t -in will In- arranged if A J- UKItl.l.V I . I" I'm iMwn Minl-ilrr SliTMMiiaini ha. noli-flrd prfidi-nl Khi'il Ihal ht? is nnalib' In form a inin i-t ry, the mill. Hi- nailif- ri-ru.HUiK in pai .lifipalr in Hip ot'in il r-mliiiliii. wh will awail 1 i .1, 1 1 nailii- n-fiMii'il ii 'Hal of Hip find airplanr rluilo Hip XalmnaliH. In Hip' in- QUEBEC MEN ARE HONORED BY POPE make the provision facilities in the pro- luce necessary. QUAKE IN VANCOUVER ! KRUPPS WANT MONEY (in. i i..i .ii. In ..iriiiii i-roiioinir i '.in lo liicri-ase Hip slian "f "'"'r-'eiis' lluminiunK in ('real uritiihi'. n. Dishes ... Were Rattled i In Fair-view Section but no Material Damage Is Done A Pnir.ISceklnq Seeking Loan Loan of of $15,000,000 $15,000,000 United States, New York Reports '"ho Preuvie r slnlcil Ihal a new, ,H' .J!,. f'f M,,,K' lh?- ,8' T,, "'"I sareguurdlng induMries will s Uhl e.arlh tremor as roll n,Kru .ps. owners ,,r Krupps iron-"mniiler snlmlillriinf shiiimeulslHie Falrvlpw section of Hie cll.v (works of l-.ssej. are seeking n f''nin lb,, ii,. .!.,,. ...T ..r f,-,iii mill on Tuesday. It rallied dishes (loan from Ilie I'niled Slates of "'' Ml I. ;,-, ui Krila"1 I iml did mil material damuue M,VO0O.n00. ELKS' CABARET Ml ml-iasl e a'- ' nli'iiiliil ail t tiliens iiml a 'r un fi'iillli ril (in M'i'OMii aiiiiiiai i 1 1 n i . i . -i of i in' Prince lliiiirl Trail' an -I l.uinv Cooneil which l"i' j.larr last llilll III till' SI. Ill ;: I- iaiMll-' hall. Alii. S. I). Ma iK'iahl. i' Mili'iil or Hip m 1 1 ' . 1 . a. ii in i i; i-hair ami Ihcrc wi n- annul IKO person pri'senl. I In- c'al It :; i-aparily uf Hie hall in uiu laved hi il lii:lil Willi -'Hiii- of IIiiiki present having In -l unl Tin" piitceetliu-s ni in-il wild 'lln- iiii.-iHg of"l) laiiiailii" ami. uVrr fi.ll juhlu-i' nail Iiim-ii ilnnr in I In- liainjiH't i i ;mI. I'itm . ili'iil Mai-tlonald maili" his nii'n - I tiit aililrt'n. Hi n-fri-ri'il In lln- riTi'iil iimIIi of Shiiiih-I i;iuilici'),i I lie I .a I ii r rliii'f of ViinTU'ii". He liud Ihiii oiii- of llii' arnalivl Ji-uiIiti ii f lalior in llw wurld and liU lito;t li'riii of ninri- at prtvi-di'iil of llii Aiurrhran 1-ViWa1' ion Kaiif. lpl-r 1(f .ubw had - nrl jiro- uiiil Mm. and ri. iiftdr TO FORM CABINET FOR SMELTING ORES Middle Parties Including Nation-lists Refuse to Participate In German Government Plant at Ladysmlth to Open in Spring II Is Announced and Will Handle Portland Canal Output vnrroniA. ih-p. i. i.ady iiiiJh "im-lli-i1 i In make a bid1 for I'nrllaii.l r.annl ttrrn. Al prt'-j m-mI Hip dip finni Ihal ramp; mtifl o pilhrr In Anytix or to! ' 'I'.-u-iiiiiii fur ti-piilniPiil. As miiiipi of I lifin ni'i'd wpprlal kind of! Irpalmi'iit, il is pxppi'lcil to im-rl Hip ri-iuii tiiicmIs iiii Vanroiixpr Island ami Ki-i-p tin immpy in Iho pi-oxiiiPP. , Tin' siiipIIpi- nl l.-nlvsiuilh lias Chief Justice Annlln, Hon, Ru- bepii pIhspiI for u immVr of Lemleux and Hon. jypiirs inn hip iipw owners ine Pellctler In- ai uvpi- miipiipps i.iii., is pro- PontlfT jjuinnir lo liainlli- pxprylhing Ihal ,i orfpipil. im'lmling silver, load OTTAWA. Opp. IK. Tin' l'opi'; nnd aim. Tin ipppiiI develop- d Chief .luslice auk- """s ipwuiii. wiipip a nnm- llmliiliili l.eniieux ami , nrr oi mini's win hp snipping un tiPffeinMl'jiTtf1 ii f :llo workers. IIU ilialh wotild Iii !-,., - , hJ I hi- wvrhl ovit ami nol only liy lln laboring i-lassr.' In-rau-i- iii' had btn riiiHli-rali- and i.iiiii- in hi ini.-lliniU. ,Mr. .Mai -liniialil Ihi'il referri-il lo Ho- :'"-nil i-iiiiililii.ii of labor in lln-cily and .la(ed lliat llu-n- had lii-'-n a t-'ri-al advaiK'PUM'iil cpii in lln1 lanl ypar. Thi' larri' al-i-niiliiiiii-il mi pa'.'i- pi'ht ' CONFERENCE ON PACIFIC U.S. Congressman Would Have Matter of Defence From Japs Discussed WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. A resolution will be Introduced by Congressman Britten of Illinois empowering President Coolldge to call a conference of the white races bordering on the Pacific Ocean. The proposed conference would bo either In Canada, Honolulu or Australia. The defence of whites against Japanese aggression would be the main topic to be discussed. DATE CHANGED Affair in Honor of Musical Comody and Minstrel Troupes will be Saturday Instead of Friday The complinientary cabaret entertainment thai the Klks have been planning lo nul on in Iheir iiome for members, of "The Heatily Sbop" show, t tic niiuslri' Irouiie. ladies of the Itnyal l'ur pie aipl members generally will lake place on Saltmlay uigbl of this week instead of Friday as originally planned. The change has been made in view of Ibe fact thai Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Lewis who supervised Hie pulling on of "The lleaiily Shop" will not arrive here from tho north until Saturday morning on Ibe Princess Mary. W. II. Manuel, CN.H. (ravel ling auditor, left on lasl night Irtiin fo- Jasper ' PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMIIXUB Illl'KUT. II.U THL'UHIiAY. DKCr.MUF.H 18. UC'l. YMtrdr' Clrtultilon 1T2S. Sirot 41 a. Uif .Naluif a i-hani i- ami liic I- M'lvi' wilh miiM',i-.iiii t.-i 'vpniUnrr Anywhere From Forty to One Hundrpfl Tpntlprs Mnv hp Put Auvwlifif from forty In one hundred bids will be received ! iy Hit; feMrlincul of Trade and Coiunierre for the cniistnictioii I ..V it... i...... i ..I... .a lii. in,.,. Iliii.i.il ii i vti-lM,l ! llepi-eseiitnlive.s of Ihree Van-ouver eontrsictiiig rirnis arrived in Hie cily mi the steamer Prince tti'ppil yesterday and urc today looking oxer Hip ground with a iiw to submitting Inidprs. They ! in-: William Small, elilff engin- ir fur Hip .Miriuprn i.onsiiiic- inn r.u.; J. II. Ilalpin and l'. t.iLslKiw or IJih Pacific ion-i. slriiclioii Co.. 'and W. O. Marble f oT lluiltrsoii. King and .Marble. eii-jiiiepi-s and contractors. They will relurn on Ibe .steamer to- morrow. I Mr. Iliiliin is iml paying his fn-sl visit lo Prince Hupert for! he was lic-re during railway con-t -triiclon days and had conlrar.lsT for (t.T.P. bridges, including llial'. nl ananli Itapids. The J'acifir I I'iiikI nirl i-ii Co.. willi whirli he; is now nssoi-ialPi. bnill .he l""" - FORTY FIVE MILES (.'is --. .iiiii ill .iini.iti., I iiiiiii made a lime record on the Job. TROUBLES IN SPAIN ENDING S Spaniard Refuses to Obey Mill tary Edict of Own Country PAIIIS. lee. Oeneral llivcra. Spanish dirlator, de-r Tared thai Ibe Spanish retreat OF SOLID ICE ON BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dtnees, banquets and wedding parties. For rates, apply to Doslon Drill, Third Ave. Phone 467. PRICE FIVE CEM3. MANY CONTRACTORS VYING FOR BIG JOB MERCURY READING ALBERTA LAST NIGHT LOWEST W TWENTY-FOUR YEARS C. N. R. Steamer Prince Rupert Will Be Holiday Ship Tom orrow HI, MANY ATTEND LABOR BANQUET Number of Speeches at Sjccess-ful Affair in St. Regis Cafe Last Night A liir'' ami i Iciiilunce. sevcra' lit liy I'Milin fini' musical nru trnTECT THE FOJ"lF.RT" BLUE BLOOD IN NEW CABINET -e Self-Made Men In Government of Stanley Baldwin at London ' I.ONHON. Dpi-. 18. f-'elf-ruade men have ceased lo have any. nay in Hie llriliili cabine!. Tlin:olil fiMei- has been brought back by 'Sianlpy llaldwiii, lln; jew premier, and brought back strong. All liul two or Hip I'j im.-n in his cabinet are college bred, and( these two- attended public j schools, which an peculiarly i prvale iiislitulioii Jij h'e coun-, try. tcluenlcil lnrpl'jy ' by '"the.' '.sons or peupip uf mean or cul-' j lure or bolb. 'I'he new Ciinserva-ilive rahinel is rich in (mines Inr.g1 associaleil willi pm-iliijns of prominence in British life. j I The ex-miners and ex-ensir.e- i i:. ..-. l...l i.. illifris iiii fJii' ifui n I u iiicii Inborn at (lie liead Of trade unions and other organisations oulsl-lp or Wbileball. ir they -ill in parliament, they occupy Van' fippositiuti 'benches. The-front' licnch is filled again, wilh the type of men who for ccnlurhM; have t'oeriie, ("real Hrilai'ii-men whose birth the godt smiled whivse,' Jl i iol-ifl i fevra ' made less ai'iliKids liy'ltie en'iir-" onmenl of ease ami wenllb, pomp ami cireiimstaiice', H:at r'niland gives in Kiicli generous portion lo her privileged few. J inmrinrn nnr in for Grain Elevator Here oALVAbtU UKL SHIPPED SOUTH , " ', ,. (,,.. ., ........ ... , - ... , steamer Robert I cnocrs iiiu-i i-e in u juiuiiii; i Wit Iii u the pusl ten days, many rcprceiilnlives of cinilract-' ing firms have visited Hie city In' look over the ground. .!;uij j oilier concerns il is rxpecled, will Milium lliir lenders with-1 mil sending rcpiesenlsilives here. There will probably be bids- H. Merrick Load ed 250 Tons from Kenne-cott Wreck at Keno Inlet I mm all o cr the Oomiiiinn and most of (he big coulrarliiig. Two hundred ami fifty tons of irni.s on Ibis coasl will lender. lore which was salvasc.l by Capl. " XpIs NpIsoii of Hie local gasbuat. : ' VVan.li.rcr ritnii Hip wreck of the ALBERTA HAS RECORD COLD KOMONTOX. Ucc IH. A despatch from lied I leer reporls the temperature 01 below zero. Schools it r thai rily are closed iiulil I lie weather moderates 'nie government bureau al Cainrose resislered .'l below zero lasl night. This i.s Hie lowest thai lias been recorded in I lie province in 'Jt years. molorslijp Keiinecoll at Kepo In-' lli-l mi lln. ui.st i?o:ist of (Si-ahaiil Island was shipped on llio steamer Hubert 11. Merrick, Capl. iillan. lo Tacoina at lln; end or last week. The Hubert 11. Merrick, arrived at Keno Inlet on Saturday and, arter loading the ore proceeded to Lagoon Hay and loaded 0,5011 rases of salmon which, will be delivered al Van-i couver. 1 he vessel salieil iroin l.agoou Hay on Tuesday. Capl. Nelson expects .that be may salvage Mill inoro?ro Troni Hie Kennecott. Algie Hunter of Ibe local customs stalT spent a week al Keno lulel in connection with the shipping of ibe ore ani) relurn-;cd here yesterday on Wys Wand- crer. RIVER ST. LAWRENCE' REGARDING Ql'F.lll'.C, Dee. 18. Ice on the! . Lawrence Iliver extends solid-' for the distance of 13 milesi between Three Iliver and Con-Ireceour ami Hip usual winter roads are being const rueled between die north nnd south shores. APPEAL REJECTED in Morocco Is finished and Ibei OTTAWA. Dec. 18. 'The ap-lasl of the pacification will be peal of the Manitoba noycrninent completed within a'month. from the rinding of Ibe railway Yinrenle Hlaseo Ibania, Span- ooininission in regunl lo an sh niitborily. announces he will i agreemenl with the Canadian disregard Ibe .Madeira edict sum1-1 NorUiern Railway lias 'been re moiling him lo appear before the jeetetl by the Supreme Court. military judge in the Spanish ... Hi'i'a). 1 Vlv.-r'wi- in Hie Oaily New WAR DEBTS No Immediate Action Expected In Franco U.S. to Compromise With Germany PAIIIS. Dec. 18. Opinions in official circles indicate that ranee will mil in Hie near fu- liire make uuy iletiniln proposal to the United Stales .regarding the French war tlebl, It is understood that the United State has submitted a compromise plan for tlic collecllon of her war debt from Oermany in vjew tif the llrttish opposition o lb., '"-s' -!:i!' ) ;