The Daily News PRINCr RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA. 580 Published Every Afternoon, excerpt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limiteid, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .v. . ... ..... $1.00 By mail to all parts of the TJritish Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per . year . . . .' . $7.50 .Transient Display Advertising, .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page , $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion.... : ..25c per line 'Classified Advertising, per insertion...... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion.... .t. ..15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - SB All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day pre ceding publication. All advertising recerYed subject to approval approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. TjAILY EDITION l Wednesday, July 30, 1924. liaWns, Gardens And Wfridow Boxes. Those who keep up nice lawns, gardens or window boxes deserve the thanks of the community. They are public benefac-'i tors in that they improve the appearance of the whole town. No 'thing 'looks so well as a lawn mown once or twice a week, a gar "den of flowers or boxes of flowers in apartments or houses Where other gardens are not possible. ' t This is the time of year when most gardens look their best, so it is the time When our attention Is. drawn to them. Also it is 'nearly time to plan new! ones for next year. Need Of Developing Islands Off Shore. There is great n'Ced of developing the islands'of the coast in this neighborhood. Many proposals have been made at different i I . . i -.i i 1 1 . . 1 'Je t 1 i.i.. - . 1 . . i . 1 1 nines unu peoptu nave laiKL'u ui ciiiiiiu Knig un uiuiisuics mere, but it seems to take the government a long tinfe to act in regard to 'the matter, in Alaska they have lox anu sheep farms anu this adds to 'the wealth of 'the district. Every encouragement should be given to genuine schehies 'for settling the islands and increasing the pdpiilatkin of the lior'th. Hard To Get 'Land In This Neighborhood. It seems to be a most difficult matter to -get a piece of 'land in this neighborhood. Around other cities there is plenty o'f land for sale but here there is norie. No one can' get a suburban place because some corporation or railway or government Or the Indians have all tied up. This interferes with the development of the district. It is difficult to clear and cultivate the land here and anyone so inclined should have a chance to do something in the way of improving the dis'tric't. Settlement On Homestead Terms. It has been suggested that sales should be made only to people who will improve the land. In f he terms 'Of sale there might be a proviso that a 'certain amoliirt'of Vork 'be done 'on the place in the vny of building or clearing land. This would to some extent prevefit biiying for speculation and would tend to encourage 'those who wish a piece of laud -on which to play 'during their spare time. Dnflnltn Killl.minl ' . WVIblVIIIVHI Of Indian Reserves. The settlement of the Indian reserves question in this pro vince 'has been definitely settled, according to f& Victoria de spatch. This is good news for unsettled oiievllotis are apt 'to nreea had Teeliiig. I he tune sholihl come before very long "when 'the Indian reserves may be all abolished. As the Indihhs develop in ediica-1 uon anu general intelligence they will wish to actually ow'n their own nomes ami to vole. Today they may Vote 'if they live off the reserves, but it is rather much to expect them, to give up every thing in order tu secure a vote. With the abolition of the re serve ami the division of the land among them, the Indians could ailtin. ! 11 , i i ..... ... ... . .. iivc l uie uici piace or sen it anu gr.iuuaiiy the tribe or village as a distinct entity would disappear and the Indian ques- mni wuiiiu lie seiuea. mi . . . . younger natives have all discarded native methods of lire and been educated like the white people vllo have crowlled in un uieir inrmer domain. As this tendency increases, niany of them will wish lo live off the reserve which sets them apart as a dependent people. The only fair method then would be to give them their share of. the property and let them do with it 'as they wish. I PAUK two. THE UAirY NEWS. Wednesday. July So iftjj GAME SANCTUARIES m STIK1NE AND TAKU White Dressing Keeps White Sh-oes WHITE The perfect dressing for Canvas Shoes anciBelts It doe not rub off or oiI h cloth A substitute will disappoint you. M. B. Jackson Takes Matter up With Alaskan Authorities at Juneau JUNEAU, July 30, Orders have boon issued by the flume 'Conservation' Hoard of British Columbia for the establishment of same sanctuaries on Hie Taku ami Slikine river watersheds above the Alaska-Canada boundary, according to mail advices received by the Juneau Chamber of Com-' merce. It was also indicated that the board contemplates the creation of a closed season on marten all t)er northern British Columbia at an early date. It was indicated recently that the British Columbia authorities were preparing to close all the northern parts of the province to hi? game hunters. The board de-ilied the correctness of this. Outrines Official Plans A letter received today by Sec retary M. S. Whit lief, of the local chamber, from. M. B. Jackson, chairman of the board, said in part: We are not contemplating prohibiting hunting in Northern British Columbia, but quite the converse. That is an excellent big game country, as we know. and will stand considerably more hunting than heretofore. The fur situation is not so satisfactory, and I ant contemplating es tablishing a close season on marten in co-operation with your own Alaska, and Yukon Territory. "As to the proposals heretofore canvassed with you, 1 have al ready fnven instructions lo as that a game sanctuary be established on the watersheds of the Taku and Stikine Rivers and their tributaries within 25 miles of the internalonal boundary. That will Kive us a mutual opportunity to protect against illicit trapping and shooting, as no one can be lawfully in the area with fire ' arms or traps unless carrying a special pernVit, and permits in proper cases will readily bo Obtained. I may say we "propose putting extra pame ."officials in the Territory so as to see that the law and regulations are enforced. Trapping (s 'Restricted "I may mention 'that the legislature at the last session enacted that no non-resident, non-Brit ish subject can lawfully trap in British Columbia, but there is no ombarpro on the big gamie hunter or any sportsman. Provision is, however, made "for 'more caution in issuing bipr game guide licenses and the guide will hereafter be required fo Ree that the game regulations arc not violated by any party in bis charge, and his failure to do so will prevent his thereafter obtaining a license. mis is all, in our opinion, wisely in me inierests or game conservation, and clean sports manship. The Man in the Moon SAYS:- IHh cabinet look two weeks holiday and left the country alone just that long. If they wbUld just pass that steamer vote (hey could retire into obscurity 'for another month or two ror all we care, SINCE 'the v0le;and political influence of wOnien has 'hail such a reining influehce, in politics In tii'ift country, ft is good lo see how smoothly elections are run. 'LOSING money on investments With Sortie people is taking shake at (he. ivories for a cigar anil not getting, a smoke. 'SOMETHING happened fn a tanker. It was not a local one THEHE are compensations everywhere. AVlien the 'opposing side loses you are not hair as hoarse next day as you would have been if you had collecled Your pipe tobacco, always in its original fine condition when you buy OGDEN'S GUT FLUG in the lh lb. vacuumized tin. the bets. CORBYS SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY A CANADIAN 7 till y ST ESTABLISHED j fervMf HALF A CCAmj ! III;. !fj Ten Yeairs A&o In Prince Rupert tj Duty '30, 1924. The '(iiiea'tion '"of re-(leokirig worh-(Ji;l plluik' ''rfwtdwn'yji was diice iiiore ilisdiid liy 'the city douncil last nighty 'It wjis decided fo'leiiVc the matter o,ver for a 'doiipln iliiyH timl, in tlu nleanliiiie, sonic 'personal Inspections will be huiile. 'RcV. II. Il.'drriiil wiis larft night' indudteil as pastor 'of 'fhe local I'resbyleiian church. Rev. Dr. John Knox Wright preached an Cortys-The Quality Whisty of Canada-is found wherever a ood whisky is appre The necessary financial ar rangements are being mniU for the purpose of enlarging the creamery here. 4 The building of the new station here will start in about a .'month's time it is expected. It will be of a typo similar to that at Fort Eraser. Miss Mae S, Johnson, teacher of the Stuart Lake school, will resume her duties there at the opening of the fall term. She is spending the summer vacation visiting in England and 'Franco. Miss Gordo Willson has arrived from Chicago and is visiting wilh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Willson of Mapes. 4 After having spent some time (visiting hero with her son and uauRiuer-in-iaw, iur. ami Mrs. K. C. McGeachy, Mrs. N. McOnachy has returned to her home in the east. 4- Father Wolff, who has labored among the Indians of this district for the last fourteen years, has left for France, his unlive land, where ho will spend an extended visit. If you final you cannot got the daily News regularly, call In ana subscribe for It and have it delivered to your home. tf ciated - since 1859 V Bottled in Bond under Dominion Government Supervision This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control "Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. THE important people you meet on the street are not nec essarily (hose who do the big things in the wOrld. The big stulT is often dc'in'e !by the shabby little chap that makes you smile when you meet him. THIS is the 'time of year when the meagre salary seems quite inadequate, ; YOU may have heard of the young 'lady who never powders her nose, who uses no lipstick, whose hair is no'l. bobbed, who never stands in front of a mirror, admiring herself. She is si (11 at, the 'hospital wheroshe was born last week. IF a woman does hoi know where the waist line is, how can she expect to know "where her husband is? ' :i A YOUNG man may! nqt .know exactly where a woman's waist line is, but you may Mi your bottom 'dollar lie is willing to take a chance on llnding it. Hoys are so adventuresome UOHBKI) hair is not bnlf so bad, Once you get used to it appropriate sermon and visiting clergymen included Rev. Canon . A. Rix, W. W. Wright, Rev. W. H. Collison. Rev. J. 1. Dimmick and Capt. Edwards of the Salvation Army. . H. G. Helgersnn, IJ1., sold a house ami lot on Ambrose Ave. for $2,100 yesterday afternoonJ a few minutes after an advertise nienl oirering it for sale appear ed in f he Daily News. VANDERHOOF YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, 'dibose "Hiipert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in the pantry arc always handy. Stock a supply on your bOal-'thrit's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of tho Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Hcniiliful, Ihix. Sole Agent! PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. How to Stay Married! He deserves tlie test Give Him Electric Bread