l Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.O. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Gut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day, WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, 9 U 6. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. M. S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit .. ..75c Phone 774. 820 Third Avenue P.O. Box 88. Prince Ilupert, B.C. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson Coal. From now on wo can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68., Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the borne. Phono Black 210. P.O. Box 895. ANYOX SCENE tennis players and largely attended by the town folk. The matches were played off on Sun day and some spirited contests developed during the day, wjiich was an ideal one for tennis, there being very little sun and just enough breeze to temper the customary heat of a northern summer day. In all twenty-one Wednesday. Ju;y BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManv, Money 5Vr-TtLUTHE MAVt WELL t COT ME NA,VY ILLiTEPlN AN' iF look : THEfUU HAVE TO DO OUTFIT- 11U POT T JURPfte THE M WITHOUT ME: - 'I I OtH AN" -fcEE. I Orders HOW I l B I On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Ratea cf Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket, Hates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. TENNIS GAMES Visitors Gathered There From Stewart and Alice Arm For Tournament and Dance ANYOX, July 30. The Anyox Tennis Club entertained visiting wielders of the racquet over the week-end. They camp from Stewart ami Alice Arm, the latter contingent .arriving in Anyox early Saturday afternoon, while the experts from the town of the Dunwell and t lie Premier came in by Azurite, of the GranPV Company's fleet between eight and nine Saturday night, in time for the' dance in the gymnasium, which was staged in honor of the events were contested. There were committee under the capable Both Elks and Mine Win Game .In Closely Contested Matches ANYOX, July 30 As a general rule, Anyox sport fans gel a good average of baseball and football throughout the season. These games are always played In the evening, the bnscball being limit ed lo seven innings. In baseball and football the past week developed gamps in both lines of sport that were away above Hie average and as good as one woub wish to witness anywhere. In football Hie Mine and Hie Smaller aggregations fought lo a draw, U t -CtAMT XftJU, ljm Clark's BEANS PP Tomato plain Enjoyable Kffiffl L! Nourishing g3rj , W. d' U-WM. - MONTIIUl-. P i Hill mi. v . M the score being one all at the eml of play, which was exciting and hotly contested through both periods, I'layin? a regular scheduled game, the Mine and the Elks' baseball teams met on Thursday night last, the "Brother Bills" winning, the tally being one to nothing, and it was prac tically errorless baseball at that. Both pitchers received great sup- three ladies' singles, three ladies' lort from their team-mates, sev- doubles. six men's singles, and p"al sensational catches being three men's doubles. Anyox wonnade ' Anderson, Brown and every game entered, while Stewart Campbell. The Mine got four hits and Alice Arm, had lo battle for!ff Fitzpalrick and the Klks three second place, lir latter just managing lo get four wins lo the three made by Stewart. During the progress of the playing afternoon lea was served just outside the courts by a refreshment ntrr J-crguson. Second Game On Saturday night the same teanls played a postponed game, the same batteries working, with practically the identical players filling the field positions. Cody leadership of Mesdames Eve and laml .Fitzpalrick. worked for the Conway. Later Sunday evening, Hie gymnasium was again the scene of entertainment, cards '"ha-1 ing the order at - this gathering, while songs were rendered between times by local enlerlainers. During their stay in Anyox the visiting players were entertained in Anyox honfs. and all were oud in their praises of the hos pitality extended Ihem, and they are looking forward to (he next occasion of a like kind. The com- mitlce in charge of the whole en tertainment are to be heartily congratulated on a very success ful gathering. The lennis com!- miltre consisted of J. K. C. Stroud, president. Gen. Lace, sec retary, and Mi'sdarnes Kve, Con way and I). Cole. ANYOX BASEBALL TEAMS PLAY TWICE Klks and C. Ferguson and Les Lane for the Mine. This was Lane's second game, and he is certainly doing splendidly behind the bat. This game went nine innings, and errors were few, three to the Klks and two to the Mine. The tally was two to one, the Mine getting the winning score in Hie last . half of Hie ninth. Features of the game were the catches made by Deane and Hal- verson. Hits were made for the Mine by Brown, Kirk, Ferguson and Allen; for the Klks Green- well, Sheen and Cody. Olson um pired tho first game, and Wells the second. The team were prac tically the same for both games Mine Lane, Brown, Kirk, Fer. guson, Anderson, Clark, Allan. Ilalverson and Deane. Klks flreenwell, Campbell, Sheen, Cody, Hall, Mflnlyre, Fitz Patrick, Smith and Watson. Sport Chat j Though the Sons of Canada are leaning in inn hiuari Miieiu soccer series, it looks as though lliey will get a belter run for their money than they were given in, fho Mobley Cup series for city championship. The Callies and Great War Veterans are making a strong bid for Hie third piece of silverware of the season So energetic were these two teams that they prevented each other from stepping into first BRIER Yt lb. 80 they tied in Monday nights game. Tomorrow night, the Canadians and I lie Sons of England will ineel, and the native sons are hoping to win ami thus remove from their heels the two rivals who are 'hut one oint behind lliein in second place, lo those fans who like to see Hie trophies of the season distributed, the Callif are favorites. The Canucks have won their share of Hie silverware with Hie Mobley Cup and the Vets raptured the Do minion Day cup. The Sons of Kugland will have In look for the Gilhuly Cup as their share' of the spoils. The semi-ilnals for this trophy will take place uexl week between the first and second half of the Stuart Shield competition. tmi ECONOMY buy The standing for the Stuart Shield to date is as follows: S. of C 2 Callies 1 G. W. V. A 1 S. of E. 0 5 (Alsoin Packages I5t20t) W D L Pis. If any boily disputed, their moral or legal right to lie known as the lady basketball champions of the world, the Orads have set tled the mailer by disposing of the Slrassburg learn and thus annexing the championship of Europe, sayshhe Kilmonlon Bul letin, editorially. They did it loo in the decisive way that has be come characferitdic of tliein by i score of 37' to 8. The victory was not unexpected but is nons the less gratifying on I lint ac count. I his remarkable com pany of Kilmonlon girls stands in; a class of its own. They have no serious rivals for premier honors and all .aspirants for second place are a long way in the rear. In the Letter Box MacLAREN RECEPTION. Kdilor Daily News: After the! tremendous amount of complimentary advertising given to this cty as a result of Hie visit of Ihe American avia Iocs there can be question of Ihe wisdom of Hie suggestion madf in your issue of Saturday last that Major MacLaren be given an unique reception. After travel ling among people whose various customs and language were new lo him, a reception' such as pro posed in Monday's News would be most appropriate. , Without a doubt the souhd of, 1 lie pipes and Hie sight of kills, would make Ihe daring major' realize more quickly than anything ele could that he was again among people in whose' veins flowed blood akin to his own. Such a demimslra Hon would riot only appeal lo Ihe British aviator, it would be a splendid display for our city from a publicity standpoint. Visitors to' our city are often. much impressed with the mini ber of launches in our harbor. 11 should not require Inuch effort to muster three hundred power driven craft. Assuming that they place wilh I lie Canucks when average thirty, feet In length and 69 paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phono C52. FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR RENT 'OR RENT. Three largo house keeping rooms, furnished complete. 218 Second Avenue. FOR RENT.--Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts. Houses for rent also. If FOR RENT Four room, modern, heated apartments. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf FOR RENT Modern apartment, furpished: MeCalTery & Gibbons, Ltd. MODERN Four Roomed Flat for rent. Westcnhavcr Bros. BOARD AND ROOM HILL FARM, TERRACE Board and residence for the holidays On the bench overlooking town and airy on Ihe warm days. Farm fare. Good cuisine Tennis. Splendid accomoda lion for children with playing field, etc. Entire charsre of children when desired. Lanlei: A French, Hill Farm, Terrace B. C. BOARD and Room at tho Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Otlice, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If LOST LOST Club Bag; dropped from automobile. Finder please Phone 35. LOST Aulo crank handle, Tinder please rulurn to 25 Taxi. travel for the sake of safley hundred and forty feet apart we could stage an aquatic proces sion ten miles long. Why not ad this lo the reception to Major MacLaren. Each owner would decorate bis own boat. Such a: leiu in our reception program would be rather confusing to the knockers and pessimists who re gard Prince Rupert merely as ; fishing village. Trusting that a meeting will be called at once to make ar rangements, the world is watch lug and wailing to see his arrival here. O 24 Imt-u Tiatuhc Sirvicc, Inc. ROSS MACKAY HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert ,. I). C. Scoll, G. II. Tiernan, B Myers, R. Booth, .George W. Mor row, G, 11. Clarke and A. Morgan Vancouver; John M. Wick, Ket chikau. Central Belly Gilbert, Portland, Ore. L. Pulley, nncouver; Joseph Jackson, llyiler; P. Slieehan, City Advertise in the Daily News, Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. N Advertlement Taken for Lesa thnn 80c WANTIB WANTED. Furniture of every Foil SALE One 1921 Ohlsmobile description. Highest prices!. Six, 5 passenger touring car; YOUNG WO.MK.N interested in Hie nursing profession, the Chicago Polyclinic Training School for nurses of the llen-rotin Hospital offers a two-year course. (iraduates eligible for Slate Registration in U. S. Comfortable homo, with board, laundry provided. Monthly allowance. Write, Supl. of Nurses for particulars, care Hcnrotin Hospital, Chicago. FOlt RENT, Two large apart ments down town near Post Olllce. Apply Stork's Hardware. If FOR 8ALE run 3,000 miles; just like new. SI, I. 10; easy terms. Kaien Garage. . 180 FOR SALE On I K ill Hen Six. 7 passenger louring car. 41,000; in good condition; terms if necessary. Kaien Oarage. 180 FOR SALE One 1020 Ford tour ing car; in good mechanical condition. 4250.00; make your own terms. Kaien Garage. 180 FOR SALE. Sixteen room room ing house and store; all furnished. Full sized basement wilh new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue. If VNNUAL SUMMER SALE of while leghorns and while wyandoltos. vigorous, heavy laying strains. Write for illustrated catalogue and price list. L. F. Solly, Lakeview Farm, West holme, B.C. OR SALE Five acres on Law- son' imnror, LTtT -island: wit ii dwelling bouse, chicken houses and outhouses and large garden; price very moderate. Apply Box .190, Daily News Of- flce. ; 181 'OR SALE. Waterfront lots. one and two acres, surveyed; good anchorage, Jap Inlet, Porcher Island. Apply Box 191 Daily News Olllce. FOR SALE Ford Runabout De livery; in good running order; .$200.00 cash. Also several other good buys in used cars S. E. Parker, Lid. tf FOR SALE--Two used Ford en gines; suitable for conversion for marine use. 450.00 ench S. E. Parker. Lid. FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and in good condition; 4250.00 cash. S. E. Parker, Ltd. PLEASURE BOAT FOR SALE 28 feet long. 5 fool beam. C 1.. Ileindel. Cold Storage. If FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Boats and Engines. Northern Exch'ango. " If FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe FOUND FOUND. An I.O.U. Owner can have same at Daily News olllce by proving ownership and pay ing for Hits advertisement, l.f MISCELLANEOUS FOR DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, phone A27. AUCTION SALES. Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crookery. Third Ave. Phones Black 13fl, and lied 442 FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl lure Store. Wo Buy, Sell and Ex chango New and Sccondhaiu Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phono Old TAXI Taxi G7 Phono (Call George. Paul or (lust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: 308S BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Across from Empress Hotel. MAIL SCHEDULE For' the East Mondays, Wednesdays and fit lays, closes at 3.45 p.m. From tht East- Mondays, Thursdays and h- unlays, t p.m. To Vancouver Mondays, mail closes at in Px Tuesdays, Mall closes at I fl Thursdays Saturdays Saturdays C.P.R. .Inly 25 and From Vancouver- Sundays Mondays Wednesdays Fridays Fridays C.P.R. July 21 i I 8 To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays ... . Sundays i. From Anyox, Alice Arm To Stewart and Premier Sundays 11 Fridays ' N From Stewart and Premier Saturdays Tuesdays ,.- . To Port Simpson Sundays Thursdays From Port Simpson- Tuesdays Saturdays To Alaska Points July 21 and 28. From Alaska Points- July 23 and 20. to Pi ... A l iii n .p. i n m AX n 9 P.1 7 II 1 To Massett, Port Clem Buckley Bay 1 7M tt "I I Mnn.l'itt lll'lil A I c A D ft M From Massett, Port Clemwn Buckley Bay Wednesday mail due To Naas River Points and t Slmoson Thursdays 10 PJ From Naaa River Points- Saturdays .. AI PRINCE nUPEHT TIU High Tuesday. July 29 Rich 12:30 iv.ni. ' Low 0:21 a.m. 18:13 p-ni 8 . Wndnnadav. July 30 llizh ... .. 0:1 1 a.m. lflU 13:11 p.m. : Low 0:59 a.m. 18:53 p.m. i 3 Thursday, July 31 0:51 a.m. '0.0 13:44 p.m. Low 7:31 a.m. ' 19:32 p.m. '; IU BBABJITr Ili THE SUPREME COURT OF SRI'1 COLUMBIA. . lit In Iho Vmtir r,r ilm Aiimlni tMH'" la thnMaitir e f lhi Kutate 'f el( TAKE NOTICE llml 1i.V Ww 2 ii llnimr f. Men. Viiunf, Hindu I ii ir juiy, a. n. io, l was api""""", Ailiiihihlrator nf llin .' hin unHsc, (iwra.u-n, ami an i"""- r claims aitalimt llw Ul esiato arf hy rciiiiiied in rurniali v,,jS vrrinni, to nil- on nr iMrr i . i if Aiimist, A.P. itH, ami all ""' . pu I ...,. ..... Mltll'll I1 '. in ainmint or llwir innpiiwii"' .... 4.1111 l!1'"' Ai ling nun in Datctl this nth dayjif July IN PROBATE. B.Tlt IN THE SUPREME COURT OF B"n In COLUMBIA. jd; Ilm Matter uf tho Ailmliil.'tri"n ami ..... I In Hie Matter or tlie Enlnle of ' Bwefiiry, iierenieu; iiir,":--1. ...r v TAKK .NOTICE that by ,,.r'V' in! iW lliinnr K, Melt. Younir, . nin'd. Ilf k?4 r July, A.li, tflft. I was nir:1".'', . Admlnislralor or' llin etal''r aw Sweeney, ileeeaeil, ami li.vyltt.V i liiiiim jiirmiiHi inn nn rni" "'..i liy renuli eil to rurnlsli l i' vermeil, to me fin up liernre U f ' in .r Aiiirutt, A.n. mi, ""'I "'s'TofS denied ttio estate are reiilr'a. pi in ainmint or their imieuiP"1"" fiirlhulih ..r Aeilni nrriclsl AUinln'.rt ITInrer nnpf". Dated this 8th day or July,