, :" PA 01 flDL HE U.'"-uY I'EWS Wednesday, July 30i WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Strongheart The Wonder Dog, in "The Love Master" Thi fiini'ous dog movie star in a laic of love, romance and thrilling adventure in the snow-clad North lands. Kx-ciliiig (yog sled races and Stronghcart's terrific hattle with n pack of gaunt, famished wolves. A story of the land of snows people with figures of love, hate, courage and cowardice. COMEDY CARTOON "FELIX REVOLTS." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 35c and 10c. WEEK END SPECIALS. Local Killed Milk Fed Veal. Shoulder Iloast, per lb. 15c Loin, per lb. . . 20c Fillets or Veal 25c Bulkloy Valley Steer Beef. Itnund Hone Pot Iloast, per lb 12!2c Fresh Killed Chicken and Fowl. Maid of Glover Creamery Huller, in bulk, 3 lb. for ... $1.15 Malkin's Best Jelly Powders. Special, i for . . ... 25c Alberta Cooking Kggs, per dozen 25c Cairns' Pure Jam in glass Strawberry, Iilack Currant or Raspberry, per jar 25c Van Camps Tomato Soup. Special, 2 for 25c RupertTalbleSupply Three Phones: 3to,?ii,2i2 F ollow the Crowd On Fifth Avenue Highway to the Economy Store. fop One Dollar You get more and triore. Vc sell for less and keep the best SUGAR. 100 lbs. sack S8.75 30 lb. s.nek $4.60 20 lb. sack $1.85 10 lb. sack 95c Lump, 2 lb. box 25c Icing sugar, 2's .. . . 25c Ed Oil STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. Cash & Carry Creanier Under, 2 lbs. 75c Lard, Swil'K Siher Leaf, 3 lbs. 55c, D ibs. 90c, 10 lbs. $1.75. Strictly Fresh Eggs, 2 doz. 76c Ontario Cheese, per lb. 25o Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles, per pint 40o Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 Ibs. $1.00 Farmers!- ,Tea, high grade. 2 Ibs. for $1.25 Grape Nuts, 2 pkgs. for 35c A fresh barrel of Ginger Snaps has arrived and with each order over $5.00 we will sell 5 Ibs. of Ginger Snaps for 50c. Farmers Market CANADIAN NATIONAL June, 1034. Western Region. Sealed Tender will lie received at the 'Offlce'or the Ciller Engineer, Wlnnlpeir, .Manitoba, until twelve o'clock noon, Tuesday, the 5th day or August, 181, Tor the clearing, grading and installation of culverts on the following lines: Peebles, South two miles; Dunblane, South-Hast forty-two miles; l.overna. West fifty miles'; llanna to Warden, fl.vly miles; Cowlrhuu Hay, eight miles. I'lans, proDles, specifications and Torm of contract may be seen and form of tedder obtained at the office or Chicr Engineer. Winnipeg, Man.; District Engineer, Edmonton, Alia; District Engineer, Saskatoon, Sask.; District Engineer, Vancouver. B.C.; DlMrlrt Engineer, Victoria. II. C; Division Engineer, Hegina, Sask.; Division Engineer, 1'rlnce Albert, Sask.; Division Engineer, Calgary, Alta; Division Engineer, Prince Itupert, B.C.; Canadian National Hallway Agent at Moose Jaw, Sask. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied by the Hallway Company and accompanied by an accepted cheque on chartered bank equal to rive per cent of the work, payable to the order or the Treasurer, Canadian National Hallways. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ccepted. X. E. WAIIHEN, General Monager. . Winnipeg, Man.. July 22ndx i9J. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ANVOX SCHOOL. SEALED TE.NDEHS, endorsed "Tender for One Hoom Addition to Anyox School, will be received by the Honourable tin Minister of Public Works up to IS o'clock noon of Tuesday, the ISth day or August, tuzt, ror ine erection or a one room an dltiou to the present four room School house at Anyox, In the Atliu Electoral DIs trlct. B.O. I Plans, Specifications, Contrart and Forms or Tender may tie seen on and after t ne vain day or jiny, tail, and runner Conies or Plans, sneriricatlon. etc.. can be obtained from the Department on payment or a deposit or Ten Dollars (f lu.uii). which wll be refunded on tbclr return In I good condition. I The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. r. pinup, I Public Works Engineer. jTtie Department or Public Works, I Victoria. B.C. I July 15lh, mi. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCC RUPERT. In the Matter of the Estate or Robert J. Wallace, or Atlln, In the County or Prince Hupert, In the Province or Hrltlsh Columbia, Deceased, who died on the 1st day or April, 1983. NOTICE Is hereby given that bv an order or Ills Honour F. Mcll. Young, Judge or the i.ouni' uiun, aaiea ine mn day or April, 1924, the undersigned was appnlnteJ administrator or the estate or the above- narnen nerensen. And notice Is- hereby further riven lh.it all persons having claims against the said estate are required to rile such claims duly- verified under oalh, with me on or ueiore ine ism oay or August, 1931. arter which date I will proceed to distribute the asset or the said estate among the persons entitled therein ha only to the claims or which 1 (.hall then nave notice, and I will not be liable ror said assets or any part thereof, to any person or whose claim I shall not then lave received nonce. Dated at Atlln. n r . ihi nih hv nr Charlotte Islands. LAND ACT. C. L. MONROE. ofMa! Administrator. WATER NOTICE. (Dlxrtlon and Uta) TAKE NOTICE thn : Hume R. Rahlnrton. whose address Is Massett, will apply ror iicrnre to line aim use i,uuu gallons oi water out or an unnamed pond. The water will be diverted rrom the pond at a point about 00 reet north or the north-east corner or diock 4tia O.L. 7, plan 91. Queen Charlotte Islands, and will be used iui- iiiuusinai purpose upon ine lane oe srrlbed as block IS D.I.. 7. plan 910. Queen This notice was IS Pol Twisted on tne ground on the nth day of or Ma: Mas ivit. a copy or this notice and an apfil cation pursuant thereto and to the "Water aci, mn,- win De rued in the orrice or the Water Recorder at Prince Rnnert. Oh. Jertions to the application may be riled wiwi me sain waier iierorncr or won tne Comptroller or Water nights, Parliament Hulldlnirs, Victoria, B.C.. within nriy days after the first appearance or this notice in a loeni newspaper. The date or the rirst publication or this notice la May SSth, II. B. RABlNOTnN. Applicant. Atlln Land District. District of Casaiar lake Notice that Reginald Rrook. of Atun, occupation miner. Intends to annly for permission to purchase the rollowlng described lands: Commencing at a post planted one hundred yards to the east or the mouth or Itupert Creek, one mile east nf flnlilAn n a fa rtn Ti.l.h I lira JAPANESE SHOT GIRL THEN WOUNDED HIMSELF Alaska,! Tragedy At Petersburg, Ends Fatally For One and Third Wounded. Jt'NHAU.'july 30. - A special despatch In the Umpire from Petersburg, says: M. llusukoi, a Japanese, who has lived here Iwo years, .with an automatic 15 Colls, shot Maifrarel Andreanou" in the side, then shot her mother in four places, and then, after reloading his revolver, shot himself in the head. Tho girl dieil a short time after being wounded and tier mother and the Jap are still living, but expected to die any moment. Shooting In Cannery. The shooting took place in the shrimp cannery of the Alaska-(ilacier Sea l'ood Company where all three were employed. After shooting the girl and her mother, the Jap started up the dock reloading his gun but witli Paul Owens behind him going for the deputy marshal and Ohmer on (lie other side making for the cannery, the Jat sat down on the dock and sent a bullet through his temple. , Girl Respected. .Margaret AndreaiuilT was 17 years of age, of quiet disposition' and universally respected. Her mother was an Hskimo find the father is a Russian. The Jap had been bothering the girl willt his attentions for the past two years, but the girl and her parents refused to have anything to do with him. DRY AREA RESIDENTS OF ALBERTA TO MOVE Survoy Being Carried Out With View To Action By EDMONTON, July 30. Agents of the Department, of Agriculture have already started work making a survey in the drought stricken areas of t lie province so that the Government may be aide to base a workin'g policy for dealing with tho migration of information obtained at the Department or i farmers from these districts to a l'liuiit: vir&9, I iiiiniriii d'jiiuinks. anu at the orflces nr the Oovcrnment Agent, Vancouver; the Government Agent, nyox; and the Government Agent, Prince Rupert, . ill. good crop belt. " Numerous representations have been made to the Government," said I he Hon. George Iloadley, Minister of Agriculture, "by individual farmers, municipal officials, and U.F.A. organizations for transfers from drought areas to irrigated lands, or to a more certain rainfall district, and in some cases I hey have, been accompanied by actual requests for removal." M i "No action, however, will he taken," according to the Minister, "until the survey has been "We shall endeavor to llnd out," says Mr. Iloadley, "the exact situation jn the case, including such details as the farm- NOTICE. wlU'lil. imiler I lie ni'OVl.loll or the llovaltv Act. Chapter 76. Statute 19 H, the royalty on timber to be collected lie irlmiltiir Jmniarv 1st. Itti5. Will, from III formation now available, be more than three limes the royalty now beltiK col kvi'i WIII'IIF IS llrirent reDrcsenUliOUK have been liiad'e that this Increase In royalty Is much heavier than the Industry AMI WIIKllKAS the representation made have none so rar as to say that any attempt to collect this royalty beglnnlnif unitm-V 111 lit 1 1 H llllilll Lilt: nn a in f.ri.m.iit Ui-ivnit v API n oil in iiiuiieuia iru IV ftirit In fJiiil'duwii of the enure Industry in tli I'ml'lnrp MITICK Is hereby (riven that i public hearing upon this question will lie neio in the hseCIIUVe Uiamuvr, inriininriii i.uii.i- Inirs, Victoria, berore the Kxecutlve l.oiin-..ii r ain-h imher tlie.'eof as may be then niesent. beginning at 10 o'clock Wednesday, September 3rd next. siifiiitii iv nit tin hiiv riui:iiLC ivs rim lull or represeiitatlo-.is to make on the ..-. i.. ..r tlmhur Homilies will lie given opportunity to be heard and the public Is . f ..j ... . .. i. n w.H.u i(.fiii,1titirlv rcuiiesieu iu iac -. "-"j T. n.l'ATTI!l.l.O. rtallumu num. Minister oi i.mi'n. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH rniUMBia. n the Matter or the Administration Act In the Matter or the Estate or lionald i Mtii4,.i,iiri tipren&Ari' Intestate. Tin' KirrirK ihat bv order of Ills Honor K Mcll. Young, made this 3rd day or July, A.H. 1I. I was appointed Acting Administrator or me esian- ui wnmvi south twenty chains, thence west 'to shore Macniarmld, deceased, and all parlies hav inn ih.n.. .t..nn- t,. .ik. iai imi ih nirt estate are here commencement. April tt. 9t REGINALD BROOK, DANCE At the Auditorium Friday Evening, Aug. 1st Kasson's Orchestra. Refresh merits served. Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles J50o Phone Mack 449, L. F. Marren, Proprietor, veriried, to tne on or berore the 8th day or August, A.U. 1034. and all partle In-fii.i.it.,1 i,i thp pstaie are reiiuli'cd to pay the amount or their Indebtedness to mo r,,rf h.i.llh w.m.i r.n ii.ii. r. Acting orriclal Administrator, rrince iiuimti, u.u. Dated this th day or July. I08t. RAIUWAY TIES. Tho Canadian National Hallway are In lie market to purrnase ineir.iie miuue r..- loot I'artlos w sll HIT to Pro dure ties ror the Hallway Company Mionlcl coiiuiiiinlcato Willi Mr. .W. II. Orallt, Tie Agent, Room 8081. Canadian national n press Building, Montreal, (Jut., on or l fore Aiimst sih. 102 4. and give the fol lowing Information: The location of I he timber from which the ties are to be pro duced. The kind or timber. Quantity or lies, either sawn or hewn.- As tar as pos-liible, ties rnut be produced on Canadian Optician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you noed a CHANGE of Glassos we havo tho very latest consultant on Optomotry with 25 years years exporlonce. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We givo you one year to think it over. If not satisfied ro-turn them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. Max Heifbroner Diamond Specialist er s nuancial nonunion, me amount of slock lie lias, his Slock of farm implements, what experience he has had, and -whether he wishes to take up irrigated land, or a homstend in some other pari of the Province." Some Leaving Already. Already there has been a small movement bf farmers from the dry areas of Central and Southern Alberta to irrigated. lands belonging to the Canadian I'acillc land watering system, on which they will take up dairying and cat lie raising. No arrangements have yet been made with the railways for the transportation of settlers thus moving to new locations, as the Government has not yet any idea of the number of settlers that will licj.afeetpd. About one hundred families were nioveii last year lo new fanns, mostly in Hope Efforts To Havo Malls Car ried By C.N.R. Crowned With Success. KIlMOXTOX, July 30. ' The local hraiich of the International Brotherhood of Locomotive Kn- Rineers nave senl a leller lo .Mayor Hlatchford eoiniiiendins his etTorls lo have the postal department use the Canadian National lines for carrying mail on its const lion tul trains. 1). Dean, Albert a secretary treasurer, and I), Powers, chief engineer of the organization, sism the letter which says: i j "In recent press despatches wo have noticed where you are en deavoring lo have the Edmonton mails routed over the U.X.H. lines to Vancouver. "We beg lo say we are in structed by the niembersliip to write you and not only thank you, hut io endorse Hie straightforward and energetic stand that you are takjnw in bringing this important matter lo the attention of the dominion postal, .authori ties. "We hope yqui' efforts will lie crowned witli success in t lie near future." PLEASURE CRUISE ON TROLLING BOAT American Organ Tuner Crossed Continent on Motorcycle And Is Going To Alaska. Having crossed the American continent from Florida lo Seattle by motorcycle, A. Kazellon, an American organ luner, accom panied by his wife and sister, was in port Ibis morning on the trolling boat Agua, in which they are going from Fverett, Wash., lo Alaska, on a pleasure cruise. They arrived hero yesterday afternoon and' are leaving tills aflernoou for Ketchikan. HARMLESS. Diner (angrily to waiter) -You've spilled hal soup all ove my coal. ' Waller It's all right, sir. I know the soiiii . here; it never sta!n after ilx o'clock. U.S. VESSELS IN FAR NORTH CONFORM TO ALL CANADIAN REGULATIONS Call At Herschel Island and Only Allowed to Visit One Port. F.DMONTON. .lily, 30.--l)cspile the enforcement of the Canadian coastwise shipping laws in the Arctic for the llrst time in history, litis is not v deterring the American trading vessels from 'visiting Canadian territory to trade with (he Eskimos, and Uie usual ships which make the annual voyage to Uie Far North via (he Alaska coasts and the lleh-ring Straits are now on their way in. according lo arrivals from (he north. New Maritlmo Laws. Previously they were merely assessed the customary duty, hut this year they will have lo conform to the Canadian maritime I laws, which will mean thai I hey cannol visit more than one Canadian port. The alternatives are dial they place their vessels (Under the .llritish flag or transfer their cargoes ul Herschel Island lo llritish vessels. They have announced, however, Uiat they intend lo bow to the new regulations, ami no trouble is anticipated by the Iloyal Canadian Mounted Police, who are charged with the duties of customs olTi-cers in the Far .North. In addition to the American boats, the Hudson's Hay Company's schooner, the Lady Kind-ersley, is also on I he way, as are the vessels owned by Captain Pedersen and Captain Klengen-berg, both Arctic traders of many years' standing, Tom Kmslie (Kanaka Tom) will not go North this year, lie has invested a portion of his fur fortune in a gold mine in '.Southern llritish i Columbia, which lie is now opur-ating. Report Much Building. Considerable building activity is reported from the Far North. The Chinch of F.ugtand mission church at Aklavik lias hern com- mid-northern pleled and was dedicated by Alberta, where new homes were purchased p)i Uie crop payment plan, or on other terms. RAILWAY ENGINEERS BACK EDMONTON MAYOR Bishop Stringer before the nor I hern passengers, who arrived in l'Miiionlou yesterday, left Hie delta. The new Mounted Police buildings at t lie Aklavik headquarters are Hearing completion and a commencement lias been made witli the Roman Catholic church. I.aler a hospital will be constructed, which is urgently required in the Kskinio country. Further South Hie Mounted Police are active in -putting up their new barracks at Good Hope and Providence, and though the settlements are placed1 at widely separated distances the old-timers of the fur country slate Hint this season considerable change are noticeable. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to Laai Land.! In (jucen Charlotte Islands Land liislin i. Decorum? Oistiict or skeena, and sllualul in rrout or Block It, It.L. 7, I'ian ,; (.meen Charlotte Islands. lane police mat iiume n. nauingion or Massett, occupation cannery manager. Intends to apply for permission to lease the! rollowlng described roreahorc: commeii-1 clng at a post planted at the soiilhwesl' corner or Block !: thence west 31 deg. south about S0O reel to low wa.er mark; thence northerly along low water mark to a point west .IS deg. south or northwest corneror Block 10: thence easterly to the northwest comer of Block li thence southerly along high water mark In post. and containing 3 acres, more or less, II. u. HAHMIJTO.1, fw or Applicant, LAND ACT. Notlca of Inttntlon to Apply to Laasa Land. in uiieen i.uarioite isi.iiki i.ann uisiiiri, Recording Mstrlct or 1'rlnce Hiinert. B.C.. and situate near Tow Mill, flrahaui island. TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorge W, Howling, or 3C.8S Cambridge Street. Vancouver. B.C., occupation maiiurncltirer, Intends to appiy ror permission to lease tne follow ing described lands: commencing at a post planted near the foot or Tow II lit. east side, thence northerly in low water mark; thence westerly rollowlng low water mark 80 rbalns; thence southerly three chains; thence easterly 80 chains, to point or commencement and containing 15 acres more or less. GEORGE W. llOWI.I!n. iiaie, j mm o, i u , Applicant. HAVE nUTTEN. Agent. NOTICE OF 8ALE. Sealed Tenders will lie- received bv the Hlslrlct Forester at Prince Itupert tip lo in miii on July ISth. 109 4. ror thn niirrlinsn of a quantity of culled Cedar notes, at wooocock and uarnaiiy, estimated at S?, 700 lineal reel. The unset .nrlre which i the lowest lender that will be accepted one fiimrlpe fi.nl one lliw.itl r..t Tenders must tie nccoinomiled liv cer. lined checjue nr money payable to 'Finest nrnii'-n, covering i iny (6ti) p thn loi.il price bid on total total Quantity. The highest or any tender not necessarily accented. runner particulars- or District Forester, rrincei unpen, n.c. er cent ot estimated St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. Blue Ribbon Tea Rich, strong, full-flavored tea Is the most satisfactory to use, and BLUE RIBBON pos-sesses these qualities to the fullest extent. You can undoubtedly make more cups of tea of equal strength with a pound of BLUE RIBBON than with any other tea. TRY IT Extraction of Teeth During- the summer months it is advisnhle ':i r: the TEETH thai should he exlrai leil removed and pp'ji ; lion will lie made Tor PLATES or BRIDGEWORK lie .n the wilder mouths sel in. Pain will lie eliminated, I need no recommendation to you. Your friends and neighbors arc my patients. ASK THEM. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST. Phono 575. Gel Your Appointment Today. Smith Block. Canadian National Railways! Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. What's in a Name? When it's "Cascade," there's all the difference between just ordinary "beer" and the most wholesome, satisfying drink a thirsty man could wish for. "Cascade" is brewed, bottled and guaranteed by British Columbia's model brewery. Get the Name Rights Get Satisfaction 1 cfieer 'Without 'al'jl This advertisement is not published or displayed by the W Dsin A aw ltr ilia ft nifDMtt t am