Wednesday, July 30, 1924. Agents for Tlifi home helps sold here rill save yau strength. Our tlpctnc devices should le in jntr home. Tho sain of liese hardware assistants i iicrea: -imp daily. They show K housewife the piodern ay to he Happy, I nt poml Toasters . . $7.00 nl point Irons . . . . $7.00 lavage Washer anil Dryer 51S5.00 oover Suction Sweepers $G2.00 Iiif Plate. $3.85 and $6.25 aien Hardware Co. The Handy Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Goods )H 3rd Ave. Phone 3 HE PRICE F CLOTHES iTlic price of our dry panlng cuts down the price ! clothes Dainty Dorolhy iy (hat she has found out Eat we take most excellent lie of the garments en listed to tis and that our Ini'ires should make friends B1 this house. We n.e the rn' unproved meihods and t oi material. HONE 8 Vfistf 60X392 iossard Front Lacing ,orsets and Brassieres Irailuale Oossard Fitter tn Cliarge. S. Wallace Co. Ltd ilrd Ave. & Fulton Street. low Showing! adies' Sport Feltjats Summer Hats Half Price "DEMERS" fhone 27. P.O. Box 327. iterling Furnace COAL Dllvrd In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This Is a v.iv fennprtor fnrnacA pit. It Uvea clean hot fire and entirely rree- rrom soot, clinkers, ck and dirt. Kmim of the largest failnit plants In thn city nre now " it with entirely vuiisraitory suits, ITERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sack. At $12.50 per ton. ire also Agents Tor the Famous rADYSirUTH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. pee Rupert Coal Co. "' vuioei Hotel Oantral. Phone 15 URGES GETTING SETTLERS FROM GREAT BRITAIN Men From Devon and Cornwall Would Come, Says Visitor, If Government Anxious. Gotnn To Australia. KDMONTON, July 21). "You people here in Canada say you want the Dominion peopled with liritish stock, and the cry on all fides is for properly qualified farm lahoi'ers. In England we have many hundreds or skilled agricullural helpers, who would he willing1 to come to Canada. The British government has set aside the sum of seven and a half million pounds sterling to lake these people to the Dominions. Still they iio not arrive. They want to go, you want them, and it is apparent that there is something very much arniss somewhere. So said W. It. I'ark, of Exeter, England, in an interview here. lie says further thai, in so far as Devon and Cornwall are con cerned, those who desire lo emigrate to Canada are men and women who have hcen hied on farms and who know no other occupation. They have heen ac customed lo mixed farming and dairying such as is in vogue in Northern Alberta, and in the vis ilor's opinion they would "111 in admirahly with the conditions here. Should Utilize Branch. "It is an astonishing thing lo me," he said, "with an organiza tion here such as the hand Sol- llement Branch, (hat it's services are not more widely utilized hy Hie government. I consider that ill is department is a particularly efficient one; it has achieved remarkable results with what set tlers have been sent through and I am confident that our people from Devon and Cornwall would he in good hands if they were placed hy the branch in the same TIMBER SALE X6281. There Will be offcriMl for sale at Piitillr Auction, at niHin on the th day of Aumist, 1114, In tin- nrrire or the Forest SiiM-rvMr il Smlthers, the Licence XCiRI, tn nil Al.:lon Jarkpltie Tics, on in am siiimii'it imniilinalelv & mill's north anil .rmiii Iteckrr l.n'ko Station, ItariK" 6, :mi-l District. Thrre Ct. years will be allowed for re moval or Umber. "Provided that any one unable to at-lend the auction In person may submit a sealed tender to lie oH'iii'd at the hour of aurtloli and treated as one bid." Further nartlrulars or the Liner fores- ler. Victoria, n.C, or District Forester, j'rlnce Unpen, H.C. TIMBER SALE X 6282. There will lie offered tor sale at rubllc Auction, at noon on . thn 8th day or Auinist, 1 08 1. in the orrice or the Forest Suiwrvlsor at Sinlthers, the Licence Xfim, la rut 19.(100 Jackplne Tien, on an area situated approximately 4 miles north-cast or Decker Lake Station, It.mire 5, Coast District. .... Two (2) lears will be allowed Tor re moval or Umber. Provided that any one unauie to ihr auction lii nerson may submit a sealed lender to be opened at the hour or auction and treated a one bid." Further particulars or ine i.mei rores-ler. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester, Prince llupert, H.C. TIMBER SALE X6371. C...I...I Tnn.l.,a .till t.A rofAlV1 tlV tllP Minister or Lands-, at Victoria, nol later ...... 41.1 ,1nu rT lillv IIIHII IIIHUI Wll IUI7 ...... . for the purchase or Licence X C371, to cut in.uuu jacKpme i ics on " mm mijviu-mir iai sin simtii shore of llulklev Lake. ItaiiRo 5, Coast lilstrlct. Two (Si years will be allowed ror removal or timber. . Further particulars or me i.nwi rum-ler, Victoria, ll.C, or District Forester, prince Itupert, H.C. TIMBER SALE X6271. Ga.u.i Ti.ttf.m will tin received bV the Milium, of i nnrti at Victoria, not later ihun noon on the. 31st day of July, 1SI. ri,i tn., fill ri'iiu si. or i.ict'iiin auzji. mi SH.noo Jarkplne Ties on an area u.'.jnlnln the south boundary or l.ot jjh, ueiweeu I'erow and knockholt, llangre 6, Coast Two '(8) years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Furllier particulars or ine unei rores-tcr. Victoria, H.C, or District Forester, Prince llupert, H.C. TIMBER SALE X 6359. Splod Tmidors will le rorelved "by. ttif kti..i.n- ... id -. . ii, Tint liltnp tlmn noon on the Slot ly of July. I; ror ine numnse m Lireiire aq, i I, A,ij Tin. ..n alt Bf.l BltllAtPlI I l,uiru ,111 IV ! I II" lira vII nil r. ....... nliout lA limps norm or Canadian M-tlonal Hallway, between Valllnir and Hose Lake, Itanxe 6, Coast District. . Two ) yours will be allowed Tor removal or limber. , runner particulars or ine i.niei rmr.-ler. Victoria, )i.c. or District Forester, lii.liw... lini.unt ii n : :;.- :,i" 't TIMBER 8ALE X 6302. Sealed Tenders will lie received by ttie Minister or Lands at Victoria, not later Ihan noon on the .11 M day of July,. ror Hie piirciiase or Unwise X6302. to ml 1 07.6H0 lineal reel or Cedar lw ni', I'lllnir on l.ot inso, about five miles. ncross Skccna lilver rrom lleino Station, naniro 5., Const District. Two igi yeara will be allowed Mr removal or timber. Further tiartlciilara or the Chief Forester, Vlciorfa, ll.c, or District Forester, I'rtnce llupert, B.C. USE STMONDS SAWS Their teeth are of a toughness which make them hold their keen cutting edge under every usage, ,. 'M SIMOtlDS CANADA SAW CO. UMITZD XKCSUVM HONTSCAt T.40MM. t1-. manner as the Ilehrideans, the Czecho-Slovaks ami the people of. other nationalities." So much was tho vlsilor struck with the operations of this 'organization tint) after isit-ing Jasper on his way hack to Kngland from Vancouver, he re lumed to Kdmnnton lo make a thorough investigation of 1he schemes followed in this district, and as a result hopes to send out farm laborers from the west of Kngland to he placed by the Land Settlement Uratlch. 'In other parts of the Dominion I 'found I he authorities nio'rft or less ap-alheiic in regard to the settlement of Itrilish people. Ttie reverse is true here, however, add for some reason .'I he general feeling 'towards this question seems very much more acute in the Kdmonlon district," lie asserts. Government Must Apply. According lo Mr. Park Ihe hitch in transferring Ihe farming folk wil trout farms tn agri cultural areas in Alberta which' require ibem Is not the fault of the Old 'Country authorities. They ha'e set aside'a vast sum of money to pay the emigrants' passage's In 1he Dominion, but it is necessary for Ihe Canadian government 1o apply for the Dritishers. This has nol been and is not being done, he says. He says further that thert k no haphazard shipping out of undesirables from the Old Coun try, citing the care exercised with Ihe emigrants 1o Australia. First they are got fn touch With in the country, then brouglil to the ciy where they go before an examining of res port sible citizens, next passing 16 a doctor. When this is completed the Australian government agents lake the mailer over and Ihe settlers destined for the south are 'once more examined in every way. Australia Gets Choice. "Hy this means Ihe Australian governnienls are getting the pick of the Iirilish agricultural ele--j rnent, and why Canada does not avail herself of Ihe opportunity is a mystery to more people than myself," he said. "Canada has never put for-J ward any scheme that it was possible for us in 1 lie old coun try lo work upon; no Canadian government agents in the United Kingdom appear lo have any idea oT what is being done in the west for immigrants, and as far as can lie visualized an impasse has lieen reached. However, I am hopeful thai something witl he, done as the farm leoplc you want here in Alberta are lo be had in Kngland, but you will have lo do something as well as us if you want this province yropulal-ed by Hrilish slock instead of foreigners," he said in NORTHERN VISITORS TO VANCOUVER WARNED Band of Tricksters Lying In Walt fFor Out of ToWn tasy Wloney At Southern 'City moimnwii r pxbB mi. MANY ATTENDED AT TRIAL OF ESKIMO British Justice tarried Out In Far North Impresses Traditional Hrilish justice, without display or sensationalism., was meted out !(i the Eskimo Iklukpiak for the killing of his compatriot, llavougach. by Judge! Dubuc at the sating of the court; held on the 'tweeh-decks of tho steamer Distrihutor at Aklavlk on July 7, says an Kdmonlou paper. The lower section of the vessel' was cleared of cargo for the sil ling of the court, which, draped with Union Jacks,, carried lo the minds of the Eskimos present hat where this emMem flies jus tice to white men find brown alike is to be found. Thirty Eskimos" schooners were tied up at Aklavik when the Alberta & Aretic Com pany's liner reached h'er last post, of call north, and with the opening of Ihe court .-every native in the settlement was present as well as all the white residents. At one end of the covered, deck was a raised platform on which Ihe judge had bis seal, and facing him was the irisoner with his Mounted Police escort and Ihe witnesses brought up from Her-schel Island by Inspector Wood. The law in the north is slow 1ml sure, and due to the distances and to t lie ever-present ice rendering communication with the police headquarters Impossible, the prisoner had been in' the hands of the fl.C.M.P. for over two years, while Ihe witnesses hid been brought in from the Eastern Arctic the previous summer, all arriving loo late to be present at last year's trials, because of the sea ice. Jury of White Men The jury consisted entirely of white men. Pat Ouinn, .post manager for the Northern Trading Company at Aklavik, was 'chosen foreman, the jurors being J. A. McDougall, government official from Fort Smith; Captain Gardner of Ihe Distributor; Post Office Inspector Hale, S. Tyrrel and II. Pardy. Irving H. Hnwalt, K.O, appeared for the Crown, with J. Mo'yJ McBride for the defence. Hishop Stringer and Hishop Lucas of the Church of England missions were present, (he former giving evidence for the de fence, while J)r. Hammond the Ithode Island physician tourist, examined the prisoner medically.' Prisoner Pleads Guilty I The trial commenced at 8.30 a.m. on Monday, the session he-1 'pood boy.' OWNER OF HOCKEY TEAM FUR TRADER Kenny Mackenzie Returns From Far North Wrth Big Shipment of Pelts Kenny Mackenzie, owner of the R i 2.30 aH'BBim a.m. Tuesday, when the prisoner. was found guilty of manslaughter to the city today. the "Ad" that Saved a and sentenced to five years in the r,ljes 0f bcaVer, red fox, cross penit Miliary. Three Eskimos ap- fnx. silver fox. white fox, mink peai'ed as witnesses for the n( ris Crown, with no evidence for the, Tju oniy untoward happening defence, the prisoner pleading ,iurjnfr the, trip was encountered su'"'- 'on the last day they were going Unlike his compatriots last ,0wn jj10 Mackenzie, when they year, who were sentenced to Van j0 a nPavy s0rm. and had death, and hanged, and who re- .i,,.!- scow njied Hn on ih0 rocks garded the matter with extreme an.i worc in danger for some indifference, Ikalukpiak exhibited (jrne- Fortunately they were able some little concern in Ihe trial, .n raPi, n,n silorn an,i manatred hut throughont his confinement m m'ost of their sunnlies. this child tf Ihe wilderness gave, Mackenzie was in Ihe north his captors not the slightest roughly "five months, and at Fort (rouble, and is marked in the an-jMcMiirray was joined by Mrs. nnls nf the Mounted Police as a Mackenzie, who accompanii lanied him NEW HAZELTON Wt. J. Larkworthy left at end of Ihe week for Stratford, Out., where he will spend six weeks visiting his old home. Mrs. Donald McLeod arrived Vnrning is given to Prince Eskimo Hockey Cluh, and also n last week and spnl a Tew days Rupert and other out of town ruV trailer of note, was arrtong the visiting Mts. Sawle then proceed-visitors to Vancouver that a passengers who stepped off the '"K to Terrace to spend a few clever bank of tricksters from irain from: the north Ibis after- days with Mrs. Richmond. Mrs. the United Stales is working noon says the Kdmonlon Journal. McLeod has been travelling in the there, making' out of town visi-' Mackenzie, who had the distinc- Hast for two months nnd will be lors their victims. One party, lion of being the first trader in.nM in Terrace by ,Mr. Mcl.eod was recently louched Tor 7,7ii(Mii the Arctic this year, left Kd. anom August l. and another for 10,700, It. is said, ntnnton about tho first of Mnrch,; l .1. ! - I - .1.1 1 . . 1 ... 1 V C n M ln.CI Into nl. Al. Trt n Trt one oi which was on u juKe race ireignien ins goons up ine reaco; ou" "'" "!"' .'.un-trftck swindle. A number o'f'from the end of steel to Fort St. treal en rotile to Kngland and others have hist money but are John, and then across 'country France on a Hi roe month's vaca-nshamed lo report it. Jsnny two hundred miles to Fort "on trip. .None of the victims so fnr liavoJ.N'elson. Kenny and his partner,! been Vancouver people but the Jrte Pnquelle held nfjrlh hy way! -arly 'W hundred persons ones picked up are Ihoso from ot Ihe .Nelson, I.iard and tho allended a lawn social given Inst on! of town, mostly from tho. Mackenzie and were in tho ArcticnW((,k hy H. G. wyineh, MLL A. north and from Interior points. One or two tricksters havo been ruh'oul of town hy the p6lice af-ler having their pictures taken for the rogues' gallery and their finger print record secured. Lack of evidence made i impossible lo prosecule them Tor criminal offenses. Prosperous advertising means regular oontlnuoul advertising. June 8. The next trader in was George Slater, who arrived between the 20th, and 25th of Junc. First in the field, after a trip Hint was leonnparalively ;ttnevent-i f til, though hard, Mackenzie nnd his partner succeeded m getting plenty of fur, and Kenny states he brought oul a bigger quantity of pells than he ever did before. The bulk of his fur Is marten, but be also has considerable sup- Mrs. Janies.MacKny and daughters have relumed to llazelton nfler spending several months in Calgary. STEWART Silas Silverman has arrived hero from New York to lake charge of his father's mining in- The high grade ore body in Ihe Dunwell mine has heen proven for a length of 550 feet and there is no indication' yet of its limits; being approached. Development work has been re. sumed on the Eldorado mine. Misses McKeilzie nnd F.lder, school teachers nf Vancouver, are visiting at Hyder with Mrs. J. O. Lyon. Dr. J. T. Mandy, San Francisco mining engineer, wns a visilor here last week. He arrived in his owO boat. SIX MILE PROCESSION AT NEW WESTMINSTER TWENTY YEAfoS AGO Cay -V ome was being attacked. The massive walls were breached. The enemies pressed hard on every side. To the north, the invaders crept stealthily through the night to storm the gates. In the dark, they stumbled on a flock of geese. The fowls cackled loud and, longthe sentries heard and Rome was saved. Advertising is continually saving something for someone. It will save for you, too, if you use it properly. It will save you money by pointing out real bargains, by telling you of true values, by giving you prices to compare and by telling you how much you should pay. It will save you time and effort by telling you exactly where and when to go for what you want to buy. You don't have to "shop around." It will save you disappointment by telling you just what you can expect from your purchases. Every time a merchant or manufacturer advertises, he obliges him- ' self to sell you goods that fulfil his claims. He knows it doesn't pay to advertise unworthy wares. Read the advertisements as a plain, every-day business proposition. It is a duty you owe yourself and your purse. The advertisements will hejp you save SHOE FASHIONS OF THE SMARTER KIND ONYX FAULTLESS FITTINC FOOTWEAR It is just twenty" years sine the steel hr.idge across Ihe Fraser Iliver at New Westminster was completed. At the opening cere-nVony Ihe draw was opened and a procession of boats six miles long passed through. The boals were three or four hundred feet apart. ONYX There is rrh appreciated touch of novelty and smartness in the much admired ONYX styles. Made in Patent Colt, Kid, Calf Skiii and Calf Suedes and Satins. Priced at $7.50 to S11.50. Family Shoe Store lerests. He is accompanied by bis mother, Mrs. Samuel Silver--man. They Irave taken a house in town. Miss Maxwell, formerly of Prince George, has established theja chiropractic practice here. - SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Eastern Canada United States Triangle Tour to JASPER NATIONAL PARK EDMONTON and CALGARY. One way via Vancouver. Write or call: City Ticket Office, 628 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 260. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Karly Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBride StreeL