PAGE FOUR TnEVtftV NEWS J.Ui;S.i4, A us i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM arm Money pc3q no n( JUST THINK M-r wirr miiVm.-. I i know xou'ke Ed wirr TNEtH vvmM -awutstn BETTER ' ARE r3 to me tor bix fOu Yom "OUl. L i OT .t t--J r"i r -.Ktt D TO M3 rioriTHb n cetui U , vtj) i f i Orders JUT. urr UbEO TO Ti - , '' MtOUT' I - i VTj -vy " . r i -v t mitt On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations DC3 for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Kates and i Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 te 8. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Per Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and , Pressing. Special Suits Ready to Wear $18.00 Laundry Office: " " 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, U.C.. Phone 774. P.O. Box 958 EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson Coal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde 8treeL BASEBALL BOXINQ LACROSSE LEAGUE BASEBALL OF THE DAY American League Cleveland 3, New York 8. Detroit 3. Hoslon I. St. Louis 0, Washington 2. National League Boston C, Cincinnati 9. Philadelphia, I; Pittsburg 7. New York 2-11, Chicago 3-" Brooklyn 5, St. Louis 3. FOOTBALL MATCH AGAIN POSTPONED Football Seml-FInal Between G. W. V. A. and S. O. E. Tomor--row Evening, Weather Permitting The second Oilhuly Cup fool- all semi-final between the flreal War Veterans and the Sons of England was again postponed last night on account of rain. eather permitting, it will he played Wednesday evening. SCORELESS GAME OF FOOTBALL AGAINST VISITING AMATEURS LETHHRIDOE, Aug. 20 Leth- bridge and the touring Conn-Ihians, the English amateurs, played a scoreless soccer game here last night. PEACE RIVER RAIL OUTLET City Council Goes on Record Favoring Construction of Branch Line In British Columbia The city council of Prince Rupert decided last night to lend its voice lo Ihe agitation lor a western railway outlet for the Peace River valley when the fol lowing recommendation from the finance committee was adopted; That the council go on record as neing in iavor oi unneu action being taken with other municipalities on Ihe western line with a view of pressing for the construction of a branch line into the Peace River at the most westerly point that the engineer ing features will permit and that the Hoard of Trade be asked lo co-operate." Aid. Collar!, In speaking lo the resolution, said thai it was the I idea to gel all Ihe people west o Mcliridc to support tne recom mendation. A new pass bad been found that would make Prince Rupeit the outlet for the Peace River valley instead of Vancou ver. The distance via Ibis pas lo Prince Rupert from the Peac River would be some 200' miles shorter than to Vancouver via th Hrule cut-otT. The line woul also be easier of construction The resolution should be sent I all centres up Ihe line betwee here and Mcllride for endorsa-tion. ' The pass referred lo by Aid, Collart is Ihe Monkman paca' which would bring the railway line lapping Ihe Peace River from Grande Prairie lo Hansard sta tion, not far east of Prince George. The Hrule route, for which Vancouver is pressing, would come out just east of the Rocky Mountains lo Hrule In Advertise in the Dally News. HERE AND EVERYWHERE Sport Chat There will be a joint meeting of the Fair Hoard, F.Iks, .Moose. Udseball Association and Fool-ball Associations tonight to make final arrangements for the Fair Week sport program. Hen Self announced yeslerday that baseball teams from Ketchikan and Anyox would he here as well as n rooltiau learn from Anyox. In addition trap- shooting teams may come from Ocean Falls and Ketchikan. The excursion from Anyox will arrive on the Cardena on Tuesday and will return home on the Venture on Friday. The Ketchikan crowd will arrive on Tlilirsri.'i v niirhl mi llin hIpmimot Prince Rupert and will bo taken p.rovod hnme .itrnin mi I tin Priiwe .Intin Friday, Sept. (Anyox Hay) Native baseball; baseball, Ket chikan vs. Anyox; football Anyox . Prince Rupert. Saturday, Sept. 13. (Alaska Hay, Native football; baseball, rihee Rupert vs. Ketchikan. Hritish Columbia has about .?C,000,000 invested in race tracks and nlans are under way for another at Victoria to cosL $1, 500,000. As the racing season is regulated by Ihe number of racks, the new one would give the province twelve weeks' racing "Hello, folks." One of the cowboys who competed in the rodeo show at the Hritish Exhibition is shown saluting the crowd before showing them some western thrillers ticular game. FOOTBALL ENIYIS SWIMMING each year. This vear about 47 1 1 1 1000,000 in wagers wont through the lulling machines, upon which I lie province rolled a tax. A I he same money goes Hi much several limes in the course of a meet, Ihe tax becomes quite an item, but it des not appear lo discourage the betting. JIU-JITSU LAST NIGHT Prof. Takaoakl Proved Himself Master of Nels Jepson In Japanese Game Prof. Takagakj of Vancouver himself Ihe master of Salnrdav niirlil. Tlie vnrinn T-"'press I neaire lasi games will, Xels Jepson in Ihe jiu-jitsu con- of course, have to ?ame enons. be- arranged accordingly. In-,iMK wresuer was sui- slead of playing native football ' twn falls ,hp '" and baseball games in the morn- 01 . ",s, Japanese opponent who is ins as has been the custom in the s'11" n m"'" ai uns par past they will be staged in the afternoons immediately preceding the main features of the day. Subject to confirmation tonight, the program has been tentatively drafted as follows: Wednesday, September 10, (Children's Day) Children's sports, native baseball and football, Anyox vs. Prince Rupert. Thursday, Sept. 11. (Rupert Day). Native football, Anyox vs. Prince Rupert, baseball. It was the first exhibition of jiu-jitsu to ibe given in the city and a good,ci,ow(j followed it with interest. The contest divided itself into fifteen minute stages and falls are decided not iri Ihe usual wrestling manner hut by an opponent crying out. . The rules are not so stringent .is in wrestling and holds not allowed in the regular mat game are permitted. Takagaki scored his first point when he put Jepson out with a nek hold afler six minutes. The second session went the full fif teen minutes and the Jap got the second fall with a twist of Ibe arm of his' opponent in five minules. There were two boxing pre liminaries, the'first a four round exhibition between Harry Ander son and Ernie Warren and Ihe second a boul between two Japs, one of Vancouver and the other of this, city P. I.aporte refereed and Owen Fisher was time-keeper. TURNING TABLES Mrs. Roy's colored cook, who went hnme every night the inn men! she had washed the dinner dishes, often forgot o come back in lime lo prepare breakfast Ihe next, morning. "Sara," said Mrs. Roy one day, "every ime you fail lo come and get breakfast I shall take off a quarter from your wages." Sara silently consented, and the next few .mornings she came in early. Then one morning sin did not appear until 10 o'clock. "Look here Sara," complain ed Mrs. Roy. "I had to fix break fast again Ibis morning." "Well," returned Sara indig nantly, "ain'l ah payin' you fob it?" Everybody's. Pal her Godfrey arrived in the city from Ocean Falls on the Prince George yesterday SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons 'every half hour from 1 p.m. until 6.30 p.m. and on other week days at 2, 4 and 0.45 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave the Sail Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parlies specially arranged for. Launches, rowboats and cunoes ror sale and hire. Prinre Rupert Uoathouse. j I.O.ST. Ford rim and lire. Finder return lo O. M. Arnott, Rupert Table Supply. 201 LOST. Hlack overcoat, silk faced and lined. Finder please return Jo E. A. Wakefield. Reward. 201 FOR RENT FOR RENT. Hoard and room in private family. Phone Hlack 217. . 206 FOR RENT. Two large apartments down town near Pusl Oflice. Apply Stork's Hardware If FURNISHED HOUSE for Rent for few months. Modern. Apply ' P.O. box 009, City. 187 FOR RENT. Palmer House Tor cheap rales and home com-forls. tf FOR RENT Four room, modern, heated apartments. Apply Smith &. Mallelt, Ltd. tf MODERN Four Roomed Flat for rent. Weslenhaver Hros. AUCTION SALES. Goods Hougbt. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Hlack 13fi and Red 442. Keep . It Quiet 1 , Your car is as old as it sounds GOODYEAR TIRES for Fords from $8.75 to $17.00 Repairing, Vulcanising, Gas and Oil Monerrt Wrecking Equipment. KAIEN GARAGE Our Work Speaks for Itself. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE IN SUPPORT QUEEN CANDIDATE In connection with Ihe candida ture of Miss Nora Kenny in tlie Fair Hoard's carnival queen con test, her backers, the Elks, staged n successful whist drive and dance in (heir hall last evening. Cards were played last, evening from 8.30 until II o'clock, refreshments were served and dancing followed, music being furnished by the Westholme Orches Ira. .There were 21 tables of whist and about 150 persons at tended the dance. C. Folsom was master of ceremonies, L. M. Miller presided at Ihe door and others oif Ihe committee included J. Piiuler-Mosx, D. Milne, II. Fra- ser, Murdoch McLeod and J. Neville. The prize winners nl whbt wern firsls, Mrs. II. It. Henfmings and . A. I'rince: sernnds Mm Arthur Hailey and Waller Shaw. Miss Kenny was given a good boost ia Ihe conies! and Ihe Hro-Iher Hills stale thai her campaign is going strong. There may be another alTalr of a similar nature before the end of Ihe week. M m cw1 w-M Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrartUemant Taken for Lea than I II I II II II IT WANTED waixicij. furniture or every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone 052. LOST LOST. Pair of spectacles. Finder please phone 1 1. BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Oflice, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR SALE. Sixteen room rooming bouso and store; all furnished. Full sized basement with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right in front or the Dry Dock, 92 Ambrose Avenue, tf FOR SALE. Five acres on Law- son Harbor, Lewis Island; wilii dwelling house, chicken houe and outhouses and large garden; price very moderate. Apply Hox 1 00 Daily News oflice. 203 FOR SALE Ford Runabout De livery; in good running order; $200.00 cashH Also several other good buys in used cars. S. E. Parker, Lid. tf FOR SAI.F Two used Ford en gines; suitable for conversion (or marine use. $50.00 each. S. E. Parker, Ltd. FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and in good condition: $250.00 cash. S. K. Parker, Ltd. PLEASURE HOAT FOR SALE 28 feel long, 5 foot beam. C. L. Heiudel, Cold Storage. tf FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Hoats and Engines. Northern Exchange. tf FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 04. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 lo 5; 7 lo 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by uppointment. Phone Hhie 85. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Oust) Prompt Scrvico and Comfort Day or Night Stand: ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Across from Empress Hotel. FOR COLIC AND CRAMPS PA1MS IN THE STOMACH THERE'S N0THINS TO EQUAL It has been In ui for the part 80 Tar; iti action la pleaaant, rapid, reliable and effectual, and relief comes promptly. Be aure and get "Dr. Fowler'" when you aak for it. Don't expert ment with some new and untried remedy. Put up only by The T. IHJburn Co., Lloited Toronto, Oat. B0 MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesday! and Fn From the East Mondays, Thursdays and U uiuiiys, i p.m. To Vancouver- Mondays, mail closesatun Tuesdays, Mall ctosea at j Thursdays g p j Saturdays .11 Saturdays q p CP.R. Aug. 2, 6, U. 4; From Vancouver- Sundays p Mondays j pi Wednesdays Fridays Fridays From Naas River Points- Saturdays 3rd Ave. 3rd Ave. BOX COLLECTION 3 PI 1 U G.P.R. Aug. 8, It, U. V .1. To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays Jpj. Sundays ,J p.i From Anyox, Alice Arm- Tuesdays .... Thursdays . JJ To Stewart and PremW Sundays 'P.I. Fridays ill. From Stewart and Pramlif Saturdays . rl Tuesdays To Port Simpson-Sundays - 1 PI Thursdays -lM From Port Simpson- Tuesdays J1 Saturdays To Alaska Points- Aug. 8. II, 18. 2 and ! From Alaska Points Aug. 2. (i, 13, IC. 23 ir.dr To MassetL Port cum. Buckley Bay Monday mail cIosm. .6.JHM From Massett, Port cnn Buckley Bay Wednesday mail du To Skldegate, Q. C. cm - South Island Point- Wednesdays, mail c1ok I From Skldeaate. 0. C. CltJ l South Island Point 2,-.tfva mnil Hue a.m. iuiiimhi;p( i ttim To Naas River Polnti ""! Simpson I hursdays PJLS fJraham IIHIII A IX Allin Willi Ave. '- " 2.15 tsl Gth 8th Ave. A Thompson st llth Ave. & Sherbrooke Ave. - in I I l.i ., I. St i I Glli Ave, & Hays Cove nth Ave. A Hays Cove Circle .. 8th Ave. A Cotlon St. 5th Ave. A MrHride St Pro. Oov. Hhlgs. Prov. Oov. Wharf O.T.P. Wharf (... 1 4... I. On. I Rl -nil mu. u. ; . A(IVCrusci - ..10 Ave. k Eighlh St 2- VJ Ave. A Fullon St, 2.25 Ave. 2.30 M J.35 M 2.5 25 3.00 3.5 3.10 3.15 3.! Fulton w. flth St 3JS NOTICE, , ...... m remln" . J..aP anvc .'I li II! 0 Pd that copy 'Vi-the tisen.enls should be j Dally News offlce 4 pun. today to ensure , serlion In tomorrow" (f , sue.