. ft n in THE pILY- NEWS PAGE THREE uelday, aususi tv, You can just see him grow stockier and healthier and happier on Kellogg's. With milk, cream or fruit say, could any tiling be so nourishing! CORNFLAKES Ovtn-frtth alwayg "Rupei tf S9.RN Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Oporatlng G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern ..makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. 'ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to bundle all kinds of - MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON i Brand Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics. hoos( "Rupert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in the puntry ure always handy. Stock a supply on your bout that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C.' UNIO'N STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing. fruin rrmre nupert. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swnion BJ, tnd Alert By, Tutldiy, 0 P.M. Cor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt By, nd 8wnoon Biy, 8iturdy, 10 A.M. for ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. Wlo UUnd, Burdty, 8 P.M. PORT 8IMPSON tnd Ntu Rlr Cannorloi, Friday A.M. H 2nd Anuo. t. Otrnilty. Agont. Prlnc Rup.rt, B.O. London Bry Gin Since 1762, famous for its B fine, pure mature quality. Ira!! Vim ... . . i ii I Ills n.l..Aul! - I 1.. ....I ....1.1 ! . 1. ...1 li...,l,V.firt 111. 1 II H -...c uiivLTiisuiiiein is nui puiniMieu ur ui?iju.i in -j liquor uuturui noaru or ny tun uovcnimcui vi British Columbia. THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS 1 Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phono 41. Hayners, Undertakers. Phone 351. 'Lome willi the crowd lo Smilhers" for the Fair on' Thursday and Friday. You will enjoy the outing. - J. S. John returned lo the city yesterday afternoon after ."pending u hrief holiday in Van couver and Victoria. - I Accounts up to August 23. totalling 7, i 45.50 were passed for payment at last night's meeting of the city council! - Tied Henning relumed on the I Prince (ieorge yesterday' after noon from a business trip to Vancouver. II. B. James and Miss Mary James of I'helan returned on the Prince George yesterday after noon from Vancouver. Knights and Ladies, attention! Come and meet the Supreme Delegate from California, Wed nesday, Aug. 27, 8.30 p.m. He, frcshmenls. 202 Alf. DendolT, Nana! mo insur anee man, is a visitor in the city mopping at the Prince Huperl Hotel. He arrived from the east on. last night's train and will spend a few days in the city before proceeding south. Harry Atkins returned to the Icily yesterday afternoon after an I absence of several weeks in the south. While in V ancouver, Mr Atkins enleiedjiospital but he is now quile recovered. ' Miss Joan Bovine, who has been visiting in Smilhers with Ihcr uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs J. P. Kirkpalrick, arrived in the city last night and will leave to lmorrow night for Anyox where Ishe will .visit with friends. E A letter from A. S. Lewis of fering the cily at $18 per thou sand a quantity of lumber from the old Kiler's mill at Cow Bay which is being demolished was received at last night's council meeting and referred to tin; Hoard of Works for action. Pilot Otlicer C. J. Duncan, II. (3. A. K, who has been stationed here for the past few weeks with the local airplane detachment, left on last night'. train for Victoria I loach, Winnipeg, where he will spend the remainder of the operational season, l.ieut. Dun can has been the photographic ofllcer here. " - William1 H. Hillings, manager of the insurance department of Hie Vancouver brokerage firm of Hell-Irving, Creery A Co., arrived in the' city from the south on the Prince Ueorge yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Hillings accom- anies him and they are registered it the Prince Hupert Hotel. See your own country first! If you have never been lo the Hulk- ley Valley, come with the crowd to Smilhers for the I'air on Thursday and Friday. - You'll be surprised how nice the I rip will be. Special cheap fares on the railway, and a big time for visit ors on real dirt roads. 1 , Miss Ktauda Marsh of the local school teaching slatf returned yesterday afternoon on the Prince 'Jeorge after having snenl the summer vacation allemliug summer school at Hellinghani.- She will speu, a few days at Terrace Islling with her parents, Canon and Mrs. T. J. Marsh, before re turning to the cily next week lo resume her teaching duties. The city council decided last .nighl lo bring in a local improve. nienl bylaw providing for an extension of the grading project on Highlit Avenue West 150 reel along Comox Avenue. The work on Eighth Avenue has not yet been slatted and .it is proposed lo embody the extension to Comox Avenue with It. The Hoard of Works recommends lo (his CZEMA Yoa are cot when vim use Dr. rh.trt'A Olnt. nitnt tor Ertemii and Skin Irritations, it relieves at onee and gradu allr heals the akin. Numnle Ikii Dr. Chase' Ointment tree l( yon mention thl pHwr and send 20. Mump (or )o.itage. 60c. a box t all dealers or Kilinanann ies & C. Llmlt'l, Toronf" SUCCESS in "batting is ossvsred wltCtT tJOU' use MAGIC BAKING POWDER It contains no alum and leaves tto bitter iaste CARD OF THANKS ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Lind-quisl wish lo thank their many friends for their expression of goodwill on Hie occasion of their marriage on Salur"day last. Labor Day. ;iv Joseph Hogcrs of the Prince Hupert Hy-ProiIU'cts Co. sailed last night on the 'Prince .(Jeorge for Seattle oil btfsintji. Miss AnnafKorviki who lias been holidaying ' I.ockeport, Que-ert Clfartotlfe'-'filtfmts, returned home yesterday off the l'rince John. - Your clianre fi see the famous Hulkley Vnlley,, pood horse 'racing aii olheV'sports and a great exhibition of five- stork and farm produce. Smlfliers' Fair Thursday aiid 'Ffiday. JJINCERUPEKT.DV Soothlng-Stlmulatlng-DELICIOUS Blended from the choicest. Coffee Berries selected for their excellent flavttr. Ask fop "Supreme." Free coupons" in every tip entitling you. ,(i beautiful china cups niid saucers. STEAMER DELAYED Trades and LaborJEIks' Dance In the Elks' Home'on evening of BY BIG WINDSTORM Furious Gale Raged up Dean on Miss Nancy Hqrie, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. fn;orgo Horie, returned on the1 Prince Ge,ofge yesterday afteriloon ;ifler having spent the pasT'six wfeks visiting at Egmont. near Sechl'll, with Mr. and Mrs, E. V. Jtaxtcrf formerly of this city. ' - lloberl G. Loueks of San Fran- i . - .... ' cico, suprene dfiK'rjale from California to The recent conven tion in Toronto of the Knights of Pythias of North America, will pass through 'the cliy'this week on his way home. IJbr-will arrive from the East on Tomorrow's night's-train and will sail for (he south on Thursday nighl. Tomorrow nighl tli ere will he a special meeting of the local Pythian lodges to enable the members to meet Mr. Loueks. Channel Tuesday Night and Prince George Stayed at Ocean Falls So boisterous was the gale that raged up Dean Channel on Tuesday night that the steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt Harry Nedden, remained at Ocean Falls for three hours while it abated. The vessel was two hours late in reaching port yesterday afternoon as a result. The list of arrivals, which included 08 lour ist passengers who boarded the train for the Hast .included: Miss Cook, E. W. Kwart, Mrs. Marshall, J. F. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. F A. Crowe. Miss F. Karle. T. B. Donohue and It. Ilonnau (Mas sett , Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Klliotl, George Knsil, Mrs. and Miss WJialey, M. E. CouPer (Port Clements , Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cunningham, Miss C. Cunning ham, A. Hichnwnd, Mr. Whaley Mrs. Drown (Port Clements j, O. F. Cobbobl, II. W. Pitt (Terrace), W. O. Proctor, F. Ilantsden, B. Wilson, (5. A. Jolley, Miss Colling, It. C. Alexander (Miasselt), Mrs. Sheldon. Mrs. Hutchins, Chief Spiller, Mrs. Merrill, Fred Hen ning, Father Godfrey, Miss V K. Ilorie, J. Kerr, Miss M. Eagan, Miss C. Ouytil, II. Atkins. Miss E. Jaynes. Mrs. Stark and Miss Slark, J. A. Huston, J. (5. Johns Miss Xcwell, Mrs. A. C. Fowler and children. G. Hryer, H. D. James and Miss Mary James, Mrs llarlman. Dr. and Mrs. II. E. Cole man and child, Mr. Hymen. Mrs Boss, Mjss Boss, Mir. and Mrs. C. S. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jack, J. K. McDonald, ft. M. Saxby, W. F. McAleese, Miss C. A. Col lins. Miss M. It. Dickson, Mrs. Saxby anil sou, S. P. McGhie Massetl, Mrs. Lord and child, C. Archer. C. P. Byles, Miss Rob inson, Mr. and Mrs. II. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Merry and Miss Merry, SA. McAra. P. J. Irvine, John Mac- kie, Miss Etanda Marsh, J. A. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. F. Perry, Mr. and Ml-s. W. H. Billings and child, Mr. and Mrs. Sugars. HOSPITAL CONVENTION TO BE INVITED HEREi City Council Passed Resolution to This Effect at Meeting Last Night .The city council last night de cided lo extend an invitation to the B.C. HosiuIpIs' Association to hold its next annual convention in Ibis cily. The 1021 convention opens (his week in Victoria ami Harry Birch, secretary of the local hospital, is the delegate from this cily. Mr. Birch will extend the invitation, of the local board and t lie city council. FORMER METHODIST PASTOR AT TELKWA MARRIED AT NAKUSP Hev. W. G. Mawhinney, formerly Methodist pastor at Telkwa, was married on August 7 al Nakusp lo Miss Martha Pearson .Morton. .Mr. .Mawiiinney was transferred lo Xakusp from Telkwa this year but the best wishes of all his former parishioners in the interior, will follow him. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wheeler, Telkwa; Mrs. .1. S. Jarvis, Mrs. Ebume, Thomas A. Kelly, W Gnelz and Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Billings, Vancouver; F. Kendall, North Pacific cannery; Arthur Derrick, Xaas Hiver; Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Cameron, Ottawa;. A. M. Kipp, Port lissinglon; Mr. and Mrs. F. Perry,. Montreal; G. F. Cobbold, London; Miss Mary James ami II. B. James, Phelan; Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Ilobinson, Smilhers; J. A. Huston and P. J. Irvine, Toronto; C. P. Hyles, Ocean Falls; Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Smith, Winnipeg; J. D, Shearman, Berkeley, Cal.; E. C. Ten-! nant and X. C. Jerry, ll.C.A.F, Central C. Bruce. Skfdegale; O. 11. Tycho. Smilhers; S. Shefskey, C.X.IL tttf t Tk-0k It Xrlim CATARRH el the BLADDER rEch Cspnule njinA Uirsmm.UTv' Rtwa n ofonun tvrJeiU FOR SALE Alaska Blue Fox Breeders IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY STOCK BLUE FOXES COMMUNICATE WITH JACOB OTNESS Petersburg, Alaska Our Foxes Guaranteed to be a Number One Stock. Dr. Watson's Tonic ALE and STOUT One package makes 3 gallons of the most wholesome ami nourishing daily- drink. Easily prepared. 75c Per Package. ORMES LIMITED THE REXALL STORE. Phones 82 and 200. TTamatco 2 For panelling your rooms it rivals the most cosily hardwoods. Bejuvenate your Home Quickly and Permanently. Sole Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toolhsomc Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Children's Shoes OF QUALITY SPECIALLY PRICED $4.05 Tan or Black Calfskin, welted soles. Chums and Hurlbiits. Button only. Sizes 11 to 1V4. Regular $0.00 and $0:50. $3.05 Tan or Black Calfskin. Welter solei. Diiltou only, 8 lo lOVi. llegular $1.75. , . ' .'. 95o Child's Patent Leather Slippers, Patent Leather Boots and Hubber Soled Strap Slippers. Values lo $2.00 pair. v I Family Shoe Store