or1 TAXI f and JmdtJ Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, prop. f; AUG 2 8 1924 j KING AND ASSOCIATES ARE UPSET VOL. XIV,, NO. 201. PREMIER BRITAIN'S Platform at Mass Meeting Falls Premier Thrown Down Policy of Liberals is not Free Trade he Explains but Freer Trade Than at Present with Freer Living. MONTREAL, Aug. 2(1. Ten minutes after the opening of a Liberal mass meeting here last night the platform collapsed precipitating Premier MacKeuzie King ami Minister of Marine Uanlin and borne fifty otht'rs,includiiig members of parliament, to the floor. The cry of horror which went up from the assembled throng changed lo cheers when the premier arose and nriisheu water , i..n,..t. ..fion iM.iinrr lu'iMi ilrpiiclieil liv a iusr of water lllllll LiUllli-o mivi .."....o - t which had fallen in the crash from the speaker's table. In I lie course of his address, llii! premier said t lie government had no policy of free trade and never had a policy of free trade. ti'i...i 11..... I. ...I .a... .1 f.i1ifv .. nf Mliai nil J linn i'i.'-iv freer trade and freer living for Itie great mass of I he people. rrvLoiutiN l ur COLD STORAGE VISITOR HERE F. Perry, Mead or canaaian ,risn; A Cold Storage Co., c; Way From Vancouver to Montreal 1 j T Perry pf Montreal, 'president , . oi in- wiinnuKiu a inn Storage Co. Ltd., is a visitor in II... .... -11.. ........... 4 ... ..n I... I lit Mrs Perry, he arrived yesterday afternoon on 1 lie steamer Prince 'corgc from Vancouver. He i visiting Die local cold storage plant and other extensive opera - nuns oi ins company nere nun u 1 1 1 i.w.nniiit nn jl nil I f l tiwil'l'l IW 'night's train stonning off at Win nipeg en route io .iiiiueu. GAVE TICKET TO GIRL THEN CLAIMED PRIZE io whom Automobile Belongs Will be Decided by Court at Sudbury SUDBURY, Out., Aug. 20. Be came he paid for the lucky ticket upon which he wrolo his girl friend's name, and which ticket won an automobile at the firemen's demonstration here, Ar thur Mucin Is now claiming I lie car He has caused a writ lo be served on the. fire department iP'training it from delivering the automobile lo Miss Julietle Le '''Hie, the girl in the case. The two were sweethearts and were present al a ennvnvunily lance at which the drawing was I'l'lil, but when the announcement was made I hat Juliet to was the winner the air became suddenly chilly. Arthur was carrying Hie "'lib of the winning ticket and he Piuinlply excused himself. FWr lliree days lawyers have endeavored to effect an agreement am leeoncllialloii, but without sue-pps. The courts will decide the issue iii a few days, LAUSANNE TREATY" RATIFIED BY FRANCE PARIS, Aug, 20 The chamber r deputies after a fourteen hour Ipbate ratified the. Lausanne treaty by a vote of 410 to 171. ''xisjafiv,.; r .1,...,, ..Mr.3l,2j , COASTS TO Political AIR PATROL FOR BRITAIN Powerful Seaplanes Being Built by Navy For Fighting and Guarding LONDON, Aug. 26. Great Britain's coast line will be guarded and patrolled by powerful seaplanes now under construction by the navy. Each will carry a pilot, navigator, two machine gunners and torpedoes for launching at hostile surface craft. Still more powerful planes are being made to make flights seaward. These will carry five men. FIND GOLD SUNKEN VESSEL LONDON. Aug. 20. Discovery of an unexpected storing place in the forepart of the liner Laur-enlfc lying in several hundred feel of water since she was sunk by the Hermans in 1017 at the mouth of Lough Swilly enabled divers to recover 250,00(1 worth lor gold bars. A total of seven million pounds in gold and silver bullion, a consignment to American bankers, has now been recovered. FRENCH VIEW DISARMAMENT Premier Herrlot Outllnos Stand In Letter to Sir Erlo Drummond PA ft IS. Aug. 23. In a letter addressed lo Sir Krlc Drummond, secretary 'general to the League of Nations, giving adhesion to I lie League's guarantee pad, Premier HcrrioJ stresses Iho lime relations between Hie terms .,r r..i mill iii'ioaments. He in iimi) rleur that Hie rrencn in ii 1: lid ii i....,...,i,.i.iii could never take nl in a disarmament confer ence unless Hie system of safely irimrnnlees were previously es lablislied and formally est ah 1 1 iliii I in ni'iucinlc. 1 ..(.. Itnrrinl insists that Kniiiei. could iiot agree lo piecemeal plan of armament reduction of land rorces followed by a reduction of aerial ami other forces. Disarmament must be unirorm and simultaneous for all forces, Northern and BE GUARDED BY SEAPLANES IS PUBLIC WORKS HEAD IS HERE K. Nl. Cameron, Chief Engineer of Federal Department, Paying His First Visit to District "I am simply on a trip of de parlmental inspection anil have nothing definite in view as far as Prince Iluperl is concerned," said K. M. Cameron of Ottawa, etiiof engineer of the federal ilonartment of iinblie, works, who arrived in the city from Kdmon-j ton on last night's train accompanied by Mrs. Cameron. Having come West primarily to inspect dry "dock construction al Vancouver and Victoria and being in no particular hurry, Mr. Cameron said that he had taken the opportunity of coming this way and paying his first visit to the cty uii district. He will inspect the local dry dock, the maintenance of which comes, utMer his department. He had also intended visiting Stewart where consider able wharf extension has been done and it had been planned to fly there today but weather con ditions were "such this morning that it was decided lo abandon (he idea. .Ml-arrangements had been made with Flight Lieutenant Fail MacLeod and Mr. Cameron was lather disappointed 'or it would have been his first flight as well ns his first visit (o Slew-art. Accompanied by J. P. Forde, district engineer from Victoria, Mr. Cameron will make a trip down the coast on the depart mental gas boat Walrondo. He is In meet Hon. J. II. King, min-isler of public works, al Vancouver next month. Mr. Cameron said thai, as far as lie was concerned, there was nothing lo slale about local ele vator construction. This matter came under the department of trade and commerce. KETCHIKAN MAN HAD RACE WITH A BEAR Drove Alongside Him for Some Distance Then Forcec" "n to Beach Two Kentucky derbies are his tory; dog team races are no lonpci a novelty; but what is claimed to have beeh one of the most unique races ever staged, K-curreil the other evening when H big bear tried his speed versus Hoy llodgkinson in a ronl, says the Ketchikan Chronicle. Hoy had a car load of passengers for Peninsula Point and when he had successfully negotiated tho hill- on Hie north side of Smiley s Cannery. Hruin was sighted lop ing comfortably alongside of the front wheel. Fearing that be cause of Iho narrowness of tho road, the bear might become en tangled In the front wheels and throw tho car from the road, Hoy speeded up in an attempt to pass his competitor on Ihe road, but the bear was determined not to bo so easily defeated and especially by n Ford, so, with a sudden burst of speed the bear passed Hoy but was unable to make (lie lurn in the road and catapulted down onlo the beach. Hoy says he is going lo take out a license to carry a gun in hopes lhat he may again try his speed with the bear, but woe betide the bear If ho passes him again. Hoy claims that Denicl Doouc was a novice with a rifle compared with him and that if the bear wins again, the skin of that particular bear" Is going lo adorn the- floor of his office as a vug. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper PI1INCR IiUl'HHT, B.C., TUKSDAY. AUGUST 20, 1021. Iks. v rL OT! Two relics are shown found in the ruins ot the city of I mma, central Babylonia. One. is a tiny book, one-half by three-quarters of an inch.. The other is an invoice for three lambs Provincial Constable Badly Beaten Up By Loggers at Ocean Falls: Arrest Followed Later ; Provincial Police Constable had a small . purlum jof his lft miiler his eve npeessilaliiiflr four kicked in and broken, his lips bruised and black,ejied aiid the left side of his face generally injured beaten up by a group of rough characters at Ocean Falls last Wednesday night. Joe (Blackie) MacDonald, alleged to have started the trouble, is in custody more suspects have already been picked up and, more arrests are expecteii. Chief Constable Spiller returned last -night from Ocean Falls and the following is his account of the affray: On Wednesday night on t lie veranda of (lie hotel Constable Collins had occasion lo speak to,vt,r who happened to be there at MacDonald who hail oeen HiliiK-, ing. H! advised him lo go home quietly. Macdonald replied: "Who are vmi niivvvnv? Collins' answer was that he was a policeman. I don't care who you are. It is you or me for it," was the retort of Macdonald who, there-' upon, hit Collins on. the face dazing Ihe olllcer who went down after being hit again. While Collins was down. Mac donald is alleged to have got pos. session of his gun.. Collins then got to his feel again and Mac Donald said "I've got you now.' Attemptod to Shooi MacDonald, it is slated, was about to pull (he trigger of t lie gun and gel the- weapon into action but tho safety being on prevented this. Collins then went for Macdonald again and the latter threw I lie gun away. The olllcer went down again when MacDonald re newed the fistic attack. By this time, other men joined MacDonald' and they all proceed ed to kick Collins prevent in oilier people from coming to the officer's assistance. Collins managed to make a getaway and, after cleaning the blood off his person, returned and founil Macdonald and I lie group of men in a lane. The olllcer attempted to arrest MacDonald but the other four men held him while MacDonald proceeded to pummel him again. Collins, in the mean time, had taken the precaution lo hide his gun lo make sure that it would not be taken away from iim again but bo was relieved of t lie billy which he still carried. The strap was torn olf this weapon and it was thrown away. "After this alfray, MacDonald escaped and Collins went lo tho hospital to have - his wounds mtix ViUrdi)T'i Circulation, 1,809. their entries 411 arly. . ; Already, Arthur Collins of Ocean Fallslmany of Uie'Toc'af exhibitors have ear kicked off, a cut infiictedifiled , their. sueeJ.sT-and.eacllVday slitches being mit in. his imseisei's an increasing number com- when he was attacked and at Ocean Falls as a result, two dressed. MacDonald Arrested Chief Constable Spiller reached; Ocean Falls oil Friday afternoon ( and, accompanied by Constable MacKenzie and (Irani of Vancou- n.(, ii,,,,, located MacDonald in a logging camp up Burke Chan-j last moment and exhibitors may nel ami placed him under arrest.; avoid suffering both inconven-The prisoner was' brought Into ience and foss of time, to say Ocean Falls on Sunday and, in. nothing of general misunder-Ihe meantime. Constable Carr, ; standing, if they file their en-nlin was going south with ' tries early. By doing so, the prisoners on Sunday aboard Ihe steamer Prince Hupert, arresieit two suspects who were on men- way lo Vancouver. They 'are j being returned lo Ocean Falls to- day anil further arrests are ex pected, the police hoping lo apprehend Ihe entire party which attacked the olllcer. MacDonald was charged before Stipendiary Magistrate Hill ft Qcean Falls on Monday with as sault occasioning grevious bodily harm and was remanded. Constable Collins is able to bo about but he is stitl pretty sick and shaky as a result of his ex periences. He was outnumbered; four to one but put up ar-game fight. All his assailants are said lo hijve 'teen loggers. PERRY DEFENDS ACTION ' I OF KITWANCOOL INDIANS; VANCOUVER, Aug. 26. C. C. Perrv. Indian agent, has come'lo the rescue of the Kihvancool In- dians. He defends their altitude, Ihev are afraid of being (.rnwrled mil of the most fertile I land of the northern district. "They are a law-abiding people," said Mr. ,Perry, "and they are not chasing out the white rm'tt I o break the law. It is fear rather than a tendency to be criminal offenders. They arc, very orderly and have fino homes, i which lliey wish to keep.' The Indians of the district have the idea that lliey should be absolutely free fromi the whites, the federal government, .Indian agents and officials of all kinds, according lo Mr. Perry. trctt ! 404 ANNOUNCED TODAY Everything Points to Better Fair This Year Than Last and Larger Attendance from Outside Not only in the quality and quantity of exhibits but in plans for improved transportation arrangements does it seem likely lhat this year's fair will be an improvement on last year. Ben Self who was in Ketchikan last week made definite arrangements for the two bands from the Alaskan First City to come to Prince Hupert. One of these is the Citizen's Baud and the other the Moose Saxophone Band. Ketchikan will also bring a baseball team which is entered in the big tournament. . Negotiations are "under way ENTRIES MUST i Rh IN H An I V DEl 111 Lull&LlI ! Those Who Take This Advice Will be Assured of Best Attention at Forthcoming Exhibition Judging from the steady flow of entries now being received at the Fair Ofllcc, prospective exhibitors for the forthcoming Exhibition arc taking the advice of 1 1 he management and gelling fog in. Well before the dale. of. Septeniber 5, when entries will pusilively close, it is expected 4,iUnn and fair and' that good ex-thal all the outside exhibitors i.jbjis will come from all ooints.- will have their papers filed. Al 'ready a number have been pre- settled. On account of the routine work lhat is involved in preparing for the exhibits after Ihe entries have been sent in, it is important that the exhibitors should have these posted at the earliest pos- siblc moment. There is always more or less confusion at the proper placing of exhibits so that lliey may receive good snow in uie competitions win ue sunu. Front entries already in, it may be anticipated, that there will bo more entries than ever this year In the majority of the classes. SUPREME OFFICER PYTHIAN SISTERS WAS VISITOR HERE PRICE FIVE CENTS. witli the Union Steamship Lom-; pqny lo try to have Ihe Cardena .call at Anyox just before coming here in order that the ball team ani1 c'l'zi',,(' ot ",al P'ace, who l''an ,0 come in large numbers, may be. able lo leave on the Tues day morning. The same company will probably arrange for its Friday boat to carry the same passengers' home4 The demand for space in the big exhibition building' has already far exceeded last year and a good deal of careful manipulating has had to be done to make room for everybody. Already some of the stall holders have been working on Jhelr plan's and gelling the stalls in order. Last night work was going on there. If is etpVcfed tlrat the " merh- i.ra nftha-hnarA r i.i. ,- 8jon 0 tie interior will help .spread interest in the local exhL BRITAIN WILL NOTBETIEDl Armament Reduction Possible Only by Mutual Agreement at ' Between Countries OKNKVA, Aug. 26. Premier Macdonald today declared to the League of Nations lhat although . Oreal Britain was constantly' seeking lo reduce her, armament expenditures he could hot pledge Hint al the present or future the British government would not, exceed Ihe current outlays. The statement wns made. In answer to. the league's request of all conn., tries to attempt in future, t.o not exceed Ihe armament expenditures of this "year. Mr. Macdonald emphasized that a considerable part of the expense was due to competition between the powers which could bo eliminated only by mutual agree-. TO LOAD LUMBER NEXT MONTH AT SWANSON BAY The Norwegian freighter (idililen date is due at Swanson Bay on September 20 to load a cargo of one million or more feet of lumber at the Whalen Pulp fc Paper Co.'s mill for the Atlantic states. MAJOR TUCKER DEAD 'nu'nls. He declared Britain was There was a large gathering of always ready lo negotiate such local Pythian Sisters and KnightS-j agreements. Of Pythias in Ihe Boston Hall last 1 . , night at an informal social &ath-l ering in honor of Mrs. O. .M.ORWEIGIAN FREIGHTER Dav es. sunreme .guaru 01 uie. Pythian Sisters grand temple of Canada, who passed through the city returning to tier home in X II. .. 1 1 .. l.n.'lnn .1 t tended the supreme convention at Toronto. Mrs. Davies was presented with a lovely bouquet of cornatiom by the local lodge. She gave an interesting address and local knights and' sisters also spoke briefly. There was a pianoforte solo by Miss Lamb. FISH ARRIVALS Only lliree halibut boats ar- rived today rrom the naiiKS ana marketed their catches. They were: Brisk 20,000 at 11.10 and to Cold Storage BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wed. ding parties. For rates, apply lo Boston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. VICTORIA. Aug. 26. - Major Robert Kdward Tucker, for forty years a member of Ihe North-west Mounted Police, died here yesterday, aged CO years. HORSE BUYER DROWNS VICTORIA, Aug. 26. The P. Doreeu 12,000 at 1'.30 and body of John Oleason, 60, prairie 7 lo Atlin Fisheries. (horse buyer, was taken from the Swing 1,500 at 15.10 ami 7, to, Inner Harbor this morning bear- lloolh Fisheries. ' Ing no marks of violence.