PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 8 p.m. TOM MIX IN "EYES OF THE FOREST" A new mix-up with Tom and Tony aces up. When Tom leaps from his horse to an aeroplane you'll leap right out oT your scut. A thrilling tale of love and daring in which Tom out-Mixes himself. The athletic star with his wonder horse in a photo-play full of action and pep. Pauline Stark and selected cast. Comedy Al St. John In "Highly Recommended" Travelogue "China's Forbidden City." Admission 35c and 10c TIMBER SALE X 6425. ! Scaled Tenders will be received by the Minister or Lands, at Victoria, not later, than noon on the ttlh day 'if September. I tVil. for tbc purchase or Licence 64r5, 1 to cut lli.ouo lineal feet or Pole and j pinna- on Lois IMS and t:i:i. diluted! about SV4 mllea and on other side or Skeena Htver rmm ilenio Station, lUHFe S. Coasl Land District. Two ( i years will be allow ed Tor removal ut timber. Further particulars or the enter Forester, Victoria, B.':., or District Forester, Prince Iluirrt. B.C. I aMaV9HTIdBMSiBBBk3w Walk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY PRESERVING PEARS ARRIVING WEDNESDAY Unwrapped sluck, per case $2.50 D00L your orders early. GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Now in, per dozen .... 50c Wax or 4ireen Beans, 2 lbs. 25c Celery 15c and 20c Cauliflower 15, 20, 25, 30c (According to size, . Cucumbers . . 5, 10c and 15c Vegetable Marrow, lb. . . 6c Hubbard Squash, lb Pumpkin, , ... . 8c RupertTableSuppljr Three Phoncs.7iQ1'2n,2i2' NOTICE. WHEREAS under the provision or the rtoia Its Act. Chapter 75. siaiuiea -vh the- royally on timber tip be collected be lnninir January 1st I0r. will, trolll III formation now available, be more than thren times the royalty now being col ippfi.ii ami WIIKllKAS nrsrent representations nave Deen nunc mat mis increase in royalty Is much heavier than the Industry run hem- AMI WIlKIlEAS the representations made have (rone so tar as to say that any altempt to collect this royally beslnnlnp January 1st next as upon the basis or the nrpsfiii llovallv Art would Immediately re sult In a shutdown or the entire Industry In the Province. MITICK Is hereby Riven that a public hearing- upon this question will be held In me Executive i.iiniiincr, rarnameni uiiuu loirs. Victoria, lie fore the Executive Coun ril or such Members thereof as may be then present, bca-lnnlnir al 10 o'clock Wednesday. September 3rd next. Anyone who has any evidence to sub mlt or renresenta Hons to make on tin tbe Question of Umber lloyaltles will be irlven opportunity to be heard and the public l requested to lane nonce arcoriiinitiy. T. 0. t'VTTUI.LO. Minister of Lands s MOGNLIGHT Dances At the Auditorium Dance Friday Evening, Aug. 29. Kasson's Orchestra. Refreshments served. Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles 50o Phone Hlack 440. L. F. Marren, Proprietor. Tea and Coffee PRICES ARE ADVANCING very rapidly and we have been fortunate to secure a quantity of very high grade quality al a low price. We have installed a new up-to-date Electric- Coffee mill ami can give you fresh ground coffee daily. Samples free. Our Highest Grade Coffee 65c value, per lb 50c 3 lbs. for S1.35 Our Highest Grade Tea None belter. 75c value, per lb. . . 85c 2 lbs. for $1.25 Orders including Tea and Ccffee delivered. Order Preserving Peaches now from us. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Orders of $5.00 Delivered. to make up an odd amount. 9 ONE YOUNG WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot aboul the proper care of her wardrobe is Dainty Dorothy. She knows how lo make serviceable frocks oul of last season's dresses and believes that the science if dry cleaning is the friendliest service that ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONE 8 Vrj 60X392 P Rl N CrrB.O PE RT SEALED IEINHEHS iddressed to tlio undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for wiwrr repair., al I'urt Simpson, H.C., will be received at this otore until 12 o'clock noon (daylight sating), Thursday, Stptem- oar a, ibz, ror inn construction 01 repair lo wharf it 1'orl Simpson, Skeena hlrtrlct, B.C. Plans and Tonus or contract can lie seen and speeirirat Ion and rorms or tender on lamed at tnia Department, at me omen 01 lh District Engineer, Old Post Orrlre Kulldlne. Victoria. U.C.. and at the l-osi orrtres, Vancouver, B.C.; Prince llupert, II. C; Stewart, B.C., and Port Simpson. B.C. Tenders will not he. considered unlets made on printed forms supplied by the nepartineni ana in accordance won rondi lions contained therein. Each tender must he arrompanled by an arrepted cheque on a chartered bank, pay able to the order of the Mlnlsier or Public Works, enual to 10 per rent or the amount or the lender. Bonds or the Dominion or Canada or bonds or the Canadian National n.llu-av Pitmrinnv u-ltl at., I.a a,.f..rttaH a.. I security, or bomls and a cheque ir required .iiTr;. nine prints ran im obta ned i this Department by deposlllnir an arrepted cheque ror the sum or 1 0.00 p.'tvahlc to the order or the Minister or Public Works, whlrlr will be returned ir the Intending; bidder submit a refrular bid. By order, S. E. O-BniF-.N. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa. August 8, 1031. UNGRAMMATICAL BUT EXACT The Lady rennuketh. Hobo, did you notice Hint pile of wood in the yard? "Yes'm, I seen it." "You should mind your grammar. You mean you saw it." "Xo'm. You saw me sec il, hut you ain't see nie saw it." Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist SPECIALS Preserving Fruits l'ears, 40 lb. boxes, per box S3.50 peaches, per crate . . . $1.85 Plums, per crale .... S1.75 Buy Them Now. Apples, per box $3.00 3 lbs .for 25c ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. J A. Huston, proprietor of a a-c wholesale drug house in Toroni". is a' visitor in the city for the first lime. Ho arrived by (ram mm the East last night and plans to go south from here. Special attraction for Prince llupert visitors! Dry wtvilher and sunshine, real dirt roads to walk n al the .Sinilhers lair on Thursday and Friday, NATIVES WEDDED LAST NIGHT AT BAYVIEW HOTEL Jlev. (. G. Hacker officiated at the wedding of Mrs. Sarah Greet! and Charles Green, natives of Port Simpson, whose marriage took place yesterday afternoon at i o'clock at the Hay view Hotel. Hie witnesses were Florence Speticc and Simon Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. Green will reside in Port Simpson A cmiplo of city motorists, rid ing near a farm orchard, stopped the ear, got out, climbed the wall and gathered half a peck of rosy apples. To complete the "joke" they slowed down as they Went by I ho farmhouse and called oul to the proprietor: "Wo helped ourselves to your apples, old man. Thought we'd tell you." "Oh, that's all right," the farmer called hack, "I THE DAILY NEWS lucsday, August 26, 191 WOULD AMALGAMATE erunm a Kin DMIfP A resolution front the muni cipality of Oak Hay recommend ing the abolition of school boarils and nnlicn rnmmissioiis ill all (municipalities of less than 8,000 'population and the centraliiation or Hie work of these bodies Willi that of the city councils was endorsed by the Prince Hupcrt city council last night. This resolution will be nlaced before the Union of H.G. Municipalities at its annual convention in Penlie-tou next week. The Oak Hay communication pave several reasons for the adoption of the measure. The main one was that money would be saved by central administration and that the extravagance of school boards and police coin-missions under present system would be eliminated. The city council, though il had to find the money, had no satisfactory control of expenditure now. Figure were given lo support the financial contention and it was pointed out the IhejMecedenl of centralizing school and police affair with those of the city had already been successfully adopted in England. Expressing his agreement with the principle and stating thai he thought it might well bo applied in Prince Rupert. Aid. Casey moveM that the resolution be en dorsed. Aid. Perry seconded ami the motion was passed unanimously, robbeoeesmade" raid following an editorial article One of Hives of G. V. Wilkinson Illustrates Life of Communal Insects at Worst It surely could not have been the nower of suggestion that made G. V. Wilkinson's bees ''ct out of hand last week. A few days ago there appeared a short editorial iu'his paper comment-in? on the action of robber bees. The very next day Mr. Wilkinson's bees began to rob a neighbor hive, Mr. Wilkinson has two hive-of bees inMiis garden not full pari. A small hole developed in the comer of one of these an immediately the bees from lie oilier hive jok advantage of th-weak spot and made a raid. battle royab'followed. The fight ing hosts of I lie communily eon 'cent rated their forces on tin opening and attacked the enemy vigorously and the casualties were so many thai the floor o' the hive was soon covered witl corpses of dead bees. The hat II was still continuing when a high. er power intervened. Mr. Wilk. inson discovered the trouble, th hive was repaired, and the bait!' ended. ' Mr. Wilkinson said that foi several day the ill-effect of th robbery could be seen. The bee thai had been successful in gel ling away with stolen sweet-wauled more and they hut:; around ami "-made effort In ge in by the front entrance. Thn was faithfully guarded howovei and the hives gradually settlct down. We understand thai the of antiques at the British helped Museum has been enriched by a myself to your tools while you , perfect speclman of the hairpin were in the orchard. J of the pre-shingle epoch. I "TRY A NIP TO-NIGHT" I BEST PROCURABLE I BLEND I ojcofai tjy 9 fc5 pnoouei op Scotland. OlfttiuA! : Murdoch o (aivtwf i.iauvfr ownr icon This advertisement is not published or displayed by tho Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. CITY MAY PUT BOARD WITH COUNCIL IN OIL BURNER Resolution to be Submitted to Union of B.C. Municipalities Is Endorsed by Prince Rupert .Board of Works Recommends That Hoatlng System In Hall be Changed The city council Is considering the proposition of converting tlio healing system in the City Hall from coal lo oil burning. Last night Hie Hoard of Works pre sented a recommendation that an oil burner be installed at a cost of $1,000. It was decided to refer the matter to the finance couiiuiltee for report. W. I.ongwill, agent for the oil burning apparatus, appeared before the council and explained the details of installation and (minted oul that money would be saved in heating by making the change. The C.N.H. reported a saving of fifty per cent in fuel cost by using oil as against coal. The company making the oil burners guaranteed a saving of one third. In one case where the change had been .made, the coal cost had been $00 per month as compared with $1.10 a day for oil. Three barrel of oil was considered equal to one ton of the best Vancouver Island coal. Suggests Big Saving Aid. Perry gave his opinion that 82100 a year would be saved. The oil would cosl the city Gc per gallon. The cost of installation as far as the company was Concerned would be $1187. The city would furnish the fuel tank which it already had and would have 10 do some excavalior for the tank and pipes. He dii. not know oiT hand what the cos: of excavation would be. Aid. Collart asked that the. mailer he referred to llie finance committee. He was not opposed o making the change but he did not know where the money to cover the cost of installation was oiiiiug from. Aid. Casey asked thai the fi-tanre (ommitlec report on the "ily's fuel bill for a yeaw' II was his opinion thai it did not exceed 700. Will Investigate Mil. Mardounld fell I hat the fi- tancc committee should go into he proposition before it was inally decided upon. Mayor Xewlon 'referred the natter to flic finance comrnillee for report. FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon I 5338 jg Half a down buttons hold a coat dress in almost imperceptibly to the figure and take the place of the bell which has disappeared from many of the new frocks. The straightening Influence of the bcltlesj dress has mnit it extremely popular with all types of fieure. On a very slejjder woman the bettless line rive the dress that empty, bodyless took that Is very fashionable. On a heavier figure it completely hide the curves ejrcially in back and at the hips. The long opening, narrow collar and long, close sleeve also help with the thinning-out proces-0 It makes a very smart dress for Summer city use in heavy silk crepe. For the country It is often made with a short aleeve and of linen, linen-finiahed cottons ox cotton ratine. HAMMOND'S WIN VAXCOLVEH, Aug. 20. Ham niond Outers last night won llio OOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOO0OO0 1 Fall Millinery A Pleasing Assortment of tho newest styleg. All Very Moderately Priced. ' ASK TO SEE THEM H. So Considered Likely that Appointment Will be Made by Cabinet Almost OTl'AWA, Aui,'. 20. The ealil-pel thifi afternoon may appoint successors to several viicancios on the Judiciary and on oilier hodies. Due of the most important may he (lint oT a new chairman of the' railway commission. The Crow's Nesl Pass rale case is coming up on Sep-Ifiiilier 17, und il ls desirahle that them should he a full hoard. Therefore, il is helieved the appointments may he made OFFER TO RESCUE KINDERSLEY CREW Soattlo Interests Put Proposition up to Department of Marine at Ottawa SEATTLE, Aug. 20. lnlerests in this cily have wired the Department of Marine at Ottawa an offer lo rescue the crew or the Lady Klndersley which is caught in Arctic ice. A wooden schooner, which lius heen frequently in Arctic waters, would he used to lake I he men olT the distressed vessel, fail nil aiid waler airplane riizhl lo play against Victoria, would also he tisud. C.P.H.'s next week for H.G. amii- - : Iciir hasphull cluinipioriship; They Harry llrcen sailed last night heat the Young I.iherals for the on the Prince (ieorge for Van-third time. 'couver. . Wallace Co,. Limited Phono 0. 3rd Ave. and Fulton ROOMS FOR RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK Cash & Carry 11 Specials FOR TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY NABOB TEA 2 lbs. $1.25 CALIFORNIA PEACHES r tins for Jt.00 Slices or Halve-. Extra -pectal, SUNMAID SEEDED RAISINS 10 oz. Parkage. Special, 2 for .. . . OLDE TYME WOOL SOCKS 100 per -eul Pure Wool, medium weigh' bed; Odors Illark, OUtinl, Loval, Alnm . iSilvor (liey. Hlue, llmwu, (ii. eu iul P1 " Heather. Heg. 75c. Kxtra -pe id!, pair LADIES' WAISTS V'iiIIku riiwiririillM K.-ililK mid Silks. X .'. it 111', ..v.... n-" - ... up to .$7.50. To clear, oarli ... boys' shoes-Id Illark Calf, strong ami serviceable. l r Hi-g. '(."O. Srhool Opening price . . Universal Trading Co. CHAIRMAN OF RAIL BOARD TIMBER SALE X 8370. llti-rv will be rr ! Aiii-lton, al n-Kin ' timber. 101. in the " I o wl I" ircr. Miiniit n , r.sTii. In rut in 1 ' . Iie " n "- " T, area adjuinluR lli mm ...... itnmiil ,.ul ai'iu aft, if 1 1. III. J, ' iimOi aiul caal tr IT 'k; ami ircated as our but -1.1 .. D.llxrad In u1' at tin 00 oer ton- II QIV1, rii,. --' - - . .fc. SUP" ItaiiKe I, Coal iJIsti' t tft,- Iii (i, year will w imival or llinbei ,lri l'rovlrte.1 anxonc .1 -J w auction In M-rin ma. in- 1 , oer 111 ih' tiH-ii-ti a . ... further iartliiliai- '..V' Ttt icr. irioria. o." I'rlnre llupert. H.' Sterling Furnace Anil ...,mr fun1 1 ins 11 ri 1 .--l, re coal. It rives a cieau -mtA Is entirely Iree lnm f"vi slack ami dirt. Some " ,'Vs J heallnr plan s In "iulfii uslnt II wllh enllrtlj "u STERLING STOVE C0i. Hellvered In 9arM. . . Mai tflfl. W. re ilao AffDl. W ' JJJ LADY8MITH-WELUNOT0" and TELKWA COALS. . n.J I'll Prince Rupert m Main orrieal M.tal OMJ . air-. U An u 1. ta Notic. or 'inlonL.'B"() r Piiiii in rrtlint I'l"1.',' "ri H't'1"" ami slliiale in l" " t A Port iVni-iiii. nlin r'J " ffl t Columbia, tlanlener. 0ttm i'' lerinlli'n tn purcbase scribed lands: plantf". ,irt , . ,mti Ciiiiiinencinir l , I".',;!, lmrtdi nortlnvest point i ,w t' WJv nr soiillienst and on aroii n ir, 0 ' ,n Inir llio shore II"' "n, on inenceini-nt, and con aini f bair acres or lnd, i"re F,n. Sjil nated al Port i"""" nir,