TO Lday August 28. 1924. "Savage'' Electric Washers jHoover""Suctlon Cleaners ('Monarch" Malleable Ranges I'Hotpfclnt" Electrical Goods I'Valspar" Varnish and Enamels I'Martln-Senour" 100 v Paint MSanola" Bathroom VVaro I'Kyanlze" Floor Enamel I'Sunoco'' Motor Oils (aien Hardware Co. The yew.. Andy Store. o8 3rd Ave. Phono 3 Hardware and Sporting " Goods m NOTICE OF SALE. ilcd iviii " purchase of. . . .........1. ..I. III. i. F...I In I'd tuAiiittra ll I'nnr Unpen up l nni.n tr ard. mi. uiwet p-ice. wnicn is hi i II.' i-i'j ".! ir fi:-lhcr parti l.'r I' fliipcrl. D C tin lll"in7. ill uri . . , - STATUE OF GOD AND Firt-i llr.ini'ti, coverUiir . lions OTHER RELICS WERE Hats! Hats! "Your are rnrdinlly Ifiviled lo come and see the greatest bsortment of I ENGLISH FELTS VELOURS and DRESS HATS te have-tivw shown til ion. hone 27.ln, mm A Our prices and quality defy compe "DEM ERS 99 P.O. Box 327. v French Emba&svi Hyde Park An Ambassador of Qjialiiy A very rare Hqucur whiskey of great age "for those who discriminate1' m EMBASSY SPECIAL OLD LIQUEUR WHISKEY nr ilisnlnved bv the Liquor Control Board or by tho Governmeut of British Columbia traders. 3fo endeavored to collect all available specimens of the early art surviving the cen- UnilMn wrPTrmi oum lum's ad to learn more of its I-UUIW ftEOlIinn IMIWWly development. Some of the manuscripts that Many Anclet Writings In Sanscrit 'wcr' brought back nre believed to and Evidences of Civilization original boly iooks of the Buddhist faith; Some are long ' CAMUniHOE, Mass., Aug. 2C paper scrolls in Sanskrit, brought Manuscripts 2,000 years old, r,m India, some are copies of fomn ur them in Sanskrit, orig- those made jn transit, and some inal Iiuly books of the SBuddhist aro translations into early faith, a beautiful bronze mirror, Chinese or Turk I jnade by Cen-find specimens of sculpture morejtral Asian converts. Their age than ten centuries old, are among.!18 estimated to be about 2,000 the archaelogical exhibits brought years. here by Langdon Warner, fellow for research in Asia, of Harvard! University. Mr. Warner has com-; pleted a lour which stnrio.l -eaicii was made for traces of aily Iluddhist influences, car-ri'i the expedition' along Ihe ancient trade route to India and mirth to the Oobi desert to an old city, now in ruins, at which Marco Polo outfitted, six centuries ago, for his 4f)-day journey to the fireat Khan's, capital, Knrakorum. At the ancient city, which roio caneu' iisina, neither vege table nor animal life is now jios liu"liK il rrl i wilier ! XSUIh i twriii mi; i,w I; ihk in i.miKiiiia i.aK.' and Hunan will lit f'vlvi-rt liv Ul'lrlrt F infi Prize of Collection What he termed the prize of the entire collection .is a statue of the ninth centurv unearthed year ago through W astern China.'111 Western China, not a lluddba " m ...i.f.i. mil rrn nr i tA ..I .1 . i.. jl inji, la WHICH special " " l"v uncnumii kihi.m. Mr. Warner told of discovering behind a small temple, liigh on the face of a cliff, a cave-chapel whose walls were literally covered with Huddhisl, figures, of a very early jieriod. carved in the livinir Manitoba Reported Above Average; Sawfly and Hall do Local Damage WIXNU'EO, Aup. 20. Conlin-ueD rainy weather has delayed cultiiiK of crop jn all three prairie provinces but this week will sec binders workine, nearly everywaere wilh cutting general by the first of Ihe month, according lo.the weekly crop report of Ihe Canadian National Hallways issued today. Hecenl rains have worked a wonderful improvement in Ihe crop situation in most districts of Saskatche wan wliere many districts are now anlicipalint crops of twenty bushels per acre and more. Some red rust and black rust is reported in Manitoba without however any reports oi nerious rust damage. Sawfly has caused losses in some districts and farmers there are cutting their, grain on the green side rather than risk further loss from this cause. )ni and ftiven fodder, have improved immensely. Continued warm weather is nested to -bring tin 1hc harvest before early frosts can strike the grain fields, causing loss of grade and yield. Manitoba Portage division of Manitoba reporfts cutting commencing this week and prospects very good. Htdgeville and Neepawa sub-divisions report some rust showing but damage flight. Ilrandon division reports wheat will yield from twenty to thirty bushels. Black rust is reported on Carman sub-division but no damage has resulted. Many farmers claim crops are the best Jn years. Hye threshing has started on Miama sub-division with the grain n good sample. Dauphin division expects very good crops. Considerable hall damage reported from this area, drains have filled well hut are ripening slow, ly. Saskatchewan fieneral reports show condi tions to be greatly improved in Saskatchewan. Culling will com inence this week with good .yields expected Several districts report sawfly damage. Some yields will THE DAILY NEWS BENEFITS FROM SMALL CHARGES Victoria Is Free Port and Is Beginning to 'Feolltesults From That Fact HARBOR BOARD OPPOSED Special Committee Reports Against It at Present Time and Gives Reasons VICTORIA, AugSS The question of a harbor board is still being discussed here. The directors of t he chamber of commerce are divided in regard to it. Most of the prominent lumbermen and other shippers oppose it as tending to increase charges on vessels visiting the port. A social committee of the chamlter of commerce nave re- rock. It is .estimated that 1 r001"'0'1 l,mselves as opposed to carvings dateJ.ackto 350 A J). Hel,,,p sccme. 'Hir report fol-told also of examining at ilo-nan,i'ow9: on the border of Turkestan, mime Committee's Report lexcellent specimens of wall' "Y,)Ur committee recommends painting. ,n directors or the Chamber 1 The art treasures bronchi hnel: "f unmeree that they place ... I I. 1 . i . sihle. The camel will. wi.ini, will go to the Fogg Museum and '""' rei-uni as opposed expedition proceeded, Were halted llie archaeological . exhibits to the " ,e ''ahlisl.ment of a bar-eight V7 Museum. ! ,nr co-mm'ss.on at the present miles in the rear and were f I . "' fnr reasons set forth vating party. Sun Baked Bricks i The desert has advanced its j ir n-r.-1'tablc. Ii- ir.'.'i.'is. Hfr ae-ii. blowim 1 " '"""'" El.ilxl liiinin(ti' and ruynliy arrears. jiilcr iiimi If noiiiiiiil by !bU, gateways, c Hi -In i Warner said, and has surrounded the city, of which r 'P- the walls still stand, their sun- lowft baked bricks etched and wirn by g sand, but wilh the curtain walls and has. still plainly discernible. .rXrA'1'''"' "r ny ""f jl'ine specimens of stucco sculp- 11111" spniy io uumri ii re. I im oronze mirror nni oilier finds were dug from the ruins. "j ' Mr. Warner -went in search of hen you buy advertliing youirefics of (he development of art CIRCULATION, and see that, in China, which followed, the et it. ', tf visits of the earliest of Indian PRAIRIE CROPS MUCH IMPROVED hereunder; "It would be a hip mistake to establish a liarbor board in Vic- reach twenty Misneis wun .hi anq rcaj70 u,e inaccuracy lover from Mime oi the summer- fallow. Practically all districts report a uiucn Heavier crop mini wus thought possible a month ago. Some frost damage is reported in Prince Albert district toward the northern i'nd of the province. Alberta Cutting in Alberta will commence about the end of Uio moisture. Stuhhle crops in ome districts are disappointing but summurfallow promises well. 'toria along the lines of the Vancouver -organization. Victoria i today is the cheapest, port for a j vessel to call at on. the Pacific Coast. At the present time the only port charge assessed Against the vessel is sick mariners' dues, which are assessed at all ports in Canada. In addition to this in Vancouver, vessels are assessed with harbor dues by the Vancouver Harbor Comlmission, and ine cargo is assessen wun a car go rate of 15 cents per Ion. This cargo rate is in addition to the Wharfage charges .which are Ihe same at Victoria as at Vancouver. 'IThis mans that the charges on a vessel handling 8,000 tons of cargo are $1,200 for cargo rales. 'Hie harbor dues on this vessel would amount to $120.' Thus in all, it costs $1,320 more at Van couver than Victoria. " The re sult of Ihese charges are just be ginning to show to theadvanlagei at Victoria, ami it would seem wry unwise for Victoria lo take any action which would inevitably li'sulf in the establishment of additional charges at the port. Elevator Situation "In the agitation f)r"the formation of this harbor board, Ihe srtalement is made that if Victoria secures a grain elevator it will be necessary to have a barborj board to operate it. While the Vancouver Harbor Hoard operates the grain elevators at that port at the present time, one of! the recommendations made by tho Grain Commission, which recently sat in Vancouver, to Ottawa, was that the operation of tho grain elevators should be removal from the Vancouver liarbor Hoard. "If there were no facilities in the port of Victoria at the present time to accommodate shipping and vessels did not call at the port for this reason, there might be some reason fur the establishment of a harbor board, (lie purpose of which would be to provide such facilities. The port of Victoria, however, at tho present lime is in possession of ample facilities lo handle a large volume of shipping. "The parties presenting the argument in favor of the forma tion of n harbor board have ere aled the impression that the ex peuse of the harbor board will bo assessed against tho lransporta- (.ion companies. You will quito of this, for while the Vancouver Harbor Hoard collects tho cargo rales in Vancouver" from the steamship companies, the steamship companies in turn assess these cargo rates agalitst the cargo. Consignee Must Pay "Tho result is that the con-, signre pays them. The. Victoria merchant musl realize Ihis today, inontlj, according to reports from as l0 jins '0 pay, 'the A'nncouver lhat .province. Crops are staled cargo rates on his shipments to be in the main well filled out f,.m Vancouver to Victoria. Even and sunshine is required to WPr0 glline arrangement tirade so hasten ripening before early t tin t lhe harbor hoard wero able frosts set in to reduce both yield j0 oollect the -additional expen- iiiiil srade. On the Vegreville niuro direct from the transpor-sub-divlsion enllmatcd yifilds run (ation companies II would even-as high ns 35 bushels average, lually be passed on to tlio con- rates than Increased operating expenses, which would certainly result in any additional port THE LITTLE RED HEN UCK, puck, puck, pucKAYah" cackles the little red hen, as she steps off the warm nest, broad casting to the barnyard that she has just laid a fine, fresh egg. She makes a product that any "manufacturer" might' be proud of, and doesn't hesitate to advertise the fact. A duck egg might be just as good, but the duck evidently doesn't think so. She doesn't advertise, and duck eggs have ;no market To be absolutely sure in buying ANY merchandise stick to the advertised brands. For their manufacturers believe in them and tell you about them daily in the advertising columns of this newspaper, over their signatures. The duck-egg brands might be just as good, but you cannot be sure, if the manufacturers themselves will not admit it! Read the advertisements regularly. Buy from them. You will then know the source of the products, and whom to look to if they don't measure up. Advertising is the radio of commerce---broadcasting things you should know charges established at Victoria. "As a concrete example of how high port charges arc forcing business away from tho port of Vancouver, it might be stated that since June 1, 20,000 tons of concentrates from the Koolenay, destined to Helgium, have mloved through Westminster instead of Vancouver on account of the cargo rates which would have been assessed .against this cargo had it moved through the port of Vancouver. The cargo rates assessed here, of 15 cents per Ion, are the same as Ihe cost of handling from Ihe cars to the ship's bold at Westminster. To Develop Port "Your committee now recommends that this information b submitted to the Dominion government, and would further re commend that the Chamber of Commerce appoint a special committee to develop the harbor traffic by arranging for tho nom1-pilation and dissemination of nformalion dealing with the ad vantages of the port, of Victoria by reason of Ihe low charges at present in existence. FATAL MISTAKE Wife "The servant. has thrown up her position because you were so rude lo her on the telephone; Husband Oh, I thought I was talking lo you. LAND ACT. Not let of InUnllon to AdpI to Lttio Land I In Queen Cnarlniie Isuiki iMnn uiMi-tri, tr 111 Ulllf IH91I II inn. M... i -. and Hi mate near Tow Hill, uraham iMina tave notice that 1. Oeorre w. Dow llnr. tit S88 Cainbrtdire Street. Vancouver, U.C., occupation manu'actiirrr, Intemlx to aPl'ly for permission 10 m luimw . . . 1 1 ... . lllir Ili'MITIIMHl midX! I II K Ul uontinueti rains nave ueiayeu signee in we way oi increaseii,;Tst T,imeii near tn foot or t6w mid ripening almost everywhere, and freight rales, as Jherc Is no bet-j'' while these have filled Ihe igrnin tor argument for a trnnsporla-;marit'o eiiaim; itient somiioriy three ....1...V.1III., .!... la nni miHIolnnl. II,,.. I l.,...nfio .l.l,l mem riisicii.r ou iiM'-iiiti; nil iv c " " ou"........ huh i milium; Hiiivuou iii ifcutjor coiimiennriiieiii ana conuinuii i ecres, mure or luna. OEOKQE "W. DOWLINO. Diie. "una o, Applicant PAVE MITTEN, Agent WHY NOT TRY AN .PAGE FIVE 0M V . ELECTRIC BAKE POUND CAKE Tnlnv ? FROM YOUR GROCERS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle August 2, 6, 13, 16, 23, 27 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Vuttdale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire Smith Block. ..... jjitMif . m ii yj. j . sm Phone 575.