PAQJC TWO. High Quality H has distinguished SALAD A The Daily News PRINCE HUI'EHT - BWTJHH COLUMBIA. 1! H020 for over three decades. Pure and Delicious Always. Try it. I'uhlished Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince Hnpert Daily ews. Limited, II. F. PULLEN, Managin Managing Editor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month Uy mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales, in advance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year "Best Thing in the World For Delicate Girls" Mrs. John Bennett, Boggy Creek, Man., writes: My little girl had organic nervous trouble, could not Ieep, had severe headaches and fainting spells. This went on for three years. ana mree doctors helped her very little. After reading of what Dr. Chase's Nerve Food had done for others, I got soe for her. She is now so well that she is like a different child. She is fourteen years old and looks the picture of health. "We have used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for different members of the family, when, recovering from "flu" and scarlet fever, and it has -always helued them." Dr. Chase's Nerve Foed 0 I U. a but of SO pUUt. rxtrasuMiu, Hal Co., 1x4., Twruulo $1.00 10.00 7.G0 Transient Display Advertising. .. .11.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page ...,$2.X0 per inch Local Readers, per insertion . 2Tc per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. lfc per ngate lino Conlract Rates on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION OS 86 Thursday, May 22. 191 1. Russian Bonds Not Attractive Investment. The Soviet government of Ruia may.le willing In pay that country's pre-war dehls luil when it .-eek official uitance inf (ireal Britain to fot bond in order to do o it eem luil natural) that it rdiouhl he turned down. If Ihe reports generally received' in tlii country as to Riisia's economic condition may he given' credence, one wonders where the country would ell its Imiid and who would huy them. Hondo of a country who? industry for a numlier of year has lieen'woe than stagnated and which gives no immediate prospect of immediate improvement do not offer a very desirahle investment. ltuia' hill, it seem, will have to he made in material for it seem hardly likely they can lie paid in eah. k Sunday Pictorial Is Sarcastic. f ? i . Hamuy Macdonald (old (he Independent Labor Parly ai York (hat "sentimentally" he did not like hi government be- ing called "bocialisl," says the .Sunday Pictorial. He wants to call hi party "The Lahor Partv" and his gov- eminent "The Lahor (Jovernmenl." lie desires to affix (he Lahor lahei o (hose rugged, lard-bitten and horny-handed son of manual toil, Lord Parmoor, Lord Chelmsford, Lord llaldaue, lnl Arnold, Sidney Wehh. Colonel Wedgwood, Mr. Wheatley, C P. Trevelyau of Park Lane, and other flowers of the proletariat who have the privilege of being his colleague. He wants, in short, to catch vole al Hie next election by denying or ohsruring Ihe Socialist gopel which he has preached so assiduously for the la-l twenty years. It will not do. Ramsay Macdonald cannot now tear off the Iahel he once chose himself. To (hp Sunday Pictorial, and to the whole nation, Ramsay Macdonald i and remain a Socialist, hi party is the Socialist Parly,-and hi governnHMit i a Socialist government with a few nondescript makeweight thrown in. Cheerfulness Is A Qood Tonic. H i a scientific fact that worry ha a physical effect upon the lody. clogging up the oesophagii and filling the primary duct wilh mud. says Stephen Leacoek in Harper Magazine. Cheerfulness, on the other hand, Iooen. up the whole analnmy ' hy allowing a freer play to the hones. . Begin each day with a snn. When you rie in the mirn-inp, throw open your window wide and smile mil of iL' Bon'l mind whom you hit with iL When you go to Ihe hreakfal lahle try lo smile al your food, or even hreak into a pleasant laueh al the siirhl of iL When you tart off lo your place of huines, enler the street in a hright and pleasant way. When you gu into your offiee, remove your coat and hat with a prelly liltle touch or honlwimmie. Ask the janitor -or the night watchman, how ' he has slepL fireel your stenographer wilh a smile. Open your correspondence with-another smile, and when you anwer it, try to put into what you wrile jut the Utile touch of friendly cheerfulness that will wiu your correspondent's head. Jl is amazing how a liltle (ouch of personal affection will hrighlfit up ,(he dull routine of loiues correspondence like a grain of gold in the sand. Don't sifni yourself "Yours truly," hut in some such way as "Your for optimism," or'Yours for a hundred per cent PATHEHC SCENES IN Oiip ii the courl room seen in which Mark ShIuv i licinj; Irieil for llii- nuinler of In ynoil IH-lle fn.Mi.l. Kllle llrijrhf: the cither it wher his wife will not permit him In greet effusively liis other Iwo friend the servant he call "IliKll" and "Low" link. In the eourl room cene a h-wilder him. No mailer how innocent is his answer, it is perverted into a sinister mcaiifmr. As all who have read Ihe hook know, Mark Sahro is cljoek full of. wliimicalitie, with a natural love for all human jliliiK. I they iwo. four or imilli-leirped. J lie other scene Is a smalt on. ju( one of Ihe many events in Mark's life lhat meant so much to him and seemed childish lo other. It is I tic si-'-ne of hi home enmmic ' in uc war. all muddy and it y A Per lavmv; een ' ti rough a PERCY nAWnONTirVJlX5ABR in IF WINTER COMES " U W1U1AM 7 OX Sptciil Production nell of misery and fritlilfuliies in France, woumleiL he is at tail perm ill I'll lo return home. Throughout Ihe lrii he think only of th wrtnderful joy of eeinjr hi wife attain. To him. iek wilh loneliness, it i yion? to he the mol glorious iwcaioi in Ihe world. But, when he jets liiiiiiiy with h"s mlrwl filled wilh accumulative, lonirin?, hi wife irrevis lilm wilh: "I 'never dreamt you'd he here al Ihi hour. It is very annoy-itiK thai nothing is ready for you!"' . And ll.f spirit of hi two er-vapl airl "High" ' and "Low" J inks ! 'vVcIl, one of llieni lake his cun to clean; the other. . while bruliinp him otf. inanasre to kin hi hand. lioih have a hard time trying md In throw their arm about him. They are all genuine enthusiasm, until their mi.lres., Mark's wife, coldly interrupts Ihe situation wilh a curl: 'tarali, somelliinsr i hurnluK in Ihe kitchen,'' and "I shouldn't stand I here. Hebeeca. with so much lo he done." Sabre's heart ir chilled, hut he warmth of hi servanU' acclaim thaws it ami i portrayed a confusion of emotions that is one of the many choice bits of aclinif in "If Winter Gomes." SHIRLEY MASON IN DANCING PICTURE "The Eleventh Hour" Offered For One Night, Pictures of Airmen Here Prove Interesting A JiewilrliinE exponent nf rhythm Is Shirley Mason when lie steps out in Hie euiy scenes In "The Klevenlh Hour." the Wil. liain.i'ox scree rj priducthm of Llpeoln J. Carler'i. celebrated stage "thriller,' which will play! THE DAILY NRWS. ', My at hi Vellinm theatre tnnfclit onlv. v. "IF WINTER COMES"! '? favftifa, t ;hral, rlhiKiUK frail... Irim- Great Dramatic Expression , , , snown in uoun noom Eolsode Featured In Wek-end Picture I'mhahly Iwo of Ihe most patheiir scenes ever alnwii iimii Hie rri''ii oeenr in Hi'' motion picture version nf Hie famous novel, "If Winter Come.- which opens am tn2asrenini at we Vellioliiie llic.'ilrc Friday nialit. ,l;iiurt i( remote. I throiiKh the air reitinioir irrnrefiilly In the hollow of .1 hulf.Mrum. She .lop lightly to Hie irrorTudi ind amid Hie plaudit nf the aeiivhlel vueti. drift with rhythmical charm into a " d.luce. Miirley I I. lenity Hull! for a dancer. Kike, (Vet three of lieau tiful .liiiimvs fwilh the naluml if a ileet, h Interpret miuic ii ferm of lerpirhnr' with rapliVnling vividne. .Miliixmii i.he lia uexep laiwctl profeiinally, Shirley al one, lime tudied Hii art. derm ins it a practical mean of learn itiB nuirei aliin rp.-intominw, which i the nrtof the creen. The picture of the iil lo Prince Itniierl of Ihe I'.!, airmen wily and over-ninhilioii allorney jwer' "hown l:tl nulil and pniel reoi-iwonloiir I In i.r.i.eeiitioil " HUere. l Hie fir! turn and Iwislx exery remark of Satire'. into a construction that woiilil appear In make him jrnilly. Mark is. totally innocent hut is hopelessly cntansled in a man of evidence llial completely lime that Prince Itunerl ha heeu ieu such prominence in the movies. The trazetle containing the picture on oain loriliihl ( I The Man in the Moos 3AYSJ- THK only sure way of solving tiuine prohlcm i lo jrel mil of huine.. Till', Home Hank failure mivhl he rightly lernns pa-Ihe hunk, A.MIt. Carp recently marrie.1 a Mi Hook the nature nf Ihe !aii wa nol staled. s - I II I'll I! i one tiling about the Scarlei Chapter recently forme hi Hie eily. It ha nol een in ucin? inn? eiioiign to have a , rnipli- pasl. WIKN a hurlar pels so old lia lie cannot Ml Ihe dilTerence ue w-ii via and diamonds it me for him lo retire. JACK Toner ha hen suspe!. d a a. likely candidate for political honors. Jack always wa a jrood Utker. -- u i-. hear atmul men sowing wild oats hut we never hear of Ii in ilariiiny Ihcir own mix. 1 A ;llll. is said (0 he a good i daughter when h willinaly tay al home to do Ihe wa-hin? up while her beau lake her (mother In Ihe picliH-e. CIIINPK women have Uoen discovered in ie unmapMi Kann region of Asia who keep no account nf Ihcir njres. The same thins could have been di-rovered liexl itfnr. Ten Years Ago in Piinc Ruprt May 22, 1914. T. It. Paiinllo left ihi uiorn-iii for Seattle In meel Mr. Paiinllo and daughter who haejusl relumeil to Hie coast after spendim? a year in Kurope. Mr, and Mis I'allullo landed in Montreal two weeks airo mid spent a few day with friend In the ea I. John Morrison, formerly an employee in ,(. telephone department of (hi rily. who developed IdoiMl polsoninir from a wound receied al work, I apain hik in the city after spendintr several inonlli's in his old home in his oh home in Cape llrelon. - . Mr. and Mrs, lan .Morrison and children leave on Monday on an extend,.,! visit to Scotland. BOAT ARRIVALS steamer Prince Huperl. Capt. Ii, Jiinald, arrived from Vancouver and way porl al 0 o'clock las nighl. The passenger linl included: 1'or Prince Hun-rl J. II. Pills-bury. V. I.eau, .1, Slsrurdsmi, (I. (. Ohifssiin. V. Hall, M. Driver, Mr. Ilerhl. J. piscalor, J. II. Sweeney, H,.v. K. '. ,onl rides. Father (iodfrey, ,. Small, F. (I. Jlrown. Mr. J-,weel, V. L. Slam-ford, Norman lloyd, Mr. Ilrad-sleiiK, Howe Holland, W. Ia;re. Mis Alice Mnncoeiir, I'. Moriran, Leslln Wrljihl. Mr. Ilew'ill, Mrs. Leckie, Mr. Welch, Mr. Calland, J, L. Wyand. It. L. Cameron. Mrs. W. Culdblooiii, Mr. Harlow, Mr. Illlherl, L- Lyon. Mr. Crnfl, Mrs. J. I'. Iliilcher and child. Miss Uulchcr, W Shuw, and D, II. HRONGS IN SUSPENSE WAITING FOR WINNER! Like Wailmg for World Series, to Hear Who Received Stiollers Prizes. Mum c4 IW bin Sovllm Count wm mmmv4 lu( aiikl, TIm awinli mil tnm Tvomxb Prwluitt Curtiortlua. llaUtt. I th lurtsMU ihI au ifcwws nd t wet if mom m al ih Uffr m tmmt d'Muli la mkm ttf lb twknt of itit Umut IowkI It u ul kas In toa to-dy lit IIm saottMrd mi IUWKM Mn KlfUl l-C-or.. W.ltMt, Ui VUIK Calt.Oot t - E. R.iUj ,1 1 I IMrratarv S-Nbaa, H. t 1- lUrrtaan K-loK. Uia SC. ISlwU. Onl. 4 Y. DprU. I at Ihsilmrii, f. y1k I. . Montml. f 0. C C UChh. 1US3 lfck St OtUwm.ODl. U llumplu,r, ti Tlil b.. NN llwf Hum. (lat. 1 S. LslU, 211 tft Ave . Ywlioa. Suk. S.J.VImisl7raiMiM..Irtmictk,NS 5- E.LM nmT,Vt Ournj SC. Itr-um. M. I U Al in, M Av. l MrWml,tjK . I'.U. II W. U CrUiT0 Kia S4.. M. Juia. N.B. II A. Bitin.&u0, KurU imri AK-. Braslua. Mm. II CJukwi, CES-I llh A.E. Vtncogvrr.BC Itudndt Irm mil to com! rl U coapWt itMi al lb awrlM ttMT mlm mhomr pktvrr w tium4 to ft U MiuOm tbiH. la 4huoa I ih cm-Inuoti f HmmmswS wewkiac la tat laiemat, U law Hvatfa. Aad Uv auUic ia l-nrrv muu lb-1 muH rttiuat rac la f cm, anniifnta ihi mi ta vara Shaw. msr ptoriKCx intimd ' Frmb Um Wa4 si ta Eraniriiat. IkfoMk Ik Marniaw. iaa Uwbrr. a avrt Oaiarl. aa4 laracr cWaf actun ia la lav awui oVaiaad fax Mralkv aaa bira than lor ararlr years, A aiiVquaatr VKguila m4atl. il tk ta Mak.n taau aail pvUk Uvor al lar aaa) tiaw. Th kuM caat aiaiplr Swm air Butwkif i ina4a. ainJIm ai auM mry atr W a-aUiai autactMMa. Aa4iatowad kaa roatlaard u im aaiii ta awaiarr (-4ctaia rsaa lata mmy aillioaa. Sawn lajikna al la ar mki at IS cmi. twana U Ii fur SJ nmU. Ilaa U Mijr tur 7 J crau, aad Cm al KM lor II 40 Ilaa Uua4 raa d aiaaa aad alara haa tra aemaary la awMlaa I at etUc dtaiaa. oniT am patxTiD TW l(M tvai4 aa alai4 a Un" roa. Int. Oalr la aaUa af lar Mori SurC Ucn Khlnlil. yrt iaouao4 mxiKr4 tbraa al aat aa4 aral ka caatart anrrla. Tat tua ra aaar44 la arK roilri ,. cHd. Ik dat of auilia- tmt cuailin at tb ladi t- Il -aa la craatm rat taraark Ik mail la Caaadiaa aMury. Mat laaa auU trartr4 tanu awr rrid lar 6m aal It par l aar "Ciaua. aa4 auk htralim ra ia trM al in tavar, aMMnna a4 ral aatvlattaia- -it aba lay la aar la humi, a lb lurtaaat wtsam know, aa ar bria aacraiaait4 by frrmtfa t-dar. Just Say- "GIMME" DOUBT MJM'O WAR RUMORIOLYMPIC ATHLETE raasir Hut fs mikt THM Fmsk Lkaaif tna la la coat' lirr Ual Mt. altnaixux ia r al aia ataf pulatal al iaal Aawraaa aaa mat uoirnr ot mat miit innkto lalnrrJ yvatnaay II I i: klUW . M.a a' Wat blaiat la aarrt Lntaatd. lar IM Kaaiaf lam aaiaiaai but ary cawM aut auuld artksialr cuoaVlM Maa a War lo raria la , la la Mail. II akl aut U lair la la Maa a' Wr aa a Out. ; rrti4 W la a4 all' CHOSEN Bl CANADA Johmon, Quiter-MUr, Klmti vu duenna OX Snowing .ttntafVIrr Mrrf A 1.1'JTTamikSM Jt .its m m vij.m. -B WmL'iWm arimuilataar ui wvJXM M jmtf&WUe Held at JZM 'Mm "Ml tmorailua Ux a artlr yarktlu iMTmJWl 'M" BLaV -jJJ rawa ia Caaaila H aaoar y. aa al la MlB fLv 'JpTw ataadkt mail al tkt card la U ltotfjn -j&t U taia auaia-r .-ai- ta k la ImntAH LW taW'PM -lM tact al kaur aa Uk el Hw aV'M H M XT.' PkM ll-aalUkkrUl!,lilamr'Billflal MIR " 'JF- mM. -kid 'jm.o cHakino., '"'IV "".U n BTalraf t.r akal'a. avaBawaaa- - : . " . aaaaavoua, a it, ttrtai: . . -J u ' -k ar trBTiMM, Tkit nrw fiWft aaa- aad aw pjvUi ark ytar Jmi, vmi. ti laSd a., , . . Ik. yMkOaf Iraltralty el Caaada. fk JfTMT-Ulto. 4 Ural fc..!.., . " eUtcaaaa buaia aim rack rar. tka tiilVj,,, lk( CjuBi MrW . 4 at oucl at (wtaltlr aay d.rtraora ' ' ' IHFl cai4ar ik uU auk lit t,. aanr f la ctali aad eiakaia Ik aetUjBi I mi Juu, as I a w el aailiaa abiUiy. fF I CANADIAN FANCIEfT PUN BUW SHOW EngUihiVlub Toctreil WiU HoldAbibiWor Breeders. Do rra CaaaSK I loraaraTaS, -aVl4t la'aTaTaTrnk I fat lafaTal F IVi TaTaar lakakiH ataTaWa JasW I IkArl iPJt a-aV1 I Iru araTarl aTaraaV lafaaKii 1 iktTaTaTaTaTaTaTLaTaTaTJ I tfakd aaaaHi t'asroPVri I Im ixm.m I Siat .Tf a tuokW ' avnaa Maatrral MnM Karal , aurtl dreatlar , a taia at! at at dec artdia r kaa aara ark. rtiuo la I kit aakU Fa Ivr aa Iaal al Ik al raavvatam aaOdat ka-a. H at rtatctad. Ik nnaru-e! cktkt aa tk 1 far aoatk a Traaa, aad va I at at aiimaW. trytkM Ik Li)flai Mivt Oat cahada tir ;vmo cou um TV Caaadiaa train a!f ' - w krtl mm Srt 1, 1 r '- Z . W W aa a. t. tips mom aii ou-mrt Nrvc; rtkt aa year av'at iktl : . aanlklt at tat kal Irarrt is kat TWt la alwart a caaarf . pard ye aa It aa ku . Tk tiarawa al .aa iaifc ,, . x-fair lata lar aiktaw. Ta Ikaarai to. Ikl a l ifr An aw rlr ap aa kal aaul IW -kat k-ra rtislaalad. . I eleay aan aa iaal Oj s arl km aad araia tat iid aayar , , S akraral to U marar. ay tr d hti:- ka cmw aavaeikava, sak Ik aval at laa V i baitw. fatal Baa aa a aaS. aa aaa: Ik lr mmt arrak ri J: THE CIGARETTE WITH THE ORIGINAL FLAVOR JO for 15? 25for35? lnTmsof50S)r7(f.mhm For Anyox Ilnirh Well. Mr Ilalou, J. S. Anile, M. Jar(ue-. M.A. II. Hverrlls. Mrs. lU:uiui:li, Mrs. Klrhy. Mr. Ilouljtate, Mi. iSlrombe?b. J. Taylor. J. Tri he- way, Mckc Jones, Mr. Ilnuou. Mr. Kendrica. Mr. I'eters, Mr. stoics and child. Mr. UlackUmi. Miss llulhie and Mr. reiniell. MOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. Harrison. i. II. Srirfl. Mrs. lieoriie i. S4'nli. ii. M. lUiriatie, Norman lioyd mid il. I., iiiiinm, Vanwiuver; II. W. I'eierinaii, ainl J. Ii, Itjorn-lad, MiuiLaiMiis; It. M'. Wilson. WaahinzioH. li.C: llev. S. K. I'lioiilridtjji. Seattle; ). II. Olafson ami J. Sltrunl.on, Ocean Falls; Mrs. S. Ii. Ctiown, Toronto; W. I.. SlHiiifoid, UiKhy Island; II. . IMmonico, Central l. W. how, Toronlo; liuirli lloswell, (ieorcliiWH ; DdlliUlid Croft. Tacoma: II. It. Shaw mid X. Shaw,' Vancouver: Waller Cul-lanau, .New York Cily; Mias I. all r a Wheerr, Mimieaixdi. (': l. Iluslihy of this eily was member of Ihe Kcneral rom- millee In charge of Ihe foneers reunion al Victoria last week. His iclure alon.' Willi other members of Ihe committee ap- peareiljn last Sunday's Colonial, HEART WAS SO BAD HAD TO SIT UP IN BED Mr. O, E. FllirrrtM, 106 lioaa gt,. gt. Tlviiiiaa, onl. wriies; "In Um l'al ,f ISJI, I H Ukm III with my lc,rl, Loit aia ool pay murli atlcnUon to II. I ket , oil with mj Iviuarhold dutlra, but M-inll In Larmna uuraa arid auru a,,,! ri...u.T1 Ud to call In 1 durtor. lie aald wis 11 run down tud t nervous rri'k lud I arvrra pain III Mjr rtjstt whlcu would move ovrr lo my lira r I and It I. came so Imd I could not II down, aa when I did I lint tiich auiolherlur lifllnr I wwiild liavr to alt un In Ud nil II rained iwiy. I tried rvert rernedlei, Imt wiih nn Jisxl reaulti. rimlly, I wa Induced lo try Mllljurii's Heart tnd Nerve j-t. took 7 lii, ami am now aa wll a wa 10 rears aro. and I am now et vr. old." Mllhiirn'i Heart and Xerve I'lIU are cne a boa al all di ult or rteaiira, or mailed direct on receipt i,( prlrf by xb T. Mil-Luro Co, Umlled. Torimlo. Oni For every occasion Sole Agents: A BOX OF Purds Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A Toothsome Ilelighl in a lc:iulif' H x. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE I Third Avenue, WE CASH CHEQUES. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Flo-tlng Dry 69 Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, BIelismlth, Pliern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING.' Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385.