PAQI FOiR, MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser SL Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rales by IJay or Month P.O. Box 76. Phone 65fl. Dr. E. S. TA1T DENTIST. Hslgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, 1. 0. Office Hours, 9 U Prions 68. Open Evenings Only Fsr Special Appointments. .Many Turned Out at Practice Game Staged Last Night hold n Ihe Acropolis Hilt frnmnils. "la.-l night and a large number of players turned out for the purpose of r booking teams to ilay an exhibition same on Saturday afternoon. The following teams were picked: Kaiens f. Ilrown, goal; Fred (iilhnly, point; Ft. H. Skinner, rover iioinl; J. Milrhell, first defence; V. Milrhell, third defend; D. Italfnur, centre; Hob Iprizzcll, third home; H. Menzie., 'first hoinc; H. (Sray. outside I home; Hert .lohnson. inside home. Spares, Louis Astoria and V. Williscrofl. I Maple Leafs H. DelmonicnJ goal; I.cs Lane, point: (!eo. Shaw coer point; Art Lane, first de-! fence; E. Siuilh, third defence: K. Slim; Foster, centre; V. A. De Heck, lliird home; Slan. Taylor, first home; H. S. Woods. outside home; S. A. Shalford, in side , home. Spares, Don Oraliam and Alex. Sainl. ti:o. D, Tile, Sr., will referee. The lacrosse panic will he played on Saturday' afternoon immediately after Hip baseball ' same. Ueft . Johnston;, who je?nlaying insiue nouie ior ine Aniens, is a New Westminster hoy am jdayed for I he Westminster team in a worM's amateur chuiiipiouship game. Sport Chat c I ? H The two "dark horse" foolhall teams (jreal War Veterans and Sons of F.ngland are due to meet in loiii'hl's foolhall fixture. The former atrareiratinn has not 4een aide to win. a vie-lory yet this spason wleilc. Ihe latter has one victory against-one defeat on its slamlins sheet. Kven if the several new players contained hy these two teams have not shown up very well so far .in competition with Ihe old timers, they should make an jn. tereslin go of II against each other. In any case, the match should be a keenly contested one for victory will mean a $;nod deal to either side. fieorjrc Oarpenlier and Tom my (ulilion.s are both in the midst of training for their scheduled hout on May 31. .Ihe former haft his quarter in Michigan Cily. Asked recently if he Ihoupht he could knock out ihhons, he said "Thai I cannot say but I think I will win. ini punching harder than when I foil L' hi Deiiinsey." Arratljre. hiciiIk may be completed for Oarpenlier (o meet (Sene Tunney tiefore he returns to F.urope. He, is planning lo.reinain in America until July i. If you find you cannot get the daily News regularly, call in ami "tihscribe for it and have It de- liver-! to vnur home. tf lite blond on imwnt of the entire rlrtu- tattoo IxHn poisons. Burdurk Blond - Blltrn qiilrkly end IctffM-liiallj liacldm plmr' nd ill "Ur kin dixrs i It r rliriu 10 Hm rwt lof th lrnbl by rlMOtinr and arlchln the blond. Mr. Conrtd Andron. Keinld, 9lc wrltn: "A yr aro I bad in iwful at-lack of plmplrj. Thj broke oul all over my rare and I could nut art rid of tfin In any otm ls a rrlrud lokl n about ytmr Iturdnrk Itlnod Bitten and lft i ntc bare a txiltlr "hf had to uare. After ! CAPTIVES TALK IN CONFERENCE Novel Discussion Takes Placj at Luncheon In Lincoln Heights Jail, Los Angeles L(IS ANCSKLKj!, May 22. :tiir of I'olice August VollniT and his police captains recently in. .Ijtuted tyj.riiv j wf confer-cneeJwIieil tfify'BeTII a nMiinl-lsilile discussion on crime, its causes, ami means for its prevention with the inmates of the Lincoln Heights jail here. At a luncheon in the jail the prisoners, at the invitation of the chief, told the urms of the lav. jjtisl what they thought of police men, courts and law enforcement in general. Chief Vollmer said he learned much from Ihe conference, including the fallowing: The character of men arreslej should be more closely investigated by the arresting officer. A court should he established to handle vagrants exclusively. A sympathetic officer should he appointed to hear Ihe pleas of these vagmnls ami thoae arrest ed on other pelly charges. Prisoners' Remarks Some of the remarks by pris oners (hat led up Hiese con clusions were: Ity an Irish prisoner, called by his eo-innuiles, Sam: "These cops pincli us because I iru s their business and Ihey ilon'l care if we're inu'K'onl or not. If they set nothing, real against . us we're canned on a -charge of be ing vagrants and a boob judge gives us tin days for having an empty Mnmach." Ity an educated prisoner, who said he hail made it his husiiress lo study rrinje from both sides: "There Is, apparently, only one MACDONALD'S EUteGit Tor those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own rnXOONALO'SfiAeCut and confidence until Dm larl -nient merit it. M present some lutlieemen will Iim niul rlirvi I tar ALL OYER HIS FACE ic Bootlegger Talks j Mmnu hMkin. it on the nee tixi ' !' an admitted Ixiolleggcr: ' otiwr ixru t th bMiy t t sum irn.'Vhat I want to know is this: , lacrosse practice game vai,thl, lhf ttotx is not in proper hir. When you ninrh a nwin mil pell him. why Is'H that Hie record how you confiscated only three gallons" Chief Vollmer asked for the, names of nftieer who did I lilt, hut at a warntnc from oilier orf-oiiefs. the IhioIIck't sal down. MROTARY INTERCITY MEET IN VICTORIA uln It I noilred a ebanre. to I boufhti Wireemore bottle, and now I donY know RoUr,ans and RotarlenneS from tbere l surh a thlnf li pimples." I ... . . , B.B.B. is manufaeiored only by The T.I Northwest Cities Assemble viibnm Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont. j There Tomorrow VICroiUA. May 22. Victoria will he the scene of big Hiitnry j intercity meet tomorrow evening i iiinl the visitors will remain in I lie city Ihe following day to see lite big holiday celebration. I he annoiHtoemeni of this Ilo- lary reunion Jn Victoria follows Ihe art inn of 'President llealty. who has written the presidents' of the vurlons H ilary orguniia- lious in the JCtrlliwest llolar District, inviting the members of their club, their wives ami themselves to come" lo Ihe "Oily of Unshine" for the Victoria lay festivities. In view of Wis nvulng inter city meeting. Hie usual weekly lunrheon of tlu- club, seheiluleii or nexl Thursday iuhiii. will not ;e held. In il.s, stead, however. Ihe visiting Itoiarians andilotar-iennes will Jinn with the local member and llieir' wKes at a liimer in Ihe Chamber of Com merce on Friday niMit. May 23. the banquet will be followed by dancing. The Itotary Clubs of ltelllng- haiu, Anarorles, Mount Vernon. Seilro-Wooley. Port Angeles and Xanaiino have !eeii nsketl trH participate, and II is exjieciil that leorrseiilatrves from the Vajicoiivcr uml Seattle Clubs will ie also in attendance. A feature of the gathering will be Ihe addressiw that will be de livered by Oovernor Miles lligg-ley ami Itovertior-Hieel II. A. Iloolh, both of whom have been asked to the parly and will likely be present. SOVIET EXPERIMENT IN PORTUGAL FAILS San Gregarlo Parish Tries Out Communist System But It Collapses LISBON, May 22. A curious Ibing for a man lo do when he is story of the peaceful establish broke and hungry, and that is I o "incut and epialy peaceful death 'knock somebody off." I believe of a kind of Soviet republic, In that the majority of small crimes the San Oregorlo parish of Por. is raued by that reason nnd no tugul, Is told by Ihe newspaper other." Secillo. Hy a gray-haired inmate. I San Hregorio fl a wine grow whom all saluted as Vincent: lug dislrlrl and Is most Inlen- "Condition nre'riot going in he n slvely cultivated. Nearly nil Ihe bit heller until the public is laborers ialsn are small laml-faiiKht lo place trust and confi- owners and nllivalors, hut incidence in the police department, vvithstiindinjr heir general well- Lb. -15 1 I ITEI DAILY HIWBL Thursday. M,, BRINGING UP FATHER j By George McMam Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rata of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket?, Rates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of Harden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Phone 58. Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy. sell and exchange all kinds of new and secondhand goods. 839 Third Avenue. Phone 646. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. HOME FROM HOME. ' O Hi T Int-v. Ftuw Stwvtct. IC. 531 LACROSS TEAMS jAN AWFUL ATTACK PICKED FOR MAY 24 OF PIMPLES :iwl they wilt in'il simw Hi a I trust" Daily News Classified Ads. 18 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advrtlmnt Tkan lor tl,,n u0c WANTtB TKNUKItS are mviie.i uy ihe Swimming CAu tor the rHl-l rut: I ion of u pile approach and wharf to-be (mill in the Salt Lake. Plans of the pro-ImisinI work are l be seen at the o (lice of the Hislhct F.n. gineer, tlMiirl House. Tftider to l.e in the Hngiiieer's ollire marked "Tenders for the Salt Lake" not later than IS o'clock noon on Monday, May ?6, I U 2 1 . 12 WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Ituperl Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone t&2. IKLHIAN woman wauls housework by the day or hour. Phone Itlaek 210; 121 CHAMIIKHMAIh wanted. Apply Knox Hotel. INSURANCE. FRED H. STEPHENS , Non-ltoanl Insurance - National lien Franklin. Feeond Floor. Federal Work. TAXI Tail 67 Phons. (Call Georg? or Oust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nlcht Stand: Grotto Cigar Store. Third Ave. being their exactions in wnges, hours of labor ami extra privil- ges grew so onerous Uml the big landowners finally agreed lo tit thoroughgoing communism into effect. The land was turned over to the whole population with the conditions that the pro. reeds were n he divided between labor and owner. s a result offers for nllol- ments of land poured In and t!ow the new landlords nre trying lo regain llieir old status of labor ers sure of day wages. The new tenants invoked the high cost of labor and living, and aH tho. vH complaints, to excuse offers nf about one. third less thnn the land is really worth, ami the scheme has collapsed. germsTfTerrible STOCK DISEASE ARE STUDIED BY GERMAN LONIiON. Ma 2H. The result of the discovery thai Professor Frosch, a Oerinan scientist, h us made of Ihe germs of foot. and hum i Ih disease are still being awaited. AH that Is known til present is hat Professor Fosch who is a very distinguished nuin ami one of Ihe oldest workers as a colleague of Loeffler, has mn a paper in Merlin, in which he claims lo have cultivated, using solid media In particular, Ihe microbe of fool-um.moulh ills ease, lie has not divulged as yet nil the particulars nf this method hul II would seem from Ihe in formation available thai II finite likely he Ims actually grown the microbe. What Ihe result will be. If the facts are correct remain lo he seen. TURKS GRANT AMNESTY CONSTANTINOPLK, May 22. Is The National Assembly has pass ed a bill granting amnesty to all military and political prisoners arrested during Ihe wur or ar niMire period.. The bill exes-pis :ifl prisoners slfpulatt'd in the Lausanne Treaty, whom the Ah gora government determftipd siioiiu not iienent hy the lerm of any amnesty. FOR SALE l Olt SAI.F. Speed boat iho." Length feel, beam ft fee'. I wind shield, eaoopy lop and curtain, two ituio seals with settling iMip,ieity for eight or ten persons, powertxl wllh let h p. Winlon Six engine, IIoeh igiilliou, slorage tmllery. Ilus Paragon reveriM gear, Coluin-hiu priellor. U. I. HeiiHlel. fkild Stonige. FOR SALH. Five roomed house on Second Avenue, llulldlng on Ooveriiment wharf used as a news stand. .Nine 10-aere lots, one I .acre lot at l erraee. Prince George, lot 10 and II.; block Hi; lots 10 and II. block 11 G; lots 2H and 2'J. Mock II?; lot fl, block 151 Apply A. C Little. Second Ave-nue. 93 FOH SALH. Sixteen rooln rnoin- Ing house and store; all fur-nishetl. Full sized basment with new hot air furnace. Price, 7,500.00 Terms arranged. ThU building is right in front of the Iry lk, UfOj Ambriise .Uenue. FOH SALK. l Terrniw. bd IS. consisting of 10 acres, block 1741, one mile and a half from station, church, store, post oDIce. hotel and school. Price tlOO rash. Apply A. R. Utile. tf FOIl CIIAJlTHHr-Kieh colIwsJor. 55 feel long by 12 beam. 30 h.p. engine. For itarlieiilur. apply Northern Kxrhange. P.O. I lux 81. 123 Northern Kxchangn. HKSTAUIIANT for Sale or Lease. Apply llox 175 Paily News FUHNITLHi: for Orecn M. Sale. FOR RENT Phone 123 'OH HKNT. Five roomed Hat. II. Leloiirneau, Kixlh Avenue West. Phone Itlaek 32&. If 'Oil HFNT. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 110 Sixth Ave. KasL Phono illue 217. tf FOIl HUNT Four room, modern. heated apartments. Apply Smith A .Mallelt, Lid. II XHW APAItTM V.ST for rent. Modem. Meeker IIIock, Third Avenue. . 2l OFFICi: FOIl HUNT, with modern living quarters. Weslenhavcr llros. f FOIl HKNT. Palmer House for cbeap rales ami home coin-forts." . If If) HKNT. Two ronmi'd collage, furnished. Phone lied 023. BOARD AND ROOM IIOAHI) and lloom nt Ihe Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Olllce, H30 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf FOUND FOUND.--Pockelhi. ok ciinlulnlug sum of money ainl private papers. Owner may Imve same upon proving properly ami paying for this ailvei'llsemenl. Apply Iloolh Schoifl. FOUND. n l.o.U. Owner car have same at Dally. News nlilce hy proving ownership and paying for this advertisement, t.f. AUCTION SALES. floods Ilonghl K J AXL'tmnpp I H. H. HEMMINQS, AuctlonMr, Furniture and I : o; .-y, Third Ave Phones lllack t;ifj and tied llj, .BEAUTY PARLOR, Cimplete up m i Parlor, liohb.g 122 'lajnlrf.stBK, Han If .OCOINU OLTFII' fur sale and gas boat 33 feel long in good condition. Can be seen at Hie Aeroplane Ark, Seal (Vive. fl Oil BALK. New .and used Machinery. Duals and Hfigiues. up, Skin and K- i Violet Hay. Prin-s I. MRS. LOVE, Ititom f). Sleplo- -t I',; 1 henny Allen Co. Plnihe. Sunday Tuesdays To Port Simpson-Sundays . If From Port Simpson lupsdays . To Alaska Points-May . IV .not From Alaska Points Mail ' I 'I mill ' Oraham X Allin Ave 1st Ave. Kighlh SI ' Pillion s' rtlh Ave. & Tlmmp.-"" St II til C. .V Sbei liid 'k. Av-. ' 1 1 111 Ave. Conrnil SI Ctli Ave. A Hays Cove Ave Cth Ave. A liny Cove Circle Rlli Ave. A Col Ion Si 5th Ave. A Mcllriile SI Pro. (luv. Ilhlgs Pro. Onv. Wharf . . O.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. & 2nd SI 3rd Ave. A Fulton SI 3rd Ave. A fllh St. . 1 MAIL SCHEDULE For tha East-Mondays, Wednesdays a: 4 Frl daya, closes at 5 i p.t?. "rom the East Mondays ThursU)) a: J 92 urday. 4.30 p.m. To Vancouver hiesdays, Mail close si I P X Thursday V Saturdays A.H. Sunday . W C.P.H. May 2. I i From Vancouver . SurnJtf WetHiWMlajni Fridays Saturdays, . lP.IL May l at i To Anyoi, Alice. Arm Weiineeilays Sundays . From Anyoi, Alice Arm TueiMlii) . Thursiiays 1 V. To Stewart and Premltr Sundays ... Sat unlays 'J " From Stewart and Premlr v AM. 7 I'M To Qussn Charlotts Island Po'"u May I" ami .'t From Queen . .... ti .....I o i Charlotls .uiy n .in. i . . To Naas River Points and re" Simpson From Naas River PolpU Saturdays Dot Collection; v.t-. 4 I n t i . in t KM. PM 8.' 8. 8. 8.'; 8.U 8.S 8" 8 fl." 9 OlO t.l ' 9 PRINCE RUPERT TIDtS Thursday, May 2 fl High 3:31 ir- in- 0::iH pjn Low J... 1U:I? n.m 22:21 ft."'. Friday, May 23 llltih 1:22 " in I7:'.' p. ' .nw .'. ll:0t if " 23:7? pi"' II (1 I I i 'fl. ' 18 I 8-1