Let Us SUPPLY YOUR SPRING WANTS In Poultry Netting Fly Cloth Qarbsgt Cans Garbage Palls Garden Hoss Rakts Hoes Spades Wteders Trowels Orats Shear Sickles Scythes Spading Forks Garden Seeds Kaien Hardware Co W8 Third Ave. Tel. 3. nil Hnteh Thrif-T-Service Jet Washj Three Service, ono of wlilrh will exactly fill your wh day needs, IMione u for particulars. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. 4 r, ..) May 22. 1011. TOT DAILT HTaTWB, Fur tit ikerl, Hotly Jtpitt kearitr ktlvm tkt vmiu-lint, . , mi -tUitu I it-Cunt link fieri mmttruai lintl I Ikt hutrr tf-i, viih fit in any poiiiim. fii.it Culil lilt I Nc rx Rd'vflUndi afford tirni. yet ciOiMrla.'iJ aUlnninal r :?t t Ntmo Stlf-Kfilucing .' -jp cuuaje away unJcW. U iWi, ( ft ffrmt anaf ixMf ' vriw ntiri ifiu- li JASOUft BROS. KOTS liftOS. Limit rd.Toronlo Coats, Suits nc Dresses IT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. Bent's Third Ave. OffOilte Bank of Montreal, DELEGATESFOR CONSERVATIVES Meeting of Association, was Hold Last Night But no Instructions Were Qlven A fiwclliijc of the prince Ituperl Ciiiiscnnllie As.i.rlaliini wiih held laJ night In I lie Kina.l llsill Ik select iMegalr for tlii provincial I'lcrliitii nominal nig run. viiiimi thai in fu he hi'lil in (in- iiy ri Friday evening. Thirty, eight delegate fur Hip eily were chosen mil nf the loliil uf fill or i fur tin riiiiHliiticnry. N in. Ii'iw'tiuiix were ghen by ihi meeting nml tln caiuliilale, if one i chopti, will lii I he person wlm receive (he ruol vote al the 'on tnil ion. Tin. nieclimr lnt Itrcen, I'. ,. Mil nn, (Scnrgc Hill. V. SiMml.l. It. II. Shorkley. J. A. Kirk.uinrk, J. (.aiimni, Aloj. Mi'fcPni :rrtif Ili-alt i.'. Ih-ii. I.i'fk. J. SiBiuiirul. V. (iuullinrii. I'lnl Mili.inal.l, (Ji'i'ir?!- II. Mm nn i. i.i"irire l. Till'. C. II. (Irilio. J. C. M l.i'iiiiiin. II. OHifirk, Wright laf. K. II. Slurtkhy, V. J. Mr-'Hi fifim. II. H. )l(lietT. Harry I."", (i .11. Clark. Maj.r Mrtiro-Jnliii .May, William .Mji-mi. H A. l'liilMM. lilno- Mayli-r. Frml ?h uii.ldi ami V. II. Wahlorf. Thon' i lill it jrmj oHl nf -ix-i-iilaliun a to wlm Hip uir. iitis' 'nmliilali will Ih. Th uiriic nf J. II. Tlniniinn t in-'iiin.-iilly iiioniiuncil an.l. in IhU I'onip'rliiin. it i ignifiiiil Hint In- naiiir i mil mi Hie li of lrh'iralr. J I: Mrryfi'i. pnivmriiil or- UrraillA i ueia nink l'nl U....LI.U kav PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT rrm 11 (Stcttee 41). f PROCLAMATION OP KITUKNINO OFFICCR RROVINCS Or BRITISH COLUMBIA In the PRINCI RUPCRT Ilxteral Oitirkl WIT ! im m.H i)TI4't: l hrnly rtv'-n Ut tlw Viri ! ItM I'mwt lUiril Klrrlurll III I irv i Ifcit in (ntlrtwr In til Mt)rly t Wm t- nn- dln- Inl. and twinnr tfjl tl Ii.i.ii. m ill M in llir nit nf Mir Lunl itf.iiuiMl nw hHMilrril am! lrni ii.H.r I rMimr Um rrfiir nf tin- MM1 .nr I lie iMivrruiiiriil offirr, I'rliHv l(.i-il H i . im ttM IMrllrlh ill) nf MT. at tarhe rha-k mi. fur llw piir-r ut mjiiuuima and rlM-ime "Ml l"-r-.a l rrt-rrMml tltMU in llw L'(llaiuiv t I III !'! litre The Mwla ef Nomlnatkin of Cndl4tlM ahail k falleoat 1Im ranIMlai lull l nmulnatnl In wrlliiia. Iltr nlin tliall l utvllUil li rtllrrl tulrrt uf I ho i1llrlr a n aixl wi-..mir, ' aua ij Itir twrnlklh ila f Im, tti. al Hank Ilam1 HuraM-t; Hay miilira liil't limit lcin llayM'! Illlrtimi Jrdmay jn Hill I im kr'"'l laM-il i;iinilifa Inlet r.fiircft'i llay.Hirl Inveniras Jrdway l.au lllll I im ki lTt U'll Orraiili! o.lun.1 is i i knwiiia I'tirl slflipiHin I'rhlrr Nmirrl oorru i:harhitp iiv . i. ...iL. li... sand!) Sllrtilllo lluiniiMi lUrlMiiir Tlrll Tim Mill Wmliti llUrr ,t hlrh 1WV Iwraim l llrrrujr rr Iqulrnl In lakp iKilirr iihI ainrrn him-srlf arrnrdinily. . . ..... i i.IM.x nmlT uiy hind at I'lilvr.K 'lIl'I'Klir. (!.'.. IhU srri-nlwnlh day nf May. I. in iiniiiaml nun- liumlml ami twenty- Eli. II. MOIITINIII. HrHimlnr ufflrer. LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ACT. PROCLAMATION oTRITURNINa OFriCIR PROVINCE or'lRITHM COLUMBIA In th. PRINCt HUPIRT Ila.toral Ol.trlet I t IILIC MITICF. U.hcnby rl-n lo the '"'"" .k.i tune reriSU'd in HI .Mjriv MaJMIJf .7-.' In ralll tin roin.'...j ' "Z k... Da ou epprote ei b? t. Slaaa In llo.neesl pramli.j control and flVon.T.. . ,i, liT.I "r" l .l m .. .h,?p I- lh will " t im II sl'all Iw .wiihI il fUH oVl Il be Yorrllmui sml alwll rtn-.l S in. dlv i.f Jmw. I. for l,"r iilMrlil "..rpMt.l ! U reN l V" riilnln(! POLLING DIVKIONS, iihIiiiuI I'ul't CtrllieiiU fiirt Sliiiisin I'rlni'P loipert iueeii i:liurliitl City iiffiiiip ny smiilM'll aklilrxate TliurMiiu Hatlwiiif Tt-f II T.iU' 1 1 II I Wdilfli "ri Hlver U, 'CUIK- Kitk,.. ail, .... f't SANDWICHES FOR Clark's Poll.d Meats tpreid ily, are very ttity and economical Your choice of Veal, Beel-Ham. Tongue. rate-de-Foie, etc """'" l ilv l ml, mud. Clark's POTTED MEATS night wa well allriiili-il ami w..panlz'r for Hip Conservative. U V.. Fisher, vice-president, win in Hi rhair in the absence uf the president. It. Cameron'. Th' ili'li'PHt chnseu were II. W. (ji met mi. W. l" nhor. A. W. Mgr. U . W. Wriirlil. W. Itei.l, K. C. Sliuirl. V. It. Love. I. A. V"SO C...U-M.. ffM4 (Xiprli'i in Hie i-ily iipxI week, lie will ho nn hit way from from Hii' l'rinrc lipnritfi rmitPiitinii wiIpi take place i)ii May 21 lo Mm Ailin riiincnlion whii will Im IipIiI al Anym tu May 21). In the Letter 'Box FOR BETTER DOGS ftlilor daily .NVwu. Tlu-ri' are. iIo-h aji.l ilop iun hrN ami niunKi'l ami It 1 lo lie 'ri'Krclle.l Dial 9 'J iwt fr.Mil uf Hip raililp Ilial roam Hip lr'i'li of 'rini'i Hupprl ar. uf Hip lallpr l n. Iiiilpail of rpiliiPing Hip pfiwpr of- Hip imiiimiI kpoppr it i Hip, oiinion nf Hip wrilrr Dial lie cliuulil not only 1 ftivpn full powi-r to arl hut aUo Iip urnii-il. TIip moiipy dial it paiil mil for lirriinpn itilii city In onoriiioiio. Almu.l ppry honp in Hip I own iiri-ii a ilos ami oiiip havi' IJirro. II i a wpII known farl Dial al l"at imp iiipiiI markcl wouM gn out uf lnilni't wm' it not fur pIIIii? T.ll. npaki lo llirir cii'ldiiipr" for Hip ilo. i!o llii' Irrvl" of Vancouver a tlii'i i crliluiil. i'(MI UiiIpkx il ip Ih on a rhuiii. On Hip xlrpel uf I'riiicp nniHTl yuii ran count from fifty to one liumlrfil any lime of Hip jjit-i-'llFy f the ItHir-inal ami wheel, harrow pecie. If it i nut akiiiy loo niurh. pprliap the police, for Hip lipnpfil of Hie public. wuuM pulili-h the aniuiini taken in iliirliiK I hp year fur K Inxee. I ihink alo that the money liahl out hy Hie mayor for licen e in hi Jiae lieen u-ei lo lie), ler inlanlu'i. If (he owner' uf the animal roiiM not affonl lo pay llieiii.i-Ke., I hey iiiiiI have lieen a Ions' way from easy etn'.'l. There v niav euiue n ila' when itJr Mi.irmi i.iir uf Hip anl din llieuple will ponipr it a ilinzracp. Irtri c aavnunr u if inMnaii. anqi,.. HHe 1.,,.,..., ., rill-'eii matrixt lniin..l nairtil, I.iiil-hall ion), orrirfr,'" t rtrlnrrrd In ll IIMiirnlnr at any Imw llli lli rtain of Ihij ,,re.l, lioli-luili'il llliliml followillK CriK-i.nnliiKi ami wn" p.m. "t llw day if . mniiliMllKi. In. llw rnt if a full ! nl their hcc lilll III Ol'ilcr III mr wwum. 'urn tm in in" i'-n nn keep up with Hie fashion, buy a full blooded peiliureeil iliir. I)(i FAXC.IF.Il. MURDERERS ATTEMPT TO COVER UP DEED Victim of Hanging and Shooting at the Pas Identified as John Who me 'I'll i: I'AS. MaTT. May 22. The man .found here recently hanpinjf ifrotu n tree wilh hi skull crushed, il shut llirouiih the. head, wa iilottlified ah John Wheme, railway employee, formerly of Mouse Jaw, at the coroner'. iniue held today. Credence i Riven to (lie belief Hint Wheme wa ImmIcii badly in a HkIiI which enned cr a card name. Nol, expect inK Wheme lo live, and in order to cover up their iI.im',1, the nssailanl ure uperpd lo have enrripd him from the shack In which the i55 Z,aW'ii. SIS nSi"" rominilled ami l.unV '. . ..ii... in- .... .....il.... nn..iiiii. iinniriT i.nii.j.IV' i il i Til in il i mil I ills. 11 is nil lieved, was done in nn effort lo "hPrptiv Hon of Prince Kdwurd Island Vif bku aii ."""'":...:..: re- ivH' "'' " '"" Uiilri-il In lake lv armniiniily. , , i.iri' ni'i.'W. H,.iI,:.,-.h.,M,'!... "t-y vrf;; " II ' II. MOIITIMKII. ntturnlni Otflctr. show Wheme suicide. had cnnimltted INCREASE IN NUMBER OF CANADIAN BORN OTTAWA, May 22. Ihe net increase In fiiu'iidiun-liorn cili-xens ilurliiif Ihe len yeurs t'JIt-U2I wa l,2i:t,t.50, ur 21.5'J per cent a compared wit ti nn lnor'U"t of l7,Kt7 or 20.21 per cenl ilk Uie I't'iiviou decade, nc cording lo cenu bulletin. i:ery vruvineu with the excep showed an increase in 11)21 over 10 1 1 in Ihe number nf pernns born in Ihe province nml living in Ounnda, WINNIPEG MAN MURDERS AUNT Story of Brutal Slaying of Woman Is Told to Coroner's Jury WINNIIMvf., May 22. Wilji- mit ipilalion, Harry Tntrrmilk relaleil lo a roroiier . jury how Im hail killed IiIm aunt. Mr. I'cler Smy'lchPsPii, here recently when nhe iiilerrupleil him. whilp Iip wa in, Hie acl of rolllnx Iht Iioiim'. He lolil nf knocklns Hip woman ilown, healiiiK anil, kicking tier. ami now he lied Iter hamls and feel, amj then placed a gag in her mouth. , Following hi evideie, he jury brought in a xenlict (hat the woman' ileal li wn "due In a- phyxfaHon cauei partly ir wholly hy nliup at the hand of Harry Talerlllik,,' and Crown I'rccculor It. I), firaharn nn-iioiiuced that a charpp of nuirder would lie Jaid lomorrow nuirn- intr. Lived by Begging TalpniHiit wa arrnlei a fpw hnur aflpr Hip nuirdpr hy Hip rily police.. He Im not worked for Hip paxl three year and lived mainly hy wlreel hpiriiisr. The rohheiy, acCordiilK lu liU evi dence, nclted him only 0. DuriiiK hi nlory to Ihp jury, "ralernuik aid he had ejilered the hou.'P while hi aunt wa alei. Whilp he. wia .parrhinir for imuipy. he awakened her. ami when he icreamed he knocked her down, and tied her hands and feel, ami placed her nn the bed. Hie screamed louder, and I t'ave her a punch in Hip .tnrn.ich: that Otiiplpd her." he said. Called for Water He told of (he mirks she re ceded on Hip face from the bcat- inp, a ib I declared: "I put a sheeT opr hpr lu hi.p Hip ijjht and stuffed an end of it into her mould . I first put Hip end in waler to moisten il, a slip had previously palled for water." Tntprniiik. who is nuirried. Inl.l of unhijr to hi hotne and IryiiiR lu sleep, Ijiit he rnnMn'1 sleep hPi-aiise he wa wnmlerinu "wliPlhpr hi aunL wa dpad," and soon aflpr the police arrived ami arreted him. CAIRO SHEIKS ARE . STILL QUITE BUSY Bid of $100,000 Is Made for Hope Hampton, Well Known Actress I'AHIS. May 22. While in Cairo earchinp fur local color for a novel le j writing. Hope offer of 1 110,000 was refused, I.'..... II. ., II. n OinlL .11.1 ...! ,.. i, ,, -.., ts him ,i,n . . i I 'abandon hope, but senl daily V"'" ""u." offers until Hiey left PATIENTS "BREAK" Inmates at Donegal, Ireland, Help Bring In Supplies of Food Despite Abuse IMINKOAI.. May The In mates of Donegiil Asylum, who have been on Ihe verge of starvation owing to a strike of (it. INTO THE ATTIC Fw youngsters today ever saw a horse-hair sofa. They wouldn't know what to dp with a fire taper, carpet stretcher, or coal oil lamp. They couldn't braid rags into a rug, or wind yarn without tangling. But they know the how and why of typewriters, phonographs, telephones, automobiles; what happens when a push of the button gives light, or a kodak's flash fixes their image on paper. . Their education is as modern as the adyertisements they see. They have no more use for the lamp and chimney of yesterday than you for the wick and tallow of the day before. , Advertisements induce such progress. They urge wide use that means improvement. They help you lift the out-of-date into the attic rid you of the water buckets and soap kettles of slavedom. They bring late improvements within your reach. Read the advertisements regularly. Keep alert to the new. Without advertising, you would never know a product's worth until you had bought it. !l I Hampton, Hie actress, became inmate of the asylum sal on lea the heroine nf an incident in Hie rhesls nn lop nf an open twrt. bazaar quarter Hint read like while a small force of civic fiction. guard marched on either side. A richly clad old Arab, whose They facel a fuilade uf abuse finirer. were heavily jewelled without turutiiR a hair. nml wliii wore a turban in which.1 Kven refractory patients have a siiule great emerald enrus- realixed the difficulties that have cnled, nuliced her ami lieeknned ieen caused by the strike, and in lo a shopkeeper. jsomc cases have shown abnormal I he shopkeeper came up lojriiciahilily. Mis llamplnn's huvhand and said ' Snme of the more helpless inmate have been tirievinpr over "I'raised by Allah, my distiu- ihe absence uf their usual at-Kiiished client. Ihe Sheik Aclinic. I temlaij. One nf them, an old 111 lliar ha taken an interest in woman, pathetically remarked, yon and your wife and 'prepare "Failh, if they don't onn come yourself for a jrreal Joy-; he is back, we'll mil po craiy." williiur lo lake your wife." j "That may be,' couinienled the DCDIIM 7fiftl fiPlP Al husband cobllv. " hut vou huie'DEALIU LUULUUltAL yrt to know whether I npree." "Hut that Is already under, slood," wa the reply, "for the Sheik is n rich man. lie offer & noon GARDEN IS TO BE SUPPLIED NEW STOCK "Xo. enou,;!,," said Hie hus-L ,U;J-JiN' f,a,e f (iar.len-- band calmly. "I have Just been:Um ,,".rlin -ooloKica 'nlTereil H.ta.Oim." Kvpiitu.-illv nn '"'" "J ""'u ... vv: world has lone trembled in the balance, m decade. f hardship tremendous havoc. DurinV the war Ihe canes hociune Krmlually cmnty; deaths uf many of the turner animnls were annouueed, ostensibly , in QTRIsfla AT ACVIIIMi 1 1 "nrvu"on ""l OlnlnL Al nuILUIYl.mcn as w.'ILas beast were hun gry, and bear' meat, it is said, iiKike very k"'I sausages. He lhat a il may, Ihe once atnous Zoo wa for irearly ten years n dreary wihlerne., and Ihe once beautiful Krotind were fiuully closed nllonelher. Wilh Urn dawn of tU2l new vilality ha sprung up, thanks to lenilunt. have solved the "sup- praiseworthy management. What ply" problem Ihemselve.Si Munv of I Ink nlile.biiliA.I limn. 'tic liave volunleercil " for Ihe danVerous work of bringing up with Ihe letting of a iart of I ho rmntugn Tor shops, Ihe eslaulisli. menl of nk'w restaurants nml oiner nstuie nusiness arr.iiiKt! provisions. They arc, oblivious lo menl, there is money enough lo srwiuls or "Senli!" "IIUick.legl"pay all Ihe sluiff, In set (he and oilier cries that n.nll Ihem. gtoimds in order, and, what is A load of groceries was being nf primary importance, lo pur-laken to the gales hlong a rnnul chase new livestock. Thus val-thai was lined wilh strikers. Two uahle addition have now been BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS Have Arrived. In hanl wearing materials at moderate prices. EXTRA BLOOMERS OPTIONAL. STEVE KING Phone Green 85. tirade through the agency of .Carl llagenbeck ami oilier dealers. A robust pair of young elephant; from lllunlesia have been ac-iiuired for 35.000 gold marks, thej male of which was chi'islene.l "larl" al Ihe equator, his mate receiving tlie soubrlauet of 'Mlenry Wncrmann" after j Hie flerman shipping line. A pair of splendid black panhers from Sumatra have been added to Ihe collection for 0,500 marks, u pair if black antelopes for 1,000, and two fine eland for (i.000 nvirks. Some twenty monkeys of various kinds now enliven the almost 'empty monkey-house, aiyd greal quantities of bright-plumed, in. teresling bird "do their bit" to-iwurds the scheme of testoraliim. The crisis, says Dr. lleck, I be direclor (if the Xoologioal Hardens, may now be considered over. GREAJ SKYROCKET BURST ON GROUND VIKXNA, May 22. A giunl sky rocket exploded befori leaving the ground al a Tire works display diere, killing n woiuaii and tyrliild uu seriously injured six per sons. A number of o(lier were burl in lite ensuing panic. The organlier of Hie display said the rocket had been tampered wilh. Prosperous advprtlslng means regular ooutlnuoua advertising. Eat More Wheat Do It with Dread, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries, baked with FiveRoses Flour The World's Best. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Prions S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. Ws Spsolallisjn Piano and Furniture Moving. k