Tuesday, March 18, 1921, Hon, should be reearded as a possible source of eczema or other painful and obstinate skin disease. Treat every troublesome place with Zam-Buk. This refined herbal balm (unlike fatty pore- clogging ointments), sinlts deep into the skin. It soothes nd purifies the whole titiue. drawing out fl paiaonoui ind olfenaive matter; clearing the kin and complexion In a wonderful way. liMPLE I0X c4 III la al rWI aala MMM4Ma Sal Im aal. (Hffn laat-Svk a, Taraata. AND We frcl a real npoii'iliilily for film left willi iii fur iJevelopmenL Negulives eaiinot le replaced, am! Ihere ore often pvtrul ejoiires in c irli n1 1 tti.it nrt' invaluable In t lit- ZAM-BUK MEDICINAL SOAP " A severe rciema started on my daughttr'a face and naek,"sas Mrs. H. Amey, 42, Lyall Ave., Toronto. " I wai about to call in a skin apecialiit when I heard of thia Zam-Buk treatment rtscuint other suiferers. So I cot a box of Zam-Buk and some Zam Duk Medicinal Soap. This two fold treatment had a (real toothing- and purifying influence. Day by day the sores all gradually healed and within the mon'.K my daughter's skin was thoroughly cleared of all Impunty," TheZanvDukba!mieiolda:SOe. thebox. Zam-Buk Medicinal Soap 25c. the cake, 70c. box of three. Oi druggists everywhere, cr Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Careful Finishing that Protects Your. Negatives owner Careful method and scientific formulae bring re-Mill Dial Julify mir entrusting your films to our finishing department. Of course we are -iiipril for enlarging lei us show ou om miiii U'i uT our work. " Complete Line of Kodaks. " 1 Kodak Film In all sizes. n i M Ladies Spring Suits Latest Boyish Styles from $25.00 e Demers Thone 27 P.O. Box 327 WOKED FISU AT ITS BEST There are Just Two Rules to Follow .to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Unit's are - t- Buy 'Rupert Brand." Iluperl Hi-und. is always ne-llverctl In Ihe slor's in clt'iui new boxes clearly stamped "Iluperl Urunil." 2- -Wrap in cooking pnpi'r. p,,,,, miiilei-ale over for 20 (u !10 miuiiles, remove paper ami serve nt once. Four Kindt Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black - . Cod and Kippered 8lmon. JiUll Fish and Meat Murkets, ami dioeers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE R'U PERT In the Letter Box J SECURE ELEVATOR pear Mr. LTIitor. Following my motion at Hit council m.-clin-r eslerday In " J a suitable man to llu prairies In put our cae before I lie farmer. I would uggel further (hut all oolilical assoc iations in Hiis city pass a resol- ul luii calling on the leader of their parly support the construction of an elevator in this city. There oiil-IiI to he no notifies in this vital iiiicsliuu ami it is to he honed that we will all pull together at I lie. same rope he-cause II is only in unity that re suits rait he obtained. Thankim; you for votir -valu able space, I beg to remain, Mr. Alitor, Yours very Iruly, (Ablerni.) THKO. COLL.VKT. W. A. Canlclon Is relurnimr this afternoon on the Cardena to Vancouver. Milton Conzales left on lal night's train for Siuilher, where he will appear in County Court caes lo Ins tried lliere tills week. J. M. (irosharf, manager of the Iluekley liar mill, and .1. Mac donald, chief accounlaul, are ailing hy the Cardena this af ternoou fur Vancouver on bui ncss. O. S. Hanson of Spokane, re preseulalive of (he .National Pole Co., one of the largest .timber eoncerns In the Uuileil Males. left the rily last night for Smith er being accompanied by Olof HausMii, head of the Hanson Tie A Timber Co. Capl. Crftchell llullock of Lon don. Kngland, who arrivcd'iu Hie city at Hie end of last week. Iff I on last night's train for lMlinoninii. lie is joining an Imperial government exploration parly which will set out froi: Kdiuoiilon ami spend three years oi i lie Fur NiirMi. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Kilt S.VI.i:. ia-15 h.p. heavy duly Hulfalo marine engine Alwaler-Kenl igniliou. (iood as new. Will dcmoiislralr Apply Stork's Hardware. 71 ANNOUNCEMENTS SalvalK'ti Army Conrerl and Sunday School Prize (iiving. Citadel. March 8 p.m. A good program is assiircil. Slalf Cap lain Larrulhers of Wrangel in Hie chair. 70 .Melhodisl I'.asler Sale. Tea ewing. home rooking. lied Cross Hut, April 5. Itoyul I'urple Kasler Haziiar and Sale of Hume Conking, April 8. Hill 0(1 Chapter. I.O.D.K. Ama leur Thealrieals, April tl. . -. . I'lV'sliylerian (Lii.l.T. Coneetl, April 10, Kmpress Theatre, tf - Lmeen Mary Chapter I.O.D.K. DalTodil Hall, Caster Monday. If Concert for Anglican Church at Kmpress Theatre, April L8, by Symphony Orchestra. Vickels 50e. Klks' Minstrel Troupe. First show May 1. . IWdlcy Homo Ha.aar, May I. T.R.CI TaapUUa'i Rbtaaittic Cafili For Rheumatism, Lombajo, Sciatica and Neuritis, Canada's standard iem-edy is Templeton'a Rheumatic Capsules. T.R.C's stop the pain by removing from the system the original cause. Send ua 10c for a gtneroiia aample. Cive 90c and lh coupon we cncloae with each aample, lo your druggitt and he will give you a full aite $1.00 boi of Templeton'a Rheumatic Capaulea, TEMPLETON CO., TORONTO TJ0 For Salo by Ormos Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE TIMER. Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. - Hayners, Undertakers. 361. Phone 41. Pbone tf (forge Jlorie wun last night appointed auditor fur the city for the. orescnt yeilr.' MOO.S1-: WHIST IHtlVK and D.V.N UK in Melropule Hall, Wcd-nesilay, March I'J. Commence 8 p.m. 07 We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange.- Phone 652. tf l.os Angeles Lumber Products steamer Kl Aheto has arricd at Hockley Hay lo load lumber for California. The city council last uiulil de cided to call for lenders for the sale of lots 1510, 17 and 18, Hlock 29, section 7. An offer lo purchase a boiler shell from the city for was aeeepled by Hie city council at its meeting last night. Five mouths of the license fei1 for Hie Dominion Club was or dered by. the city council last night lo be' refunded to A. K Henderson. - - At (he meeting u'f the city council last night four construe lion bylaws which have been be fore the council 'at various times were reconsidered and finally passed. F. 11. Dawson, director uf the Canadian National Railways, ar rived yesterday on Hie steamer Princess Mifvy and left on Hie train later for Smilhers. lb expects to return on Wednesday A letter received from the municipality of North Vancou ver last night as k-iiu' for the en dorsatiou of a town plaimin scheme was rcfrred by the city council lo the Hoard of Works for report. A contra offer' vvas made by the city council last night to the Prince Rupert Club lo remove (he rock from their lot if the .-luh deeded it feel of their properly instead of 1 1 feel as riginally planned.. An accounl for $53.31 was or lered last night by the city council last uiylil to be paid tu I tie Kaieu Hardware Company and a claim agiusl .Nick Orum-h for - 1 58.12 for steel rails was ordeird lo be collected. An offer tu quarry Smith Is land rock for I lie city at l.0o a yard was made lo the city council last night lay F. Kyolfseu. It Ails lo. be hand size six inches lay twelve. The mailer was referred to the Hoard of Works for report. S. .1. Mcl.eod, president of Ihe Hoard of Trade ha telegraphed a reply ti the Wire received yes terday from Fred Stork al 01-lawn acknowledging- the tel.gram and asking if there, Is any as. sislance thai can be given hero In connection willf the elevator ampaigu. (i.O.M.M. steamer Canadian Volunteer, Capt. John McKeruaii, arrived in porl al 1.30 yesterday afternoon and. after loading 500 tons of Dulhie ore for Selby, California, sailed al (l this morn ing for Ocean tails where she will complete cargo with paper before proceeding to California. At the city council ineellioT last night if was decided to inn. chase a Day KMer truck at a cost of 5.0jU. There was a good deal of argument as lo Ihe relative merits of the Dav Kl.ler and the Federal but Ihe one nur- Chased was. slightly cheaper than tue oilier and one now in llio service of the city was said to be doing the work well. .. M the city council meelinir last night a report was read from Dr. Cade imwhlcb lhciiirmiiim was made thai the keeping of goals in the city should be con trolled. 1 lie city solicitor said Ihe cily had no legal power to do Ibis hut they could prohibit, The mailer which had vrcvlously been referred to the health officer by Ihe council was now referred to the Hoard of Works for further consideration, littVnTi K 37: i Irl? 5 UlWif tF.lr til-'l EEC Kff a rj a aT-iiVre? D. ('. Stewart left fur "Sniil hers on last niglil's (rain. 4 (real War Veterans general meeting Wednesday evening, March IV, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCulcheou arrived' homo from Vancouver yesterday '3n Ihe'lMilcesV Mary. James L. Lc, manager of the Al Mil Fisheries, is sailing Ibis afternoon on the Cardena for Vancouver. A large parly of local menu hers of the masonic craft is going to Anyox tomorrow night to pay a visit to Knoch Lodge, A.F. & A.M. Judge F. Mr.. II. Young left on last night's train fur Smilhers where he will preside over County Courl sessions being held this week. T. T. Duuhtp. provincial public works engineer for Omineca district, arrived lasl night from Smilhers and Is registered at Hie Prince lluperl Hotel. The Adair Carss Chanter I.O.D.K. will bold a Silver Tea and Sale of Home Cooking on on Wednesday, March 111, at the home of Mrs. Kemo. 131 7th Avenue West. o Among the passengers passing- Ihrough Prince Rupert yesterday northbound were Mr. and Mrs. J. It. (iaudin or Whitchorse. Mr. (audio is superintending en gineer of Ihe White Pass and Yukon Railway. Arrivals from the soulli yes terday on the Princess Mary for hi port Included W. A. l.awsou, F. i. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCulcheou,, T. Lund, J. Iru-son and Messrs. Iverson, Lehman, Henderson, W, Hudd, C. SI rami and four dock passengers. Owing to the demands for his servlcos In town and having some other people to come In from outlying points to get advice, the Dr. Scholl foot specialist from Chlcapo has decided to stay over with the Family Shoe Store all day Wednesday, tomorrow and Thursday morning un til 1 o'clock. Don't neglect this opportunity to Dt some good advice on rour foot troubles. Family Shoe Store. bbbj wan a, v a It t TaWjatt lekitn CATARRH I ihe LADDER SdSlexanail JUawrtof ran toWta 1. aaSHaXHaiBi irr -r 1 0 Trt . lrT . Hr; -TV"". 'h'ltJ I gv mDftl VS J fas M CIGARETTES ' fe I, 'i Win Her Affections A BOX OF Purdy's Candy WILL DO IT The Autocrat of the Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE A Toothsome Delight in a Ueunlifiil Uox. All Sizes. All Prices. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. ww iivi v 0F H0ME pga . WY l niRNl$HIN0$C.'r5M lour VJ-'WWt Money Buys the most BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 123. The House of Quality. Third Ave. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have Hardwood, Fir and Cedar Boat Lumber. If you are lirsd of KaUuminc and Paper, try FJr Veneer Panelling. If you are thinking of building a house, we liuve any lumber you require, ulo Sush, Doors, pluss. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. Phone 383.