TAXI in a hurry Phone VOL, XIV, NO, Co, WkM Ya Want A The Latest In fleatauranta. Best Car and Beit Ssrvlce-In tha City. Rates Reasonable The .Massdt Timber Co. saw-iD i 1 1 at llueklry Hay hail Hie biggest day sawing in its history i::: Monday when 307.372 feel win lunie.J mil according lo n telegram received by .1. M. Orosarl who - in the rily. Thin output was made In two nine-hntir idilfU II consisted of 231,17 reel or emits and 7 3.200 reel of nil lumber ROUND WORLD FLIERS LEAVE Hop Off This Morning From Sacramento For Eugone, Oregon S.U.IlAMKNTO. March IH. - Martlnir Hie peoml b'K of Hie IllKlit round the world Hie planes of Hn I nilr.l Stales army air mtv Ice leH here shortly before 1 1' n ni'liirk Ihis moriiintr for l iiKene. Oreuou. Tomorrow tliey expect lo make Seattle. " WOMAN KILLED IN SPEEDER ACCIDENT OIIANO KOUKS. H.r. Marrli l. Mrs. Anion .1. Holm or Fife whs almost instantly killed Sun-'lay when a railway speeder on which die was Iravelliiifr collided wllli a descried speeder on ''live, Olhers of Hie parly escaped with minor Injuries. LEW TENDLER WON I'llH.AIiF.I.PlllA, March 18. LONDON. Mai ih IH.- In Hie liuie of (Aiiiiiiinnt yolcrdiiy Mir (loveriiuii'iil aked lo eon-Mill with other mariliiue poweiM Willi a view to I'vlendin? Hie territorial 1 1 in I ror fishery pur-p. i.c In Hili'leen milcK. Premier llamay Maeibmabl replied lhal the linuTiiiiient vvas not Menared to rounder exlen- ium beyond Hie Hiree mile limit i . . . - . - . .. ither ror fisheries oilier purpoM'." POPE'S HEALTH IS or QUAKE IN ALGERIA HATNA. Algeria, March 18. A ulil was killed and several a buildings damaKed in an earlh- juake here Monday 0.(1. M.M. slcamer .Catiadlun Seolllsh moved up from the ocean dock to the dry dock this afternoon and was laken. on the ...... .. n .. i ..... Lew Tcndlee. sloiined Ted Mar- I'"""""" "'" . vr chant ,n Hie- fourth .r-'LJMlr o!Vm, ai Z wdl .ounn ....... ' I M al Jjio shipyard for at Jeant ArlvantlcM In Miu Mallo KuvJi f "B "'t any CAUSING UNEASINESS I.O.MKlN. March IH. A Home correspondent ot the I.M'iess says the Pope's health Is eatis-considerable uneasiness. The Pope Is reported lo be siilliTiu? from Ailerio Sclerosis, roniinoii-known as high blood pressure or harileiiinif or the arteries. CONDUCTOR RUN DOWN ON C.N.R. AT LUCERNE KAMI.OOPS, March 18 -Hubert Henry SipiarebriKPs, H.N.H. con- iluelor, was ralnlly injured near Lucerne when he wiis run dowii on the line. He was brounhl here and died. Tliat there should have been a net prufil at Ihe Massell Timber Co.V iieiii-r.'il store belwecii May :'(), IUJ3. and Oecember Jl, I'M'J. of s 1.907.1 1 whereas 'there was cliown by Ihe manager of the store lo be only a prufil of $t.-0211,7:! and that .there was an average iniiulhly shortage or ijl.-5(i( ror the period was the evidence iven by (i. A. Cuddy, auditor, at the preliminary trial of Charles It. Srijiley, manatriT or the skirc, charged with Traud- ulcntly converting to his own use -and thus I hell or v"ds to Ihe value or 5.0()0. Sri'ley was today charged on three counts converting S3.000 between April It; IUS2. and May 10. ta-.'3: 3, 000 between May 20, 1023 and December. 31. 1923, and i9l.oo on November 22, 1923. The flrsl charge was wilhdrawu this afternoon. Evidence on the second charge was taken this inortiliiy before Magistrate Oale and accused was committed litis afternoon. He was coin-milled yesterday afternoon by Magistrate Mallory on the third charge. W. A. Caulelon of l.adner A. Caulcloii, VanroiiviT, coiuiuclcd the prosecution foe the Mas. ell Timber Co., Milton l.(Mi.ales of Williahis, Manson it (.ontales, axsistlng him. W. O. Fulton, of Pal more & Fulton, had the ease tor Sritflcy. At the opening ot Ihe ?9l case the first to be taken up Mr. Fulton objected In Mr. Mallory taking the trial because he wa.i an employee of Hie prosi'cutii. company or had been up HH a very recent dale. Staling lhal lie had not been employed by Mi-' Massell Timber Co. Tor two monllis. Mr. Mallory dismissed Hie objection and ordered thai Ihe case be proceeded with. Auditor's Evidence Oeorgc A, Cuddy, auditor, gave evidence of a general audit he had made of the Massell Timber Co.'s alTairs at lluckfey Hay including the records and accounts or the general store. Under e.v aminalion-iii-chier by Mr. Caule lon, witness put in as exhibits-Hie cash sales slips oT the store ror November 22, 1023, an add ing machine strip showing the total rash turned in by accused lo the general olllce for the day, and Ihe cash book kept In the general olllce showing Ihe cash turned in each day. According to the sales slips, there was a total of $222,511 while the adding machine strip and the cash book showed a total of I3I.5U leaving $01 which had not been accounted tor Under by Mr. Fulton, a book kepi person ally by accused showing cash and charge sales at the store was entered as .an exhibit. Witness" discredited Ihe suggestion that the records mlghl have been tampered with by other than ac cused. Further examined by Mr, Caiilelon, witness dated that Shrigley's personal memoran duni book also showed a total ut cash turned in of $131.50. Sales Slips l'HlNUi: IllPKRT, IJ.a, TUpS'DAY, -MARCH 18, IU2i. BOSTON GRILL '"I'Hf PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ".St. Sebastian I'curl,' is said lo be the largest at. Bernard in England. The big rellow was photographed at a dog show in London where he was awarded first honors. Agricultural Settlers are to be Aided by the Empire Settlement Vttttrdtf'f Clrculatlee 1,608, Slrttt Stltt 421 Committee and Placed in Canada LOXUON, March IS. An important move toward the of the agricultural lands of Canada was made yesterday Third Avenue. Best of Food flood Service. Private Boxes for Parly Use. "Take Her to The Boston PRICE FIVE CENTS. RESIDENTS OF SAGHALIEN ARE TERRORIZED ANOTHER P.G.E. CHARGE DISPROVED BY ADMISSION Of PROVINCIAL WITNESS Earthquake Shocks in Southern Saghalien Id. Fissures 8. Feet Wide TOklO. March 1.x. Tin' inhabitants oT southern Suslialifii Maud off Hie eusl I of Asia are in a slate of terror u a re-Mill of rnrlhciiakc shock which an still continuing I In re. In lic('x fissures cighl feci wide have appeared in the earth. Many house were demolished liy severe carllnpiake shock on Saturday evening. Tin earth roekcii and Hie people were ler-rorizeil IjijI no lives were lost although several were injured. VOTE TONIGHT 'ASK COMMODITY RATE AN FRUIT SHIPMFNTS ON ADDRESS Vanderhoof Board of Trade Tak- Ing up Matter and Will Progressives Expected to Vote' Urge It With Government on Con- J servatlve Amendment ! VANDLIHIOOF. March 18--The , , Vaudcrhoof Hoard of Trade Is OTTAWA, March 1 8. -The de-:"kl"K '"r commodity rale on! bale mi Ihc address expected fr"" "'"l'l'e-1 from points on the I,. ,.,h luiiol.l with a iliii.lon U1'11- ' along the line of .... M. r i'.,.,.iniu anicn.liiA-iit.itlif Canadian National llailway. Ocneral miliripalion I that (he 'bc "re taking the matter Up progresses will vote with the - Mcllcrr. provincial government on the amcndi.aiit. nomntfiil rnuii.el. in Ihe et. There ur no imilcalfon of sup- I"-''"" rale ran and al-o they in port ror Ihe Con.ervatlvc view. copies ' Hie resolution l polnl on lhal subject from the ",r,' f ,ra,lc a,", a'k the discus- 'r endorsement. fanner gliiup during The superintendent of Hie H,,t lo lake u,' Nnal F.xpre.s Co. at TJic vole Is expected place bIh.uI midnight Is also being conunu- tiirali'd with (a regard to tho FI A BRITISH GOYERMIENT rtu TTW1 n ti m bb r nrx ' I : IU 1 KtlUKUtUI NOT FAVOR OF WIDER Buckley Bay Mill Turned Out 307,372 Feet on Monday In Two Shifts CONTROL OFF SHORE STORE MANAGER UP FOR TRIAL Charles B. Srlnley Committed on Two Counts and Third Withdrawn BUCKLEY BAY CASE Auditor Says Averane Monthly Shortane was $1,600 During Seven Months w hen J. II. Thomas, colonial secretary, acting on heluiir oT Hit Umpire settlement committee, yesterday signed an agreement with rt'iircsfnlulivv.s of the Canadian Nntional Hailway-to assist in placing in Canada selected groups' or families. The seHlcmcnt committee authorized loans of t:t00 lo each clller, so guaranteeing uny loss up to 50 per cent of the amount loaned. Only married collides with agricultural experience will, be accepted and they must possess i.'u0 of their own in order lo qualify. Actual Survey of Route out of City Toward Terrace has Already Been Commenced Today Actual survey work of the route, easl from lliis rily today when locating engineer, I). Bergen, or Hie public works department or Hie provincial government, went out lo lo cale the city survey with a view lo tying up willi it, finding Ihe liesl possible route lo (ialluway rapids ami beyond, eventually ii.l.l lliciuirl. Iik MVrrm'i. euii.b ..p... ,0.. Preliminary surveys of this end or Ihe roule have already been made but now Hie road will be definitely located, so that actual construction can commence. Mr. Bergen will lake out a crew I ,.f rive, probably on Tlmsday.pDnpnOCn rMC CADM and Ihe work will be carried """" through continuously. II will link ELK LAKE. VICTORIA up with Ihe city at a point on Shawatlans lload near the pipe YICTOlllA, .March 1. - Ap- line and skirling mo Tool oi ine iiioi ridge alnu row eer's department went out today , i;,jniltM! and a comiiiilleo to help Hie engineer locale ine AVU!I ronned lo drufl the neces couver wilt meei i ue v.uuauiens, Ihe eastern chainpions, in Ihc first game; iu the semi-finals ror the Stanley Cop. FAMOUS ORQANIST DIES i ..r it I.,., i.. IU ) iniitii iti i iic iiitiii o ivtiv iu uiv t i mtain will emerge on Ihe ;.ruvilK.iai (i.enment a isorllo.. U ' 'J' , "XSn J TT 7 to two heaver lakes in -- -, li-umi.V aiairu close . , k ,.a.k fop xw us a l a direct line lo the nar- ,.. ,...., r0P propagation or V"vm lZ u 1 V.1. .....,: 'maniu.ous vote the '.. ;i.i...i- , .,,. .,..i i.v II... w,,iUI- W,UI ,ul uaf ".expressed itself as II i iVi.u-i. ..r llm c.ilv enirlii. : !..... .. . i.mi.'IIIUS l-l.OO" Ills. . ,lavllt;hl suvilllT ill " ""v nv IMkllllCII. M.M11U il lilt? eity survey. BIG HOCKEY GAMESTONIGHT Vancouver Arrives at Montreal and Will First Meet ary agreement. It was announced that fishery officials were strongly impressed with Lake as an excellent place Tor .the breeding ot trout, and u committee was struck to deal wilb this question also. I The meeting of the committee Was attended by Mr. M. B. Jack. son. K.C M.P.P., chairman llhe (lame Conservation who explained what he. proposed ' to do If 'a game farm was cstab- MONTHI'lAli, March 18. Van- li.hed at F.Ik Lake. comer Maroons, champions of the Pacific tW and Ho, Calgary DDITICl ABANDON Another Bubble Pricked by Royal Commission on Pacific Great Eastern VICTOniA, March 18. At Ihe session of the Hoyal Com mission probing P.ti.K. a Hairs yesterday, 1. J. Finiierly, a subcontractor who did cribbing work in which Ihe government was accused ut paying Torty amis a fool for work which cost but seventeen cents, admitted thai he had not understood the true conditions when he made, the charge of excessive payments fop cribbing. He was paid seventeen cents by the Murdock Company and that company charged the government forty cents. 'He ad mitted that he Vas not uware that out of the forty cents the Murdock Company had 'paid heavy cost for fillinjr, the es. Ol 11)1)1 IPP TffiT) tablistuneiil of roads, keeping of tjUri LlLlJ rUl books and other expenses. He had assumed thai the company! Ill AyfATfv bad been allowed exlra paymi-ntsl TIjIj xi V lia 1 1lJ ror these expenses by toe govern ment. LABOR LEFT WING IS ONLY THIRTEEN Both British and United States Cache Arrived at Seward Readiness. for Flight SFAVAHD. Alaska, .March 18, STRONG ON DIVISIONlS, XtZ -globe, arrived, here Sunday night Defeated by Combined Forces to aboard the Thlepval and will be Reduce Strength of British Army . . . . . i- . . r- . rcjntppeil lo i'orr-iaiiiain3, The Thiepval arrived ai Scl-dovia, Cook Inlet, Monday. I.ONOON. March 18. The' ('asoliue and oil. Tor the ilouM- or Commons last night American round the world ovia-dcrealed by a vole or 317 to 13 tors arrived here today on the a motion by the labor left wing steamer Oduna. lo reduce the army by 150,000 men as a protest against what Tinr llfDEC AI1T Hie movers regard as the mili- fllYij firCv)U(Jl lai'isuc irenu oi uie t.yveni iiieut's policy. , Ihc supporters of the motion urger disarmameiil as the only u'uv In secure iicane. SIX VILLAGES (iovernineut speakers appealed Score Persons Missing at Foot of Mount HoraIJa Near Tohlo to the movers not lo press tor a division, urging that disarnia- -..old onlv be attained by" TOKIO, March 18 Six villages internal ional agreement. FISH ARRIVALS Nine Halibut Schooners Catches Totalling 72,000 tbs. Big Trawler Also In Nine halibut schooners sobl catches totalling 72,nno lbs. at the Fish Kxehange this morning, and uu in addition .."-., to v this, the vr New have been wiped out by a forest Hire M the root or Mount lloraijq. 1 170 miles from here. A score of . persons are missing and are believed to have perished. The Sold flames continue unabated and droops have been called out to fight the blaie. VICTORIA SCHOOL BOARD OPPOSED TO DAYLIGHT SAVING 18.- By a schoolboard opposed to this city and American it.i.nii.if i)im l. nek- Alaska, 10,000 lbs., at 13.2C tu. .... .... K.ivin!r it WH un. and r.e, to Ihe Canadian Fish & .jiily u disadvantage to the Cold Storage Co. Kaslrnt Point, 2,000 lbs., and it. ..i .lr.. .... .1' .Mariner, o.uuu ius ai i i.oe auu Ge, lo the Iloyal Fish Co. Canadian Fanny F. 0,000 lbs., al 12.Co and 7c; F.thel June, 500 lbs., at t2c and 6c, and Cape Spear, 3,- WOMAN SUFFOCATED WITH ESCAPING GAS Cii. plate boiteil over and exlluguislied ngers, wes-iern .,ui.i ui.c-,- " UinillT tCCrMDIV holders, arrrve.1 this morning, S NhAPUKF KASF inUlAH rtJJElTlDLI from Winnipeg and tonight an- ATA1WQT rnUCDXlMCMT nUfllllUl VIU T 1 . r. .. .. . mm Announcement wvnniieiy mg Today In House of Commons DF.L1H, March 18 The Legis LONDON, March 18. Definite lative Assembly yesterday reject announcement was made today ed Ihe Indian Finance bill on a In the House oT Commons oT of CO to 59. The action goverhnicnrs decision not lo pro-closely follows the rejection by LONDON, March 18. Sir ceed further with tho Singapore .tho Assembly, of a number of Frederick Bridge, 70 years of agejnaval base scheme. Charles. budget proposals. The opposl- Jnck Macdonabl, accountant at noted organist and aullior uuor oi of .(.amnion, f.iiiiiu.i.i, parliamentary pai iiutiruuiai; sccre- v-1 1"- lion lo "-r the i.n.1 measures i-urun-, wn strong- uun- Buckley Bay. identified the cash books on musical subje ontu.ucd un pa- loui'V IdfujJ ects, isilary to the' admiralty, made the .ly influenced by Home Hule vb- 'u ibutik-ciue Uf.'uci sU YANCOUVF.H, March 18.-41ulii linn ik ,,i ir.n n mi r in tin. AfcKav is ilciid and her sister. IVO" JIM HUM s-" V. J V V - Of l,v......ii.. i.:i. t. I' .i.i ui, .,.,. 'Mm. .Ihiihw I've Is In n orecarioilH IV44I. .Ull. till I.""l 1 ..V.H i.U4H(.V ' " " ' - Board,1,., ifMinililiftn a n rrsnll of suffoca- 1 Jl f . I s ,.... - li.ei 11.. lbs.: II. & ll 3.. Hon from escaping gas in the 500 lbs and Mali, 1,000 lbs., at Pye apartment. U is believed t2.Cc and Cc, to the Hoyal Fishlthat a kettle placed on the gas the flame. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League Dlvlsnon I. Burnley 3, Manchester City 2. Division II. Port Vale I, Soulhamplon 0. Division III. Holherham I. Ashiugioii 0, Accrington 2. Hartlepool 0. RUGBY FOOTBALL Mountain Ash 0, Neath 0. .YlerUP 0 LlancMy 3.