page ant The Short Heavy Figure mm sari ? Understanding you trpe i one of, girt yoi the proper proportions of the tht most important aids to beauty you' type to which you belong. Gossards will ever find. Remember that what-, are moderately priced, launder beauti-ever your figure may be there are . fully, will outwear two or even three Costard Corset! with just the support? ordinary corsets and will give you a yen need af youf age and weight to comfort such as you never knew before. Gossard trade marked Corsets as low in price as $2.50 Agents for Pictorial Review and Ladies' Home' Journal Patterns. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. Cor. Fulton A Third Ave. delj;cious The flnq creamery flavor of pure! Woodland BUTTER is distinctive. He sJore to try it. Ask Your Grocer For WOODLAND, "The Best Butter." TEA e want you to compare Farmer!' Tea with any other package lea. To give yon an equal chance we will sell Hlue rtlbhoii, Malkin's Hest or Nabob this week ut 65c Also buy one pound of Farmers' Tea at 65c. Then compare lucin. FARMERS Marke Phone Blue 428. Fil Finish 1 lil-T-Seniice I Wet Wash 1 Three Services, one of which will exactly fill your wash day needs. Phono us for particulars, Canadian Steam Li aundm Phone 8. Agent for Society Brand ' Clothes Now slniwliig Sprin. Pat-a terns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue AN: extra inch A sideways shows terribly when one is only five feet nothing, up and 'down I Gossard Corsets for the short and not so slim figure coax it as close as may be toward slender-ne?s without sacri- . f icing a jot of : precious comfort. m CANCCIMTION OP RISER VL . .NOTICE 14 JIEHtBY CIV E-N ttial 11k rt-ferte existing-, over Lot 414. oueeo Charlotte Islands District, Is cancelled. . , 0. M. AADEN. . Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department, Victoria, B.C., th January. i9H'. K miens land district nw oub-b-m bnanLVTTS ismnDS, v Take .NoMce tbat I,' Arthur Robertson, or Port Clements, British Columbia. Intend to apply for a lease over the fallowing described lauds: Commencing- at a r.M planted at the northwest errner of Lot fs6 north coast or Graham Island; tbenre 160 (halns westerly thence five rhalns northerly, to low w ater mark; thence I BO .rhalns easterly alontr low water mark; (hence rive rhalns southerly l point of i-onimenrenient,, container forty acres, more or less. Located. January. 1 nth, mi. . AHTItliB' . - -' - . bohertsox in probate, in the supreme court of british columbia. In the' Matter of. the Administration Act: and. in the.. Matter or the Estate ot Stefin 'Pltfllir.ll I lul'li. Inlall.t. Till' NllTll'l.' Ih.t 'in n..!..' A. 111. Honour p. MrB. Younir. made on the 4th, or varcn, a.i. i was appointed iy (IrnlulMrstor .or the Estate or Stefan 'odiitaljr, deceased, and all parties havlnit required. t furnish same, proiwrly verified opinion tial then was nolbing kr me, iu urv before tho ?ih day i i be I.- k.M: 1891. Mill 111 iMrlln Ini1hli1 In Iho -siaie are reqmreo in par me amount or their IndebtedTte.s'Jn me rorthwltb. THOMAS W. IIEII.NE. Offlrlsl Administrator. rrlnre Unpen. B.C. : Tsted thlil 7th day of March, lift. SPECIALS BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF. Shipment refused from railway, therefore special jiritjcs advertised yesterday arc hereby cancelled. YdUNQ ROASTING TURKEYS. Anojjicr shipmejit Jias just arrived. Per Lb. 45c. Phone Your Order Marly. Molasses Snaps, lbs. 45c California Navel Oranges, 2 do, for ... , 350 6 doz. for ... ... S1.00 Lemons, per do.. . . . ,. 20o POTATOES Our first car of .No. 1 quality Alberta Spuds is due before April 1. Wait for our new low prices before you buy. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 111, 212, 281 EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS KD80N COAL In any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 88. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarette's, Candles and Soft Drinks. Wo have a pleasant back room. Come in and make yourself at Home. W. M. Whiting, Prop. BALL GROUND MCBRIDE ST. Proposal to Utilize Square at Corner of Sixth St. Laid ' Before Council night it delegation from lite schoolboard waited on the city council ami asked them to consider Ihe proposal to convert the square, al Hie romer of .Mc-Hride nudllSixlli Street- into a ball ground for Ihe use of. th; young people of the city, utiliz. uig the -four .rectangular plots at the. junction of tin- streets and diverting"1 Ihe jnid Id Hie oul- ide of the ground. The nmller was rcieriru to tin? Hoard of Works for further consideration. Trustee Parser outlined Iho proposal at the meeting of the council last night. ( uid the four lillle squares put together would make a, good sized hlav- groumi ami uus would ie a ' good lime to lake up .he .nailer! of iniproviiig theiii. Tlie road would he diverted, making a de tour of half a block. He was! sure litis spot would be apprec-l ialed by all citizens. v j Behalf, of Children ' ' Trustee Williams - supporter! ; the idea arnhjiaid Ihe ! providing providing i of playgrounds yor Hie children! was a si'rious;proposlli(in. At1 present the plots "at $ and McHride were so broken tip that I they were of l.illh'tise loK unyonn They did not provide even play-gronud for the small children If the road was diverted around fit there would be a pretty fail block for spoils. As it was it never would be satisfactory. On behalf of Hie children of Prince Itupcrl he asked that they give this consideration. Trustee Mochcsler said therr, was a great deal for and against the- proposal. He was afraid that when the city was built tip. (hi; section could be used heNerlhun as a playground. He thought il Hie small squares could lie cultivated they could be uei a? gardens and as a place for smaller children Only Few Sites Trustee Williams expressed the belter the properly could devoted to than Jo make il into a playKiound. They could not play baseball on the small plots as at present. They could easily ?cl places where a perambulator could be taken but there were only a few siles suitable for a playground ami this was one of them. At present ' il was toe ft CANCILLaTION OF RESERVE. .Notlrc I liiTt-liy flven that the if-rvi-s incrln the lands foriimrly held under Timber Llrrnres .No. 3T37V and J38tf are camelled. o. It. KAIIKA, Deputy .Minister of Minis. NOTICE. .Notice Is hereby srlvt-n that temler will be rereOed at the outre of Itie undersign"! up lo noon on iiik Twenty second tuy ot Marih, 191, for the rental of the build-Insj hltualed oil Lot IU, Ulnck tJ. Secllou ami now miowu as ine lie i.nrc. The rental Is to liv on a inoiitbly basis and payable In advance. a lesi-e or one year count ims given u required. All lenders hum tate rnilal In be paid, nature of business II t DrotHmed to carry on. or Use In which prciiu.ies are to In- put. The burliest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. I !!. w. iiMi.-sr.. (Jnveriimeiil Arent, I'rliKe lliiM-rl. ll.C. LAND ACT, Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land. In Coast Land lilotrlit. Iterordliiv Ills- trlcl of skeena, ami mime and belni Uay Island, on Hie norlli branrli of the S keens iiiver, near oceanic tsnnery. Takfl .Notice that I. Thoma XVIIIIain Tharker, of I'rline HuimtI, h.c occuiiatlon Lnirlneer, Intends to spply for permission lo tease ine roiiowimr desrribecl landstf Uiiiiiiieiirltir at a post planted at the tnnsii miuineriy mini on nay isnina: inenre northerly and westerly,; tlienre roiilberly and easterly; following the sinuosities of the shore line to tsilnl of rouunenretiient, and coiiiauiiiiv aiu area. more or lena. THOMAS V. TIIACkKft, . Applicant. Dsleii february llth, lt. NOTICE. TAkK MlTICK thai after publlratlou of this notice onre a week fur four consecutive weeks that we shall apply to the nepisirar or joint stock- coumanles. V r torla, M.C., to clmniie our mime to that Of "HIIYANT AMI OIILLII. I.IM1TKD." OATKO at Prllieii linnni. 11 i: tiiia ICili nay n sisrcn. iwi ' UltTA.-XT CO.MrAA V, I.I.MITFK; Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, S U S. Phone 8. Open Evenings. Only For Speolal Appointments. THE DAILY NEtWB. Tuesday. March 18, 192 1 LOOK OUT FOR mniu Rainy, Murky Air Is Full Of . Dangerous Germs HEALTH IS YDURSAFEGUARD Klip Will bj TiWog "Freit-a-tiiss". Tki Fruit Medicine. Hundreds of people come down . with the 'Flu la March and April because they will not Uke care of their health. No matter what the weather or how full of disease germs the air may le, there is no danger of lirippe. 'Klu, Tneumonia, as long as your blood is pure and clean, your nerves arcsteaJy your bowels and kidneys regular. The best protection against colds. crippe.'Flu.Hheumatism.isthcgtMxi neattn wnicn "tTuitstlvca" bring. These' tablets, aide of the fre: 'v .ill Juices of apples, oranges, figs and . prunes, combined ibii with tonics. r !. -I..1 1 . I .Invisorat They regulate kidneys, bowels, liter and skin sweeten the stomach purify the blood and so tone tip the Tital organs of the body that the whole system is also able to resist the mages of disease. Take "Fruit a tives" now-take them regularly through the wet, changeable spring weather, and jour own vigorous . health will protect jou : .1 - ipi agaiusi me r iu, 'Sic. and 50c. a boi at all dealers, or Fruit a-UVcs Limited, Ottawa. much broken uo for business ourooses. I Alderman Casey heartily favord ed Ihe project. It appealed to him us a logical thing lo do. ill ft'Sii till tnU' lliilitr In fcin, itiiai sirin of a street as proposed. I year hence, they wished lo changft it, no harm would be done. Commercial pursuits were, essenkial hut providing for Ihe cliihltrn was a greater object". Alderman Xollarl said there was a lejal and financial aspect and on his motion il was referred to the Hoard of Work. Sport Chat From the standpoinl t a 1 1 1 -lelics, there is '' everything in favor of liiinaioir together the four squares at the corner ot McHride Street aiid .Sixth Ave-ntie ami makiuir- one larpc recreation park of llicni and, under present conditions in the city, there would seem lo be no serious objection to the proposl. Hon. Orlahily another sports (.'round is needed here and one Mo close to the centre of Ihe city would be greatly appreciated. The idea will, however, be op posed on Ihe grounds thai a straight thoroughfare on McHride SI reel siiould not be di verted and thai, if Hie city ex panded rapidly, sticlt a recrea tion park would be loo rh.e iu lo be desirable. There will be plenty of other aifc'iiiiieiils for and against the project.. The Ilazellon Tennis ami Had minion Club has elecled odiecrs as follows: Presidenl, A. A. flonnoti. Viee-Presideitl: .1, D. (ialloway. ... i ..i Seerelary - j rumuM" sir. I'akeley. Kxectitive--W.. W. Anderson, llcv. T. I). Proctor, Miss llor- bury and Cooper Wrlnch. SONS OF ENGLAND BEAT ST. ANDREWS Englishmen Scored Decisive Vic tory In Last Night's Billiard Game; 963 to 788 The Sons of Knglnnd seined a decisive victory over the St. An drew's .Speiely iu last night's billiard tournament hut Hie league standing i Dvmaln tin changed . The Sons ajlowvd the Scotx lo win only one game and their total was IM'.a against "88. Individual scores: J. Hrown (St. Andrew's., 100 It. II. Shocklcy (Sons of England 200. M. M. McLachlnn, 152; 0. P, Tinker, 200. 0". S. .Mussel), lill' J. Howe, :00. . i. .....'5 . a . , , .vmirews, too; ir, west 200. -r . J. Andrews, 2(i(;'lli Howe, 103. League slainliiig to dale: Games, Total, Aver O.W.V.A y HI0K Hrollo P.M.H.P KlkM S. of C. ... St Andrew' . 1 . V. . n 8'.3I RIDi 7h:i:i Hl'.87 8317 IM0 H70 809 832 SONS OF CANADA TO PLAY BASKETBALL ON THURSDAY AT ANYOX Answering a challenge received from the smeller town, the Sons of Canada, champions of the Prince llupcrt- Senior Maskelball 'League, sire going to An. vol to 'morrow night where; they will meet the Smelter, champions of Ihe Anyox League. On Thursday ;eeiiing. One game will he played -ami the local team will return notne rrinay morning. BLENDED TtA IS BETTER Tea from one gai-ilen. no mai ler how fine il is, possesses rcr-taju desirable qualities hid may lack others, hccaiie all charac teristic are not developed under, the same conditions. If I he ten has a perfect f!aor it may lack body: if it has body il is perhaps without Ihe sailte perfection of flavor.- To combine all desirable cliamrlerislics In one Mend ha-been the work of the "SAI4AI1A" Kxpcrls for oer a quarter of o century ami "SAI.AliA" is the fruit id"- their labors. The flavor is more delicious than any unblended tea grown. TELLS OTTAWA OF THIS PORT (Continued from Pniro 5) which he can attain is .JHO per !un,ml" - I think tlpi schedule t shout ei. ami Mial when (he official reaches this office after lon ears of pa-lieil work he should receive Hie mnimtim of , f?.ZHi and thai r1i,HV"e:' the salary should be 8radeJ,jjown (q, ,l,(5lo. llerau-e by Ihe lime thufifficlal has served for five year in this capacity. arter many years hi faithful r-vice in the deparimeul. he is a uhject for the, old men's home. Where you have, a man. such as we have t the present time, iu charse of the district office in district No. 2. and where he com mences at Alio a month, I con sider tieh a salary is nut in the interest of true economy. I would suggest, as I have already slated, that t.00l .r the money yaved in the manner indi cated, lo- appropriated lo Ihe three fishery districts,, and distributed iu such n way a to Im prove the working conditions of the men who work iu Ihe fishery offices. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. A. I.awsoti. F. Henderson. Vancouver: H. II. Aaer. Chicago: T. T. I hiutop. Smil tiers: J. ,M Taylor, Winnipeg; Mrs, McLean, city. Central .1. H. Iverseu, Mrs. Ilndd and rainily. NVw'Weslmiitsler: A. N. McAuley. Ilramlon; fi. Olscher. Melville; ,1. Searle, CVIl.; II. .1. Pieiay, Prince Oeorge: John .lohnslon. Vancouver. Spring Cleaning Specials Wc all like lo give our house I lie once-over In Spring So we need to buy: lels Naptha Soap, pur box 85o SiiiiIikIiI Soap, per box 25 c Itoyal Crown Soap, per box 25c (job! Dust, per 3 lb. pkg. 35o Pearl ine, per 3 Ih. pkg. 35c l?e. per .') tins . . , 35o Old Hutch Cleanser, per 3 lins , 35c llrooms. each 75c Chloride of Lime, tier 3 tins 50c All other denning; necess. dies al very low prices, ECONOMY SIOO E 417 Firth Ave. East. Phone 84. Junior and h;idren's wear in SPRING 8TYLE8 at : Very Moderate Pjlcea, BEN rs Phone 376 'leH iHrtlBfl The House mjM of Quality Well Dressed at Moderate Cost l.el us uliow you Hit iiewesl styles ut Men's earmg Appiirt'l for Ihe Spring ami Summer season. Tlteir elenii rul hues ami aristocratic air, which jre mi iiliviotis, uru hut refleelinus of Hie lioueit tailoring and ol (he dependable fabric applied In (heir construction. 1 It is (u yoitr personal iuleri'sl to know of ilolliing of Ihjs character uutl decidedly wnrlh onr while to examine (he new materials ut llieir inaiiy ilestgiiii anil colorings. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Men's Satisfaction Phone 376. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tuesday Night Only, 7 and 9 'Hoodman Blind' screen adaptation or Ihe etetiraled play of (hat o ",r by Henry Arthur Jones and Wilson Harrelt. A story oT smiinderl aiding. Ihe rock iMn w ho h 'he ship of happiues is wrei ketl in llu Ma of life. A pin ! play thai proves thai Hie finger or si urn on lte hum! i -picioii often points lo an uinocenl victim ami lha( r acts a price for all wrong deeds ami pays a houo , good ones. Spectacular scenes including n sltrnng i , wrcrk. David Butler, Marc McDermott, Frank Campeau, Eddie Gribbon, Gladys Hulette, Trilby Clark uud strong j A1 ST. JOHN COMEDY "HAPPY PEST." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admission 35c and 10c. Bargains in Potato Pots Blue --Mfg. n.r0. for M0 Qray-lleg. s'.MMl. for $1.10 Sec fnir Window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3. p.o. Box 1046. Remember! Oar Big Shoe Sale Fur Men, Women and Children still holds good all tin-veek. Sy don l follow the crowd, hut heal lliem to it. Let us nve you money. We slill hac 25 pair of Ihe Men's Shoes Hint were sold nl Hargniu for ..7.". Wo tediifo lli I'"' ' unco to $5.00 ami Ihe Ladies Hargniu CoiiiiUt for $3.50.' i REMEMBER I pair of Overullt or ;! Pnirx or Hose i to wllh (he Men's Hools. I Pair Silk llpse Willi every i LaiJii-sj Hhoes, not iiicliiiliug the one uiie.s Dial go for .'!..". 1 Pair or Catihtncro lloso for every Children Shoes Imiight. Don't miss , is opportunity Jabour Bros. Ltd. 3rd Ave. PAone 376 Department. or M'tfiev Hack. Phone 376. and 7th St.