Thursday, Jau Z, 1021. Blue Ribbon Tea The fine Quality of BLUE RIBBON TEA Is the result of experience combined with a real desire to produce the best possible article. Now that Trade conditions are becoming more normal, the Quality of BLUE RIBBON TEA fa better 'than ever. TRY IT. - iarirr rliv fiuililr MIIH Vl)n 'riiunna Hanaii liifltnn anna animal iinmukalum kiMm l-nrn. rrrk 'Mlwr ihat In nlndinre In Wni I Mill ntutl lie lWrt II Of which .11 lUllillrt port rUtrwnU I'ofl Klnipwm Prmrm imi-ert Vtirrn ciurMlf Qty lifur R.r ixt.pll lklrr.1. 1liuri lUflxnr Tlll Tinr Hill Wln Hlf qmmi vi ikk miurr iiki m roirro iiwni fnr trrirnin(lx. .IVI umii-r my tumt .1 VMrc hi flit T H.I . IhH wrrtiflitb rt Mar, lM. CD. H. MOhTIVFR. Hriurulnf ftfflr.r. LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ACT. PftOCLAUaTIOK Of NITUMNINO OfflCIR rROviNCt or bwtkm columiia. I. Ik IMfNA OlaUlcL Vl WIT r i ii i.i c Mnirx u iM-ty iikii tu u riMor ut lb tlK.rl nuirln forrald iliU I liaro rwird III kiajriy Wrtl W uw ilirrrKyi. twl Im-.Hii. dam II llh ll f Mar. rmiunauiliur n. tu riux th follollil l'irtu.n. innirly - ts i.y pr.. .1 ll. Ml. of fcatr k Ih. flaaa In llc.na4 pramla. Vilhei I tor i.4ar .tar.mwtl coolrtl d rglatl.nT lo t HlrfiilllMl arninlinr lo l l Ih I Iwlom qualifird W inr fur Uav rlecllon of a mrinbrr f tlw l.rrtlll. .Mrmbl for thr llcrlnral illrlrl aforfMl'l: and. fiirtlNT. Ihal III obwlkiirf In Ih aal.l Wrll a poll lull In- i rlfi'l o'i'Inrk in th foniioon and tiill lx" rhiwl al mm I'rt.Hi D inc mi oih dar of Jun, t9r. ff Uklnt ml r-llii Ui. tutu of Jlw a(d Klrrlor I" irti Imll-Hit dllbin nf Ihp :lrrloral fil'trlri f-r- aut It tn fl'tiix piar iniinwmii; poLLina oiviiions. Bnlrdal. rdar al 'iiimn Mltk cuij-nn Horlrrtow n Nrn llatrltoil faclflr Purl EMlniton llrliio :nln smiihrra South llairlioii Murr llllrl Kanauu Hay Trlkwl Trrrare l.k rl of Tlili U dati'il tin- uili'.Nnvrinlicr, ivi, and l nnnilMTpd '474fl. .and lical.iry nfrirr, rrlnre lliiwrt, IM Marrh, 9li. II. r. MICLEOn, - H.rinrar of THIr, .. ' Tin; in. ..Mr N 0 T I 0 I. MTTr.ll or in appllrallnn nr lit a lit.i.vl.litin.1 i'.rllflil of Tllln for .o foiirtron (14), llliu-k nrvrn- ESTABLISHMENT OF ELEVA TOR HERE IS SOUND ECO NOMIC PROPOSITION EX. PERT ADVISES RAILWAY COMPANY. LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ! JcoiiUnued from page one) CT il til Ihfir iilaitl mi Hip Inirlxir, l"'"11" 1M,k being a- fnl. fMCUMATION OF RITUftNINQ OfMCII fROVINCt or BRITISH COLUMBIA t Ilia PRINCC RUPERT UlcLorml Dlllrkl k WIT fl HIJC M'lTir r it twrrliy riven to II" lln-tora of IM llrrtural IHsirlrl ifore-mi lhal I luv rmiml MU Majeaty'i W II In inr Snrle4, and iiMrtnf dale the It day i.f May. IHtl, ntfunundloir aw h fiilloHITir fliieMem, liaUM-l): CM . ap.r.if f Ik. ..I. f 4f kf Ui. flaa In llctn... pe.mia.a Ith.wl . fcar a.trnm.iit ... r. oUtl.nT I Im tlilmilllod airorduir lo law tu Ihe Fuel ii tia-olitie Distillate . ,-Cnal Oil Oallnn. 2.20ti.nnu :i5o,noii :iiO,nno H.'I.OOIt 'I'lii' Imperial )j Company lock ha h fmnlnue f .'ton fc.-. Oial i now bpjng brought fmm ii- wi inaiint t ii fr itir riM-ibw 4n julcrhir by Canadian .National ' t m-fiili.r or Ui MrHUIIv. lM-iotiiy i ,. .. . i. i it llM-tnr.1 nesrwl fmesaid: and, nf,!' iiaiiwavs, averaging i.imhi inn. uarr mi le Mid ......'.il.K- .,,,.1 -il... from lurk in lis- forenoon and lull I rhrd -inllll HIM .Ml II a i II l , averaging "-tril UIIWI IM liw lltruFPni III, tW i HIi day .f lun, 11)1. fop taklnt ld terrm hn Vnl.a of the ll MwtoM r earb pollinr divMon of I Ik Klrrionl .iirirt .rorMl4 ti the rrnUv. .laren Mfciwint flirki Itland I wll't hr llUlhraJllt IU-rl lnirw J-day Un KIM I krft M"l nmnlt rou.ino diviiioki. I .Sim lm iiuuitlily. All liiii ui-ar anil iinnlip ran ! iililaiiiil wlnfiil r rrluij in fouvr. Hip Pit)', and alninilancp nf frpli walpr I nlilninaldp aJ all wlmrvp. C.N.R. Dock , liuadiafi' Naliniial Iliiilwiiy owini a ilurk Knit fi-p ImiK !' iailfaii.ry priHif of 1 1 if liui of tlir III les 1 llllll fl llllCOUer, II ha ;,T OlraiP nf Tltlo rnv.rlni- tlw iImivh land fnt np-ildn iineni! Inkr I'Ollill. H'lini. Jwvinir l.rrn priHtiirrd In ine. It Is mv Hi Vl'l) fllXOritme npiiaiiUK .u Urt th. 'P'reiiiin of un (onSl heinir lo liable In Inter- pmibrm. -Thw nrlalnal Crrtlflral. nf Till" nlld lllir a bVpiMnm ,,l,jr ,,3 ""1 u urudb-nJ, Tukitur nn nrkKiry nfrirr. rrinre nnprrt. the verv low com n.: iltb rfbriifry, ' ll, fi, r. Muf.t.Enn. Aeglitnr of Tllln. (prminal cfitr at Vnncouvnr, It 1 iirnliaM I hp n ot li-livrinf; a far nf grain In an fle-valur mi I'rinrf JIiiipi liarlxir wnulij . nily jylill)- liijflipr lliari In an Hi-v.-ilor mi Murranl 1 rilot al Vatirouvor. A llm wphI-ftrii moypmonl nf raln inrrpaw, a fllvinion of traffic over two linos nf railway lo I wo pr-mlnnlK will Iip a (lpIralil feature. TIip prpnt rail pxpnrf r,il jla I'rinrp lujiorl fa ln amn a via ancouvpr, Ocean TransporUtlon I'rinpp llupprt i Mm fiarpsl; I'aulflp mal porl o Uip OHrnl, Hip "lalllni? ilinlunrv )piK Jii'lwi'i'ii Hmi ami On niilp liorlpr llian from Vancouver. Tliii final from I'rincp JtujipH In ll ftrJtil nav mtxiiit it lionri nlpaininv limp ovpr lioal from Vanirouvpr. I'rinrp lltiiicrt ii alioul 250 mllp Jnnffpr alliriK dinlancp from Dip Panama Oanal Ihan in N'anrouvpr, bill Mil Im nnopwlial rnifriinlzi'.l liy Uip farl iUnl a final PiiIm iljfvplly lii .pi fmrn I'rinrp llijpfrl liartmr. wliilp. frnnv Van-miner harlior inlaml walpr mul bp Ufa i gal pi I for a -iiii,icr. aMp ililanpp. I'rnm Hip pninl nf v(pw nf pi-pnrl srrain pnrln. Ilirrp wmMd p lilllf acliKil diffi-n'npp in rarjfo ralp fmm pjlhpr jmrl lit Hip I'unama (.anal nr In Hip Oripil. all Jioiicli ihp Brpalpr diffpn-nrp wniild appKiir likfly In l in fvr of I'liniv lluppfi for liipmnU In Hip OriPiit. A i.ivprMMi liip. piiiK firm wa rfrntlly ;iIp In lunli' ralp fur lulk rain Ip-lliinlinn .Ipiim... In dp na. led at Vanroinpr. wild nhippprV nplim nf liMdiuir ut Prlnrp lliiiprl. 'I'Iip ralp. nunliil wa Hip ani' an Hi miP Uien prrvailin? for luadui? al Vanrmnpr only. 'I'll i wnulij iridiralp J hut p iMtpmlnrx fiiiMirtan'P mi -lra tpumiii(r Hiiip In I'rincp llnn-rl. Tliprp i a rnnldprald .nviiin in Uirlxir Iiip In tinal liMidiiiic al I'rinrp Itniu'ri n njtain! Van- Drain PolblllUt Hip wrilfr i nf Hip opinion I hat I'rincp Itnpprl i favnralily oittKilPd for a trrain inirt. and Ihat if rain pptatnr di'M-lnpiirnl at that Milnt would tip Pi-nnnfiii 173 fppl widp with warphnnp M2iiH' oiind. Prinop Itnpprl i fpd lone liy Hi fppl widp. 'I'Iip -ompwhat morp fnvoraldy Inratpd warpioup and dnfk arc Mill- '"r lii'mpiil In tlir Oripn! Ihan .tantiall) i-oii(riirlp.l and in n,oiivpr and i on pmptl-firl rlai niiMjilimi. allliotipli ,'" " p'l"l f"r shin, not al prp.Piil usl. Iliiilt for '",nl via Hip I'anauM ilanal. liamlliiiK pp nf amnn, il '"f fafililie ollipr Ihan a yrain wniild aij.par Ihat lhl rnnlnic.,'I'',l,' nl prp.-nt uvailaMp tlim wa ahpad nf ft Hiiip. hut itH"Tr- for handling a arp vnluiiip i. wpII adaidpd for han.llimr1"f "ipinF. Spvp..irinr rhnr?p Mirkc.l craln .rp '' fan' n ut Vanriupr, Tho Kail way wharf nl pn-'pnt ilpd hy rnalwip pp I ,. Win fppl nnv, whilp Hip floor area nf Hip warphoup i about, l.l.dfto quarp fppt. Oilier wharvpx arr: l'riAinrial finwrnnwnl wharf, 50(1 fppl lontr. Coal and huildins ma'prial wharf. 3in fppt lony. Canadian Nalimial Coal and Lumber wharf. 5i fppl lonjr. lAiiniiiinn riovprniupnl wharf IHcby Nlnnd . 500 fppl Inn?. .Warly nil walPrfronl jiropprly al I'rinrp llupprl lx onmipiI hy Caiuiillan Xalional llailwayn. Induttrlea I'rinrp Itupprt i Hip ppiiIp' nf Hip. fUliln? iiilulry of Hip Xorlh I'arific rnal and a very larpp vnlump of frph and finPit fih iann thrnuuli Hip port oaeli pnon. A larap fold wlnraffp planl i in npprallnn. a wpII a !peral floli warpioup. 'I'Iip lumber linliilr- Is nf im- piirlunl prniiorlloiiH and In capa ble of (treat development. I he Kmerxnn Lumber Company have installed a largp and nuolcrii xaw. mill In ihe rily, wliicTi 1 not at nnirl-d to ilk! wliirp -iwl-w rvrrn tinm-,preenl heinjr npprated, for rea "rCTfe h.n.1 it .i-riton. n.r...;H ll.ut are not clear In ll.e ihu Twrnnnu day nf M,'il!,,l. , ,wrilcr. The movement nf spruce ,AS'in-tiirniiir nffirrr. lumlier from Hie Queen Char. " " in i ' ii j . , i.iii ,, i NOTICE. . Ix TIIR MAtTl ll nf an applI'Mlon fr Hio ln of a rmvUlmial iVrtlflratu of Hil' for )M nw (). Hlrk ihlrty-rtvp . CM-tlon n l. Ctty 'f I'rlni"" Hniri, Mai , , Kailfariorv proof f Ihe ! II Ci-rtifiral. nf Till mvrrliir m alxiVf land hatinv iiu.ii .MUiii,..i in out it u my In trillion id lour, aftrr tin- rilratlon "ftaiwn ioi to jiiianux i iinniiii'ii liiroiiiiu Mil port. Railway Facilities l'riittce Hupert is the lerminu of a branch nf llm Trnnscnnlin. eiilal line nf Canadian National llavlnp .formerly been "f. a iTovin.mai rrrtifiratu of Tiiir tu;lhe only weeni terminus nf the o. oor lann in inr naniri m n .- 'rlrn ,i Tpihi L Kiiclfp lliilvvnv I lie I riink I acme naiiwii), un. nil Man i-ini. fjiiinr. iin nrinnai ortin-iranil and harlior aiyl pilnlagc due are considerably le. Tradt with. Orient T.xporl of in.-uliaii wheat lo (he Oripnl praetieally dalp from Hip hpffinninp nf Hip crop year of IU2I-S2 and it rajijd ynmih I indiealed by Hip fiilnwjn laldp nf ptiort from Vanentjver In Hie Orient; Crnp year I4.t20-2I : nil. Crop year l2l-22: 3.122,111 butbi'U nf wheal. Cmp year HI22-2.1: 3.:ift,H3 liUhen nf wheal. Crnp year 1023 In Jan. .11, r..' IiusIipN nf wheal. KMimaled Inlul lt23.2l; 12.- noo.oiKi liiKheN nf wheal. II in et.limulPit lhal the OriVnl will thin year import abniit 30,. (100,000 bushel, nf wheal, nr which aboiil 1 2,000, Ofti) ubel will enme fnmi Canada, about I0,ll(m,000 fmm Australia ami about 8,01X1,0(10 IiiuIipN fioni Hip I'niled Stales. Japan esjipeially is hernininv inure and inure an fndusliial naliou and will import an inrrcuslmr Miiaulity of fond. lu Its, nf which Canada .should lie able In furnish inrreaiiiK iiuunlilles of wheat. Th" Oridilal market and il possibilities for development is Ihe Mires! ami nnl perinanejit prnsMel for the western route NO MORE WEAK , AND DIZZY SPELLS Since She Ued MILBURN-S HEART AND NERVE PILL iIcm'Idiiiin'uI of Hie rily nnd porl I mi iriha tiiarrnu, Ji'riua, Ba fi inn irnied ' a purl nf Ihe etuilriie. 'r,!M'- 'l bad i M f irvuti i, .i Ulfly, with lit I ihouthl i tirarl llllll 111 .111111 lIIJ,.,, , I ' ' mv ',-,.,, railwnv (ermlnal fncililles are capable of handllnff a arK mnve-ini'til of export frei(hl. While Ihe railway line to Prince fliipcrl is loncer by 8!i trouble, and artrr any unii'ual r.xrrtlon llwaya frit Hik. My doctor idvised i cniuidrte r.t lud Hiame, but tbl I !) mulilii tu like. I brcanio Inlri'Mied III Mllbiirn'a llfarl ami .Nrrvr fills, , marled Uklnr them. Iiav. ixiw la kin thiv. Iwiei and im lu in u Hi improved I ran ru itmut my duly work without frrtinr ny fur III rffcrj, and li.ive nut UaJ any rak air 1Uy SIH-U4 tor aoiu. uiim. Votir wodU'iue hit tikrn, ami rldly ... 4-vrr r,rr iiarn. I mil hiii rinaiT rvnimmeMd wnHimuii Into account MHixtrti'i end .t.rvc Piili to any nf terminal i'' ",n 'n " 'f,,, n nM wn." switchinfr al Prince lltijierl BIIL,ioi dirt on f nn h-'rh. coniiiared Willi tuc presviiji uipii t. .Mimura Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont .ITEM 1UILT nWi FXOT.FT71. : '!'' S- 5 ' Mir' 1 w for Canadian (train. While un one bnibl Ihe permanence of Ihe mule In Hip l.'nilcd Kiir?iloiit via Hie Panama Canal, il must he adiiiillct dial an abnormal de mand for bippiiiK such us exirl. oil Ihrntiyli Ihe war years wniild make lhal mule impracticable a limy a. such a condition might la-l. Ihe Orient for Hie lnwer class nf bonis is a miied carpn of wheal ninJ lumber. Thus n further de-xrliipuiPiit nf Ihe lumber business al Prince Hupert will help lis grain export business. While prior to this year all (train shipment In the Orient were In sacks, clurlers now per mit up In ixly per rent of care ops in lie.jnadPij in bulk. At porlis nf uiilnuiliiip lhal have no receiviujr eje alnys, hulk grain is sacked as K I hiriK unloaded. ExIeUng Fecllltlee Willi Ihe romplelinn nf the (laiunlian iroeriiiiient elevatnr at Kdmnnlon, Alia., in idi'inhcr ID2I, a riiuniilf cable business should develop from (train sack. d at I'Miiiniitoii and exported via Prince lluperl In Ihe Orient. Tlfe new freight shed and duck nf C..N.H. at Prince llupprl. whjrii is not al 1 1 re sen I In ue, is well adapted In handle this, bnsinesis. Cnst nf hatiillinjr mtU business can lie ennsiderably reduced by building a limlM-r rrain elevator alnngside Hie railway shed, with u bulk loading waller? along the dock. This elevator should he equipped lo receiie 'hulk graiji from cars; rti weiytt uud si ore such grain and Id ark (train for 1 X. : - The Man We r o r g a e e t Many a man who cashes in a life insurance policy admits to himself that he could have saved twice as much, wonders what he did with the money that would have paid for more, and thinks he was wise in doing what he he did, because he hasn't saved much besides. does not alvvavs occur to him to thank TicverDtes ihe life insurance man for having induced him to save money. Yet, if it were not for the life Insurance man, the Canadian people would have very little of the $3,500,000,000 of insurance now in force. Is it not about time we recognized the good work the Life Insurance Man is doing for the community? Life Insurance Service "fa an elpvatnr tlevelopment could he cnnslrucled for about tOO.OUO In have a storage caplicity of aboul 120,000 bushels, Such an elevator .would not he adapted for handling shipment via the Panama Canal hut would olTer an pconomieal means of handling grain shipments for which Hip (icopraphicnl location Tli most profitable cargo loinf Prince Hupert gives It an ad- storage in the shed. AJinnr range o'f Ivveiily-four feet coui- cleaning fiteiljlje i'iiuIiI lie nddd as niiglil b found desirable. The combiiialiun of elevator and shed would Im 'tbeeiiiivalent nf Ihe flat warehojsei that handle a larjsc. tioHinu nf the esjwirt grain l United Main Pacific ports and wniild in eddilion -luve bulk loading facilities uaicienl in handle Oriental shipments. Such vnnlage over all other ports. Elevolor for Rupert In nriler to place Prince Hupert in position In handle Hie grain business that would appear tn bo Ingically nlTering .to that port, a grain elevator nf nlmut 2,000.000 hiishej capacity is required. This elevator should have u receiving capacity nf at least 125 cars (er day, dock capacity for loading In Ihree Jmats .simultaneously, cleaning equipment ample In clean all grain as it is received, adequate sacking facilities and lorage for sacked grain. The cost nf a suitable elevator as be. fnre described would be approximately , 500,000. Ah Inspection nf the harbor front indicates (hat Ihe most favorable location for a grain elevator developniPtil a above described is a short distune west of the new freight shed, us shown on plan nf the harbor front alludied herewith. A flat hdge suitable for. an elevator foundation is exposed ut low wider. Hie ledge dropping nlT abruptly into deep water. The water nf Ibis harlior am infest ed with Hie teredo, so Ihat use of concise construction i jiecessarv above the mud Jinn. The tide binejl wilh llm necessity for con crele const ruction below low water level makes expensive dock work Inevitable,- but., this site lends Itself o u Jo.tue . e(j)uiive construe Ion !)iun would nrdluar- uy uh tuiei wnu unqer iicji con dillnns. WeavUm OpaIa MoMte Under date of April 27, 1023, tlie writer retried on Ihe wet-i ern rout: for grain via Vancuu. ver. I'ji In Ihe lime nf that re-porl the limiting Tea lu re. of Hie movement was lack nf ocean tonnage, lite 'elevator-then' in operation having (keen of suttic'ient caiacily In loarp'tilj available boats wit bout serio'q delay; Since the ihile. uf that repnrt pxporf rales hy the. wes)ei'ii rnule have been continuously riivoralde (Continued 'tin. pVge six) TIMBER SAUE X57W. f.aled Triiders Mill 6V rwlvrd bv the nitlrtrt Fnreslrr, lul laur t)ij- hiumi mi tin llth (lav uf June. Il. fur Uw Dur- nf Llrenrr K &?!, adJanMil -t Uumdary. ST). i93V , kluitaryiiiatpeti lull-1. tu rut JiiS.nim r.b.m. of sprur.. llNiiliMk, Odar and Balswn lor. Two I2 years will bv allounl fur r. juoval ur tlmlM-r, lurther parllrulars of the Chief Vor- ksler, Vlrtnria, or thv plsirlrt lorrslrr. Hrlnre Muirt. BjC TIMB5R SALE X 2743. sealnl TeiKlrr will .be re-vel by the ..UIIAIIT Wl 1..IH1S. .1 irUIPI.. ILI. - Mill latrr than iuk tut- llm ii'.lh day of June, l4. for the purchase of Ltcrm-e XSJ43, lo rut 1,080,000 feel uf Spruce, Hemlock. aiMl Oetlar, on an area situated jnn Its v.Mrrii boundary al L. IJ14-T.L. tllop. WeM Ami JuMkatla Inlet. Vlai.eit InlM. yuwu Coarlulle Islaud. Mtlrirl. "iw i) year iu jx allowed ror removal uf UiiOht. i rurtner partlrulars nr the Chief rorrs-ter. VlrtorU. B.C nr lnlrlcl Inresler, Prince lluiiert. B.C. TIMBER SALE XtfilS. Sealed TemVra will tw received by ttw Mlntsirr of Lands, at Victor!, Mot later than iiikhi on the lih day nr June, tv4. ror the purrhafte or Llcnce X Ml. In cut 3S,io Ties, un an area altuatrd approximately I miles Nona and lam from Hose Lake Slallon. C.NJ4.. uiitt . Coast Land Three (3) yeara ulU l illouej lor removal of Umber. l urllier partletilara of the. Chief Korea-t-r. Victoria, e.i or tUMrtct Kurester, Prince IUi.rl, B.5. LWtt ACT. Allln Land OlatrlM. MMelct .f Oaaalar. Take .Notice that lli-rlnaid Br.H.k. of Allln. ore .pa lion miner, liituda I. applv fr eriiilsluai to purrju-v tlw descrllied lands: Cutnawarlnit al a pool planted one huudred. yard to lb eiii nf Hie month of Hupert Creek, one mile eaM f nuldi-a Gu us Tanh lake, ibeacc wsith twenty etialna, thence hmi o Mmre Be. thence alonit hor. line lo point of BE0IJItD BROOK, AprU.t, . '4. . C9f.'ABr aaMBBBH I'm kVJkK aaABVKrAIHMV Some folks don't get all lhp wear-wnrlh nut nf suit that is possible in the opinion nf Dainty ' Dorothy. 'Iliere art some jnen anil women nf her acquaintance shei says are Very neglectful when il comes lo takinVr an inventory of their wardrobe. She believes that nur cleaning is one nf the biggest hoinje sating helps ever eslabllnhed. You'll be in. rlined In agree wilh her afler yon luve$tlga(o our worth. a er. Tfc'NII PHONE 8 $T 60K392 PWNClWRUPf rt St. Regis Cafe Prince IHiperVe tedlnfl MeeUurant. A Bakery UneurjuueetJ Third Avenue.