Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 3 U 6. Phone 688. Open Evening Only Far Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Roving. IE Bcsa PBeWell And Happy .nd eu hnm Natur.'. frratest (lit. N.lur.'t Rrmedjr (K)TblcU) m vcfletabla lautiva. ton. tha organ and relieve! Conttipation, Biliouineat, Sick Headache. VenewtnaT that viffof anil ofwl (nL Ing o Decatur? to being well and Vui tor Ovr Cat 2Bc yf.fc 30 Ytar Bm. a Chips off the Old Block W JUNIORS LlttlrRa Th tame m In ona-tblrl doaee, eaudr-coatad. tot children and eilulu. mmm Sold By Your Dru((lt mm Miss Yvonne Hoberge bus re-, signed from the Prince Rupert Ocneral Hospital slalT and will spend some time visiting in the city. I DRY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu Birch NO- -roo-RE GOINC X ; ' : Wood KIN TO TO HP&D -- na. r-rsjr. THE LECTURE. TOO THEN H WENT CO -j I FfTHD. . taJvJr . . l UUCK0NTT prof JOIT HEMD XaouT THE I'M t0 FOR SMALL HEATERS, THINf . Lie - CONOlTOMt CLA0 IOO 50c KNOW vcuv IM EUW-OPEL- iTV CO . Per Sack -v- int UNTIL THE LECTURE THE, TONICHT I amr - I If I I . HydeTransfer WILL ALt0 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night op Day WE BUY BOTTLES. aSSSJ JURAT. (TO SS'Ea Wffig2& 104 pipefuls of real for 65? in the new V2 lb. fin of LIKE THt BONO DEALtRS WE DO NOT CUARANTIE TMSWlMtNT Of 104 PIPEFULS BUT WE BE UIVEITTOM CORRECT BASEBALL BOXINQ LACROSSE OF THE TETRASINA WINNER NEWrtlARKLT TODAY PAPYRUS SECOND NEWMARKET, Ocl. 2. The jockey Hub slakes were won here loiluy by Telrnsina owned by II. H. Aga Khun. J. P. llor-nungs Papyrus came .ecrinJ with I'artli, I lie properly of M. Gnuldas coming in I lii ni. CRITICISM OF FIGHT FIRPO YERSUS WILLS HARTFORD, Oct. 2. "The most ghastly critique on civilization," declared President It. H. Ogilby of Trinity College, before the Rotary Club, "was the pitting of a blaek mass of flesh against the giant from Sotillt .ewri-ea at Hoylo's Thirty Acres, wherp paid, admissions were enough to I. ..It. I .. t. ..Moll., tl : . , . , " (mini a limy i mil). : , . - Dr. Ogilby deplored ntlil'ellq. . i 1.2-.- .--. I 1-- Mrnoiaraiiiip.s imerrii oy some coi leges, saying lliey irofessional lied sports. A GOOD AVERAGE You remember the slory of tho Scotchman who was not feeling as well as usual and called on his family doctor, who looked I him over and gave liirrt snmo pills lo he taken at bedtime. A bottle of whiskey was also prescribed for his stomach'H sake a small glass to be taken after each meal. . Four days Iajer Sandy called again on the doclor ami said (hat i .11 I lie was jeeuug no neucr. "Have you taken the medicino ipxnp.tlv ns I instructed" the rioc- lor inipiired. "Well, doctor," said Sandy, "I may be a wee bit ahind wi' llm peels, but I'm about six weeks ubead wi' the whuskey." ' v GOOD SUBSTITUTES , fJeorge: "Of course, being bacH, in London, I miss the cows and sheep and pigs and things." Ftbel: "Ah, yes. but we still have each other, darling." BRITISH CONSOLS ' eW R VBBBBBf SPORT NEWS DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE s i I Sport Chat J'here will be an active basketball season in Anyox this winler il is expected. The Senior League will probably be made up of learn from the smeller, mine. coke plant and F.lks. There will ulso he an Intermediate League and n Ladies' League. Tho lat ter League will probably include earn from the Mine as well us he, Illuebirds and Pals of lal jfeason. The Pals will be con-siderably weakened owing lo Ihc ubsence of Mis Jtose .MnlTall. who has gone lo Vancouver, aia will also suffer through Hie loss, of the services of Miss Sundae Calderone who will play for Ihc Mine. A jiinialure riot was tin sequel in Vancouver last week lo a ten-round boxing bout between Vic Foley, the bantamweight of Vancouver und Hud Hidley or Seattle, llidfey put up a first-class fight but, when the referee called lht scrap a draw, the ringside fans disagreed entirely. A large number of spectators held that Foley was entitled In the decision, as many as five rouudsbeing his, the remainder being even. Police had lo be called lo escort Ted Whitman, referee, from the ring. -- The directors of (be Itadiniii lion Club expect to have the hall ready for play on or before tin fifteenth of the month. Some changes have been made in tin courts which will run I lie opposite way of the hall from tha! used last year. A rule, which is being imposed by Die Hadminlon Cluh this year, is that members will have to pay 25 cents for the privilege of introducing a playing member whether from out of town or the. cily. 'ITi js will prevent any suggestion of non-members taking up the courts when members are wailing for games. . The charge against the Jap7 arie'se Taittiaaht, 'of "keeping1- a gambling house, was dismissed by Magislrale McClymonl in the city police court, this morning. smokini SMOKING TOBACCO On the ADQ Cff u Britain rifht. irivrd FOOTBALL TENNIS SWIMMINQ NOT GOOD FOR GIRLS TO READ SO MUCH OF PETTING PARTIES Slow Jazz Condemned But Tango Commended by Advisory Committee New York NKW YOMK, Oct. 2. ( "Slow jazz" is condemned and the much abused laugo exalted in a report made public by the Ad visory Dance Jlall vCommiltec of he Women's Cily Cluh und the Jily llerreutiou limmillii, of .viiich Mrs. Henry Moskowitz is -liiiirman. The report, bused on a long and careful study of all tdiases f I lie dance hall problem, stales hat (be tempo of "slow jazz" is in itself Uie cause of most of lie sensual and freakisli danc ing. It urges that "more compli cated dance, like the tnnifo hould be promoted and featured y mean of prize contests, nx-lihitions, etc. Constant Education "The public?' it says, "requires onslaiit education lo restore lie artistic dances. The one-step iuI fox-ljnl, as danced ul p re-ten t, represent the line of Jeast esistunce, and the inertia which neveuts the'If'aniliig of the more lifficult dances can only be over come by persistent effort on the art of ballroom proprietors, who diouhl be made to realize that heir position gives them an op-.ortiinily lo assume leadership ii I lie improvement of (he laiie." In addition, the report sug gests (hat only persons wilti food character references should .o employed in dance halls, and hat cabarets "should be re-piired to maintain the same dandanjs in music, personnel and supervision as tho dance places.'- Smart People In dealing with the cause of mnp dance hall Improprieties !he report says: "So long as girls read about pelting parties and iult-nigh'l lances at joVjiinlry . clubs und! pop ular-hotels" 'anil ;resLi(ir.ilits in' (lie cily, and devour tho stories, pliologrnphs and stage represen tations of Hie so-eullixl smart people, Jtisl so long will the dis torted imagination of the less safeguarded girl lead to vulgarity and dangerous practices." Oeorge Innes, Indian, charged in l lie city , police court this morning with intoxication, was fined $10 and costs. ' 4 t ' PRINCc. RUPERT TI0E1 Thursday, Octoebr 2 High ...... 3:3l n.m. 20.1 ft. T5:35 p.m. 21.7 Low 0:32 a.m. 5.1 22:08 p.m. 2.1) Friday, October 3 High . 1:22 n.m. I9;2 ft, 10:22 p.m. 20.8 " Low ....... 10:18 a.m.. 0.3 " 23:01 p.m. 3.8 " Saturday, October 4 High 5:21 a.m. 18.0 fl. 17:21 p.m. 10,7 " Low 11:12 a.m. 7.7 " Sunday, October 5 High 0:38 a.m. 17.1 ft. 18:31 p.m. 18.7 " Low 0:01 a.m. 1.8 " 12:18 p.m. 8.8 " Daily News Classified Ads. : 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vartUemnt Taken lor Laaa thm BOci; FREE TRIP-VANCOUVER A FMF.F. trip to Vam ouver and a small remuneration. A 'i foot gasboat lo be Inken to Vancouver in lhe near future. Only competent men need apply. Phone HOI . 2.U WANTED WANTF.D. Hookkeeper. Musi be good collector. Howe's Slieel Metal Works. 231 WANTKD. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phono C52. SITUATION WANTED I-LXPKIUF.NCF.D stenographer and book-keeper wants work, November I. Write lox SfOO Daily News. tf BOARD AND ROOM IIOAIID and (loom at the Inlander centrally located, one half block fronr Post Ofllce. 830 Second Avcn. Phono 137. tf IIOAIID and Itoom in private home; fenlral. Kwry eomfort Iteasonahle rales. Phone Rett 21 H. 331 FOR RENT TO II i:.T Unfurnished Hat in new building. Minlern conveniences. Apply Joe (laron, Rupert llakery. If FOR KIWI'.- -Furnished hnuse-keeplng rooms. Phone Itluo 217 or 18. 110 Sixth Avcnuo Iast. tf OFI-ICi: FOR RlWr wiHi modern living quarters. W'eslenhavct llros. If I QH UKNT. Palmer House for cheap rates' and borne com-forts. tf FOR RKNT Four room, modern, healed apnrlmcrils. Apply Smith &. Mallett. Ltd. tf AUCTION SALES. Goods Hought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer, Purnllure and Crockery. Third Ave. Phonef Dlack 13fl and Red 442. TAXI Taxi 67 Phono (Ca!! Oeorge. Paul or Oust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nlvhl Stand: 30SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Emnress Hotel BOAT REPAIRS FISHERMEN. Tho elose season will soon bo here. You can gel your boats overhauled by contract or day work, at a moderate price. Wo build anything up lo 200 Inns. Marino ways. Call or wrtto Eriksen llros:, x hi I builders, North Vancouver, ' H.C. tf DISCOURAGES GOATS SOFIA The sheep and goat census forjjie current year shows that Ihere Is a pair of sheep,' or a sheep and a, goat, for evrry man, .woman and child in llul- igaria, with a part of a sheep or ! . i i a goal in spar. Sheep, however, nre much pre ferred In goals by the Bulgarian government. The reason is llial goats, feeding nn the fresh, young lops of shrubs and small trees, apparently arc eating the Country bare of forests. Hence I steps aro being taken In di. courage Ihuir Increase, LOST LOST. Hoy s wrist watch, near riorden Street Scliool. Finder please return to Wallaces Slurp. Reward. If FOUND FOUND. l.ales' fell hal. ()wner nan obtain same upon Identifying and paying for this advertisement allie Daily News ntllre. if FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease,, Royal Cafo. FOR SALE. Electric Washing Machine. A bargain. Apply Immediately. 33 Fifth Avenue Easl. FOR SALE. Rooming house, furnished. Apply U2'J Ambrose Avenue. 'tf FOR SALE. Old papers by the bundle. Daily News office, tf ROOMINO HOUSE fur Sale; central location; steam heat: cheap rent; rooms always full; Owner. Wrlle l i 802 Dally Nws. - tf FOR SALE. New . and used Machinery, limits' and Engines. Northern Exchangf tf FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Buy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Ooods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 830 Third Ave. phone 410. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Oraduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. Hours: to to 12: 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by nppointment. Plione Itluo 85. DON'T BE SHOCKED Hide on GOODYEAR BALLOON TIRES For all Cars Ford Tires, $8.60 to $16.00 Fit Goodyear Tires and Avoid the Shocks MODERN WRECKING EQUIPMENT Day and Night Service. Phone 62. KAIEN GARAGE. PIANOS TUNED. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS It I'M PAIRED AND ADJUSTED J. B. MacKAY Phono (lren 451. P.O. Hox 425 A COURTEOUS COMEBACK Mrs. Cobb: "Was tho grocer's hoy Impudent to you again when you telephoned your order I his morning?" Maid: "Yes, Mrs. Cobb, he was (hat; hul I fixed him this lime I sezr'W'ho the h do you think you're lalkin" to? This is Mrs Cobb at tho phone talking, " MAIL SCHEDULE Fop the East-Mondays, Wednesdays 'and Frl. day, closes at I p.m. From thu East , " " Mondays, Thursdays and Sat urdays, t p.m. r ' To Vancouver Tuesdays Mail close at 115 P M Wednesdays , 7 15 P II Saturdays f. 1115 P M C.P.R. October 7, 17 ui d From Vancouver-. AI v Sunday fc.JrJ.....P. M, - Wednesday v Jt I'M Fridays . ., , A.M Saturdays N HI C.P.R- October a. I J sod 4 To Anyox, Alice Arm, .Stewart and Premier-Wednesday ""TJ15PM Sundays j jr, p M From Anyox, AllOe Arm Tuesdays i' . WW Saturday- V J 0 I' M To Port Simpson- Sundays 7:l'i I'M Thursday ... "TO P.M. From Port Simpson Tuesdays I'M Saturdays .. A M To Alaska Points' October :i. and ?t, From Alaska Points ileddter J, Ii and -'8 To Masselt, Port Clements, Buckley Bay- Queen Charlotte Island Points October 1 and IK 10 45 I' M From Maseett, Port Clements, Buckley Bay- Queen Charlotte Island Points October 8 ami -?.: s To Naat River Pofnte and Port Simpson ' Thursdays i, to P.M. From Naaa Rlvep Points Salurdaya . KM, BOX COLLEOTION ; P.M. P.M (Jm..ain & Allin Ave. 2.15 8.15 1st Ave. A Eighth Sit 2.20 8.20 fllh Ave. & Fullon K. 2.25 8.25 8th Ave. A Thompson st 2.30 8.30 lllh Ave. A Sherbrooko Ave 2.35 8.35 I Hit Ave. A Conrad HtV-2.40 8.10 tlllt Ave, A Hays Cove Ave i...2J45 8.45 Clh Ave. A Hays Cove Circle . ,50 8.&0 HI Ii Ave. A Cotton St... ,55 8.55 5th Ave. A Mcllrido SI. 3.00 0.Q0 Pro. (lov. Illdgs 3.5 9.5 Prov. Oov. Wharf .... 3.10 0,10 O.T.P. Wharf 3.15 0.15 2nd Avo. A 2nd SI 3.20 0,20 3rd Avo. A Fulton 81. 3.25 0.25 3rd Ave. A Cth St 3.28 0.28 THE SCOTSMAN' SCORES "Are the English mad?" Is the subject of a long letter to o London newspaper. This is one instance In which (he perfervld Scot will not insist upon (he use of Hie words "fireat llritaln." -u- Edinburgh Dispatch. NOTICE Advertisers uro reminded that copy for advertisements shouhPbo in tho Dally News ofl.ee beforo 4 p.m. today to ensure insertion In tomorrow's Issue, tf Advcrllso in the Dally News.