MURDERED WIFE AND CHILDREN Forrrer Captain In Air Force Turns Slayer In Fit of De spondency j 'KAVv A. ilrt. 2. - John Iturh-" V.f... an ex-enplaln in i; 1 1 An- Force, who wa i in ma Hie war and " 1 a forty per ewit pw-" i' e m murdering hi i little daughter i' M"inlenry over fnablllty .in adequate income. The w.t murdered ruereii with wiu. a' a; "infession I'lrte staled PRINCE OF WALES Mle Fast Run to Famous Holiday Resort on Canadian National Today, Leaving Last Night ' M WW, Oct. -Tim I'rhice left the ranch at lliph "t evening arriving here ; "ie o'clock. Ills special al tho slnllon bnlf an 1 Hip I'rlnro did not leave frelaht train when eei their tiiioineon ur lark uf H w a onv4.nmriiiary ,Wf(M,r,r). .b,.. ,w ano,ier ' '- Monday nipM l..jlirr rfUP for rU(h mU(tek , HH'if. one or th-iOHemilned I Miletl !tale romin-!li.-IH plhil l.ieut i i-liirler niendter of iii uf mylon. flhio. k i he hanntiel were ! of Vaneoner, tn- who atleuipt to do their travel ing in moeooor puiinian or by mean of "riding I he rod ha been touched by Hie railway roalfianie and this drive is lo i be irorutad lo the blUer end. I lent of n: . nuiufmllmi Salvia... r.ilu..v Vaiirmiver. di-'rw nra ma municipal Hlie ... ni,ui.)iu niiirrr. marialrales and olber uu .,r the fsrific pulird,., 0f e law H i hoped to reduce lbi traffic to a mini- Miuui ami brio about a drastic I'liniiiuiiion in the niniiber of iim-paina tcurnt carriad by the iailvta in weleru Canada. Steel Their Hearts l Poiue i. Hirer are being 1 1 -1 I in xleel their hearU luiun-i Hie plea of woulil-be- ifr.-f ti.ivi'ller and brine them in iiihI mi charges uf lrespas-iM vt ami lealinic riden ami mag-ntlralee eer) where have prom- ied their cooperation ly tllTen-ing up (he etileitcert iitieil on thoe who follow this, ilanRerou and illegal practice. A larfe per cenlatre of the iterioun and ratal aecidiuita on Canadian railway it I pointed out. Involve pernnn who are irenaint on railway property M.lll,Jnir i,e amount of Mtneni and the ehlldreii!""". ' " ,V , , ... r..i,,, U luilu.nxl lTinllli ! wen- Ul.l.. potoned. the iiumlier of injuries and ralalllien which an- ,:,,; every yearj tended taking 1,1. own ,ajl. this year. OapL ,1 i i diservalion nl n men- """. ,..... ... iirniiertv t.arlv i ila amaae IIMSe lias US "t-ii i'iii ror some, weeks. caused as well a lliefls per-pelialed, arfecling liol only Ihe euilwnvs but private persons i ... . ..n ,w I lu r.'iel AT JASPER PARKlihaMhe hoboes" are a "" lo the travelling public are hind the drive which is now noma launched. RARRY CHIEF JUSTICE OF NEW BRUNSWICK OTTAWA. ''' - J'"1"' of the K"'B - llrl,''h ,,vi" A ii r -i..m in New IrnnswirK lias t..-.. Minn lllllllllt'l- III itiiiii 11" . .., "d aboard appointed elder Justice Ihe oar. 11 ' in success!,. n . J da. eM.ecle. (hat I pedal Hrunswlck ,i ..... . . m..i.-i..iv ii w'liii lias iieeu '"He n nisi nin jo jasper j. .. ,,f "" ,,,n there at nboul half l "" pl"ir' l.aler advices slain way nnninisslon. 6 w ,s dun in reach Jan- ,,, ;lv ,.,. She mil Unite,! Slates increased in our ? eyes the risks we have aisumed and Jlie history of F.urope during the pnal five years has not been .ATrl n Um sneli as to lessen that npprehen- (11, utJU U A flj K nion. TEACHERS ELECTED OFFICERS FOR YEAR Miss E. A. Mercer Heads Local Association; Miss Rothwoll Vice-president and Miss Mitchell Socretary lloolh Memorial scliool. lim-cers were circled as follows: President, Miss K. A. Mercer. Vice - President, Miss Jessje llulliwell. Secretary Treasurer, Miss Caroline Mitchell. JOIN FORCES Standard and Sterllnq Unlto un dor Namo of Standard-Sterling Bank of Canada TORONTO, Ocl. 3. A joint The annual meeting of the ann'oiMiceiiienl issued last night Prince llupcrl Teachers' Assoe-iby (he hoards of diret'lors of the ialloti look place last evening in Standard Hank id Canada and Ibe Sterling Hank that approval I ii 1 1 been obtained from the federal .minister of finance foi the amalgamation of these two banks under Ihe name of Ihe Standard-Sterling Hank of Canada. Under Ihe "agreement two Executive- Miss Until Mewnrl, shares of Standard Hank slock Miss Hlanclie Muedonnld, l. II. will be given for three shares of i ,. ii" 1 M'- - N H'"'i 1 is ...n8. l- TAXI BOSTON GRILL nnd Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing, floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime, parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For rales, apply to Doston and 6th 81 firill. Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. vol XIV, NO. 232 lMIINtJE Mri'KHT. II.C. Tilt IISUAY OLTOIIKIt 2. I f2 1. TMttrdir'i Circulation, 1417. Street ! 607 I'niCE FIVE CENT'S. '"' , C0MPLE1E UNITY IN LEAGUE OF NATIONS LADY KINDERSLEY PROBABLY BOTTOM OF ARCTIC WITH VALUABLE CARGO FLYERS ARE ON BURNS WILL WAY TO DAYTON TAKE BEEVES Lcnothy Leave of Absence to bei Dulkley Valley Cattle Will be Qlen U.S. Airmen Planes Still at Seattle ; l 1 11 . OH. '.' The t ' i lotted stales idii ml i flyers are now elii)K ., Dayton. Ohio, wIipiicc rii,r"d by Major ileu-, . i.. chief of the I llllcil ,, -eivire. After luni- ir final report. Ihe uf 1 in- ien extended .ilienre. Lieut. Lowell spend bl leave on Coaal ft ml Lieut., m expect to violf In-Sweden. plane are sfill here, in! field awaiting nr-ii final dipoflim. ' ( New Orleans, after J ' v NeUnn'i. plane waul - akei dial H lie sent kept ' a permanent , lour watch m beinn; machine here! .v "ir-lmiilcra. " M.LEIGH WADE purchased; Abbatolr Will be Built The Board of Trade has recoiled a communication from P. Burns Ltd. staling that they are making arrangements to take care of the beef offering for sale this year In the Bulk-ley Valley, The telegram further states that the company Intends to proceed with the building of an abbatolr here. HOBOES TO GET "Hopping" Freight Trains and "Riding the Rods" to be Discouraged by Railways WINNIPEG. o-t 2. fienlle-men of leisure) who follow the il- MFMRFR nYRn.r. . R "SM prnir of The Seal tie' drive fatnt Oioe The drawing show huw u diver secured corul specimens from the sea bed of tlie Ha-hiitn.i- wlnle miles ami pictures were taken from an under-waler lube by hi ro-work-t is mi exjiedilion ul the Amen aii M n -en .. i ol Naluiiil llilory. Assembly of League of Nations Adopts Protocol Without Any Sign of Dissent: Canada's Position Senator Dandurand Lays Stress on Failure of AGREE NOT TO United States to Take Part of M A VT! WAD AT Burden on Herself OKXBVA, OrL 2. The assembly or Ihe League or Nations today unanimously adopted a resolution recommending thai all states accept the proliMol of arbitration and security. Fitly-seven delegations supported Ihe resolution and nol a state was rcpre-seuted at Ihe gathering lliat allaiued fnun voting. The protocol provides for the pacific etllemeut of inlenia-tional disputes but iii many rases the constitutions of the countries represented provide thai the protocol iiiu-l be ratified by parlianieut before being formally adojded. Canada's position (IKNF.VA, Oct. S. Hon. Itaoiil Handiirand, Canadian repreeen-lativa of (lie League of Nations, peaking before the Assembly today, declared that Canada must be loyal lo Ihe covenant of the League and would support the protocol of arbitration and se- rarity. He said when Canada sub- scribed lo the covenant she fBr' from Ihonghl she would have the entire burden of representing North America when the nppeal eairta for maintaining peace in Kuroiie. The falling away of Ihe NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A new Telephone Itirec-lory is ahntil in be printed. All perous desiring any change or addition! lo service, listings or new service please notify Telephone depart inenl in writing not later than October 8. .'33 EACH OTHER ilgntory Nations to Protocol Bind Themselves to Reduce Armaments (il'.NF.VA. Oct. 2. What is vt-ricially known as ihe protocol Tor the pacirir settlement ot in-temaliiHial disputes" that was presented to Ihe Assembly ot the Leaaue uf Nations yesterday aHer being signed by representatives of the great powers, contains a preamble and 21 clauses. The preamble sets out that one or its poroses is the realization ot a reduction of national arma ments to Ihe lowest point consistent with national safely ami the enforcement by common action of international obligations. The most important rlauses in Ihe document interpret and strengthen the covenant or the League or Nations and provide a system tor arbitration of all or any disputes, thus paving the way to what former Premier Hrinnil in a speech today called "making war on war." The signatory stales agree in no rase lo resort to war with one another or with any other stair which accepts the. obligations se' out in Ihe protocol except in case of assistance to acts oT aggres sion nr when acting in- agreement with Ihe League or Nations. GOVERNMENT AGENT ON WAY HERE WITH FAMILY TO RESIDE VANCOl'VFll. Oct. ?. Norman Wall and family passed through the city yesterday en route to Prince llupert. where he will Inko up residence and take over Ihe position of government agent. He was formerly private secretary to ' III' "HIH.'.'r .1 l)tl"H. Million Dollar Cargo Was Lost on Lady Kindersley and Vessel Probably at Bottom of Arctic VJfJTOlUA, Oct. 2. The llinl.-on Hay auxiliary schooner KiiiOcrsley is probably at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean iow. anl Cajit. Foellmer of that vessel upon his arrival here board Ihe iiayciiirno with live olher member;' of Uiq crpw. The Kindersley had a cargo aboard worth a million not a particle or which was saved. "If we had stuck to our ship one day longer not one of ns would have had a ' han. e,' the captain s;mi. "We waited-fifteen days before we were able t. get away from the vessel. Many I-T: - ! 'imes we ineii but each time were REFORM SENATE Voutd Enact That Bill Could Not be Rejected by Upper House Third Time FOHT WILLIAM. Oct. 2. Premier Mackenzie Kin?, speaking by Ihe Senate on (he third occa ion it is brought before parlia-1 men! CARSON IS SLATED FOR IRISH BOUNDARY COMMISSIONERSHIP LONDON. Oct. 2. Lord Carson. I'ninuisl leader in Ulster and a prominent figure in Hrilish public life, will be Ihe Hrilish Government's nominee on the Ulster Houndary Commission, according lo the Daily Express. The North Ireland Government is nol appointing a man to represent them on the commission. WIREL1SS REPORT 8 a.m. 1)10 HY 'ISLAND. Cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer 2U.88; temperature, 50; light swell; 10 p.m. spoke steamer Prince John passing out bound or Anyox; 8 p.m. steamer Prince eorge southbound. DEAD IHEE POINT. llaining calm; barometer, 2U.78; temper ature, (5; sea smooth. HULL IIAHROIl. Cloudy, light soul beast wind; barometer, 2D.y2; temperature. o0; sea smooth; H p.m. spoke lug Cape Scott abeam Adenbrooke Light hound Tor Port Angeles; 6.10 a. m. spoke lu gl.orne stormbound in Huc.kley Hay. Noon IHOIIY ISLAND. Cloudy, light southwest wind ; barometer, .'y.08; temperature. 53; sea smooth. HULL IIAIUtOll. Clear, strong west wind; barometer. 2i.i3; temperature, 59; sea rough; 9 a.m. spoke steamer Gray 35 miles, east ot Hose harbor north bound; 9.15 a.m. spoke steamer Venture through Milbank Sound northbound: 10:15 a.m. steamer Prince Alice abeam Adam I'ivc ! i - ! lilmu n ii . .'orced back.-' ! The fiayehimo will remain in auaranline 2( hours. Other members of the crew left Capt. Foellmer ami arc coming out overland. UNION REFUSES TO ARBITRATE icrp last ui'ht in the course of hilveslern tour, said bills of Conciliation Board Proposed by pubyc jieneril pa.-sed by the Co,d Storage Company But Iloisecif Commons were beinjrl Refused ruthlessly rejected by the t'ppert -- House. He said the situation was i Tuere was no change in the sueti that he. 'AualV at the Canadian sard lo democratic govenimenU Storage Ob."'s plant he would be justified in saying' n' morning. The company that legislation would be intro- bavin? offered to artdlntte with duced amending Ihe constitution jHP fish Packers' Union of the so that a measure which twicer'1" I'nlon, a reply was re had been supported by the House jceived from the secretary of the f Commons shall not be defeated ' un,on ,n,s niorning as follows: I beg to report that the Fish Packers' Union of the One Hie Union on the second ballot unanimously voted down your suggestion regarding a conciliation Iwanl." Olher fish packing houses are suffering from the lack of ice supply. The Booth Fisheries Canadian Co. was the main buyer al the Exchange this morning. It il getting in ice from its storage houses al Lake, Kathlyn. 'Three American boa. ofrered 1 1,000 (tounds id halibut at the Fish Exchange this morning and three Canadians. 38.500 pound. The catches were disposed or as follows: American Nomad, 5,500 lbs.; Fairway, 5.-500 lbs.; and Washington, 3,-000 lbs., at t3.fic and 6c lo the Booth Fisheries Canadian Co. Canadian Livingstone. 18,000 lbs., at and Cc lo the Booth Flih- eries Canadian Co. Hose Spit, 12,000 lbs., at and c lo Ihe Allln Fisheries for Butedale delivery. Tillie S., 8.500 lbsK holding over until tomorrow for a better price than was ottered. EASTERN MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT YISTED THE CITY YESTERDAY Eastern M.P. Much Pleased With City Visitors in the city yesterday afternoon were Dr. J. W. Carru- thers, member of parliament for Algoma East f Ontario, Mrs. Car nitines and their daughter, Miss Inez Cnrrulhers. They are on a our of the W and arrived here by train, sailing last night on the slenmer Prince Hupert for It wa Dr. ('arrulliers' first visit to Prince Hupert and he was much please. I with the clly. Fred Stork, the local member, showed him and his family around. Dr. Oarnttliers. who is a Liberal, resides in Little Curren. III'!