PAGE BIX WESTHOLME THEATRE COMIIltl'H Lie "IHii Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 9 p.m. Wandering Daughters" A pliolo-play (lull deals Willi just exactly what it's lillu suggest. A story nf everyone's daughter, sooner or Inter. An adventure in the land oT Jazz. A tnjo or modern girl-liood, adornliim, ami of a girl whose father should he u night walehnum. A delightful drama or jazz hearts among shallered dream easily. Wow far along life's rough road should n girl go unguided? How far can she he trusted? Take your daughter to see (his picture. It mirrors tho experiences of girl hungry for lire's forhidden fruit Strong east. Pal OWIalley, Marguerite de la Motte, Willinni V. Mong Noah Beery, Allen Howell, Marjorie Daw and others. COMEDY CLYDE COOK IN "THE ORPHAN." Admission 35c and 10c. WALK DOWNSTAIRS AND Save Money llallow'een Dates in hulk, 3 lbs. for 25c F.vaporatcd Prunes, sie 40. 50, special, 2 lbs. . . . 25c New Season's Pack Lobster, small tins 25c Medium size litis . . . 45o We Buy and Sell LIVE CHICKENS OR FOWL. v rue n lor prices. V n can haiiilli' liuin son to 300 chickens weekly. RupertTablcSupply Trjrec Phones, 910,111, 212 This Week's Specials Apples, Mcintosh heds No. 1, per box .... $2.75 No 2, per b"X $2.35 Oranges, 3 do. $1.00 Preserving Pears, ptjr box $2.75 Tomatoes, per basket 50c Large Head Celery. 2 for 25c Pickling Onions, 3 lbs. for 25c (Iroen Tomatoes, 0 lbs. for ... 25o Small Pickling C.gcumbcrs. per Hi 15c fire en Peppers, per lb. 20c Hod Calihiitfe, per lb. . . B'iO Heinz I'irkliux Vinegar, per ipiart 25c per jjnllun 90c We have all I'irVling Assortment.". Order now. HIM STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. CANADIAN SERVICE FROM QUEBEC TO QUEENS fOWl AND LIVERPOOL (.annum. i mi. . , v,v. is un-imm v,v. 1 FBum MONTREAL TO PLVOUIK-CHtRaOURO-LONDON AuiKiniu Oct. 1 1, Nov. iU AikIkiiiii Oil. a 5 AllltllllH !lV, TO QLA8COW Ontui-lila iii-l. , in, uv. ft AUMIIU int. il, iv. (I from new vork oi l. 31 TO QUEEN8TOWN AND LIVERPOOL rrnui'iMiia 1 on. 11 scylitiii oi-t. tg Aurinln Oct. 15 MrolllH v. t TO CHERBOURQ AND SO'ITHMPTON JlciflllrniH .... "HI IT,, Nov. S, M(,v. J Nanri'lanit ... oi-i. tts, 'uv. in, liec. s AiniOniiln on. v. Nov. to. ride 13 TO LONDONDERRY AND OLASOOW TUHMIIIH Ort, It O.litmlilii Oft. 18 Auyrla on. ts r.i'"' ?to. i Money nnli'i-rule I nil ml ('UiiHrn's urii.i Vmicuutcr, B.i.. ma FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We Will Sell I) rooms ; i siring, gooil quality , only 12 to sell, each ... , 40c Soda Hiscuits, large packages, new stock, 25c size 15o Mcintosh Apples, per hojt i $2.50 Jumble Pack $2.00 1 1 Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. S1.00 llallowi Dates, new "lock , ... 122c OUR FRESH MEAT DEPT. Is where you can save money. Lowest Prices ui Hupert. Quality guaranteed, or money refunded. Order Spring Chicken For Saturday Farmers Market Phone Blue 428 SURVEY PARTY RETURNS HOME A. E. Wright and His Men Arrive Here After Exciting Experience off Lawn Hill Buoy . K. Wright, H.C.I-.S. and hi- parly consisting of J. Palon. Iloger Wright and L. Hinton returned lo the city yesterday from (he Queen Charlotte Islands where they have been engageft Ibis summer in coast triangula- ion work. They left their gas boat Klhelda at Skideato where il is possible she may remain for I he winter. The work this year was con ducted very successfully. Mi'. Wright reports. There was only one experience that ' approached I he point of excitement, that ac- curring last Thursday when the parly was setting out for Priucf itupert on t lie Klhelda. Near Lawn Hill buoy, the engine broke down. This bei.iK in the even ing, (be anchors were thrown over and in the morning two men were, sent ashore to. obtain assistance. .Meantime, rough weal her had come up but the Canadian I'ish & Cold .Storage Co. boat Chief I.eaaie. Caul making the sevenlcen-mile trip from Skidegalo to Lawn Hill in the face of a howling southeast wind ami in pilch darkness. Mr. Wright and his companion wen-taken lo safely and, later, the Legale lowed Ihe Klhelda to Skidegale. The party decided hi leave Ihe Klhelda there and made the passage across Hecate Straits home in a fish boat. U rLimUUIH.CHERHDURD.LUnDaN Ml ..I . AiiwuiH ., on. ti! " niggeri HIS CLASS ing on nonclialently, and in-juired: "Sam, are you going north?" "No, sah," said Hie negro addressed. "I'se a class It nigger." What do you mean by class asked the trainman. Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD DAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you tho very best service possible, whllo our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, w atones, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Dainty Dorothy Would mention Qup real courteous attention ItelMl.le work, fair profits ami p!"init service is whal ymi niii;. evpee! In gel at lln- sU"i. ( nre rxperi-'' .i l l pi 'iperly V v I'li 'pe us lo call Tor your i.'iuiiinnts. If you want lo ' nfer willi us about cP'an- ii'-' advice is always at ' ' i ; ' 'iiiinaiid. Our rapid elf.iinic and pressing for n. en i- piipulur priced. PHONE 8 B0X392 PmNCET-r RUPERT COMYN CHING SAYS CHURCH IS NECESSARY Rector of Edmonton Declares Russia Is Today Raising Fiends Instead of Men and Women KDMOX'i'ON, Oct. 3. Hussi; is today raising fiends instead of men and women, said Hev. J. Coniyn-Cliing in a sermon here. " Can wp do without the church f asked Ihe preacher. "Hussia has said it could, and today is raising fiends instead of men and women. II has endeavored to stamp out the living church, and there is no hope for stricken llussia until there is reborn 'wilhin her confine, thai great spiritual regeneration. The church, the body of Chrisl, is llussiii's only salvation." "Can w do without the church-? Nor-r-a thousand times no! Ob- Charles Svendsen, readied thel',u'psl, ' 111 onion, ana distressed craft late Mint ni-rht ; in nix months this city would not he fit for decent men and women lo live in., Life would not be worth anything-- there would be no aafety anil no peace." Tliem were people, concluded Mr. Coniyii-Chinji, who thought they could do without Unchurch, liul when the day of devastating sorrow came---when physical death stared them in the face then in every case these' people turned at Ihe last lo thai church which they denied. The church had no apology lo , LM-niin of neuine nt ii, o intake. It stands today as the terminal station telling a. few) Influence for good cm departing brethren good-bye. A """"h, and so. by the grace ut i-.t .. ' . . :i ...:n ..i..n.i ....iii n. ...i ira l ien cuicei mm neirrii nnk.iv' ' win jiihuh uum mil- i-uu man's defence.' against all his ad ' i sarins .the living church of 'i'ld here on earth. EXIT THE DIME NOVEL I "I wonder what has become of ' N,ln' 1 here Ihe utd ,i,:.n. lit i..w..-'il ' -liisliiuned dime novel f n in AiriMiin nr wneii oey leave, ami I M s here n ii. ,.,,, m ,iI.ii..n .....i llil-lllr St. V jWhen dey r.imes back." II li l'..lrd (.be tJI'ourll. TJXE DAILY NEWS Thursday, October 2 I02I HI JACKING ON SOUTH BORDER Murder, Loot. Extortion Sudd n Death In Wako of Smugglers ALIENS IMPORTED I Not since the days when bearded, tattooed pirates fmiehl. laws or the L'niled Slates, says a special despatch to the Kdmon-ton Journal. Murder, loot, extortion and sudden death, all these elements that made lite interesting Tor I lie merry rover under the Jolly lloger, are there. Ili-jacking or rum runners has become common all around the corners ot the United State 'for a long: time, hut Ihe Miner hi jackers on the northern frontier have evolved a new means of evenue, hi-jaeking the alien. Quota Law Alien smuggling, given con siderable Impetus by (he recent GET IT AT! 1 Canadian ofllclnla have told Hint as many as 300 aliens arc entering the United States weekly by I ho "underground", route. I i.npuor, (lie anginal gold brick1 i.i t i ,.. ... i ' "i mi- ui-jai-ftvr, is sun a KUSlier and 0r wealth. Canadian beer 'am! whiskey runners, not to be out done by their rivals dealing in aliens, nave redoubled their ef forts, and (he flow of llieir Il legal Ira Die across the border is now uuprecedenled.. Ili-jackcr Immediately "ii.ij I",. became hum- iiivit- more active aiinr , , , ...... . . . : looted and died in (heir rakish , cv,.r( amUlim, ,(lny,.(t lim,c . raft on ll.e Spanish Majp, has wilh Hie mm and alien siuuk- m.ciu i.een sucii an era or law- KPr. They robbed the liquor .i.,,- , pi-. Mi.ies eei lain .carriers of their money and Ihen secuons oi ine uana.nan border, 0Ok llieir Roods in hauls due to the or ll.e amounting lo many Ihousands of IllUkPllhlll.kll ' I i 1 it ' " imuiiumiiuii mm wijiiiihi ui ion iiniiiirH - - - - - Four Murders a Week Four murders during'lhe past week have been ascribed lo hi jackers. Those refusing to "stand and deliver" are being summarily shot down, according lo reports here. The procedure nf Ihe liLjaekcr Is simple, in many cases, ac cording to government otltcials, lie is a member of a vast organization with tentacles stretching throughout the underworld of border' cities in bolli countries. He hears that a shipment of Honor or aliens is about to he made ami he summons his gang. " A " spot on " the ",e United Vn"l Stales side enac.ment of Ihe United Slates . J"1 nuola immiacnlln.. U m. Vf 1 !e "" BMie ally is selected vidintr Mm ...r,.!.. vvlllil hold-up. Lillle open re a harvest ertual U) thai n't ,. I... I 1... ..i. , i,. ,',M" vuii i,,j iiiuiii' uy llir !i,a ,, . Yi . , .inns ineif, uecause of the i.i , ., fear lie slentis from l ie rum-runners. of . arrest, . ,. li , . . lanailian laws doiol Auditorium 215 Sixth Avenue i Open every day for Skating. From 2 to i p m. Evening to 10. Tuesday Night, Hand Night. Friday Night. Moonlight . ?kating. Conielent Instructors to IfiijrJ beginners. Phone Illack 49. L. F. Marren, I'roi lito iiormu eiiner Iralilc. in many 'cpiarters il Is helieveij a proteiil by Ihe United Slates would cause Canadian authorities to remedy the situation easily and wilh lillle delay. Various sums per person are charged by Ihe hijacker for each person lie permits Ihe alien smuggelr to lake past his dmbush. The price idepends on Ihe aliens chance I of gelling by before he crosses the border. j Bodies Found In River ! Passage is worth between 2u ami $200 .per man. Oriental .pay the latter sum. Hut somclime aliens and llieir-escorts' refuse lo "come across." Evidence of this was indicated last week. PHONE 586 HIGH CLASS GROCERS WILTSHIRE BACON. SMOKED HAM PORK PIES SCOTCH OAT CAKES My choice for aged, mature quality! OLD CROW BOURBON WHISKEY BOTTLED UNDER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION This advertisement is not published or displayed hy the Lifjuor Control Hoard or hy the Onvcrnment of Hnlish Columbia. Cash & Carry Specials W bititri.n I when, afler a Kuufiaht bad been reported on Ihe Detroit river. authorities found (In bodies of Jwo foVeifriirr lloalinp in Ihe stream. Their poekels hail been tooled of everything except a few papers. In Ihe St. Lawrence river. two FrTmch-Qinadian ere discovered in a fiuhl be tween alien suiupRlcrs nnd hi jackers. When (cuds Hashed the men had leapt from their boats hi an allemiil lo escape, hut the (current swept them down. The latter episode is now heiiiK iu-veslijfaled, hut under a (treat handicap, because It first must defermiiied whether the men died In Cuuadiau or L'niled Stales waler. Afler the question of purisdiction is established the work or searching for the criminals can proceed. At least a score of aliens have cnysleriously lost their lives In illegally al templing to enter Ihe L lilted Stales from the north, it is reliably reported. AS GOOD AS A PLAY A visllor lo Limerick, slavliur overuiuhl at one or the nriuchial liolelt, asked Ihe hotel purler lo what theatre he could advise him lo uo. "Dch, sir." renlied he. tbeie he no plays 011 Just now.' The visllor was dejectedly walking away, when Ihe porter came after him wilh the news: Megurra, sir, Fd forjroltcii. Dice's no play, hut the Town Council is meeting tonight!" And to Ihe Town Council play he Went, and enjoyed Ihe scenes heller than any which could have been pjil on a stage in a theatre. Muneipal hnglneering. JUST THE THING .xssisiani Minor; "iiii.i new story pt Chainberlon's is liorrl My impthy." Kditor: "Well, run It as a cer cal." THE WORST OF IT The (llrl Oh, don't some pro. pie get orfensive when I hey own n ear? The ,Man -We, some cerlalnly do get- a habit or running oilier people .down. PACIFIC MILK, 10c Per Tin Limit 0 lius to each customer Toilet Paper, 7 feir ... 25c Corn Flukes, II for . '25c Limit I- In each customer BOYS' FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR Hurls and Drawers. Sizes Ti lo ,12. .Special per garment 75c MEN'S SOCKS 100 per cent Pure Wool Medium Weight, Itihbed, colors Illack. drey and Heather. Sires HI to lVj. Meg. 75c pair. .Special, 2 pair for 05c ENGLISH FLANNELETTES F.xlrn good quality in six different designs, ;il) inches .wide. .Special, per viinl 40c BOYS' JERSEYS, RAMESE8 .Made in F.iigland. Colors Navy and lliown. Hize IX li :I2. Special, each $1.50 HEWSON RED LABEL UNDERWEAR All Wool. Made hy Stan fields. Sizes III to . Shirls iiml Drawers, gameiil $1.50 Combinations, suit . , $3.00 LADIES' ALL WOOL HOSE Fancy llihhed, assorted colors. Sizes 0. U',, III. Special, pair $1.35 Universal Trading Co, TEETH! TEETH! Willi the Cold Weather coming on now is the lime to have those faulty teeth hxed. MODERN DENTISTRY LOWEST PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire 8mlth Block. Phon 575. TIMBER SALE X 6512. tw-tlwl T.IU1. M will br ,r,nn I,, , , Aiiiii.ii-i .,r ijimi, .,, ui,. 1 ((MI1 lymtU Hi IIU 04) ..f o,'.4wr. mil, ,,r f, IxirrtH. .if Hrrurt X u, nil M,.M' Tl''" tm hImI alMi mile ! fr.ii Om- lt IihI .,f I ran. Ulii-, lunrr t. Ontil IMtlrlrl I C. )er will b (lawp fi.r (. IIHIVtl of llmlMT luMlH-r iMMln.Un r nM ,:i,f , .rf lr. lrl.ifl. .:.. r M.irln l'rltir IIUrl, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5125. Si-tM Iriulrr will record l Im Ullllftlpr i.f I .ml. ..... , . . b ak -'w tw't Mtrr IIWII nif, "t) Uk I .... Hi ri . i.f Oriolwr. IK, rir 'n E!r.'''iS "C t-,rrlM-' in nil .j.r Pnlr iiil rilliir. iikI I .lo linnit .i. i'iTrlrl !. 1 l iisival i,f iirulH-r KurihM- lxrliriir ut llv i:hli.f r. !;..""..'"r' . ,,r h'lrlrl ..trl. ' I'rlnrr liuiM-rl. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6440. w,.H,.,,l T.' h1,,f'r' ririitnl lt tu, Mimmrr ..f l.ainK. at virinrla. . lairr ilwii iM.Mi .hi UN lrl ilay i.f ofM Ki nil t.nii.oM) fM i.f ll.mlmk, HaKaiii iu-m and Odor mi an im mi it t .liannrl, liana . OmM IH.lrlrl Thrw (Jt irara will 1 aiinwrd tr r, le.val i.f IIiiiIkt. I'ur'hrr partlmtari i.f Oh- clilrf f-r-- ."..,.),H,;;?i-V..,M:- ' ",,,r,f Ttl.ha'a. .... ,. , . . , "wn run UUML If .mVi";," '?Wi' wl" ' I'i l'in .Ti .7 "'I'l-i' ni ir iiw 111 .. .. .. 7n,i ?!. !' 'i1'1.'? t;l"-Hi'iill Knie Mruiah Cdlmiitla, ami at kennra. onlarln 11 w . 'inniurii irmii i.nrliiM-111 nf Cnlille Wr.ika, ftlt. 1, H rfi-iit AiihliMt, winnttwr. Man n. J li-i iZ y ,!,",r"'1. "'ili,nt Arrlnirrf, 'Hullli'l Iti-nlrli-iii Arrlili.i , .i...,. 'l11"' Ami"-! vWi-Vu. erl .w.' "T" '" l I,. ...-'.".'!; yrl"" I'l'iiiiniiin nmid Ttw ,.. .1.......'.. .. . nl i.,.i.V.. . """""'i 1 min inn nrrr' '""""'" 01 '? ,,,,n' ran, I, re.VrvrTr a. e. onnirjc, wtMiflBiMil nf riiM Wnrka. lr S3, I9JI,