..day oclobcr 2. 1024 riitu TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Worth $100 to Me Relieved Eczema and Piles' Mrs. Peter A. Palmer, Salt burn, Ssulc., writes t "Dr, Chase's Ointment has completely relieved me of eczema and pile. I also uied this Ointment for my baby, who broke ogt AdvtlS, aiUleoly NcwS( in eczema. A few application! "ere all that wai neceuary in her caie. Dr. Chase's Ointssent bss been worth a hundred dollars to me, before uiing it I had pent a great deal more than that in untucceuful treatment from doctors. We have alio uied Dr. Chile's other medicinei, the Nerve Food having restored my health after suffering from sever nerve trouble when a girL" Dr. Chase's Ointment 0 ft. !. . llcrii or rlmuon. IUU- a Co, Urf, Tivoato Duba'rry's Fine Perfumes and Toilet Luxuries iit i- bl of g,wi .(, iid reiiiiemenl. PERFUMED BATH SALTS IN TABLETS A CRYSTALS T.,'iit in iiffirnliiifr ri Ti'Pli . 11 I. ....... .1 . . ------ f- simp) ''fll It I I'-If, FLOWER SCENTED BATH SOAPS FACE POWDER MANICURE OUTFITS DY CREAM NIGHT CREAM TRAVELLING OUTFIT8 I ;. "' "inpinl ai'it continent i'-nn, everv Toilet I, r v rl to l.c r-i-. , , ,-,-! ., ., ,.in : Pennine. rVe 1'iwh' N.ghl Ofiim. T-:lr Snii.. lusting owder and Tuolh paste ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists Ave. A Sixth St. The Rexall Store Phones 82 and 200 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert PRINCESS ALICE -- PRINCESS MA.RY for Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle-October 7, 17, 28 ftt Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skegway October 3, 13, 24 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedals, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, NamU, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C ORCHARD, General Agent. Cfnar ct 40 8 reel and 3rd Avenue, P-lnce Rul,, fc . Phone 100. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST Olfirn Hours: u a.m. lo 0 p.m. Open. Evening lay Spc wii App--i ntnifnl GOOD NEWS FOR BUYERSOF COAL ' f'y years aeo a rr- HsrliiM,' t'diil wn . dUitiver,! nn n sonsntinii il the limp .Mq-i.iy established a repuln- ! Tn neatest hen!, vrry I It 1 1 v .. linker or rt)(.)ii ji w1Bg '-N W.lllntjtwn coal. Many 0,hT ti,,n. .... .!.. I " , puitv oprnp.l on, the Inland and "' :inin Wellinirlnn" lina l.onn ,V't (0 MlKMl llnl II... ....1.11, not l.e -confused. "Na-Jnio WelJmstlon" coal hns the. "palatum f 1(.ntf ,ho ,n'it' or HjMum curtl mined on iromfr uttlM Th(, mnft.,in, ftl'ti( nr 9,0410 tuns ppr day '"n is surelyatlsfaclorxevl- " i quality. ' puhhe Hr.ullnned against 2. ! ,U"n" ftn'' ln ,,',r I" nil ! "'iT nl "Xa- d (,,Pr ,iiroRl fr()nl A)bcrl iZ :Ty- r,tl- '" "nlP Crl, T, ,h- co',, ln ,,rin,, ir.it; '. ..iifuni number ""I n.t 501, J?" ,ca, iMiy a t,,n or a sack. Vlre an.l un irncKN nnu 1 n (Jtivi' prompt ner . SKIDEGATE INLET ' Dr l. J iernian Siio. a Cal- k a t y dml cniin m on I lie last boat ami will make ln Iioiiip in Skiilcrale. Mr. ?Up in with him. lie I iry well plowM-d with thf pkci ami will praetliy hrr. K. S. ItirlianlMMt rcturnea Itttine aflir pinHiiK rrral wrfltw on the nmiiilanil. .Mr. ait.l Mrn. l'i'Irrj nrritr-d on I lie hiitl b! from Detroit. Mr. I'Hnrx will stay wllli hi imiiluT. Mrs. Ilnpnnt a! TII-cl. II' hrouphl In a new Ford truck which he will u.p In frclcUluiR fnun Skiih'Kalo to Tll-el. l;roplex on the Islands are pfcii.MMl to heiir lluit Norman Wall ha been appointed (lov-ernmeut agent at Prince Ituperl. Mr. Wall Im been through the Maud Heveral timen ami has a host of Mentis here and ts well liked by everyone. Cohoe I rollers have been out flsliinir in Skldeg-alit Inlet. Last week the- high boat brougW In H5 fish. Miss F. Hebdcii of the hospital nursing stall leaves ou this afternoon' train for Terrace where alio will spend a holiday INVESTIGATION OF NEWSPAPERS Probe Being Made Into Methods of News Gathering and Especially Into Propaganda "Probes" nrnl- invi iaruf ion-havo been directed to many juuii.es or liumau aclivilv of inn- W it i) Hi,' IH'Wflll.HiPlV lllfn ! be nlapfil " - " '"" ... IlirmiRli money furnisheil hv tln Iiura Spellman Hockerdler Me mortal I uiiiiilalkm a widely re prewntalive uonfini4sinn a) ready at work on a con,,,, -iim lve survey (4 news ...urerc news srallsfring. propaKanda. nud or the enllre nrw aspc. t f thn Ameiiran newspapers and influence that may nffeel lli..m -flir InvesltpBtinn Is l0 be carrierl on over a riod of two ye.u and the infegritv 0f AmPriean J.mr- .....,-, wn, 0 rillliIeKty te.leij The newspapers a .-. ii.,.i.. welcome such an impiiry by eom-pelent invest ia-ntom. Thi-y ,ave notf.insr fn ,de. nut iu..v ,i w-anf the su-pirion that hover nlimil n n.. ... . ue Oispeiieij. Ksnec allv .in U. war, when "pronaa-anrfa" h.D.n.. term of reproach, ,a hP xnoA tl.lll, Ar I ... a. . "ii journaiixt. .nd ihoin wors i.een .ineMionH. How many persons, ofti-n im(hinkin-y, have H ere an dTn ere or man on hundrfd and fifty trad.r. from the Far N.rth arrived J Edmonton, Alt., recently briof lr with them fur sales to the value t approximately 1500,000. Tartan Second, the larfett wooden kow In the world, was launched recently at th Walbu. shipyard, Vanf.uver, B.C. She la 1,000 tons bwden and kai 300,000 feet of Brit-Uh Colombia lnmtr In her make-P. Tke seow U to be nsed as a carrier or a freat pile-driver for Sydney E. Junkini Company. Two dinoraurs have been W.t.J l tk. Red Deer Valley, Alta near the Canadian Pacific Railway line this summer, by the University cf Teeonto expedition, composed of IftiM- setuitiiU who prospected for several wki n the rorge and are parkins op the prehistoric rnon sters for hipmeot to the Royal On. tario Museum. Another skeleton has been located by the Geotopcal Purvey cf Canada. One of the ooUtandins; features f Canadian trade with the Orient durinc the past year r so has been too remarkable increase in wheat flour exports. Imports of Canadian wheat flour into Hons Kong in 1923 were the larrrat on record, showing an increase of 100 per rent ln vol ant over those of 1922. The tig. nres snd vslues were: 1922, 79.586 barrels, valued at X12C.060; 1923, 191,821 barrel, valued at 249,044. Zane Crey, the famons novelist, recently caucht a 758 pound tuna fish, constrtutint; what Is believed to be a world's record. The sea monger was successfully conquered after three hours and ten minutes of trilling endeavor off the Nova Seotla coast, and towed Into Liverpool harbor. Mr. Grey's prise ts a species of the blue fin family. The record before this catch was heH by J. K, If Ross, the well-known Montresl sportsman and financier, who causjht a 710 pound taaa." One ef the most remarkable achievements in art printing- yet produced In Canada and one which finally disposes of the Idea that such work cannot be satisfactorily handled by Canadian firms is found in the sew booklet issued by the Canadian Tacifie Railway dealing ith the forthcoming 192S Round I the World cruise of the company's steamship "Empress of France." Ths booklet contains 40 pages of teat and color illustrations, the latter exquisitely combining many brilliant hues in a number of highly Imaginative designs. Canadian Pacific gross earnings for July totalled 14,883,877 as agsiiMi '15,677335 for the same-month last year, a decrease of $794,159. But la order to meet this reduction, opersting expenses were reduced by S1,963,S6, those for the month being $12,544415. ss cempared with $13,607,802 for July, 1923. Thus the net earnings for the month showed an Increase of $269,527 ever those of the same month s year ago. For the 7 months f the ytsr to July 30 gross earnings showed an lncresso of $3,017. 25; opersting expenses sn increase of $1,924,013 and net earnings aa iocrsase oj ll.093.26l, WRiGLEYS After Every Meal It's the longest-lasting confection you can buy and It's a help to digestion and a cleanser 1 a, for the. mouth r and teeth. Wrlflley'a means bcnelll as well as w naiaBV mm pleasure. naaaniaveawaBi r ar c w . mali':u ' us. ii,.: s aoo'i' doctored oi-w- ami i i.lori ii w- IJow tnapy timex liae iii'Wpaei'j and rtews-ffallicriiiK asf oclati-ns been -tixmalized as I he. "tool-" of tlii" or that. Surh iM-iiii'rn has come to the ear of the real.xiajority of newspaper editor Uml publish-' ers. and because the great rna-jorily know the faelg, they 1iave not taken it very seriously. Hut that has not disposed of it. Such tioners. I'iiIpm the press ha the! confidence of the public it aims to serve, its usefulness and ils fiehl fur public servie are cur- !ihil. Wleile it may be true lhatr lie ranuot belii-ve all one seesj in the newspapers, it is aIo 'rue that ncWpaper editor do ot willimrly print that which 'hey know lo he faJse, The public may have to he onslaully on KUarrl again! pro-;iairaiidM, hut they, know nothing f the triiuple af editor them-t'lvi' aaainsl lieing Blade vic-'iinsi of il. The inveUgmllOD ld;ni of wrfl have servl a 'ilahly useful eri if U ios "tiiiii). iiior than demonslrale hat fa-l. LIMBS OF A WOMAN FOUND NEAR LONDON Remains .Found In a Sack Be-twien Dltton and Esher- Follow Previous Discovery iji.mhi., iiei. . tnat a vonian wu murdered fn an nn-nown place by an unknown ui'an ml lier dismembered remains .(Telly scattered appears lo he 'ie inevitable conclusion enierg-iik from the double discovery of i woman right lep and fool on .ViiiridefUm'Cornmon on finod ''riday. April 18, and of a " wo-iiau's two I high honeys and two uuie of !be letff ! oti Thames I lit Ion Marsh last week by some 'my who had' talreti shelter from "ui n among I he undergrowth nr the railway between Dillon inl F.sher. One )f Ihf lads, while, tickmir hi way through the nre. saw bones slicking out or some sacking. He pqked the Htimlle. and the sacking, which was nearly perished by exposure, roll lo pieoes anil illscioseji some mure large hipies. There is.no iloubl I hat the iahl leg: found on Wimbledon amnion formed part of the same body from which were sev ered the bones found by the boys on the Iiitlnn Marsh. This right leg. which ha .been preserved in "piril since it was picked up. ad been sawn off by som nn-killed person at the knee, and when the severed ends of the limies were placed together Ihey fitted, and thus established the fact Hint Ihey belonped lo the same person. . STRIKES INCREASE IN JAPAN TOKIO. Japanese 4abor. rovmg in class consciousness. numerous in the first luilf of t02l ns in Ihe fir.! half of 1921. I'll err- were 135 strikes Involving 55.000 workers In Ihe flrsl six month of Hit yenr. ns pom- In the Letter Box APPRECIATES SERVICES Editor Daily NVw. ! I am leaving- on toniglil'M boat for Vancouver and I w.uM like ! to expn-ss my hr?her appreciation to the nurse and doefor at the ieneral lloxpilal under whose charge I etirne. I have been here six week with lorn-ach trouble atrivin? on the Thierival from .laoan affer- a l ! month's voyage, rruring thr six weeks I have been here I have bei-ome my old self again nnd I fell that I could not leave without expressing my thought and appreciation lo the nurse and doctor for their wonderful r- iv ices and I would like to uen- fjon dial the Prince Uupert Sen-eral Hospital i one of the fiuesl on the H.C. Coast. Your respectfully. Kit NEST SINCLAIR, floyal Canadian Naval Reserve, II.M.C.S. Thiepval. GETS U.S. LOAN OHKRIIAUSKN. fVermany The municipal savings bank, acting as a trustee, has secured a one I million gold mark credit from America for the local steel jndus-' try, it is reported. For the firsj' year of the loan 13 per cent in- lerel has been charged, while Bii investigation a that rontem-f'be rate for the second year will dated would do mueh lo Hear be 7 per reit. the air and reassure honest ques-1 FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon 'It bi o I H BUTTHkSt Piles Between Zeebruhae and London Carrying Loaded Cars of Freight I'hr- police nrr Iryintr to'ifind' LONDON. OcL ... 4 ...I .. 1 1. . ..!: .... . .. ttt becoming increasingly unruly.: shareholders, said: Official statistics compiled by the home department show thai strike wvre more than twice as 54M 4533 7Avc is no end U the length or I Ik Popularity of the tunic blouse uhUh is smart in 'prinltd or in colored silks. Tut mrdhim Inn tunic blouse which X peartd at the beginning ot the season in white cii de Chine has grown with the-wks and i now s tiiire-juarlcr IrmEtli with a bonier scalkiped in tomato rnk These tjuusts an usually worn ott a slip of the ssim matrrul aa the Moux, to give the effect of a two piece custunie. The bljuse i jftca Ken in pruned uls crip or crepe de Chine with a slip, of plain Color or in the combination which the French love, the dull wilh the brighter side o( satia crfpe. CAR FERRY IS QUITE SUCCESS w uniiiiiiv oi . mis, oiu the past summer a mysiertous munlcir amj nulila- ferry carrying loaded cars has lion. Accordlnir to' ntedl6al onin- on. the murdered woman was brugc and this uort and with nhonl . tl year of age, nnd had jrrent success. Uusiness has mii tereii rrom an ulcer just above i slea.lily increased during the! he right nnk riv mo.illw of nnxmtinn nml nil new business is being kept. At the annual meeting of the contpany operating the ferry, the chairman. Lord Daryngtou, In Iho course ot his address lo lh Chairman's Address Since Ihe opening dale (April 2l Ihe ferry service has worked without n hitch in all sorts of weather. During the severe storm at the- end of July the service was maintained without ac cident or delay. The. service has pared wilh, l? strikes Involving1 already prove,! if, vain for the -m.iioo workers during the first convcyancn of ihe tvno nf Irnf- half Of 1021. I fie for which it was nrlnclnallv - . ------r Lady Bobbie Hats The new .shape- specially made to lloblied Mead arrived today from Chicago. Try I hem on. flyle unsurpassed. fit the Shingle No I wo alike. For comfort Ihey are unbeatable. For SPECIAL $3.95 EACH H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. We stodi Pictorial Pattens. Phone 9. fi BY A rf OINTMENT vJI HIS MAJESTY 4$ njRVEYOM'TO A KING CEORCE V. It rfssri ii ii it ir , Imported whiskies may be of any age. The Canadian law in that respect does not apply to them. But the law requires that Canadian whiskies shall not be marketed under two years old. IAJH Mono-ckt. Ox. adiaN BlbT WHISKY are considerably older than the law requires. They arc bottled in Bond and are of the age stated on the Government Stamp over the capsule of every bottle. Read iL That is what it is there for. DnTUXEO AND BOTTLED BY Hiram Walker & Sons, Limited WALKERVULE - ONTARIO ' DlsiiUcri cf Fin WhitkU since 1858 London. Ens. t Dublished published 0 or rrtoiv-amf the consifrnor have ex- pre.r great satisfaction, at the higher price they have realised. We- have acquired wagons suitable, for special export traffic, such, ns boilers, big castings, and Ihevllkc. It will be; a great ad vantage when manufacturers can load' tip for export orders heavy a'fhjnery on. trucks at, say. or Mieiiiem ior tieuverj Ii.eco fmm the- .anu trucks at, say. ti Aian in .n-iiuii. i ur jirrat ur gumenl in favor of a Channel Tunnel was the elimination thereby of all neil for tranship- 2". Through- ment of goods from truck to steam ' sfljp at the KnglLsh port, and rrom snrp to truck at the roreign port. This advantage Ihe ferry service afford. The traffic between Zeebrugge and London and other destinations in Kngland U working expeditiously. Tlie time occupied at Harwich to lake the loaded trucks off the steamer and lo despatch them seldom exceeds irony minute. Hi is arronls a real testimony- tt the efficiency whrch the London and North r.asiern Hallway uompany are showfaig In operating the ferry service ort our behalf. Messrs. Scaenker, of Vienna, hate been appointed prijiciKil agents oMhe serSrke, and will act for the company in Knrope. Business Insroasad From April 21 lo 3t just over 100 loaded wagons were trans- New York. U.S.A. This advertisement Is not displayed by the Liqnor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. vr Mi rhis adTertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia tnleiiileiL, namely, rolling slock. machinery, silk, vegetables, cheesp, and eggs and other com-miMlitie rerurrinu quick transit with' a min ill mm of handling. ported; in June the number had increased to IC2; in July; we readied 769 approximately, white in Angus! the figures in creased to nearly 1,200 wagons. If Thi. fruit an(i vegetable traffic I the volume of traffic carried in from .Belgium and Italy has been very sat is facti rty. ami the traffic from Zeebrugge ha exceeded expectations. The- hrodnce carried tho short time the srvico ha been in existence is maintained, we have itefinHety crossed the line belween an unprofitable and a profitable: undertaking. In practically every case consignors who have sent shipments by our service have eentinupd to do so. and in increased quantities. Therefore, we are, I think. Justified in anticipating that in the future traffic will continue to in-' erease. The loss on the first five, weeks' working, in view of the novelty of our method of trans port, is. I think, by no means excessive, particularly a includes some larg Hems which will no! recur. TIMBER SALE X 6528. Sealed Tender will Ix' n-cruei by the Mstrlrt lunsiir. nit later lhau noon mi the loth day t o-tb-r, ISli. fr Um. purchase ir l.uvn- X am, rounlain Lake, kltlni.t Ann. II. i. Ui cut TSSjhm. reot or llrniluck, UsImiii, Ced.tr snd S-ure 54ViUi Two i years wiu b sllowed tor re-nwval or iNt-r. rurthrr parllrulars or the Chll rn.-trr. Victoria, or the rHiitTiet forelrr, I'rtoce Hurert. B.C. LAND ACT. Casilar Land District. Berordmr dutrlit or Prlnre Rupert, and sliuate In .ttlln Lake, about one. hair mile fne wt ot Atlln Towiwite. T.UE SOTICE tint I'aiil L. ErreM. nr Alllm to the Province of Brlilh Cstum-bls. orrupattat J.wHIrr. im.mlH t spplr for permission to purrtuse the followta-dpsrrlbed Isnds: Cniiitnenrinr si a posit pUnl.d at the niith point r the mall Isund known as Srrond Island In Atlln Lske, sltusltsr as sbosei Uienre north-vest and nn sniumt this Island rolliiwtnr the thnre line In Hie plsre t romniviirrmrnl ; snd enntslnlnr two srres, nnre ur less. Sept. Jrd, IStl PAUL LOUIS EOQERT. a1