AfeiT.frwo ,TH1 DAILY NlfWSi The Daily News I The Man in the Moon j TnMIMIMTTnTTTTfT1''rnTTTTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIIItllMMitT PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. SAYS: Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ........ $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $750 Transient Display Advertising. .. . $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page...,k $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per .insertion ; .... ,25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion , 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 80 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION CORNFLAKES Ovn-fmh clway$ Tuesday, July 29, 192 i. Do We Try To Help Ourselves? The question has been asked often whether we devote enough effort to helping ourselves as a community, ami the evident reply is that we do not. We have never yet made any attempt, for instance, to build a trail to the top of the mountain so that visitors rrtay make the ascent, and yet one of the most common questions on arrival is, "Where shall we go?" then the happy idea of referring it to the government was evolved and the matter of course was allowed to stand at that, nothing being done. The Provincial Government is spending ten thousand dollars just now in slashing the right of way for the new road to Galjoway Rapids, so little can be expected from them at present for other roads. They have already spent some money on the walk to the Salt Lake. With any of these problems the only way to do is to get out and do the work ourselves. Constant Complaints Of Shooting On Island. Kaien Island, as everybody knows, is a game reserve. It is protected by the Government, partly because of the danger'of people shooting near the city and partly because of the need of a place where the deer may have a refuge. Everywhere else they are subject to molestation. Unhappily Kaien Island is not protected. People seem to .hunt there just as commonly as in ulher parts of the country around and the result is that deer are seldom seen near the citv. They are chased by dogs and peppered with bullets by men and even harassed jy boys with their .22 rifles. The result is fatal to any idea ofagame reserve." u ; ' K ; , ... .' y - furs Pay Tax But Little Conies Back. The Government collects a tax on raw furs taken in this part of the country and this amounts to a large sum annually There are a number of fur dealers in the city, all of whom do their share toward this contribution and there are dozens of men who make their living in the winter from trapping. All these are taxed but little is spent toward game conservation. If Kaien Island were made a genuine game reserve and the idea sent abroad that it really was to be protected it would be wortli a grea't deal to Prince Rupert. Now a few deer are shot and used for meat but if the deer were well protected they would become tame just as they do in other park reserves and they would be a great attraction to tourists. Periodical Flurries In Massett Gold. Everyone acknowledges that there is plenty of gold in the sands at Massett and that if it can be' recovered it will make a good many fortunes for those .engaged in the work. The difficulty is to recover it-profitably. Rumors and unofficial statements have been coming across Hecate Straits lately in regard to the work now going on and mention of it has been made now and then in this paper. This was followed yesterday by a telegram telling of the excitement prevailing among the settlers and nllier mi fjrolmm Iclmul Y.1 lowing the bringing in of the first shipment of gold from the .i-asi .t-uusi. .t-di-iy iiu me loresnore is lieing slaked and it seems likely that a thorough test will be made with the method of recovery now adopted. There have been a number of somewhat similar excitements in ui pusi, in an oi wnicn those taking part lost a good deal of money. II is to be hoped that the present -flurry means something and that the treatment of the gold sands by the companv operating there now will bring wealth to those undertaking it and nrnsnerHv In Um ui,..r.....,i:., .... A breakfast to warm the cockles of a hungry man's heart. It' marvelous how nourishing it is, and it doesn't tax digestion. IK the .tomes to the worst we can all go to Massed add wash gold. IT Is easy enough to keep house these days if you only have a can opener. HOIKSK is next lo the real thing. SOMEONE is always taking the joy out of life. Here is what a correspondent semis in: Lying prone on the sands of time I started to write a sonorous 'rhyme; I thought of a line, a stanza, a verse What I wrote I am sure could not be worse. IT would he difficult for any nation to leave the allied conference without taking French leave. LOCAL picnics" all remind us, We can eat our meals witli zest ; And in any sort of nonsense, He as foolish as the rest. i ONE of the problems schoolteachers have to xlecide at this lime of year is whether to con tinue teaching or accept 1he poor dub. TEMI'F.lUMKNT is all right, except in a gasoline engine. STMONrt willed men are those who succeed in business and quarrel with their wires. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert July 29, 1814. The municipal telephone de partment showed u surplus of $900.95 for the month of June. The light department lost $G 13.21. P.. O. McGonnell, government geologist, has issued a report on the salt deposits along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacillc railway between , Prince Rupert and Aldermere. Rapid development is anticipated. Rev. J. W. Woodside, M.A., will deliver an address in the Presby terian all tomorrow night on "The Land of Scott and Burns." TERRACE NOTES Sister. Magdalene returned to Prince Rupert on Wednesday, having hurt her shoulder in a fall on Tuesday. .Miss Gladys Kenney was visiting Miss Mary. Wilson at Remo, for a few days last week. Mrs. Morris and children, who have been visiting Mrs. Aldous, returned to Prince Rupert on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wrastel left for England last Thursday. Frank Phiscator has been prospecting for the past week out at Kalum Lake, - Mr. Cramer left for Dakota last week. Mrs. Dockrill, who has been visiting Mrs. T). I). Munro, returned to Telkwa on Friday. Mrs. II. H. Little and children, who have lieen the guests of the Rev. and Mrs, W. J. J'arsons for I he past week, returned to Hazel, ton on Saturday. R. E. Allan, of Kanall, was in Remo on Friday. Mrs. Ryan and children left, for Kalum Lake on Saturday, having arrived in Terrace by Friday nightss train. - Rf?v. I)r; Grant preached in the Anglican church, Sunday. The I. O. O. V. held a memorial service, and decorated the graves of deceased members last Sunday. Miss Sim, who has been visiting Miss Pearson, has return pi) to Prince Rupert. R. II. Harlow, of Prince Rupert. was a passenger for Terrace on board Friday evening a train. j Mrs. Otto Von Hecs, Miss Alice McDougall and Miss Turnbull HI -mm tH hi Igcial Stiff lf 5 ',,HIM-.,HMllw',i founcU -since 1859 2fT are camping a Lava Lake, north of Kalum Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson have returned from Vanarsdol. 4 Mrs. McLean and family of Prince Rupert, are spending the summer in one of Mr, Kenny's cottages. T',- 1 Miss Lee, of the Prince Rupert Hospital, who has been spending some weeks with Mrs. Frank, returned lo Rupert Sunday. - Tom Ross made A trip lo Remo on Friday. . Mrs, T, J. Marsh spent a couple of days at Remo lust week. W. O. DeBeck gave a most in teresting and educational address on aluminum at the home of Mrs. Sundal. It was followed SPECIAL niiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiii QFI F.flTF.n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiliiill DpmeammonWM pvernmentsupemsion nimimim Ulii UilUJUUIUIlUiUUUUUHIUUlnlHUUUI niniiiiiiiiMnnuiiMniiiuuiiuiuimnwiiiuiwinimuiiin.. in.- 8-23 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Hrilish Columbia. by, a praclical demonstration of the advantages of aluminum cooking materials, tough meats cooked appelizingly tender, cakes baked on top of the sloves, on ioiis and apples cooked side by side in a combination cooker, the. flavor of the apple unim paired, and tomatoes burned to the pan but with lio scorched flavor. BURNS LAKE H has been decided to start active work on Ihe Tallapin mine at once. Diamond drilling has shown up richer and mure ex tensive ore than had been an ticipaled. Konald Woodcock, two-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wood cock, sustained serious internal burns last week s a result of eating lye. Ore samples from the Silver Island claim and the Tallapin mine have been sent to the Prince Rupert exhibition. A beo is to ho held on Thurs day of this week for the purpose of clearing the exhibition grounds and race track. PR1NCEGE0RGE A meeting of business men and fanners of this district has been called for Friday for thfi purposes of considering the establishment of a creamery here. The new mill of tho Cran brook Sawmills, Lid., has Just commenced cutting. The plant has a dally capacity of 40,000 feel, and replaces the one that was destroyed by Jlro this spring. At a meeting of cillJtens held last week disapproval Was expres sed at the manner in which Llie! scfliool hoard had dispensed with the services of P. u. Coales ami Alex. Ogslon. Admitting that they had been unduly, harsh, members of the board agreed to reinstate Mr. Coales 'and Mr. Ogslon, so that they may submit their resignations. . - The contract for the erection of the new Catholic church here. has been lei lo John Gaul, at a llgure close lo l 0,000. The building is to be completed with ill sixteen weeks. The city council has decided lo eliminate a lime limit from a new parking bylaw which is heincr put through. Jack McNeill, of Telkwa, was in Prince (5 purge last week, having made the trip from Calgary in a Chalniers car. Afler r3 inaining for a brief period on business, he continued to Telkwa Frank Payne, of the local round house slilT, has left on a trip lo his home in the Old Country. The following pupils passed the high school entrance examinations: George K. Pelers 357, Arthur L. Ford 331, Lloyd D Harper 334, George A. Rice 311, Preston !. Coales 30 1, Oma Wilcox 302, Inga II. Andersen 300, Gordon Bain 300. Promoted on recommendation: Jeanne D. Coming, Angeline E. Rice, Wilson M. Muirhcad, Gwen doline Heavysides, Bessie J. M. Powers,. Gladys D, Sibley, Elva L. Fagan, Robert G. Harper, Evelyn B. Nash, Robert C Range, Bertha B. Ruble, Ora B. Wilcox, Harold Allen, Phillip E. Wilson. Fort George .lean M. Robert son 352, Gladys C. Madill 312, Giscome Elizabeth J. Harvie 330. Mid River Edna L. Tyner 350. Shelley Samuel I). McLean 310. Willow River Marguerite (iolder 327. LAND ACT. Nptlc of Intantlon to Apply to Lmi Land. In Oiiren Charlotte llnds Land District, Heconllng Pl'tllrt of Skecn.1, and allium In front or II lor k 10. li.L. 1. Man sill. (jiicpii Charlotte Islands. raxe ,1011 1 riat iiutrin 11. iianinirton or Massett, occupation cannery manager, Intends to apply for permission to lease lh rnllowlnir described foreshore: Cntrnnen- clntr at a post planted at the southwest corner or morn ! inrnce west 33 oefr, south about Jon feet to low water mark; inenre norineriy aionir low water nmrK to a point west its de. south of north. west corneror Hloclt lOt thencn easterly In Ihe northwest corner of niork IDs thence southerly alnn hlh wnter mark to tmat. and containing S acres, more or less, II, B. BJMU.MJTO.'y. Name of Applicant, IN FROBATI. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. n the Matter rr the AdinlnUlratton Act; In the Mailer df the Estate of Ponald J. mrmnniiin. ucrcawni intestate. Till' Nnriri' .i,. i... ....... inn. 11.T inner Ul l9 Honor y . MclL Vmmo. mi. i.i in, of July, A.P, I was appointed Arllnir nuiiifiiiniiniui hi mr esinin or nonaiit jonn MacPlarmld. deceased, and 'all far ties hav- ..... . .n.x.n n.n.iin. inc nnui tlHIAIR H IB OITC b.V tpjtilred to furnish same, properly ..nil,-. 1, in,; mi 111- in' 1 11 re wie Kin nav Of AlllrllMt. A II IQ91 mnA all , I delited 10 the estate 'are required to nav the amoimt of their liidchtednesa to me forthwith. WAI.TEII OAI.E, Acting: ornrlal Administrator, ... I'rlnce Itupert. B.C Dated this 8th day of July, tin, How about those pictures you made Sunday? Better bring the films here for developing and printing. You want them developed correctly, printed properly, and returned promptly. That is the kind of Kodak finishing service wc render. Finisiing that's right and right on time is our ' specialty. Ormes Limited The Rexall Store Phones 20p Third Avenue Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now open for service under management of Mrs. M. Haven. Meal place to spend your summer holidays. Heas-onahle rates, fiood home cooking. Gomfortahle rooms. Fishing, Hoating, Iinlhing in Lakelse Lake and Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TAXI Motors Opernting Taxi and Lnunch Service helween Terrace and Lodge lluiding, assuring guests of quick, comfortahlc trip. Also operating InXi service to all parts of the valley. For reservations and rales, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C.