Tuesday, July 29, 1921. Starting Today - - - Great Sale Fishing iackle Superior Quality English Flies, all patterns ami izes, r gular ."t duz. Special 50c 1 Yard English Gut Leaders, regular I.V. Special 10c Special Leaders, regul.r 2ov. Special 15c FISHING LINES. IS Hi. lesl, regular 2."e. rir 15c "lit K-l, regular (15c, for .. 40c Silk 'int-. regular .$1.50, u,r . 90c REELS. 7.c regular. Special 50c sl i't) regular. Special i 75,. S2 L'o .regular. Special $1.50 BASKETS. Best Willow, at just half regular prices. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George W 1 i'oiii PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Fridav, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skldegate and all ports south every Wednesday at . p. Ill, PASSENGLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. MI'fcO, til points Kat.rn Canada, tlnnwl State. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltf Ticket Offlca, 628 Third .. Prlnc. Rupert, phon. 260. A CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY r B.C. Coast Services Saiihigfrbm Pfirfce Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle Juno 14, 21, 2B; July 2, 5, 12, 16, 23, 20 For Ketchikan, VVrangell, Juneau, Skagway June 9, 16, 20, 27, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 23 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing's from Prince Rupprt. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 3wanson Bay, and Alert Bay, Tueiday, 5 P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walta liland, Sunday, 8 P.M. For PORT 8IMP30N and Naaa Rltir Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 823 2nd Avenue. J. Barnaley, Agent. Prince Rupert, B.O. h ip nr time honored SfmdofyDUrs femous for its rich quality. Uomoa in bond under federal Government Supervision 2S tit. Tioit't 32 c.' Bottl . Sr-n J - - IrN 9 13 ml UL mtm B8& tarrv as-., BOURBON WHISKEY I'll n IB llus advertisement is not published or displayed ly the Liquor Contrpl Hoard or hy ho (Sovcrmnent of British Columbia. Local and Personal 8-, ..,... ... -B It. (I. Undertakers. Phono 41. -- Mayicr. Ilndnt taker Pboue 1M. tf House Hiunar, November 18 and l'J. 177 . I'rincc llupert Annual Kxhibi- Mon, September J to 13, tf . Accounts up to July 2i lot-ailing l,9J)(S.3o were passed for payment at last night's city council meeting. Mrs. C. II. Tupper, who has been on a I rip south, returned lo the city on the Prince George yesterday afternoon. Judge and Mrs. Clyde Webster and sons of Detroit were in the cily yesterday. They are making lie round lri north on the steamer Prince George. T. K. McLellan, former mayor of Gall, Ontario, arrived in the city from the south yesterday lo pay a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. F G. Dawson. He expects lo leave for the east today. A report from the finance com mittee appointing (lily Treasurer D. J. Malliexon to be acting City Clerk in t lie absence of Cily Soli cil or lv Jones on vacation was adopted at last night's council meeting. . Capl. II. S. Hillon, C.G.M.M marine superintendent, returned lo Vancouver last night after having spent the past few days here in connection willi the over haul of (lie Canadian Highlander at the local drydock. - C N. II. Steamer Prince George Gapt. Harry Ncdden, on her next arrival here on Friday of this week will be on her GOOlh. voy age. The vessel has plied coast waters between here and Van eouver since the fall of l'J 10. - - Kx-AId. Hamilton Douglas ai rived from Seattle on the Prince George yesterday afternoon. "I might stale," says he, "I am here for a few days to give you the once-over again." Mr. Douglas still has extensive really holdings here. . The Prince Hupert Lumber Co. had a letter before the cily conn. cil last night, protesting against the alleged excessive charge of I0 monthly for water at Hie Seal Cove sawmill. The matter was referred lo the finance com mittee for report. I). Hue, Salvation Army com mandant here, had a letter before the city council last night, asking that a cinder walk be put in replace I lie present dilapidated board walk leading the the cita del on I raser street. The matter was referred to the Hoard of Works. A dozen young Scotch girls from the vicinity of Vancouver, iiiived from the south on the "trainer Prince George yesterday afternoon and proceeded on the steamer Prince John to W'alun Hiver, where they will be engaged for the summer in t lie Wallace cannery. S. L. Hump, general manager or the l.os Angeles Lumber Products Co., arrived from L,os Angeles on t he Prince George yesterday afternoon ami proceeded lo Hockley Hay on the Prince John. He is visiting the Islands lo inspect alterations ami exlen-sions that arc being made at the Massell Timber Co.'s mill. Mr. ami Mrs. Vernon Casley arrived from Los Angeles on the Prince George yesterday after noon. Mr. Casley, who was formerly owner of (he Empress Hotel here, has extensive realty holding in the city, mid lie and Mrs. Casley are hack again for jibe the (list time in several j years. They will he here for a I few days. THB DAILY NHW8. PAOH THR1JI Guinea Gold Wrestling. 'Nels Jepson, Can adian champion light-heavy weight, vs. Jack Jlurns, Spokane, Empress ThealrjJ? August 5. tf fftHrr Mrs. II. ItWeu Smith, Hays Cove Circle, Is. 'sailing tonight on the Cardewirr ..fur Vancouver, where she will -.visit with her parents. "Joy Uird" leaves Cow Hay for Metlakatla ttimoifrow at 10 a.m., with berry pickers. Hring your bucket. Hcturhs 7 p.m. Phone Hlue 400. ' William MeiMd failed lo ap pear in the 'c'llyffpbliee court this morning to answer to a charge of intoxication and his bail of $23 was es treated. I'rades and Labor Council basket picnic lo liigliy Island, on Sunday llrsl. Tickets, adults, in cluding family, '$1.00: Further announcement latyr. Mrs. K. Murpliy, who arrived yesterday aflerhbon from To ronlo, is t lie guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Niekerson, 105 Fifth Avenue Wesl. Mrs. Murphy is a sister of Mr. .Xfc'kqrson There will bo a meeting tonight in the mayor's office of officers oT the swimming club and boat owners to consider the dispute over transportation to the Pioneer's picnic, which resulted in a Idler of protest being written to the council last week. 1 - The charge of assault on his wite, occasioning actual, bodily Harm, against C. jl. I uby, was reduced to common assault in the police court this morning, and accused was lei out on suspended sentence wifh the under- handing that ho leave town within 18 hours. The ease was heard by W, E. Cqllison, justice ot the peace. -. A prides! .from he Dominion Express Co. against being cliarg. ed a trade license of $100, which it was declared was out or pro portion lo the -business done here! was received by the city council last night, and referred to the linanco committee. The letter suggested that the council could receive any further .information it desired from Ja'ck llarnsley, I be, local agent. .. . . Dr. .1. Mar.Millan llrown, chancellor of the University oT New Zealand, Christehurch, X.,., sailed Inst night on the Prince John for Massell. Dr. Hrown, who is a' prominent writer on Canada for Hie purpose of getting first hand knowledge on aboriginal mailer and he is particularly interested in the study of native conditions.'- Accompan ied by Indian Agent W. E. Col- lison, he visited Mctlaknlla while here. Dr. Hrown will visit Sklde gate as well ns Massell. D. Croiubie, of Montreal, C.N. H. chlof or transportation, arriv-edf in the cily from -(he East on his privalo car on Sunday, and left last night on the Prince George for Vancouver w here lie A letter from James Krikevsky will join the party of Sir Henrv asking Hull an order lie issued .Thornton, which will arrive next I by iiie city council for Hie re- week. Mr. Crumble was accom- nioval or a fence rrom Hie front paidcd hy hi. wife and son and of lot tl, block 25, section 5, was private secretary. Lyle Chambers referred to the Hoard of Works' Mrs, A. Detnoiesl, a,.ineiiiber of at Inst night's council meeting, the family of S. J. Hiingerforil, Mr. Krikevsky Is the owner of C. X. 11. vice president, who ar-tlie rear half or Hie lot in ques- rived from the East at the end of Hon ami be Is desirous of having Hie week, also sailed on the Hie fence removed so lhal be may Prince George Inst nigh I for store lumber thereon. I Vancouver to joir !ha party. , George Hryant and S. J. Mc- Leod and their sons sailed on the Prince John last night for Port Clements. Mr. Hryant and Mr. McLeod will return to the city this evening, but the boys will remain on the Islands tor a week. In answer to a question hv Mayor Xewlon, Aid. Evitl staled at last night's council meeting that no arrangements had yet been made by the special committee appointed lo plan a re-ceplion Tor the Hrilish round-1 he world flyers. More definite advice as to t lie dale of arrival here was being awaited. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Digby Island Clear; calm; barometer, 30.12; temperature. GO; sea smooth; 12.30 a.m. out steamer Prince John bound for Massell; 1.15. a.m. out steamer Prince George southbound. Dead Tree Point Clear; calm; barometer, 30.02; temperature, 55; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Overcast, calm; barometer, 29.92; temperature, (il; light swell; 8 . p.m. spokn steamer Chelohsin olf Adeii- brooke Island, southbound; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Victoria I 'J7 miles south or Ketchikan south bound. Digby Island man, Noon barometer, 30.18; P5; sea smooth; learner Princess Louise passing Petersburg, northbound. Dead Tree Point Clear; calm; barometer, 30.01; temperature, f2; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Clear; fresh northwest wind; barometer, 29.D3 temperature, 68; light swell; 9.30 a.m. spoke steamer Prince George in Milbank Sound, south-hound; Chelohsin due Alert Hay 3 p.m., southbound. Clear, calm; leinpcralure, noon spoke HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert L. Newman and A. New-London, England; Mr. and Mrs. V. D, Casley and John Sch-iedel, Los Angeles; Vernan Way, Edmonlon; 11. C. Miller and W. Gaelz, Vancouver; G. Holler and family, Hearst. Out.; J. W. Austin, Mrs. J. Porleous and Mrs. A. II. Forde, Smilhers; Mrs. Horwill, Sahus; II. A. Mitchell, U.S.A.; C. Gard, Kwiuilsa; J. W. Morrison, Sunnysiile. Central II. W. Eiiimelnian, Elhel, Wash.; Hugh' Hoswill, Georgetown; II. noughts. Seattle; W. ethnological subjects, is visiting 'Aird, Pacitle; A. Legge, City; W. Lindsay. C.N.H.; W. J. Uusswood, Digby island. SALT LAKES SERVICE v The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from I p.m. until (5.30 p.m. and on other wook-days at 2, t and G, 15 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave the Salt Lakes float! sharp at 7 p.m. j Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged tor. Launches, rowboals and canoes ror sale and hire. Prince hupert Hnatliouso. rCZEMA You are cot when jrnu use Dr. vnano a t'luv B mtnt for Erzrma and Skin Irrlta- i nuns, it relieves at unee ana graau- ; ally heals the akin. Sauipl box Or, Chase'j Ointment free It you mention thla paper and send sc. stamp forpostan. coo. tv I bint all dealers or Ktlutamott. Htes & CXx.. Umltl. Icroni" YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand Selected eena Sockeye For picnics, -hoose "Rupert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in the pantry are always handy. Stuck a supply on your boat that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR AN EVENING'S COMFORT ea-grass Chairs and Rockers from $8 to $9 each Cocoa Matting, in pattern squares, $2 and $2.50 each Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. The House of Quality. Phone 123. amatco 3PLYCfrrTOJ For panelling your rooms it rivals the most costly hardwoods. Rejuvenate your Home Quickly and Permanently. Sole Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a lleauliful Hox. Hole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. ow to Stay Married! He deserves the best Give Him Electric Bread