VII TOIUA. Jol.v 29. The Iju . . . . "sfnee ;rA J.A-'f full' "IIIU"! TfllC vn "Hininni standi tig I'tru out miiiMaimiiiM nunc I'lmnu tl, Columbia entered, confederation, i . i i ..-ill.., ii Ik .11.. t-oia nff nlnllv ln e iiii aieiL't'inpiii is wiiM'ti tin it i repori oi lite nova. iomini.iou . ARGENTINEAN AVIATOR TAKES OF FOR CORFU ROME, July 21). Major Zannl, C. Wooilworlh, science teacher for Ihe pant two years in the Prince Ilupert Tiprli School, has Mulrnilleil his resignation to ihe . . - iliilli.a In Vniilnmlul' formed today or the action or ,. , , .... , ... , ... ,.,.. ture or Mr. and Mrs I IK' leiHTUl Kowriiiiic-iii, in nini-Iiil' lln nirrepmniiL on Hie nuil- l III. II... ....... i.w.i.. I ..... 1.1.1 ... ... ...u... a( ml in J,,,.. S1,u, 0j ynca "H'Ht ,, . i . r ; . . . . uimisiB w k iui r i in Oil Ionian aiiiiir.i nun se. nut , i HiiljU u I LilV IIUMinil province shall hold as reserves. TiinniTTAki in 1I1VIU11 VII W AT VANCOUVER Stated That He Intends To Make Trip Into Peace River Country. VANCOUVER, July 29. Henry Thornton and parly rived here last evening and Monday next will sail by steamer Prince (icorge. Prince Rupert. II is stated Sit ar on tin for thai Sir Henry intends going into tho Peace River country before his return lo Montreal lo see for himself the needs and possibilities of that section of llrilish Columbia and Alberta, Sir Henry is accompanied ly I.ady Thornton and daughter, and a large parly of officials, including A. U. Warren, general manager of western lines. FEW MORE PASSENGERS AND MEMBERS OF CREW JAPANESE SHIP SAVED TOKIO, July 21). Although a few nun re passengers and mem bers of the crew of Hie wrecked steamer Tairei Main have landed from lifeboats, 102 passengers and 52 members of the crew aro still missing and it is believed I hey are drowned. The disaster was due lo u collision with the freighter Shiinpo Maru. The Tairel Maru sank within SO minutes of the liiuo she struck. a position on the staff of Dritan-nia High School t Vancouver and will enter 'upon his new with Ureal Britain in the Eur opean one of the Davis Cup competition. They will now meet Czecho Slovakia in I lie II mil r.ur-nnenn arouo. France won two singles and two doubles. FISH SALES Only Throo American Boats Port But Sovon Canadians The depar-Wood worth will be regretted by a wide circle or friends in the city. They arc SCALES ML ROBSON Ascent Successfully Made Yesterday By Mrs. W. A. D. Munday and Family. VANCOUVER. July 29. To Mrs. V. A. 1). Munday, of this city, belongs the honor of being Ihe llrst woman lo climb lo the peak of Mount llobson. Willi her husband and party of climbers, she made the ascent yesterday. ;,: FRENCH TEAM WON DAVIS CUP TENNIS EASTBOURNE, July 29. The French team won the semi-tlnals In American boats and seven Canadians sold their catches bore loday, Ihe details of which follow: Amorican Majestic, 28,000, to Cold Stor age at 1 1.70 and C. Llluya, 10,000, to Atlin Fisher ies at 15.10 and 7. Rainier, 0,000, to Pacific Fisli cries at 17.10 and 7. Canadian Hanaco, 0,000, lo Allin Fish cries at 13.80 nnd 8. Volunteer. 7.000. In Booth Fisheries at 13.00 and 8. Inirred It.. 8.000. to Booth Fisheries at 13.50 and 8 II. & R., 7,000, to Royal Fish Co at 13.1)0 and 8. P. Dorreen. 10,500, lo Royal Fish Co. at 13.70 and 8, Joe Baker, 0,500, (o Cold Stor be Argentinean aviator, hutmed ntrn ni men nnd ft ofr thls morning for Corfu on his Prosperity A., 11,000, lo flUeqipt to fly around thu world- Storage at 13.50 and 8. NO DRY SQUAD ON STEAMER Committee Of Elks Declares That There Was No Need Of Them. The following letter was reived this morning from Elks Committee in charge of excursion lo Ketchikan: Editor Daily News: There appeared in your paper of Saturday 20lh, instant,1 a news item which was displayed very prominently on Ihe front sheet, bearing Ihe following beading "Dry Kijuad on Prince John." "Fourteen men of U. S. Special Police service went aboard vessel." The article further states thai considerable amusement was occasioned owing lo Ihe fact I bat Ihe Dry Squad officers were on board and that some of the Alaskans who expected lo laste of B. C. government dispensary product would have to remain dry. This information is entirely wrong as me h.h. I'rince Joiin lid not have any "Dry Squad" officers aboard her on the trip la Ketchikan; . .. .i - All Arrangements Made. As staled in your paper pre-ious lo the excursion to Ket chikan, we desired all laws ot the United Slates lo be complied with and (he prohibition law wa especially mentioned. With this in mind there was a committee sent to Ketchikan a fortnight in advance to interview Ihe "Customs and Immigration" department and secure the necessarj requirements for so complying. Upon the request of this coni-miflee these departments were kind enough to furnish a man lo make Ihe trip with the boat. The same was for the sole purpose of eliminating the unavoidable lelay or inspecting passengers after arriving at Ketchikan. This arrangement was very satisfactory, anil when we ar- ived the Captain placed the gang' plank on ine wnari ami asked for an inspection by the immigration officers. Their reply was "All is satisfactory, let your passengers come asuore. We received the most court eous treatment from I lie U. S. of ficials at Ketchikan and from Mr. M. I,. Stepp, the local U .S. customs officer, who made the trip and handled Ihe return checking of passengers. Was Success. All you have lo do Mr. Editor is ask any person that went on Ihe excursion from here and the people of Ketchikan if the trip was not a decided success and a credit lo the "Brother Bills" or both Prince Rupert and Kelchi kan for Ihe orderly way in which rc-the the TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 find Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wed. Anywhoro at Anytime. ding parlies. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Boston and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. g ''HB VOL. XIV., NO. 177. PRINCE IIUPKHT, B.C., TUESDAY, JL'LY 21), 102. Yetffday Circulation. I81 Street Sales, (3 PniCE FIVE GENTS. busy mam or mmi m Thursday cm to erect new electric substation at cow bsv and equip tt Cabinet Meets Thursday on Railway and Other Matters After Holiday OTTAWA, July W. Important decisions lie before t Ii cabinet council when after a fortnight's holiday the members of the government again meet on Thursday of this week. First conies the question of cabinet reorganization, although it may be deferred for some lime. There is the appointment of the chief inspector of banks and a member of the Canadian National Railway directorate to fill, Also there is a proposal to add to the Canadian National board with a view to forming an executive within easy reach of President Thornton, besides various other matters. W L. Parris of Winnipeg, grain shipper, is mentioned as a successor lo James Stewart, Winnipeg, as director of the C.N.H. BEWPVEQ EOR ITEACHER OF HIGH . I JL-UUUL ULdlUlld B.C. INDIANS liter ooikiou ruiiunum nc(ivi of Royal Commission It Is Announced C. Woodworth Has Accepted Position on Staff of Britannia School at Vancouver it was handled, We were personally congralu luted by the Customs, linmigra (ion Departments, and City Marshal. The latter slated That it was one of the llnesl crowds oT excursionists that he had ever met with. Now, Mr. Editor, you were pre vailed on lo make Ibis trip as our guest, and when you could not see your way to go, we requested you send some one of (Continued on page 6) INSANE MAN SETS FIRE TO YAKIMA MAKIMA, Wash., July 20. Ad-Judged insane Vernon Neilan, 21 years of age, confessed lo selling a firo which caused nearly half Cold a million dollars damage in the 'business district Friday. Prof. Cuvalieri Caselli, of Italy, who has had patented his apparatus which has proven successful in foretelling of earthquakes 5 minutes before occurrence. Electric Sub-Station to be Erected at Cow Bay by City at Estimated Cost of $4,500 A concrete sub-station IS by 25 feet in dimensions and !wo storeys in height to cost about $1,500 is to be erected by the eily at Cow Bay lo replace the present old steam plant as a dis tributing centre for light and power from the Shawatlans Lake P"11 Clapp, that tenders be called for the erection on YANKS OFF TOMORROW Round The World Flyers Will Start Across Atlantic In Qray Dawn BROUGH, England, July 29 The American round the world aviators will take off tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock for Kirkwall In the Orkney Islands thus embarking on the stage of their flight across the Atlantic Ocean by way of Iceland and Grsenland. The three planes have been hero for the past fortnight and are now on pontoons again after having made the flight across Asia and Europe with landing gear. Elaborate preparations have been made to ensure success In crossing the Atlantic and Lieut. Smith, loader of the expedition, Is confident that the passage will be made with safety and despatch. He ex pects to be In the United I States again easily by September 1. COMPILER WON GOODWOOD RACE Capturod Stoward's Cud With Rath Duth Second and Pondoland Third. r.OODWOOD, July 29. -Sliaverin's horse, Compiler, L. (o- day won Hie Steward's cup of n thousand pounds and extras over a course of six furlongs; Rath Duth came second and Pondoland third. The betting was nine lo one against Compiler, 100 lo 8 against Rath Dulh nnd nine to one against Pondoland. Subscribe for .h! Daily News put in operation. Unanimous Recommendation. In bringing up the subject, Aid. Macdonalil explained that plans prepared by Ihe superin- leniieni ami engineer were now ready for submission. The pro Jecl had the unanimous recom metuiation or me utilities com mittee, although no written re porl was euliniitted. As it .was important that Ihe project should be embarked upon with the least possible delay, the superintendent was present to lay all Ihe details before the council. The! present plant was dilapidated and had been condemned and was not giving efficient service. The building now proposed, a lire-proof structure, would do away with insurance and, with its operation, the services ol two men could be dispensed with. Thus $1,000 in wages would be saved in a year. The new plant would lake care of emergencies that might arise and the commftteo was of Ihe opinion that the lime had arrived when it should be in stalled. Superintendent Love staled thai the present buililing was in an unsafe ami dangerous condi tion and had outlived its usefulness. To attempt repairing it "would cost as much us to build Ihe new plant. As matters stood now, the Cow Bay plant was in effective, and everything was be ing nortie ny ine anawaiiaus plant. Asked For Delay. Aid. McMordie was desirous of having more information before adopting Ihe suggestion. He was loath lo believe dial Ihe city had been paying men lo look after useless equipment at the- Cow Day plant. The matter should (continued on pajre five) CYANIDE SHIPMENT TO MASSETT FOR GOLD SEPARATION A shipment of cyanide was made yesterday to Queen Charlotte Islands lo be used in connection with the' recovery or gold from Ihe black sands on the east coast oT Graham island. It is being sent across in rairly large quantities. CROP CONDITIONS SET Prairies Except In Saskatoon District In Duehec-xcccjtt- rains .have .pink.-VM O.10a,.-23,30O improved conditions and crops Churn's 200 310 on the whole will be average. j Naas River In Ontario weather conditions Sockeye 19,000 are favorable and wheat will be Springs 880 belter than average, while other pinks 10,000 hay PUTTING NEW ENGINE and fruit are aver- Chums 12,600 generating plant. The project was explained to the council last.ag0- ... . ,. niglil by Ernest Love, superintendent of utilities, and after some! . "a,n.s "a.e ""Poe con.u- discussion the for the l"" munswu, iu necessity new plant was admitted and was derided, on motion of Aid. Mneilmmld pp,.,IoH l.v a 1,1 I Prince Edward Island but the hay and w"! be 'bU averae- installation of i01?.1' . . ... i i i,n ni'n niti in rviim crop '""' the station on plans submitted! . ' by Ihe superintendent of ulilities!'"1 '' less ,,ia" ,asi ear- I and the ,n ,M'ms" olumD,a crPs are city engineer The erec-l linn nf h,p ni.mi u i -h,i.. progressing satisfactorily under Premier will lake two ""orama conumons. months and Ihe in-,am stallalion of the machinery lliere in one month, making al least three months before it can be IN FISHERIES PLANE been reported. LEAGUE BASEBALL National Cincinnatti, 3; Brooklyn, 2. Pittsburg, 5; Boston, 2. St. Louis, 6; New York, 6. Chicago, It; Philadelphia, 12 American. Philadelphia, 7; Detroit, 4. Washington, t; Cleveland, 2. New York, 8-12; Chicago, 3-10. SI Louis. 5. Boston, 10. FISH RUNNING EVERYWHERE Sockeye Pack This Year Well Ahead of Last on Skeena and Naas The fishing is going well on the Skeena and Naas jtivcrs. The weather during thef week has been generally favorable and the result is that the canneries are making large packs and the fish- erm'en are earning good rrioney. I The Skeena sockeye pack to the , end or last week was 75,300 cases as against 17.000 for the FORTH IN BANK REPORT-" ,r f ,a,;1 , On the Naas the catch was 10 . a .,i n..,ii. 000 ot "ie H as against 7,300 lo the same (late last year. Pinks on the Skeena have" been light, the run being much later . (this year. On the whole, however, 'Rains during past week have rishing is good and the catch been general throughout the promises to be well up. to expec-;West except in the Satkaloou dis- tations. Following are the packs. Irict, where conditions are unfa- up lo July 20: Ivorahle, says the Bank or Mou-! Skeena River itreal crop report. Conditions are 1924 also unfavorable in Eastern Al- Sockeye ... .... 75,300 :berla but elsewhere Uiey nave im- Springs .... ... 11,000 proved. Cohoes ... .... 1,700 1923 47,00.0 9,200 3,100 7,300 850 10.000 5,000 RAILWAY RATES PROMPT ACTION Oliver Asks Railway Board When It Will be Pro-pared to Hear VICTORIA, July 29. Indicat- ling thai British Columhia will Flight Lieutenant Earl McLeod's not lose a minule in pressing its : Machine Was Taken on Pier at Dry Dock Today freight rale fight, Premer Oliver telegraphed the railway board yesterday asking it lo inform him. Flight Lieutenant Earl Mc- it wuld be prepared to hear Leod's hydroplane BB was taken Ue provincial government's three on the pier at the dry dock misapplications lor reduction in morning for the installation of a western transportation, "We in-new Liberty- motor. Lieut. Mc- tend to file our applications im-Leod has been having engine mediately," declared Ihe premier, trouble since arriving from Van-i"'n'ere wil be (,eIay as 11,0 vouver. Willi Ihe new motor in, situation demands prompt ac he expects lo have no further Don. difficulties in connection with; the carrying out of his patrol duties. MANY ATTEND THE FEAST OF STE. ANNE Cripples Assemble From all Parts of Country Seeking Healing at Sacred Shrine STE. ANNE DE BEAUPRE, July 29. This year more than twenty .ENGLAND. PASSING. INTO EASTERN SEA Inroads Being Made on Coast by Storms Which Washes Away Land , LONDON, July 29. England Is disappearing, or al least a part of jit is. Erosion caused by storms is gradually eating away stretches of the east coast and especially so in Ihe neighborhood of Low- Ihousand attended the pilgrims cs(oft The government has been east ui oio. .Mine, mippies m ui a,,pe.le(, lo lml 80 far no ai(l description have been present and ,ias heeu iven m.uiy spent nays aim nigius ui Tll !,., tip,.ni,i ii. nr the and have confessed chapels lho ,u.e!,ent Labor government, heir sins and from sought cure comM mU slron!lly jn ,,enumtl their ailments. Many cures have ,,,, ,:,, ,i,nri .. luiH uvuuu m lunvn nun ciiiKa gesls that obsolete ships should be sunk on the coast to form' a breakwater. BREAD GOES UP IN CITY OF VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, July 29. -Taking eirect Tuesday the price of bread in Vancouver lias been raised to nine cents for an eighteen ounce loaf or two seventeen cents and three for 25o.