Tuesday, July 29, 102 i. A r The home hclp3 sold here will save yoti .strength. Our Kleclriu devices sluitiid he in your home. The sale of ihpso hardware assistants is .... .loll., 'I'l..,., ..I . . , Mil llliu' nnu iiii. llfc'JIJtTJJI way lo be happy. Hot Point Toasters . . $7.00 Hot l'oinl Irons .... $7.00 Savage 'Washer and Dryer $185.00 Hoover NX'Mon Nweepeis SC2.00 Hot Plates. $3.85 nml $C.25 Kaien Hardware Co. The Handy Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Goods ,tnci O I A a ... "l n oun jr avu. j'imnn .1 IT P. PfclTF OF COJlflLv The price of our dry leaning cuts down the price 11 1 1 I urn. 1 miiii v ifiiiiiiiiv avs 'lull Klin 11:1s linmil mil liat vc take most excellent iim; in '.in k 111 iiicii 1 n fii rusted to us and thai our 111- utis 1 nusn. i' osn inn lo.n nm rnvnii ninnimu .mil i 11141 null iir'i.'i 1 nwico VJjTi5 DU-K-SyiJ 7 m . tor 1 mirt8"?KKi'm w m . 1 sai i; i in v WSffeft .XV 8r Agents for Gossard Front Lacing lorsets and Brassieres 1 mmin t n ilnactni'J I 1 1 1 ni in Charge. .S Wa are n. .tH n rd Ave. & mi ton street. ow Showing ! UUIbU UUU1 i. FeSJjab wuiuiiici iiais 11011 a 1 ice "DEMERS" una w, r.u. box 3. terlmg Furnace GOAL Dallvtrad In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This is 'a very superior furnace eilllMllv lh... . n. . o' a..n, lln-n.a , 1 ,iriii .nut. v.iuni 1 n. ''atltig' plants' In the -city are now "hi it with entirely satisfactory STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sicks. At $12.50. per ton. are also Ajvnti for the faiuoua and TELKWA COALS. ntnnn DunnnV Pnnl On 1 iiiuc nuurji 1 uudi uu. in uir 1 nii vfiiria riiVRf id WEIRD STORY OF APE-LIKE MAN Mike King of Victoria Told of Seeing Wild Creature In Woods VICTORIA, July 29. - Can, dian Press;. The reported discovery of huge man-like apes in Jlhe mountains -or Washington Jslale, which are said by Indians 1 1 0 he members of a strange, hilh- tio unknown tnho of natives called the Neahl.iks, brings to mind the fuel lhat Michael King. Iliitish Columbia timber cruiser, aniazi'd the people of this province twenty years ago by returning from the woods of Vancouver Island with an astonishing tale of an uncouth creature, met In Ihe woids, that was not nwn although it wore man's shape. Mr. King's slory was scoffed at by the public, who variously christened his wilderness stranger as the Mowgli or Wolf Man, the latter appellation being I BAKE YOUR OWN s BREAD PI El standard ofQiiaCcty vi Tor over so years Y4 4 Island by shipwreck. Was Close To It "For even if a man Jived in a ri tt.fl r mslnnl. Jusl below ll.e eyes Ihr L...,t i'i 'ihuir on Ihe face of the creature iwiniiin -va ui" iirsi fiiiiuiii a' ui, . . , . , .,riiin nwi nai.,.r n Vnnnnnvl'1 "'. ,,lt everywhere else ! i ' ' . j was long and shiny, hud on the TIMBER SALE X6281. en-1 fmiii lii'ikir iJike Station, nature 6, inKt m-itrli't. Three ( :) . years will be allowed for re moval or timber. "rrovliled that any one unable tn at tend the auction In iertton may suUmil a -ale(l tender to be oiiened at the hour of union ami treated aa one bid." Further parllfiilars or tlie Chief Forester, Victoria. H.C., or OUIrlrt Forester, ITiliee Ituperl, H.C. TIMBER SALE X 62C2. There will be offered for sale al Public Aueilnn, at noon on the Hh day ftt Auirust, lUil, in Ihe ofrice of the Forest Supervisor at smilhers, the Licence Xf.iSi. to nit 1 B.otiO Jacknlne Ties, on an area situated approximately 4 miles nonh-rast or pecker Lake Million, llanire f. Coast IM-lrli I. Two (ii years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided that any one unable to attend Ihe aui'tlon In person may submit a sealed tender tn be oiH'tied al the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars or Ihe Chief Forester, Victoria, MX., or lilstrlct Forester, Prince Unpen, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6371. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister or Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon on Urn 31st day of July, 1824. ror the purchase or Licence X 11371, M cut U.ono Jackplne Ties on an area adjoin-Inir Lot 33TS, south shore of llnlkley Lake, haute S. Coast District. Two 1 1 years will be allowed for removal or timber. Further particulars nf the Chief Forester, Victoria, ll.C.., or District Forester, Prince lliipert, U.C TIMBER SALE X 6271. Sealed Tender will be received by the Minister or Lands, at Victoria, not later limn noon on the 31st day or July, mil, ror the purchase or Licence Xi(7l, to cut S8,Ooi Jacknlne Ties on an area adjoining the south iBitindiiry of Lot S3 1 4; between I'erow and knockholt, llange .5, Coast District. ,. . . Two (i) years will be allowed for removal of timber, . Kiiriher imrllrulars of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria, 11.0., or District Forester, 'prince Hiipcrt, II. C. TIMBER SALE X 6359. Pealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, not later than noon on Ihe 31st day or July, IV. 4. ror the purchase of Licence X83S0, to cut 17.000 Jackplne Ties on an area situated about 1 ,4 miles north or Canadian .National Hallway, between Palllnn and lloso Lake, llanire 6, Coast District. Two (V) years will be allowed for removal of timber, 1 Further particulars of the Chler Forester, Victoria. B.C., or District Forester, Prince Ituperl, H.C. TIMBER BALE X 6302. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon on the 31st day of July, IV. 4, ror tbe purchase or License X630, Id rut I07.B80 lineal feet of Ceoar Poles and l'lllnif on Lot I9V, about rive tulles across Skeena Itlver from Ileum Station, nature 5, Coast District. . Two (fi years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, it c, or District Forester, Prince nupert, B.C. hand the hair huny down below the finger ends. The being stood quite straight for n mordent Surprise and seemed lf me weigh about 210 pounds. There will be nffemt flip mIp tl l'iiblli-1 . Ran Like Deep in to Auction, m -ii-on on ihe Mh iiny of If it had taken one step to- .iiipiiini. . I vz , iii nm timir ill inc riin-ii , t i i i , .. -..I . siii-frvisor in siiiithcrK. ihe i.imi(i Xstsi.'w aids me I would have put a In rut fil.itim Jatkpliie Ties, on an area bullet throiicli it 101 for 11111111J.H 11, imiiitcil annroxlinali-lv & iiiilen north aml."u"Ll I had it covered with ny rifle. Hut nfler glaring at me for a moment it uttered a cry a half hunvan kind of grunj. and grasping a branch nearby, hoisted iiself up the bank of the creek and ran away through the underbrush, slightly bending as it did so, with the speed of a startled deer. "I examined tho creature's footprints afterward. Its feet were short and very broad. I noticed Ihe heel came back almost to a point like that of a gorilla. The armful of wild onions that it had been cleaning at the little stream wns as nicely done up as if a human being had prepared I hem." The theory mentioned by Mr. King was lhat the wild thing was of shipwreck origin. The explanation had been advanced lhat aboul 28 years before .1 gorilla, part of Ihe cargo of n vessel wrecked on (he coast, was the only sirvivor of the disaster. Its cage had bctm washed off the deck by the waves and been broken up in Ihe surf. Tho ape managed lo climb ashore. ueh of Ihe crew of the vessel as reached Ihe beach were said lo have been filaughlered by Ihe Indians. Subsequently, so Ihe Inlo ran, a warship was sent up from Victoria to avenge Ihe massacre. This appnrenlly refers lo the wreck of Ihe llrillsh barque John Bright, lost in 18G9 at Ilesquial, When Ihe survivors were butchered by natives. Whether sho carried a gorilla or not is nol generally known. She was bound from Callao lo Puget Sound wilh a cargo of lumber. A GOOD SAMARITAN Motorist (pijling up) Can I help you. sir? Voice from beneath slnlionary car If you would answer my wife's questions, sir, and keep her amused 1 should be awfully grateful. tit. h TjWQwk 1 k.(m CATARRH til tha BLADDER Each Ciniule ucsriuinie iTiMixir. o fcou ft Utrfetln Till DAILY BIWB, CARETAKER FOR PARK APPOINTED F. Rlffou Given Position at Salary of $75 Per Month Duties to be set out applied for no apparent reason wid ,ao from birth ta could caretaker's lime would be pretty and in defiance of the fact that ml have assumed the ape-like well taken up without asking him Mr. King described it as distlnr attributes possessed by this crea- beautify the grounds. He ly ape-like, not wolf-like. From Vancouver Island Yet now across the border strange creatures . . . .Ill, . .-. bearing M-Ullg F. 11 if fou has been appointed caretaker of the McClymont Park playground at a salary of $75 per month. A report from, the board of works to this effect was adopted by the city council last night after some discussion. Mr. Riffou's duties start as from July 2i and the appointment is a temporary one. Aid. Collart was desirous that there should be1 some definite understanding as to the care-laker's duties, lie felt that spare lime m,ight be employed in beautifying Ihe grounds, Some instruction along this line should be drafted. Aid. Perry staled that such arrangements bad ' already been made. A groat deal could not be expected, however, for $75 a nvonlh. Aid. M,acdonald felt that the Hire which I saw. I came up by would be earning his money if accident and was only about 25 be assisted Ihe children in learn-feet away when it caught sight i"K to swim, of me.. The Mowuli. or whatever! Aid. Collart asked if Ihe posi- ,1 stranger resemblance lo Mr. ym hkp ..... ca" l was squatted ''" was not 1 , to 1 be for the year King's discovery, have been seeti, so it i.s said and Jorgi Tolsgi. down like a monkey beside a lit- around and was told by Mayor tie stream. It was washing a Newton and Aid. Casey that such kih,-of wild om'"n not Iheitention The equip- pros-;was noted Indian scholar, says it is well known among his people Hint pectors someliines eat when we merit, Aid. Casey said, would be these weird beings arc believed !iin ,,npl nf revisions. I thought "kcn Awn during the winter to hail from the "wilds of Vancou ver Island. discoverer thus: it was a bear, but when it heard months. me and straightened up I brought II seems to fmvn been In II, n rifle lo my shoulder, for il winter of 190U'05 that Mr. King was 1he rangest sight I ever met with the experience. .Later excl lo sct pyes nn-the creature was reported lo have' , 'nliK1l",, '"''nf? ' depths been sighted by other workers' In ,f . '"" f"rcsl a,ul meeting an the wilds, and on Jan. I, 190C,-"'"n,i!1 ,n tI,p 8ha')0 of a m,in-The Colonist quoted the original ian,hn six MM anl ivnti'mi an utv.r Willi long i "The theory seems In me to heT , . ;tl,e only way to account for lli'l,'orl,on" of J1'0, bo y wns, a fo1, H,e focad low and origin or the strange being I sawl10"' , was 'elrenling, am its small eyes a lillle more lhan a year ago," plorwl at in for xi t k-in., Wfmi i o r me surprise an The report appointing Mr Hiffou was adopted with the tin. derstaiuliiig lhat the board of works bring in a report definitely selling out his duties ELECTRIC SUB-STATION TO BE ERECTED AT COW BAY BY CITY AT ESTIMATED COST OF $4,500, (continued from pnge one) be lard over for a week, lit. fell The present council had been In office for six months. There bad been plenty of time to bring the mailer up before, so he did not see where anottier week's delay would do any serious harm. Aid. Collart thought lhat the matter should ilrsl lie threshed out in the utilities committee. Aid. Casey was also of tho opinion lhat there should be a. definite report from Ihe utilities com mittee. Aid. Macdnnald was will ing lhat Ihe matter should be laid over for a week So that the utilities Committee might sub-mil a report and the other alder men might obtain more Superintendent Explains. Superinlendent Love was then called upon to submit his plans and give further explanations. The project was not a new ine as far as he was concerned. He hail reported last year on the sit. nation al Shawatlans Lake and had indicated ai that time thai he vould recommend the 'erection of a new sUb-station Ibis year. It had been Intended lo inslal such a station in the old sieam plant but further examination of that structure had br.oughl ol 4hat. it was in no condition lo house a sub-station. Some of the equipment, which had been provided for in Ihe estimates, had already arrived. Replying to Aid. Mc- Monlie, Mr. I.ove slated lhat the street lights were operated from Ihe present obi. plant. This, to gether wilh the fire hazard ex isting, explained why it Jiad been necessary lo keep two nien I here. Whereas, I be street lights were now hand operated, they vould he ailorna1ie. in the new plant. Already tires had broken out, on accounl of defective switches and dangemns wiring, and Ihe whole plant might' have been wiped out if there had been no men re tained Ihere. The engineering department had been sked lo get out the plans in April, bill, owing lo pressure of work, it had been impossible lo gel theiri oul Until now. Asked No Delay. In view of the present slato of affairs, Aid. Perry fell Ihere should lie no further delay in gelling Ihe project underway. Attl. Alactlouahl pointed oul that, with tho shawatlans Lake at present carrying alt the toad, Ihere was always the danger ,of burning out there antl Iho city would then be in bad position He was nol desirous, however, of rushing anything through, Mayor Newton fell (hat this council would eventually realize Ihe necessity for the new plant. He was ready lo vote now that it The "Ad" that Saved a City was being attacked. The massive walls were Rome breached. The enemies pressed hard on every side. To the north, the invaders crept stealthily through the night to storm the gates. In the dark, they stumbled on a flock of geese. The fowls cackled loud and long the sentries heard and Rome was saved. Advertising is continually saving something for someone. It will save for you, too, if you use it properly. It will save you money by pointing out real bargains, by telling you of true values, by giving you prices to compare and by telling you how much you should pay. It will save you time and effort by telling you exactly where and when to go for whal you want to buy. You don't have to "shop around." It will save you disappointment by telling you just what you can expect from your purchases. Every time a merchant or manufacturer advertises, he obliges himself to sell you goods that fulfil his claims. He knows it doesn't pay to advertise unworthy wares. Read the advertisements as a plain, every-day business proposition. It is a duty you owe yourself and your purse. The advertisements will help you save be proceeded with. Aid. Casey said he was also ready lo vote for Ihe project although the utilities committee should have a written report. Aid. Mairdonahl said lhat the verbal report of the committee was just as" strong ns any written report it could make. Opposition Withdrawn. Aid. McMordie said be was now satisfied with the wisdom of the move proposed, and would withdraw his suggestion lhat Ihe mailer he laid over for a week. He thought, however,, lhat criticism was due some department for holding the mailer up. The 'discussion chrscd with the adoption of Aid. Macdonald's motion that lenders be called for Ihe erection and installation of the plant. HIGHLANDER SAILED AFTER OVERHAUL AND LOADING FISH HERE Having completed overhaul at Ihe local dry dock and loaded 2,000 cases of salmon at the lunvber wharf, C.O.M.M. steamer Canadian Highlander, Capt. Fisher, sailed at 10 o'clock last night for Vancouver to complete loading for Ihe United Kingdom. The vessel is being piloted down Ihe coast by Capt. Duncan Mac-Kenzie, C.O.M.M. coast pilot. On Iho departure of the Highlander, Ihe berth al Ihe lumber wharf was laken by Ihe Princess F.n'a which is unloading steel for the Terrace bridge. BOAT ARRIVALS. C.N.R. sleamer Prince fieorge, Capt, Harry Nedden, arriving form Ihe south at 3.15 veslcrdav afternoon brought Ihe following passengers: J. F. flrube. Hucklev Hay: Mrs C, II. JTupper, Miss E, M. Lang- dale, Miss M. K. I.angdale, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Langdale, H. K. Sparkes, (5. Kelly, Master A. Newman, Hamilton Douglas, .luilge and Mrs. Clyde Webster and sons, F. J. Fortune, Miss Cameron, Mrs. E. Mclndo, E. R. Woodbury, Mrs. II. Horslwick, R. C. Miller. Mrs. M. E. Thorn. Mrs. R,obinson, J. Scliiedel. H. V. llors . well, (J. F. Smith, T. E. Mcl.el-lan, Miss M. James, J. McKinnon, W. ISellars, M. O. Charlin, Mr. and Mrs. C. Holler and daughter. T., Richardson, G. O. Wilson, Miss Van Nesl, Miss Ethel Heise, W. L. Newman, Miss Hall, Miss A. Newman, Miss Tyre, Mr. tlarkley, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tyre,, Mrs. S. E. Woods, Miss M. Robinson, F. W. Taylor, Mrs. and Miss Murray, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sessions and child, Mrs. and Miss Mitchell, Mrs. H. S. Kendall, Miss Kendall, Miss Mahaffey, Miss M. Tweeder, Mr. and Mrs. Penny, Mr. and Mrs. A. Abbott, V. Way, Miss Morrison, C. A. lleebe, 0. II. Germy, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, Mr. add Mrs. I,, J. Santamarie, Mr. Welkins, Mr. and Mrs. II. h, Carroll, Mrs. McKenzie, Mr. anil Mrs. A. A. Allen, J. M. Hockin, S. L. Hump, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc- Cready, W. M. Hiller, F. V. Sei-bert, Mrs. r.albrailh, Mrs. J. Dyer, Miss Campbell, Miss I. Ralph, Miss Helen Colbick. Miss E. Donnelly, Miss K. llaswell, Miss 1). IJuchan, Miss J. Reid nd Master J. Cook, Walun Rivet'i Dr. and Mrs. Amnions and Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Casley. Subscribe for the Dally News. NOTICE OF SALE. Sealed Tenders will be received bv the. District ForeMer at I'rlnce Unpen tin to noun on July 18th. 144. Tor thcnurcliase of a quantity of culled Cedar tiole at wooiirocK aim ;arnauy, TMimaieu at ,-700 lineal feet, Tha upset price which ia the lowest tender that will be accepted Is one quarter tent per lineal foot. Tenders must be accompanied by certified cheqire or iwAicy payable to Fotvst Branch, coverlnr Firty (50) per rent ol the total, price bid on total estimated quantity. The hlRhent or any tender rot necessarily accepted. Further particulars of District Forester, Prince nupert, B.C. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Eastern Canada United States Triangle Tour to JASPER NATIONAL PARK EDMONTON and CALQARY. One way via Vancouver. Write or call: City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 260. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde Street. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue.