Sweep with a broom then mm. floor looks i pretty clean. Vow use np'h it a Hoover Miction Swcdper ami it will Ue quickly dNiionstralod to your houseKoepiiif,' inlclli-"fiire Hint Uiorouuli cleanliness ami anilation can only be secured by modern methods. Such a labor saver. " IjOO, Let us demonstrate one in your home. Bold as low as $5,75 per mwilh. Kaien Hardware Co. rt-l.. Ilnn .h. A at. j lie nanny oiurij. 008 3rd Ave " Phone 3 Hardware and Sporting Goods j Two Captains in One Boat Being an amount of a trip 1n (he Retail fUver s re-eoonted by Newton Pullen of Victoria under Ibe nom de plume of Marcus Drexell in the Victoria Colonist. llie next article of the series appears next week. ui-nivKi l-HOM :uir falls When we made camp at Falls Hiver we lugged our numerous belongings up from the water to .the tent, and it all had to lie earned hack again, when we decided to emltark once mure in the (iweji, about noon on the following day. We had three magazines with us, and one of them contained an article by a certain .New York humorist by the name of Phillips, who had treated the subject of vacations With a gay irony which dwelt upon the tact that human beings .would go on holidays and enjoy themselves by working much harder than they ever cared to in everyday life. At some psychological moment when, tor instance, he was carrying two cushions, the roll of blankets, the typewriter, the epRg and a pair of socks which had been ignored in Ihe packing up, l lie Other Captain would turn lo me and demand, "What was it that fellow Phillips said?" And I would smile weakly and in sympathetic understanding as I clung desperately lo a suitcase, a pan of dishes, a camera and a sweater. River Starts Back When we had broken camp, loaded everything on lo launch, ami gone down Falls Hiver to Ihe 1'cslall, we found lire current in the latter stream nifninst lis. for the tide, which NOTICE OF SALE. .. - .1.. n 1 n 1 11 atU lllili rani l.,.lr.l ai.Anstmn I it . t a 1 . J. 11.. jiiAiiunii - ovnn irini 1 1 1 hi it in irnm i in Jfi. duw lyinK in tJuPH.ua Ukr and Indian : hail not yol turned. While wo ,rf; :enur Inch at a spot where a Utile tp !r! ID?! I 1 I,.., i., nflnii on 1 m . ... . . . ..iiif'iiiJ4 lswnis u . i il to ... I.vlitmiu ! i ,lnu-n I It a m fi t n I fi i n riKWrt niut be irnimpaiiied by cash. irH.i u fii'wnn.i mut um..u In II C tnii.t ltinnh Mt'.n.! ' ..... . , ! prlre iiiti. tim- nirii'i ir any lender; i.csiail reverseo lis oireciiou, iui x runner fisrnruiai- apply w District1"" ' "' ' -t - ur, rnnce nupcrt. B.C. assistance we proceeded at an BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire nm in mnr-av. Phone 575. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat or the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Hr.i A conic PKIINLE KUPEK1 UliAKl UKL WE CASH CHEQUES. mi (- To Insurance Beneficiaries Hundreds o? thousands of dollars are lost annually through the unwise InvrstnusU or careless spending of monies received for Insurance death claims and matured endowments. A Union Dank Savings Account is the proper place for the deposit of such monies. If Beneficiaries seek Investment, bur branch managers are always willing to help them with sound an4wisLTvative advice. stl h UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager I You neea . Mustard -Martial uto. b l "tio the muswru utitmastbeCol"01? increased speed. The Oilier Captain had been in llwse "parts before, and while he did not know what particular course should le taken in. navigating tbe river, he o"id know that there was a constant danger that we would run aground on unseen shallows. I soon learned that his were not vain alarms because it was not long before we ran aground in Ihe middle of the river. Hacking off, we found a deeper channel and proceeded, (lie but trol into trouble on various occasions after that. The rising tide aided us, however, ami ttiere was no danger of stickinp for Ion. Engine Erratic ' The river narrowed down until I could have thrown a stone across it, and we reached Ihe section where the lide has little! or no effect and the current! travels rapidly. When the en-pine had slopped unexpectedly lower down the Kcsfall, I had pone to sleep and left it to the ()lher Captain lo find out what Ihe trouble was. This plan had worked excellently. As we chup- ped alonp throuph Ihe tipper tenches of the river our propress was slowas we were bucking a si roup current. The engine again began lo give trouble, and when il finally quit altogether I heaved the anchor overboard to keep, us from losing ground and went, lo sleep again. The plan worked this time also. The Other Captain got Ihe engine going and we continued our journey. We snaked along from side to side, going wide cm the curves to avoid shallows and striking bot tom at intervals. The water swirbd past ugly looking rocks', We made our way carefully. When (he engine slopped again and I drnpjwd the anchor il fail ed lo hold and w lost ground, but before we pot into troume we came to a halt. I have a notion we hacked on to a shoal. Off For Johnson Creek Our objective was Johnson Creek. The Other Captain had been there before in the Owen and could wtix most enthusiastic about the beauties of Johnson Lnke. which was reached from Ihe. mouth of Johnson Creek. Nearer and nearer we came lo our goal. but navigation was becoming more ami more oiincou. were encountering sunken logs and snags, and it was n most un- roinforlahle feeling when Ibe launch Jarred over a shallow or struck some submerged oh- sl ruction. At lasl we came to within probably rfhrcc-quartcrs of a mile of Ihe mouth of Johnson Creek. Wo could almost see the ulace. Ahead, the river was divided into threa channels by a long sandbar running parallel with tbe stream and also n small island. Which Channel? I think the last time I was up here we tried lo get through over there on the left, and stuck, and finally found a passage over there on the right," vouchsafed the 01 her Captain. We decided to THE DAILY NEWS ORKTS SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY A CANAOIAjJ """" y -sr ESTABLISHED - iiji llf It Corbis-The Quality Whisty of Can ad a-is found wherever a ood whisky is appre ciated -since 1859 Bottled in Bond underDominion Government Supervision 4-24 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ble before wc hit anything. band bank against the swiftly. On the third occasion wo kept; flowing stream we shuddered s as far over tome leu nanu nans ine uwen strucK against sun- as we could, passed a wickcu looking log sticking out, and made for Ihe left hand channel. There was a small Island there, and as the canoe seemed in danger of catching on a stump wc had to halt, but hung on lo the island for a breather. We got the ship slraightened out anil started again, but hit shallows. try Ibe extreme right. Conditions trick. Turning tlfu launch around! were not good for manoeuvring we made ou iinwn stream, in for 'Ibe iriver, was( narrow, the (he swift current our pace was current swift, and Ihe obstruc- rapid and our control none loo lions numerous. There were lots good, and as we knew that shal-of places where Ihe depth of lows and submerged obstruc-wnler was not sufficient for the, (ions were lurking nil about us, boat, as we found out from timo'we bad an exciting limo of it. We lo time. Iffol down si ream for a short dis- The Owen forged ahead slowly lance safely, however, nnd turn-to tbo right band channel, but ing about, tried the centre- chan-ns we reached there we decided nel again. No results, that tbe way was blocked by ob-j fliving up when wo were so slructions, and so we slopped, near Johnson Creek was too The current swept the Owen nyjch for us, and we resolved as (iuickly down stream, but wo a last resort to seek a passage riierged logs, but we trusted fo luck and kept, going as hanl' as possible. We were there. Rif fles ahead. Clear water on the right. Helm hard over. The Owen swung info the chosen-spot. A crash. The flwen whirled slue-ways in the current and stuck, keeling over at an angle wliich brought the water to within sx Hack wc went with tbo current, 1 inches or less of the top of .the found ourselves in a jackpot andj drove into the bank. It was dc- cided lo again try thai left hand channel, and we hcailcri; at if, but sluck once more, whereupon we ran inlo the bank again. Our Final Effort The Oilier Captain set off in bis high boots to search for a channel on the left hand side of the river, where we were. He figured out a possible, route, and we tried roping fbo Owen .through, but we could not do the gunwale. Fouled by Logs Appearances bad deceived -.us. The passage, seemingly clear; was fouled by submerged logs' and snags and we had piled up on these. The angle we were perch ed at did not. look any too promising. The current was swift and tbe water cold. Wc scram'-: bled ashore by way of an isjef, and tried lo haul the bow of the Owen upstream, but little could be done against the force of the water. A reconnaissance show ed that Ihe launch was Jarftmed hard on several logs with a snag sticking out of the water amidships. The depth was over our heads, but foothold could be obtained on the obstructions against which wo were lodged. When you buy advertising you buy CinCIJLATlOf. ond see thai ""n srt H. If managed lo gel ner turned anom inrougu ine rigiti nana cuannei Rwordmir District of rru Jiuiwt. B.C., in Ihe narrow space ami started at which wc had baulked in thohiJSjyVf; jSHJ : TJJS Vaw ''ntw- ,nL- nirnln Tlmn u-o Irloil the first, instance. Driwn slrenm we linir. or 368J Cambridge Street. Vancouver. . , , , . , , ' , IH.C. oorirpatloii manufacturer, Intends t j.,j.i i 'i 1 centre channel, and sluck fast, went, turned, and camo back up, appiy for rermiMon to ieas the follow Working the launch, loose, wo driving at the spot where swept down stream! again, turned water came down belweon an Is-aboul and came back. There land and tbe right hand bank. We wa9 a hectic moment when the could see riffles, denoting shal-sleerlng gear jammed. We dls- lows, but wo thought wo might covered what was eaught In th find deep waler alongside of controls and remedied th trou-' thorn. Creeping up tho right LAND ACT. Notlcs of Intention to AddW to Ltas Land in ouern Charlotte Miami i.anu District, n. in jirsrriDea lanns: t:onimcncin at luuinriHt Llanffil near lhA rnnt jif T.w Hill east sinn, inenre nonneny 10 low water mark; tlienoo westerly following low water marie u cnauis; inenre soutueny uirve Chains: tnenre easterly go rnatn to noliit oi roiiuueiirenieiit aim coniauiinr to acres iiiui'h or less. oeorok w. oowtrta tppllrant nVE HtJTTEN, Airent PAGE FtVE YOUR DAILY BREAD IS IT WHAT IT SHOULD BE? ELECTRIC BREAD IS KEPT UP TO THE HIGHEST Quality Standard CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicet Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle August 2, 6, 13, 16, 23, 27 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29 S.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For lutedale, 8wanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings rrum Prince. Rupert. er VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swttson Bay, and Al.rt Bay, Tuttday, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alwt Bay, and Swansea Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. for AN VOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walas Island, Sunday, S P.M. Por PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rln.r Cannarlsa, Friday A.M. S2S 2nd Avmus. i. Barnalsy, Afsnt. Prlnca Rup.rt, B.O. I Advertise in "The Daily News" THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS