page two The Daily News The Man in thejloon PRINCE HUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. SAYSs- Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertlslng and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - -SUBSCRIPTION RATES: MISSION BOAT FOR ALASKAN COAST IS TO BE COSTLY ONE! KETCHIKAN. Oct. 7. -y The .Presbyterian Hoard of Missions! announce that plans for their new mission cruiser, "Warden f!. liar- ; dinR" have been completed by, Lee, Bririton and Wayland, Seattle naval architects and it is expected to start construction in the near future. When com-, plcleiL the boat will be used in the Alaskan mission service of the Presbyterian Church according to present plans. The vessel, which is lo cost in the neighborhood of $40,000, will be 85 feel long and she will be powered with a dies engine of ISO borse-power. The vessel will be eleelrie throughout and will have electric winches for the anchor nnd boat davits. Sleeping accommodations for four persons are provided and a feature of the vessel will be an auditorium which will seat forty persons. U is planned lo use Ibis auditorium to show motion pictures in and to deliver sermons. II. is expected lo have the craft ready for nse by next spring at Ihe latest sny tho board. Tommy Smith left on last night's train for Telkwa where he will take charge of J. Mason Adams' drug slore. ' OS 88 City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. . DAILY EDITION Tuesday, October 7, 1921. .Losing President Of Board Of Trade. Prince Rupert is losing a bank manager, but there are other hank managers and he can be replaced. Prince Rupert is losing a good citizen but there are other goud citizens. Prince Rupert is losing, a president of the Board of Trade and a good one aud that is hard to replace. S. J. McLeod is leaving Ihe city to, take a similar banking position at Moncton. It is a promotion which he well deserves, but Prince Rupert is the loser. Last night a large number of prominent citizens gathered at 8 banquet to bid farewell in a fitting manner to Mr. McLeod. To what was said failures great set-men of America Farmers As Well Off As For Previous Year. The prairie farmers will likely be as velr off this year as they were Tor 1923. While crops generally are, not as large, prices are better and the cost of harvesting will not be as great as last year. The Royal Bank report s$-s there will be close on three hundred million bushels and farmers will gel approximately fifty per cent more for their crop than last year. The railways will be the main losers from Ihe smaller crop. ' Opportunities To Hear Good Music. Although there are fewer concerts than at one time, there is more good music. Nearly everyone has n phonograph of some kind and many of the records bring the world's best music to those who like iL Every radio outfit brings more good music. The piano players bring the classics to everyone. While there is a large amount of jass, doubtless, Iherc is also plenty of music in some of the jazz. It will be noticed that many of the tunes of Ihe great composers are very jazzy. Music is being brought to the hojnos of almost everyone anil if it has a good effect on Ihe lives Nif the individuals, our lives should be more harmonious as the years go by. Mora Production At Anyox Than Ever. The production at the Anyox mines is greater than ever. Last mouth was a record in the. history "of the Hidden Creek mine and the camp is prosperous. The development of the mine at Maple Bay has also added to the activities of the neighborhood. To take out 120 tons of ore a day a has been done of lafe at Maple Bay requires a great deal of labor and to smelt it t;ikes more. It is good to hear of progress being made. 8- I J 1 n- BE careful or the neighbors are. sure to find you out. THE person who wanls'to he really up to the minute should fhid some belter way of satisfying creditors than handing out eush. THE i parking man Willi upstair ee crowds her Slice with foot.- ' TIIF.HKnre people yet who look back aud an joy ia retruspe&L the free lunches of tho old fashioned bar. Ho still seems to think he rot something for nothing. ADDIXU insult to injury is throwing at husband biscuits which he finds lie cannot chew. - AS an opinion and not as a statement of fact, I should like lo rem ark tlial mere are some people pleasanter to live with there we wbuld like to add that if Moncton is wise she will getjthau softie others. Mr. McLeod interested in the board of trade or chamber of com- j - merce and give hint the presidency at the first possible occa-(THE lim was when sion. !A brooding hen I Just clucked, .heme Cheering Words For Those Who Fail. Here is something picket! up by chance from a house organ that came through the mail that may be of interest to many people in Prince Rupert: A young man. ran for the Legislature of Illinois nnd was badly swamped. He next entered business, failed and spent seventeen years ran the. chickens. Now thickenll take ' ' A handsome rake And follow him to the dickens of his life paying up debts of a worthless partner. - He was in love with a beautiful woman, towhom Jie became THE HE'S a doctor in the south engaged then she died. 'claims thousands are dying from Entering politics again, he ran for congress and was badly kissing. Yes, doctor, ami others defeated. He then tried to get an appointment to the United !are just dying for a kiss. Stales land office, but failed. j - - He became a candidate for the vieopresideucy of the. United, THESE are strenuous days in Stales and was once more defeated. One bad failure afler another bad backs. Then he became one of the greatest Abraham Lincoln. NOW have all think of that the winter hat been purchased, lei us spring- Prince Rupert. Tin wk we fhave the iyro lae-down and next wek Mackenzie Kin? is to tin herd Christmas comes later. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. D. Edensliaw Masselt; (. Keith, London: Mr and Mrs. L. P. Sunderland. Ket etiik'nrr; Mr. and Mrs. F. (i. Km Lnnjibeaeh, fial.; Miss 'Annie Mr. (reafor, Edmonton. Central V -.Hurst, city; W. month, Vancouver; C and J. It. Miller, fJ.N.Il. Bell SNOW ON IULLS IS EARLIER THAN USUAL New snow was seen on the hills this morning for the first time this Reason. This is earlier than it has been since I Oil when it was a few days earlier. In 1912 it rame on the seventh, last year on Ihe thirty-first and the previo'us year mi the thirtieth. lite year siyn-iiy uerore Hie war the hills were wlntp on October I. As as Hie sin.w conies to stay the deer will be driven from Ihe hilltops and will be easier to get than they have been for the past few weeks . 1 IH TUB DAILY IIEVS Tuesday. October October 7, 1914. few months as a hospital ship, U.T.P. steamer Prince Oeorge, Capl. Duncan McKenzie, arrived in port from the south at 7.30 N this morning. Her passenger list included Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Law, I. J. Williams, Mrs. A. Trail, Mrs. A. T. Parkin and A. M. Tyson. and Mrs. Calkins were away. - Mr, and Mr.:.'uil Cething and family arrived from the south on the Prince Oeorge thii morning. They are on their way o Fcrl Ucorge where they will settle. PRESENTATION TO i S. J. 1 . (continued from page one) I Dogherty was a fine genial Irishman and (hen following this they sent three men consecutively of the name of i:ameroii, Macleod and Robertson. He did not know if there was any significance in that. i Dr. Oranl said he had great regard for Mr. Macleod and bis family. They bad been neigh bors and local friends. Judq Young ' Judge, Young expressed regret that Mr. Macleod had to leave Prince Hupfrt. That the regret was general was evidenced hy the :birge number .present at thaf gatbing. Mr. Macleod had been a decent neighlKir. He, the Jud:;e, bad never missed anything ex- :cpl a garden bo and even that be could not prove (bat Mr. Muc- ; leitd took . ! Speaking more seriously, ..lodge Young said Mr. Macleod 'bad always beeri n zealous advocate for Prince. Hupert, and be felt that when moved lo the east lie would still be an advocate for this city. He spoke humorously of the shattered hopes of some of the people here hut expressed the opinion that the future held (iolhers and wished them as many true friends in Moncton as they a had in Prince ItupH. j Thomas McClymont i Thomas MeClyinont said he Itesuuiinsc service after bavins, was glad lo be able to add a been commissioned for the nasi wont to what had neen -aid. I lie occasion to tlnyn was one of sorrow at login? a friend. A friend was a. real treasure. He spoke of the good work done by Mr. Macleod in the Board of Trade and of the position Mrs. Muoleod bad so well Tilled in social activities of the community. Life here was a procession, a co in in ir and mine. He fell. The resilience or Samuel CaJ however, that Mr. Miielend would kins on Ninth Avenue was com- not have lost anything by living olelelv destroyed bv fire which 1 here. His vision would have been broke out last night while Mr broadened and die would be belter able to fill higher positions. Praise was not necessary. He only hoped that' when the next promotion came unless it was lo the bead oDiee (I would be west. S. J. Macleod Following the presentation by Mr. Dawson, Mr. Macleod thank- ' ed them for the honor done him !aml for the gift. A little over MACLEOD ! three years ago he had been a stranger lb all but they had made him feel at borne with true hospitably. He had moved a number of times hul had nevi-r fell it so hard to putt tii. s!tik- as from Hi mBmmI aRa (flL hi Bottlw Onln 11. JO nm.H I I6.1.JS IllM.OO . TrUI fpf.r.r Pr Hand Spire' Jto 1 Al Cranrr A Dr.f l4 I f Kills I Mosquitoes Roaches Ants v.,m.B.c Bed Bugs Etc. 7, ll-.'t I -m j i a fell ,4 gjlr -demand p jjjjijjjJijJijM p111l"v!'''T!fT?;ljjl1jpi If I'j'ijjjUi n t nWirll i ml : M IsSr sMmkh ; mm a S III! lili I in'i&ir II-- SPECIAL SELECTED" , iiHi I':,;! I & f h:;' J L lip 111,1 L in rnJTLfTl R I'L M T'l 11 !! 11 I ' 7.2) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. M0aJHSMinjpwa prninis- of large develiiiuents.! Mm I oiyiy rr ::: vrjirzx If I Iw&i ll FiO iLBviV u t"''1 ""' MrH- M:"'' Ll mllS lunpti ) I Uffavii """ ""i Illy y Kl WHISK W Consul wakeiioid M KM KX U;ik. field it was p I HHMBHMPH p.-n i to W 1 MKmr.m nuri. ll was ditHelill to nark ui) WldlMlKMiUUiUR'l Hi.- new home and not alway-i M " pleasant. It tKik a year of twoj M - ttt earnest endeavor to build up K Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert v i rieniisiiipH, hp cuncHrn-ii in nn-i m I sent i meiit s etnressd bv thol -m - . . . Constipated makes every Deccham's Pill worth at least a Dollar in the Time it has Saved you. The Constipation Habit costs more than time, fork seta you back in many ways. It lowers vitality, tuts down your ability, wastes even tho food yoy eat Ikechara's Pills make your bowels free and regular. They are famous also as an aid to difresrion and a stimulanjt to the liver. Bcccham'" Pills, t y hvlping the entire digestive tract, benefit the whole 6ytem. Sold Everywhere In Canada - j( BEECHAMSFILLS UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. Slllni frun rnore Ruirt. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanis Aim Tudf, I P.M. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. AltM (, n4 lnon !, Itlnntf, tO.AM. Fw ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART. WU lU4. Inlllli. P.Mi - 1 For PORT SIMPSON n4 Htf Rltp CMrli, rrMtf A.M. here. If be had been of assist-' aace here il was due lit the character of the people with whom he had associated. Any Mrsou Iiv-' inif he"ri must be optimistic. He, was .onli sorry he waw tint, able j to stay . (i little longer and see sonic Of Ihe hopes come to fruition. i The gathering joined in sing- ! ing a number of choruses led by ' J. V. Nicbolls, Percy Tuuer. Consul Wakefield and V. 0, Kul- Ion. Mr. Macleod on rising was ' received with musical honors and cheers. W. Yaughau Davies preside.) at the puno. RESTORING BUILDINGS DAMAGED IN REVOLTS DtTIMN. Oct. 7. The Free State government hns at last started rebuilding Ihe Dublin post office .leslroyid in the rebellion of Faster. l!Mfl. Work has now commeni-ed on Ihe obi site wit li a view lo preserving the tradition and chararler of the original building intact. Dublin's next nrost beautiful building, the Four Courts, was destroyed In the . fighting of July. 1922. The dangerous parts i of the ruins have been repaired urn! Ihe walls are considered good enough to Justify 1 1 r rebuilding of the whole edifice. The restorations so far designed are in keeping with Ihe treatment of the original eighteenth century architect. Jnnfes riandon, and stone similar lo that In the orlg ina structure Is being, used, 123 2nd Aimu. i. Brntl, AnU Price HlnU0. Grows Hair in 90 Days fiUniy Back it U Fail A minuto dijr M sufficient tima to devote to thu nw mcthul scsJp treatment. VAN K: jI-'uidSc!p Mamage is ap piled With a pst entcd rubber ap. phcator attached .... ... 5f ?i V)''tnzra licarxitufcst dircctlv to the hair roo j Uironch flex. Ible rubber nip;.Ics. VAN stop-railing hair 5-03 iu w hu.r in DO csva. Ask us si 0 ir to.d. trial-merit pla, Vo k . a n. n, y-tk t5viwiUnot(j Rsw1.?"- .C ,:t ""W- VAN McCutcheon's Solo liistnhutoir b'ecuud . vc. ami Blxth St. , :.v- a" TIMDEH SALE X 6531. Via. """"" ."'.I .U ,,r f . ir,,? vou "'" ri-1 "'..i. ?i l...'"5: '.'" UrB.lM.k n i.V ' V." ""fllim. l ..(.if Iilstrx . lin.vil i . .f ."n '" illowni riMr ft 0f uiubrr. I riirmrr parllnihr ..r llw .MiIpT' I'.irM K'f. lru.rU. ii.i;.. I'riiire IiimtI, B.C. or ln.lrUJ. lurcslrr 1 TIMBER SALE X 6041 S.ali.1 TnUr sill be rrTA,'tl by lie of l.aiuN. it .VirtirU. m. fl"' Ibai iuN.ii mi tlM l.t ilsy n,f j,.,.ii,U'i- In rut f.Hft. Hill. rM nf Spnu "J4 IIMII...,. LnUiinwwMl niul h.,. uufl r.Awill fi ' ur It-llml ami Hpr.lfe. "J an area ?rlr! "f A'"'" r"'' , tMiM '"; T? J V-sr- will l allowed for ri fiiillirr liarmiilar i.r Uik riili-r K.rn' T!t. "',,,,rU. : r IHiiirli t k .realrr, I'rlnre ItiifM-rl, u.c