PAnE Form HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night op Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, 9 U 0. Phone 680. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments, St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Carl age, Warehousing, and distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. 1 1 7tcmeccmnr You can tell by the pripes that we put on our Home Furnishings and our Hardware that wo have your home contentment at heart. Savage. Electric Washer $185.00 Hoover Cleaners $63.00 and $75.00 lloth sold on very Easy Terms. u il Sterling Furnace COAL Dllrd In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Thl l i very tuperlor fumtre coal. It rives clean hot fire ami U entirely free from Mot. cllnken, lark and dirt. Some of the larieil heatlnj plant! In inn city are now uslnr It wltn entirely aaturaitory result!. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Backs. At $12.60 per ton. We are also Agent! for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ma'n Offloc t Ma'. l Cantral. Fhon 1B BIRTHS FEW IN ENGLAND LONDON, Oct. 7 Last year's Mi-Hi rule for England and Wales, 10.7 per thousand, is the lowest on record except for Hie war years, 1917-1019. 3 BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE ALLIES' FOOTBALL IF! COULD ONLY W TCSKCSX ABOUT I) tMOKN' - THlTa OCT MMDE. lt DRtvlN L l - 1 r .i. fc- i aa av i tljc i i t aii r w nc ii v OF THE DAY Successful and Enjoyable Affair Took Place Last Night In SL Andrew's Rooms The Callies' football team staged a successful whist drive 111 tlk f V Tl I 1 ltl-' a Tl.ltr.-.. 1 . ladies consolation, Mrs. Howard Meen; men's first. James An drews; men's consolation, Robert Wood. Howard Steen was in charge ami the comniltee consisted of Tom Ileal tie, Oeorge Abbott and J. Watson. Refreshments were served. cakes being furnished by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the St. An. hew's Society. Hefore the gath ering dispersed, there was a set of quadrilles, music being fur nished by. Mrs. Hruce Love at Ihe piano. SPECTACULAR FINISH TO YESTERDAY'S GAME NEW YORK, Oct. 7. In the big ball game yestpday the Giants emerged victorious in the I bird game of Ihe world series after one of the widest baseball maelstroms ver witnessed. The ftianU won C to 4 but the outcome was In doubt to I ho final play in lhninth inning when the Senators staged a typically spec tacular finish, 'lbey were three runs behind when going in for the ninth. The Senators scored one run and had the bases full with only one out, when Long John Watson, the third Oiant pitcher of the inning, stopped the, rally and saved the game for the McOraw men. SPILLING THE BEANS "Yes, it's really remarkable. Hobby seems to eat twice as much chicken when wc have visitors!" said the fond mother to her guests. "Really? And why is'' fbaV. Hobby?". Hobby's reply was disconcert ing. "Hecause," he said, "that's Ihe only lime we have il." Youth's Companion. TIME TO MOVE Workmen were making repairs on tho wires in a Norwood schoolliouse one Saturday, when a, small boy wandered in. "What you doin'?" "Installing an electric switch." one of the workmen .said. The boy then volunteered: "I don't care. We've moved away, and I don't go to this school any more." pentier and Firpo he does not put in the same'class with the set-to with Gibbons. He hn, been out of Ihe ring for a long spell when he met Gibbons, and it was the first time he e.xner- ienreil any uncertainty as to his aliilily to take, care of himself and force the fighting. Had he met Firpo before he lied un with Gibbons Ihe big man is willing to admit it might have been dif ferent. Demrisey has it doned out right. Athletes who slay mil of competitions for long periods of time seldom come back to their best form. Jim Corbetl knocked out John L. Sullivan in 1 892 and, five lears later after lakinir life env was knockeii out by Hob FHz- simmons. Jim JefTeries, greatest heavyweight of his lime. dropped out of Ihe riiifj for six years aiui was rieaien ny Jack Johnson. Jaek Johnson in turn stopped fighting for three or four years and never had a chance ngainst Jess Willanl at Havana in I9I5. Willard ate. drank and lived luxuriously and MR OeiST HCRP - vm.i voo txiz. mini l1? ? HERE AND EVERYWHERE TEAM WHIST DRIVE J a ' C-h. al a. p.m.. Delegates from all enter ing teams asked to attend TPS DAILY NEWS DRY BRINGING UP FATHER . Birch -Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, SOcPer Sack . A. Oil. I. SOCIETY LCKOERt WW TO FQRf.IT a coot mokin na FOOTBALL "ENNIS SWIMMING -a Bjwns practically knocked out Iiy Jack Dempsey in lli first round a couple of years later. Even -;Hob Fitzsimmuns, when lie los ltilliai'll meetillir limil-lil in! Ill .f.fT..rin.i un.lvi-.,.if ii.mfn.l I.i n .- . ( I Mum I 1-iniMlll l( III? Great War Veterans' riHims, 8 young opponent's aliilily after n 111 luUr... . t II il i i . having led the easy life for a couple of years. Dempsey can look hack 111 (lie wlinln linn nf Jack Dempsey, Ihe world's heavy weight champions who pre-beavyweight champion, is he-i coded him aiid see that Ihev :il " -n ' ' ' ' "Hi 1 Mini H J ill: ... tn-. i iiii'lli " r Jll'l.lll.a llirllt Tliprn unro sirloon tnhlnu iCOilllllK aUXIOU.S ahotll his si ami. ! e.KPeill lilllo 'IViinniv Mil and the prize winners were:t'np-in "10 pugilistic world. The to defeat through losing their allies' first, Mrs. fJ. Friziell;!1'' ''Hw f'el he is rustinj? out ability by nn fighting. xor ine want or work in the Srw;!'!:r',;;r:J.t'.,'L,:i:iRuss!ANEDiCTSAYS was his match with Tom ih-f KIWIM MOT AMflVUm hot, Hi, nnnnnnl. .l. n.. IUUUIIIU.IWI nU.UIIW MOSCOW. Oct. 7- Dr. Nicholas .MMiiashkOM Soviet eoiiiinissioner of health, Las issued an edict against kissing, which, he contend, is one of the most potent means of spreading iliseasw. The new order, if observed. will fall hard on the Russian peasantry who are In Ihe habit oT kissing one another. nolTonlv mi Ihe lips but lli'e times on each cheek in salutation. Dr. Sonuish- ko is also opposed to the kisshiir of ladies' hands by nven, a na- lional custom lu Russia. Not only is this unhygienic, he says, but it js a practice of Ihe bourgeoisie which has no place, in a proletarian republic. Hamf-shaking has been nro- hildted in many department of theyovernnynil and -signs are appearing warning employes that the practice freuen!ly results in communication nf disease. The onenirdiial salute, hand from forehead, is suggested as a safer greeting. As a Ilirlher health measure Ihe doctor advbe'.iic's a ban on smoking, urging tobacco users lo substitute candy. BEST PROCURABLE BLEND 0TTL10 UAANTltDJaY ) The original label look for il nt the Vendors, , nud insist on GRANT'S "BEST: PROCURABLE." This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. British Consols CiojirettQS gg ' n45 hMhMiA- gggg2 2 fcr5t 2Qfcr25t tn attractive tins of 50 and 100 aw wr j;cs I'M HAPPi OVCK TMii OPOORTUNIT1 TO book-keeper wants work. Nov ember I. Write Ilox 20G Daily News. tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from 1'osl Ortlcc. 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf FOR RENT THRKE Roomed House to rent. 1'lione Red 023. 237 FOR RENT. Threw rooms Willi bath, furnished. Also collage, 4 rooms with bath. I'hone Red. till. f TO RENT. tJnfimilsFie.l Mat iu new building. Modern conveniences. Apjdy Jm Garon, Rupert Itanery. If FOR RENT.Furnished house keepinj, rooms. I'hone Hlue. 217 or 18. 110 Sixth Avemm East. tf OFFICE FOR RENT with moden living quarters. Weslenhavei llros. tf rOH RENT. I'alr.ier House for cheap rales and home com-forts. If FOR RENT Four room, modern, heated apartments. Apply Smith Si Mallett, Ltd. tf TAXI Taxi - 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nlshl Stand: nOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acrrss from Erngrest Hotel. BOAT REPAIRS FISHERMEN. Tin? close season will soon bo here. You can get your boats overhauled by contract or day wor.k, ul a moderate price. We build anything up to 200 tons. Marino ways. Call or writo Eriksen Hros:, boat buljders, North Vancouver, MC tf Goods. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. I'hoie flIC. PIANOS TUNED. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED AND ADJUSTED J. B. MacKAY Phono Orcn X. P.O. Hoi 425 j PRINCb RUPERT TIDE Tuesday, October 7. High 9:27 a.m. 17.5 ft. 21 :22 p.m. 18.1 " Low 2;33 a.m. 5.8 " 15:09 p.m. o.o " Wodnesday, October 8 High 10:21 a.m. 18.5 f 22:29 p.m. 19.0 " Low 3: id a.m. 5,1 " 10 22 p.m. 7.8 " 0 IDUMNG TTf LOST. Part of wtilrh fob. foot ball badge mnrked E. Vrren. tin Fulton Street, Sn I unlay night. Return ti liaily New Olllpr. 237 m;m. Hoy wrlsl watcb, nir Ilorden Street School. Finder please, return (o Wallace's Store. Itewanl. tf FOUND FOUND. Lales' felt hat. Owner can tftituln same uiHn idenli fying and paying for Ibis ad vertisement at Ihe Dully News office. tf FOR SALE FOn SALE or Leae, Royal Cafe. FOR SALE. IS Mallard and Pc kin .domestic ducks for sale 2.00 each. Apply Hox 209. Daily News. S 235 FOR SALE. Kitchen cabin rl. dressing table and rli.ilr. ImiIIi new. Apply No. ti leuer .vparimenls. 23s ion KAI.--SiualI beater. 128 SfA'erifh'A'enul Ent. PIihn- lllack 132. 235 FOR SALE. Canada Hoi Healer Giimey-Oxford range, llaby's buggy, l-.leclrie slove. Linoleum, eKtl pnil, coal hammer. coal shovel ami sundries. Phone Green !?. if FOR SALE. Rooming lniin furnlshwl. Apply 929 Ambnme Avenue. u I-OR SALE. Old nnners bv II,. bunille. Daily News office If FOR HALE. One beater, almost new, and one MrClary, 3 bole range in good condition. Simp ror cash. (Apply Rent's. Third Ave. 235 ROOMING HOUSE for Sale; cen tral location: steam hent: cheap rent; rooms always full; owner. Write Px 202 Dally fews. ' f FOR SALF New anH n... Machinery, IJoats and Knglnes. Northern Exchange. tf CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of the National College or Ltiiroprnclic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15.' Ilourrf: to lo 12: 2 to 6: 7 In h Saturday afternoons and Sundays uy appointment. Phone Hlue 83, DON'T BE SHOCKED Ride on GOODYEAR BALLOON TIRES For all Cars Ford Tires, $8.60 to S10.00 Fit Qoodyear Tirai and Avoid the Shooka MODERN WRECKING EQUIPMENT Day and Night Sep Ice. Phone 62. KAIEN QARAQE, By George McM OH' frA OUT OF THC REAL itWATE CAMG IVC CONE. ir-OTO TMC OOA.W MAMUFACTURIMC v. NOW I Fr the Eatt . am ST" Daily News Classified Ads. ' : 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrtlrrMnt Tkn for U hn BOt ml , . . . -i , - - - i r i i 1 1 i 1 1 i. I "1 i . WANTED WAN'Tlif), Kurn il itre of every description. Highest prices paid, l'rinco Huperl Kxchange Auctioneers. lhon 652. SITUATION WANTED SITUATION Wanted, with phanre of advanretiieiil, by young married man with good busK ness education. Write Ilmx 2I0 Oaily News. 23H KXPKHIKNCtfO stenographer and MAIL SCHEDULE Monda, Wednesdayi aodlj nayn, noses ai t p. ;! From the Eaet Mondays, Thurmlaya and jj uruays, 1 p.m. To Vancouvar TueiMlayn Mall eloes at ednexdnys Stiinlrt)s (LP.II. Oelole 7, From Vancouver Sundayi - 1M . Wedneday . 1 ' Fridays Saturdays : P.R. Orlnbor 3. I t. a: To Anyox, Alice Arm, 3u and Premier Wsliieda r , j Suudsys .... t Frm Anyox, Alice Arm luesays Lf; . t Sal unlays . p , , To Port Slmpaon Sundays Thursdays ' .' From Port Aihip Tuesdays ... Saturdays To Alaska Poqta October .1. .i and From Alatka (Polnt ilclohcr 7. 17 uii.t 8 To Mataett. 'i Port CUmana Buckley Bay Queen Charlotte Island Points October t arid 18 I .". 1 t From Maasett, Port CUmard uuchley Bay- Queen Charlotte Island PolntJ October 8 np.l 22 th Ave. , Fulton St "lb Ave. A Thompson st I lib Ave. A SheTbrooko Ave ' Mht Ave. A Conrad 81 Olh Ave, A Havs Cove Ave 1 I flth Ave. A Hays Cove Circle . 81 h Ave. ACollorf St. am Ave. ,v MollrideSt. Pro. Gov. Hldgsr t'rov. Gov. Wharf . T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. A 2iulSt 3rd Ave. A FulToii Sl 3rd Ave. A flllrSt. .. ' To Naas River Point, and M Simpson Thursdays 10 P. From Naaa River Points i raturdaya ' 11 BOX COLLECTION nram A Atllrf Aves I si Ave. A Eighth SI P.M. 2 IS 20 2 Ml 8 Ml Pi I 2 30 8J 25 2 0 2 5 8 2 50 2 55 3.00 3 5 3 10 3 15 320 3,25 3.28 THE RIGHT MAN 9 9 9.K 9 9 i 915 93 Il takes it redemised man wil a greasy vest mid a nollnl c lar and n cheap tigar, with I:" feet on another chair, lo im l proper emjdiasls nlo the w:::d. "These women reloftnors ir.s me weary." P i NOTICE Advertisers ir reminded that copy Jfol advertisements sbotitd lie In the Ibtlly News ofllee -beforo 4 p.m. today,. to ensure In-serllon in ibmorrow's l- 8U0. If Advertise In the Dally Ncw.