sM October 7, 1021- YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose 'Ilupert Hraiid" Salinon. A few tins In llie pantry nre always handy. Slock a supply on your bout that's a good laca. SOLD -EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. THE BETTER CATCH 1 Prjnco Rupert, B.C. "Was Freed of Gall Stones And Persistent Backache" Mr. Alxnlcr Bradley, R.R. No. 1, Carp, OnL, write: NEWBOX man w.i- fishing in . il ' l.-.-IMlll). H . ii. .i i pike; tin1 liu-y lift. He uvi.vl-v t...i77iM itel. 7 a oTafed with a' .mlo-d bin wift weigh seven .i Im-muI)." .v V. i- Mm- :iii'T shi i . cr landed' in IIiIU,4IIiMtc CATARRH BLADDER T;UC. TV""- lilt V7 "I suffered from gall stones, and commenced taking Dr. Chase's Rjdney-Liver Ptl- 1 feel safe in saying that thete pilli completely overcame the trouble, at it ii tome year tince 1 wi afflicted in this way, and I have not suffered from gall stones or even backache since. I have alto found Dr. Chate'i Nerve Food excellent for heart trouble and ihortnesi of breath.- Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills' U rut. a tt of Si iM, ).dmjnon, Ilsim A Ock, lid.. Toronto lie sol: "to have I; weighs ten .i.oiiikI. Nl st beauty look I ike you. Come home." WOOL PLENTIFUL IN AUSTRALIA t oil m ... Vy' With a clip estimated at 8,150,- ooo bale of wool, a record fig- iurfi Am lo an excellent aaon i the Australian Wuolarowera' Council and the National Opunctl Inf W'ooUcIIiiik Broker of 'AU iii.iliH have di-vl! maii "for 1..1....IKD of tin- oroduct. With ; -..If. held in Brisbane. Sydney Ucliiourne. Adelaide and Perth .. b all ended by purcb r i rum all over the world, II l ex .-.(.il that S.ono.ofMi bale will ' offered by Chriima time The memy von MiJce Crimean Veteran Praises " Fruit-a.tives ' MAJOR CEO. WALKER Major George Walker, now a familiar figure in Chatham, Ontario, is one of the men who went through the terrible Indian Mutiny. At he says: "I am a veteran of the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny, serving under Ixjrd Kolrrts. Fierce hand-to-hand fighting and continual exposure kit me a great tulTerer from Rheumatism, so much so that my leg swelled up, making it im- piMMble lor me to walk. My bowels were so constipated that I was in terrible shape until I began to use 'Fruit -a- livcs.' tney relieved me lm oi ine Kheumatism and the Constipation. Today. I enjoy perfect health no more And in another letter, written De cember ltt, 1923 (eleven yran after), Major Walker says: " rrurt--tivjs are keeping me in the best of health and I shall never be without them." "Fruit a-tivrs are the famous Fruit Treatment intensified fruit juirr combined with tonics -that make you writ and keep vou well. 2Sc and 50c at all dealers or from Fruit-a-tivcs, Limned, Otuwa, Ont. RICH CANADIAN IS SUSPECTED Varrant Delnn Issued for Arrest of Bank OfTiclol and 3 acker of Rjm Plot NKW YHK, wl. 7 - An of- er of a Canadian bank may be irrenled in eoiineelloti wi(h a urn running olot which it I be- ivfd ha been unearlbed by thf I'nileri Slate authorities) through be rapture of the British tani r Fwleriek B. on Friday lal. The federal aulhoritkts are wailina esl radii ion papers au iiorixniK the arret of a rich :aiiadiun u n ii anted and Who is .lleuedly the barker of an allea d uiumliiiK ayndicaie believed o be operating the Frederick B. in one of their fleet of rum ru liter. The backer of the scheme al-Kgedly fled lo Montreal an hour efore I be warrant for arrel a available. isn't half so important as the money you save. Millions of dollars are wasted on expensive, indigestible foods foods that supply no nutriment because they are not digested. Shredded Wheat supplies the greatest amount of nutriment at the lowest cost and with the least tax on the digestion. Being ready-cooked it saves fuel, saves time, saves money. Two of these little loaves of flavory baked whole wheat with hot milk and a little cream make a perfect meal. It is the most food for the, least money. The Canadian Shrwlded Wheat Company, Ltd. Nl.i.r r.IU, O.t.rU . THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TBTtER Local and Personal m I bi fitully for thrner. i Ilayns-i-f. 1 tiiJet iaikOiB, lliono 351 - U.f Undertakers, l'lione il. TAXI ami Messenger Service. Phone 078. At - Always the bent "SI PHF.M 1"' i.uil'ri- save the coupons. If I .... . Mi. Alex Hoy Ik Mailing HhhI '.ilifi noun on tbe l'inco-- Alice! I for Victoria. ! Mrs. 1'ield, Art Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 21 J Second Ave. Phone 23. tf - (SYHO 1JURD0WM Cure the blues! October 10 in the Auditor-. ium. Kverybody welcome i3D - Towing aud freighting. Tug LlWena, 5U U.p., CupL M. Cliflpn, Phone Klue IU. Mglil phone 2J. If Wanted for adoption a girl .roni 12 to 14 ytiurs of age. Parent' refereneea reijuirfNl. Write Ilox 208, DaUJr .ew. 288 - Elka' Ucme. 'Fhurwiay, October 9. Jauciiit, 0 lo t. Hesl floor in town. Weatlioline Orchestra. Hefrisbuients &Uc. 238 Annual tueeUn? of the Haikcl- liull AnKocialion in the l.ounnl i.hajiiber, ThuMday, Oetobor U. ill 8 p.m. KverybotJi' welcome. . " 238 Mr. and V ra. IL O. l-:rickon of h w.irl arrived in Ux city from I be north at tbe nd of tbe wim and left on laai night's train bound for Vancouver vfa Jasper. A. M. Hipp. uianinflC. of Bal moral Cannery. i aafmt till afternoon on I hi fttflena for Vancouver where e -will join Tommy Itynn. rharfrd M the elly itoiicp court thitufnioftiin with iiiloxic-atioii fafledao put ia an BiiuearasMei muti Ji. bail uf lolallinu l, ami includ ing various cjvit payroll were naumtl for payment .at iai night's council rrvertiti. sa!wmrer booked to fail for Vancouver on Ibe Princess Alice I hi afternoon include Mrn. (I. (loldiioii, Mr. and Mr. T. Andrew, Mm. Bohlen, J. Smith, K. 0. NeviMon and Mr. J. lla-lelt. Mr Jamen Haletl. who lia- ,htn viilinv in the elly with ber daughter, if Us Ted HaMeli of tbo government agent. lan. la aailinc I hi afternoon on I he Princess Alice for Vancouver. On request of Aid. Collar), the itv council decided last nigbl lo call for tender for the supply of t3 lone of coal lo the city ball. The order i made neces- haiirjr throuah Ihc delay iu instal ling. Ibe oil burning. equituenl. ; Hva ou Men llrallalnly bind painted ohlmi ill 11. II. IfiuitititiKM-' -vpthdow? 211 "' Mr. and Mr. T. Andrew are taJlinfr for Victoria on llie I'rin-ea Allre tlii aflernton. They will be accompanied by Mrs. An- ilre-V iter, Mr., lioblcon, who nt rclurninjf to Ihe Oht (uuniry aflar havtnsr ient bpme time visilhig hre. Hev. J. J. Smilbsou lefl on last night' train fur Munifoha lo lake oor a churcltbelween Winnipeg and Itramlon lo which be ha been transferred in Ihe llnptisl minislry. Mr. Sinifli-on and family will follow him in n week or two. Hev,. 0. (1. Mc-Ooiiald of Vancouver is e.xpecled in the t ilv on Sut uitliiy to lake i-in rwo of Hie local church until a iieriiiaiienl Hiiccessof to Mr. Siniilisoii is appontled. ANNOUNCEIVIENTS . Ye have used Zam-Buk Cwith remarkable success new?, Que --ar v If you suffer r. or blotchy, from dry or weepng eczema, tall rheum, psorianit. impeligo, pimples, scalp trouble, hoi s, abscew. ulcers or piles, yon will find Zun-Buk quickly toothing and beal n. AIo inraluable for cuts, bra set, bo'ns. scalds, etc. l .or ('I hoi rf Z.hi Bak fron fOu CftVf to.f n4 hep slwart s.odr. USEFUL SAMPLE LE Sent Free ni Pot ...a., mi p.nuMI la Z Co.. Dusoat St.. Toronto itla. BOxTl :-Pi4 to tnr I :.m-Buk Ml. I Minn Mav Wall of Oltawa. who ba been violin? al Anyox with her niece, Mr. Or. Lvaruyd, ar rieJ iu the city ou .Salurda; tram Uie north on the I'rince John ami left by last uiuht train 'for the lva.t. A letter from Ihe Japanesi consul al Vancouver olliciall) xnressiiis attiirecialion for the sslai!C4- thai had been rentier ?d by Ibe city in connection will eurthauake rvlicf last suminei was received and filed by the cit council lut night. 4 ""The Canadian Fish & Col Storage Co.'s fishing boat (Iriei Stanell was taken on Ihe pon- loons at lh dry dock I hi morn inc for examination by the uu iterwrilers following an accident when the vessel ran on to a scow. A .C. Sinclair of Victoria ap nlied lo the oily council la night foV a surplus of 71 whirl he claims is coming lo him fron lot 30. block 2D. ."eel ion 5 rc ceiving that much over the upsel uriee at lax sale. The mallei was referred lo Ihe finance com mittee with power to act. (ieorae Hone, city auditor, re ported at last night's council meelintr llial he had been able lo complete bis work on the city books uu to dulv 31 and had found everything correct, in or der alid up-to-date. Aid. Collar! was of the opinion that the rc port reflected credit upon l). Mathesou. city treasurer. Under the. auspices of the Cor ner Club. Fred Slork, M.l'. de livered an illuslraled lecture last night before a good crowd in the llanlisl Church on Wembley. London and various F.uropean points. H. Howard, president of Club, was chairman and the pic tures were projected by l H. Lituey. A1J. Perry, chairman of the Hoard of Works, reported at last nishl's council on Hie building bylaw which was lo have come before Iho council ere Ihis for revision. The cilv engineer, he .aid. on aeeounl of the press ot street construction work hud been unable to attend to the mailer and lie asked thai il be laid over for another mouth when oulside work will not be u heavy. This was agreed lo and il was also decided lo refer the bvlaw to the building committee' of which Aid. Casey is chairman. BIRTHS A daughter was born at the Prince Iluperl (Seneral Hospital llosp,i,d Annual Hall. Oct 31. t4"1 "'"'r 7 to Mr. I.n'hern Haiaar, Heceinber 2. Mee?ipn!a Hiill. inn li'.X.-'i (ill t',luiti r I.O.D.l'.. 1' ,1 sal,' ticlnber ll. s.r I and Mrs. Anion Viek of I'orl Ksinr;lon, A son wn 'born at the I'rince Hunerl (Seneral llospilal ou Oct 7 lo t'.apl. ami Mr. Oavid Ilea of ii,.i- Hie Salvation Ahuy. I'rince Hit WHEN I happened an injury to my left foot," savs Mr. Edward Whiteman, of 463, Notre Dame St..Lachine. Que., "it was painful enough, but didn't seem to call for special attention. A few days later, however, trouble began which I tried to check with poultices. But the sore got worse, the tendons became alfected, and I could scarcely move aboit. "PAIN & INFLAMMATION WAS DREADFUL until I was persuaded to put Zam-Buk on to the foot I renewed the dressings at regular intervals, and gave the treatment every chance by resting the foot as much as I could. Zam-Buk drew soreness and impurity out of the wound in a surprising way and caused inflammation to quickly disappear. As a result, the foot went on steadily mending until perfectly healed. "IN MY WIFE'S CASE fiSpSS wound that wouldn't heal. So without telling the doctor she set her mind upon Zam-Buk. Sure enough, healing commenced soon after the b3lm was applied. Within a few days my wife could wear a shoe and the foot was soon made sound and strong again. In future we shall always keep Zam-Buk in the house. It really is wonderful." Tim an ik. fiomrita tiapia tkio-esnadt. Is mads from purs. d eastlj medicinal herbs. l: laothlnf, h:alinf and astis-pt e virtues are ntr fcs-ns" in e-rdinaj eislmants. Zam-uk It 5Cc b, J for 11.23. Zam-BskMsdieinaltoap He. the. ease. 01 dialers everywhere. (iVHO iaxck: HOUMJWX DAHN N.i sialimg! Lasuon s Jaw Orchestra: October 10, m Vmliloriiiiii. 23'J SPECIAL FOR WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 4. t One Writing Pad. letter size, ruled or plain, good finality while wove paper, and '2b Knvelopes to match. 25c One Pound Package Hood tjuaL.v Llueit Finish Note- paper and 25 Knvelopes lo match, v 50c Wheji making your purchase of above, ask to see our , HIGHLAND LINEN Pads, Papetcries. Correspondence Cards, etc. FALL VBfa.aHB(a.BSSSSSSSAMSSHSSSSSSMSSSSSSSS STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Sailings From Prince Ruoert S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOU VER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, each WEDNESDAY 8.UU li.nv. each 'SATURDAY 12.00 midnight. . . . s.u. n j i,...-,. S.-.IIJ fi,,u'.M lilv.tsi S.S. PRINCE JOHN Tor ANYOX and STEWART, Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. For all ports QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 12.00 mid night Oct. 18th, .Nov. 1st, ism. PASSENQtP TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Inn Prince Rurwrl 1.00 DJn. for PHt.NCE GEORGE. EDM0.NTO., Wt- MIPEO. all points Eiirrn Canada. UniVKt SUtes. aOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlst Oftlcs, S2S Thlf As, Prlnes RupsrU rtton 20. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Foundirs, woodworkers, tic. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F