'a motor arrulenl uliorlly after Will Not Recede From Position In three o'clock UiU morning that British Parliament Even If .itiultl iwrllr have eo.( hiw his Election Forced li'NUOX. tl.l 7 ' nnn - -1 .n Premier irrtiintanee under wblch -- I-M. in charge againl a cmu-ii'i'n! editor were recently i"l'ne. TWO MEN DROWNED IN THOMPSON RIYER RAM LOOPS. l,-t 7. -loll" W Mlt.trom and Patrick Fandle, w 'i kres on the construction of a 1 li' spanning Hie Thompson H - .1. were drowned when the "uuig on wliieh Ihey were ii 'ding wan carried away by the niTi-nf. DUTY ON HALIBUT IS BEING INVESTIGATED Ropresentallve of U.S. Tariff Commission Inquiring Into Prices L T. Hopklnson. fisheries for Hie I. S. Tariff ConunlK- Sfnt, nrrivnl In Senttlo recently ' ' undertake the ImcMllgittinn of "ini;nite poU of Parlfic lni'ilmt luodiiction In the United eialra and coinpellng roiintrlen the work Is being done under Xerlinn 3? of the Tariff Art of '"- Willi eiiiiiparalixe rost Hi hand, the orcxidftil will ilelerniine wlinl the proper duly l"uld be, nlii If In hi judgment " o Ihe nulilie Interest he will proclaim a ehange in the tariff, hn effcellve .in days after an 'I'Miiieemenl. " s innndalory that Aineriean "unviiliials. firm., etc.. supply nil cost records desired hv the life. He wa driving along Third Arnur and falletl lo negotiate I he turn 'on lo MeltrWe Slm-I ' MMi'ilinialit. addressing jurreifiill) with I lie reutt (hat i'iiiml riiiifcrriirr of Iheihe rar a Ford one door Sedaii ' oarly, confirm! ernihl. went .over the i.lewlk. I'.i'i.nin that (lie government itiahe Ihnoirfi (he railing and ....... reaming both the vole. preripilaleil IUlf over Mie high " iore advanced by l'aeer.eMilankte4tl near the Ark on lo i'w-. and the Liberal aiu"!!-, Ihe ground a dl.lanee of about i proponing an inquiry lino IB feel below. Jii.t liefore going over the emibankment, I lie rear end ol I lie car caught on a pi fie bos. 'IliU canted I he fall to be '''liner .f aetlona Id ilidiealN!:hmkMi unit white II eau.eii Ibe ' Uif government would not (only daioae I he automobile r-"k front destitution and an eelveil. it was IliU cirBllin.lanee ' : . ti ir pill In the te.t. He 1 tin for -i re.M.iihillly an " ''n will not he on the Iwthor 11 IV. injured, has been arrested tin ! l ,.r .li-Wlnrr In till' COIUIIIOH t II ii l " diiiige M AV VullK. Oct. 7. Leon ro.tin. Senators' slar outfielder, iiiuilc h hero nf himself again i"la and was largely roKitihle for hanging up the second victory as he did Ihe first for Washington in the fourth game of the World Series. Washington! won over the New York. (Slants by a sure of seven to four. The few .....o.rvMHs ibI ViU VV?J.. that prntMihly saeil the motor going headlong oxer with re sults that might have been much more serious. The ear hit Ihe ground right side up put apparently toppled over on tie side when it lauded. The rear of the body was badly smashed up In striking the pipe hot and alo Ihe rear window and one on the left side. The engine and chassis sustained little if any damage and Hie ear. afler being llfled back by the Kalen garage wrecking out-fit. this morning was driven to Hie garage. According to the only report or the accident that had been made at the police station Ibis morning, a Chinaman, out of breath, dashed into the staliim at 3.15 saying that a car had been driven over the Mcllrlde Street embankment al the corner of Third Avenue near the Ark. Conslable Alex Mardonald rushed to Hie scene and. on arrival, found Dr. llggerl being assisted out of Ihe car by J. .!')' and H. Ihuy or the sanitary department. The doclor did not appear to he badly injured. VICTORIA MAN WAS THROWN FROM AUTO KILLED YESTERDAY VIC.TOIUA, Oct. 7.- i. L. L. Wood was thrown from an aulo-inobile yesterday and killed. John Timiiueray. the driver, who was im mTiioiii oi "" snmiirs sn- iwrior playing, but Wcaune of their seemingly uncanny ability In hit Ihe (Hani pitcher. (toslin openetl the scoring for Ihe Senatorn in Ihe third inniuu when he touched Karnes, the New Yrk pitcher, for a home run on the first hall pilrhed lo him. There were two runners ahead of the baiter. Itelde (loslin made three other afe hits during the KB me and wa iiilrtimciilal in bringing home more scores. The (lianls used three pitchers Virgil I la rues. Huwnrd llaldwiu and W'aylaud Dean hut were tin -al le to stent the tide. Harry (towriy caught. The Washington bat! cry consist e.1 of (ieorge Mo-vride and Harold lltiel. The weather was clear and hoi and .15,000 fans paid entry to the Polo rounds. 'lite score by innings: 1 13 8fi7 18 V Wash .. New York dint3niinin8o . i!ojnoioit- Watbinglon uvade thirteen hits and thren errors; New York, six lilts and one error. - The 'Siniils and Yankees have eaeh two games lo their credit now. EDMONTON RATIFIES RAILWAY AGREEMENT Will Got Station and Subway at Estimated Cost of Three Millions IHIANDON, Onl. 7. F.dmnnton ratified Ihe asroement willi the liaiiaiiian National Itailway where' y Ihe railroad will build a station and subway in 101st Street al an estimated cost of S.noiuinn. the city's share being 283.1100. CTY OF PRINCE RUPERT Take noHce that Allin Avenue from Sevenleenlh Street to Vauarsdol Street will be closed for three weeks commencing Octo- her 9, Resident are re- quested lo gel in their supply ol coal, etc. bo- fore thai dale. F. W. PEARSON. 230 Cily Engineer. 25 AXI She mMn BOSTON GRILL Mt tan willi Large newly Upstair laid Dining dancing Hall, Si. "A floor for hire. Suilable for Anywhere at Anytime. ta '',') dances, banquets and wed Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. ding parties. and Gth 8L J PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply lo Boston MATT VIDECK, Prop. Orill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. V(U XIV, NO. 236, PIUNGE IllPKHT IJ..C, Tl EHDAY. OCTOHEIl 7, 1U2V rtttirtftf'l ClrcuUll 1T2. " " PMGE FIVE CENT3. RITISH PREMIER OPPOSED TO COMMUNISM CAR ACCIDENTS AND HIJACKING FEATURES IN NEWS OF PROVINCE TODAY British Labor Premier Plain in Condemnation of Communism and is Promised Full Support LONDON, Oil. 7. In hi" lug speech at (lie annual meeting i Uir LmImjc Mrly t,ti,nla), Premier J. Ilinicay Mui-douahl - .r-t-l Coniiimiiinin mm t product of fzariwu and war hrulalil. , l i- -urh "we will have nothing lo do with it." lie expressed . ! lltat eminent labor men of Hrit.ii:i ami other countries a il not he induced to fall into the i-oinmiiml trap. The Premier admitted that the cure (or miertiil iikmiI had -t heen foiiiid Iml no poernnieiit h.nl done more hi such i ikmih to ulleviule the hard lot of the workle. M Maedottald aid the next Midget wuulif carry n .-Inchon of luxation and would I a eruing of the i '.'H-. "ii commodities for the m i-' benefit. l !,i- mlilren u l-omllv an-i LABOR PARTY AUTO ACCIDENT EARLY MORNING . ( -I and llo conference . . fn.. ii. ly cuigratolaled the Car Drlen by Dr. C. A. Eggert m'iiPmI .... ii record and Went Over Bank at McBrlde LITTLE DAMAGE DONE nnP 1 ITfMtTn TY 1 TP Oood fortune allowed Dr. C. A .M A Will INI 1 I A I !HKrl lo crap with a Mik.., , Hp hiH a SENATORS ARE BALL VICTORS: Washington Seats Now York 7 to 4 In fourth Game of Series Today OCSLIN 13 AGAIN HERO Knocked Home Run In Third In ning With Two Men Ahjad of Him '&r. iff- I W. Had. iilhletic Englishman, defeated Dig Hen. a horse, iu u t di oiidiiranre niilet, running an average of len ... -MitMi:4l4iy'. -Tlie-TMc is shown in progm?. Battle With Bullets as Hijackers Raid Customs Vessel Which Took Whiskey From Tacoma Launch Y1CTOHIA. Oct. 7 Middling the Dominion Customs launch Wiiiimac with bullets as she lay anchored at Gauges Harbor on .-iitlt Spring Island, hijackers vainly attempted lo wrest from her holds the largest haul or whiskey made in Hritish Columbia in years, it was learned yesterday. . The seiipre was made when the Winimac captured the launch Eva II. ol Tacoma with a cargo of 700 cases. When the hijacking craft crept into Ganges Harbor with a display of arms, the Wiiumac's crew opened fire, which was re turned, tioin vessels were ruiuied with bullcls. the stranger uccing micr uif i'ik oniiier mm escaping m me darkness. PRESENTATION TO S. J. MACLEOD Retiring Bank Manaqer Enter talned at Banquet and Given Purse of Gold REGRETS EXPRESSED Largo and Representative Gath orlno In St. Regis Cafe Last Evening Aboul a hundred of Itupert' most prominent citizens Slithered last night at dinner al the SI. Hegis cafe dining hall lo do honor lo Stuart .1. Macleod, manager ol Hie local branch of lhi Royal Bank of Canada, who l lie Prince Itupert Club and your friends in general lo present to you in their name this small loken of their appreciation. "In makinc this presentation, I assure you In their behalf thai as a highly respected and public spirited cifizen or Prince Rupert, as a banker and as a wise counsellor you will ever be remembered by all those with whom you came in contact with feel- lings oT highest regard and es teem. "In looking around Tor a suit able loken to present to you, wej renieinlicreil vmn scnlrli iniii,nt Prince janj decided to ask your accetd- anee or Ibis purse or gold, but with it we give you our unfeigned appreciation of your labors in our behalf and that of our city." Dr. Grant Dr. Grant, who was the first is leaving or Monc on lo tako spPakl.r ,,, Uero wa, i charge r the branch here. F. f , cvenl .. Dawson. ,1 rector or the Cana- (o kmw wtre ,.,, M,. dian National Ra lways presided ,,,, lim, m.oirniz. and supporting hint at Ihe head ., lat ,iad , uiru- iitiauir .nr. .uacieou were ip r,,,...,,! iit,n,,i. 11...... i.. ! Motor Car Turned Somersault ' And Dropped 28 Feet With 4 People Inside: Local Man Hurt Special to Daily New-; Four people were injured in an auto wreck 200 yards west of the Devil's Elbow between Decker and Burns Lake Sunday morning while returning from a dance al Decker Lake, when Ihe car rolled 28 reel over the embankment and made a complete : somersault on the rocks and boulders below. Walter 11. Perry of Prince Humeri was Ihe most seriously injured, suffering contusions of the bead, his face Was cut andibips badly crushed when he was thrown out of the car and it rolled over his body. It is thought no bones are broken but he will be taken lo Prince Hupert for hospital and medical treatment. BIG SEASON FOR SALMON Quarter of Million More Cases Packed This Year Than Last Fishing Near End The salnVon pack this year to date is over a quarter of a mil lion cases greater than for last year, the total for the dislriet to date being 1,110,579 cases at against H75.K03 cases last year. The. pack, made upta follow: 1 r- ' " : -"-y-j Calest.'" Soekeye 305.88U Springs 16,760 IVihoes 18,900 Pinks 511,121 Chums 262.829 ' Steclbeads 1,077 Canning is till going on at Sunnysiile on the Skeena lliver; al the Millerd Cannery". Prince Itupert; Holla Coo In, Naimi. llella Delia, Lockeport ami Lagoon Hay. These are now packing chums and cohoes. All seining on the mainland clones on October 10 and Queen Charlotte fishing will close a week or perhaps two weeks later. LABOR PARTY TO HAVE CANDIDATES IN 235 RIDINGS :,"1,5e..Yr"' ."Ihl.e I west might perhaps eel SOCIAL WORKER TO i Wakefield. Dr. R. IL Grant. D.D.. jJ. W. Scott, president of the Board of Trade, and Police Mag- jislrale Thomas McClyinout. l.oinplimenlaVy speeches niade following the banuuet. and 1 before adjourning Mr; Dawson, on behalf of the gathering, pre- sented Mr. Macleod with a purse of gold. In doing- so Mr.'Daw- json said: 1 "1 have been selected by the .members and nlllcers of the .(. Pr, ll'iiip-i 11.. 11 id T' nle was a siep nacKwaru to go easl.f They honed he woud be iniivct' west again. The doctor referred lo the were fact that he had seen four man- angers of the Royal Bank. Mr. (continued on pare two) GYRO HOEDOWN. Friday. Oct. 10. in Hie Auditorium. City slickers iu while collars or any i I : 1 1 Mis Zella Clark, Hruce Kerr, driving, and S. Goodwin were the other three, occupants, when Hie car made its revolution. They were not thrown out and with the exception of Miss Clark who suffer a damaged ' ankle they escaped with minor cuts and brumes. Afler the accident Godwin, who was the least injured, sprinted to Burns Lake for as sistance, but while preparation were being made for relief three other cars came lo the scene of the disaster, drivn by llonald Prosper, Andrew Anderson and Clarence Hickey and brought the victims Jo own where Mrs. IL J.. Jewell and It. Commons ren dered first aid unit! the arrival of Nure Moore who is now residing at Iiurn Lake. Further rolling of the car, which is a complete wreck, was arrested by a telephone pole, otherwise it would have probably rolled on to the railway track and i thence into Decker Lake as the bank is very steep at this point. Miss Clark is Hie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark of Burns Lake, and waitress in the Omin-eca dining room where sheNis very popular. She will be confined to her bed for several days as (he result of the accident. All I people view ing the scene of the . v !wrtl'k are marvelling that the .occupants escaped death. The LONDON. Oct. 7 The labor parly expects to have 235 candidates in Hie field for the general election that seems imminent. This is 31 less laborites than iu the last election. roads were muddy ami are in jvery bad condition where the ac- jjVI'OIIV VV twill u Ullli IMC 1 IIUIMIJ was poor owing to a log arising from the lake and obscuring the road. Walter II. Perry the cliieT victim uf the accident and II. Commons who rendered first aid lo Hie injured are both well known in Prince Itupert. The latter was formerly at the Rupert branch ..r tl... ii I it i. i , , f, t jl'l IHC '" "I Jlillllk Ol Liiioiua. FINDS HOT SPRINGS "IK ALASKA VHERE i WATER IS BOILING! SEWARD, Alaska, Oct. 7. Aj group of hot springs, has been i discovered in the vicinity of Hie iv f Inn 4 t .1 m 11 ! vitwilnj PREPARATIONS TO HANG MONTREAL BANK BANDITS MONTREAL, Oct. 7 -Preparations were made for hanging five lloclielaga bank bandits on De Ellis, the hangman, stated there, would be three scaffolds and the icainv t tt 11 iiivhi.uum iik'mt .i. 1 . . . . 1 . men would be hanged singly. ,, , , Hie vast region of multiform I earth disturbances 300 miles' southwest of here on the Alaskan peninsula. j From these springs the water) boils constantly emittihg steam , voluminously. The water con tains much mineral in solution. VISIT UNITED STATES! TOK10, Ocl. 7. Japan s out standing social service worker,1 OLIVER MENTIONED DOMINION CABINET Speculation as to Who Is Likely to be Given Western .Representation In King IHIANDON. Oct. 7. Premier Mackemie King's announcement thai additional cabinet represen tation would be given t lie Wesl, Toyohiko Kagawa, widely known1 gives rise to speculation as tp a hagawa oT Robe, plans to who Is to get tlui position. The visit Ihe I'nited Stales late this! name frequently mentioned in year. Mr. Kagawa. a novelist' gossip Is that of Premier Oliver, wilh a wide public, conducts a who it is believed may be invited social settlement in Kobe. Dur-jtn round out his quarter century ing the past year he lias been i of oolitic lir.i m Mm r,.inrui ..i. one not appearing in farm anire much In Tokio doing relief work fuel before Hie next Dominion 1 rll.ri:,k. -Mffeivr, "I tin,,.