Tuesday, June 10, 1024. Special Prices For a Few Days Only; MAKE THE CHILDREN HAPPY AT SMALL COST. Sail Boats Motor Boats l.V-tWi.il 10c a.:--HMi inl .. ..51.85 ;(.,( Special 25c !1.50- Kpei i.il .. .. $1.15 ax -SpiM'iitl . . .... 35c GARDEN TOOLS 7.c .Special COc NOr Special 55c J.;jll -Special .... $1.15 'i Or--Special 30c SAND SETS AND SAND PAILS , Special 55c -Tr 8.iti;. 20c ;jOi Special 20c iiUr Special 35c YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand Selected Skeena Sockeye ! r pn iii' ! -e Il'pcii llund s.ilmon. A Ivv liu in Mir pitut arc iij.-i- Ii huIn. ijlxiik u Mippiy on your hunt lli.it - a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Fresh Milk and Cream from Quick, B.C. Owiiir lo Hie i-liorlcr -hipping li-t:nir, all Milk mill (ream arrives in A I i milil inn. ANY QUANTITY DELIVERED DAILY. PROMPT EARLY MORNINQ DELIVERY. Phone 657 Valentin's -:- Dairy I McBrldo StrccL "HELP THE INTERIOR FARMER." CITIZENS! Forest fires will destroy our Tie Industry, which last season produced over a million ties and brought half a million dollars into the district. HELP PREVENT Forest : Fires IT PAYS! Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. . Hayners. Under lakera. Phone 351. tf a. llcbekah Hazaar will In; livid Mceciiiber fl. J 37 Football ' tonight, Ai'i-iipoli- II al (J.I5. Gallic vs. S.O.ll. Ilcv. Oliver Thorite of .iyan!i has been appointed justice of the peace. Mooc Picnic, Sunday. June In Dighy Island, (ifiilleiiieu 1.00. I. ailicn and children free. Pattullo's Committee Rooms Empress Theatre Phone 135. Open from 2 to 10 p.m. dally, tf Mr. and Mrs. C. T. I'ahrcra re- lunieil lo .Mai.cll on fit. prince J'llin lat night afler having spent a couple of days in (own. 4 Ir. Wilson Herald, Kar, Nose and Tlmal specialist, will be in town until Wednesday aflernoon ainl can li" consulted at the hos pital. 13G - .Mr. ami Mr.-. W. (iooilriek. (Ira- liain Avenue, relumed lo the city yesterday afternoon on the I'rinr ltiiierl after a acaiion trip oulli. It. W. Hauuiiigloii of Yanrou ver, ll.i;. 1ia hccii'v-ippoinlcl at lorney fur the (irand Trunk !- eli.ini"iil (X in place of .A. 1' l.uxton of Victoria. Al the city council ineelin? last ii if? fit a teller wan reail from the medical health oflicer objecting permits for f eplic lank. This went to the health roiuuiittee. loMirue A. Clothier, resilient niintiiK engineer, ailei lal nisht on I he Prince John for l.nrkcporl lo ronidele his annual inspection on the Uueen Charlotte Island. Mipeniliary tnagtlriitc up poinln tin week includo John Donald Cliarlcou of Yanderluiof, for the county of Cariboo and ieoijie Milhuin of I'rince (ieorgo for Cariboo and Yale. ... , Major Itiirtinnk of (he C...lt engineering staff ami Mr, llur bank nrriveil in the City from lrinee Ceorgc lat night. 'I'hey are the giic-l of Mr. and Mr. W. II. Tohey, First Avenue. I'aving bylaw were put Ihroiih several stage al the cily council iiiccliug lasl iiighl. 'l'hoe ileal I with were section-' n Hays Cove Ae Talor St., and I lull Mi Ave, the work to be lone 15 feel wide similar lo oilier work under ronslruclioii today in the cily. Only one Jender was submitted lo I In1 eity council la night for Ihe supply of a small lol of lumber. Th" Dig May Lumber Co. offcretl lo supply about fifty hemlock planks al fid a thousand wiMi fill uddeil for towing lo Shawallans. II was referred lo the proper eoinniitlee for report. - For one week only, nianufac- lurer's consignment shipment of Ladies' Spring Coals, for quick ale. All splendid models in plants and self tones. No duplication. Sixes from sixteen years lo ic i. on display in our big window till Saturday, June 1.1, llegular 2iUlH value. Special 1 2.0H. We must return all unsold slock next 'Saturday. Universal Trading Co.. I3U INDIGESTION GAS ON STOMACH PAINS AFTER MEALS Many people surfer terribly rroin i ml wln in ttia tloniarh artrr every inn I, and ire kept In mnMant mUery. rur the pat 44 yrart Uurdork Blowl Hlttera has brtn brlnjfliiit hope ami Joy to UinUMiiils surtprlnr rrum various form (it tomarti Iroiible, holplns Ihrm tu eat thrre rquare meaU a it.iy; ht'lplnr IIipiii tu eat anything- they wish, without hiving o mrter for' II arter. Mr. Fred Mrlson, Mwse Jaw, ?k writes: - "All last luiiimer I was troubled with itoinarh trouble ami Indlftestlon, and iImi m on the stomarh. I could not cat anything etrrpt tome llrhl fmid and crn then I would be bothered with pains arter earh meal, I could not work a whole day without twin done out. I had tried everything-; dortori, nmdlrlnes and pills, until I read about Uurdork Blood titter. have taken four bottles and It has nearly, f not completely, restored in to health ln," Manufactured only by The T. Mllburn Co., Limited, Torouto, Oct. THE DAILY RIWB. FAQI TnREE ARE YOUR NERVES "ALL ONEDGE?" "Fruit-a-tlves" Brings Rest Amazing Results from Intensifiid ' Fruit Juices In these streniious days, there U constant warfare waged against our nervous rlUlity. The man and woman who Is free of Nervousness and Sleeplessness; who is not more or less troubled with Indigestion, Rheumatism, Headaches, Neuralgia, Weariness and Loss of Vitality, Pain in the Back and Con stination, are very rare Indeed. This is why the Fruit Treatment, In the form of "Fruit-a-tlres" Is blessing to nervous, sleepless, unstrung men and women. . "Fruit-a-tires" Is really the Intensified juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes and contains all the medicinal powers of these fruit juices and In a more active and concentrated form. "Fruit-a-tlTes" will always relieve Nervousness and Sleeplessness by cleansing the system of waste by rebuilding the nerve cells by means of pure, rich blood by regulating the stomach, liver, bowels and skin and by invigorating and. re-vitalizing the whole system. Try the fruit treatment for your nerves. Getaboxof"Fruit-a-tives" today. Yourdruggisthasthem 23e. and 60c a box., or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. Pattullo's Committee Rooms IMPRESS THEATRE. tf Mm. M. I. MiCalTery nailed lat mlil on the I'rince Iluperl for Vancouver. For quality , and preparation jet Hunters' Coal. I'houe Green 122 or lilue 515. Kiddies admitted free to the Frolic In the Elks Hom'e Satur day. Adults 25c. Mi I.ucy Illlsbury. dauiihle of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Pillsbury, returned from Vancouver on the I'rince llupert jesierday after noon. A request from the Son of Canada for llu&exrlushe use of AcroHiis llill'jalhlelici ground for July I was-inaulcddiy the cjly .ounril la-l night without discus sfon. (i. A. Cuddy, auditor for the Massett Timber Co., ha arrived in the oily from S'allle lo give evidence jn the Srigley embi'ile- iiienl ease al Ihe Supreme Court assise this week. A. K. Cox. general storekeeper for C.N. II. western line, arrived from Vancouver on the I'rince llupert yesterday afternoon and proceed lo his headquarters in Winnipeg by Iraiti. . I". H. Ahderson of the law firm of llussell, Wilcox and Anderson. Vancouver, is in the cily on legal business. He was here last as crown oros'H'itlor in the l'ort Cleiueitls liquor cases. . II. II. I.eighlou, who has been transferred from Smilhers to I'rince Iluperl as forest super visor, arrived from the Interior on last night's Irain and i re- aislercd al the Central Hotel. - Al the meeting of I lie cily council lasl nigh! il was decided lo purchase leu barrel of larvia and. some slag for repairing lite m reels. .iso a (auk was pur chased from the Alias lloiler Works for i:il. Mrs. Gordon II. Itobj nf Uuru Lake, who ha been on a holhla Irip south, arrived in the city yesterday afleruooti en route to her home itt the interior. She was met they are town. here by Mr. Ilohh ami spending".' (he day in Major 1'. F. Scharsml.il, organizer for Ihe Moderation League in Ht illsh Columbia, arrived from Vancouver on the I'rince llupert yesterday afternoon. He is here for the purpose of 'nr. ganlzing support for the p'assaat of Ihe beer by liny glass plebis. tile nl the forthcoming eleuliou K. Dilchburn, Indian mm. missioner for llrillsli Columbia under the federal deparlinent of Indian affairs, arriveil in the cily from Victoria yesterday afler-nooii. He Is on a trip of inspee-lion and will proceed lo Ihe interior tonight, lie will relurn Ibis way and may' visit nearby village If time oertH.lts, - Meeting of Trades & Labor Council tonight, 8 o'clcok. T. A, Saudison sailed last night on the I'rince Iluperl for Vancou ver. . E. C. Gibbons was a passenger for Vancouver on the 1'rhicc Hu meri last nigiti. Joe Greer sailed last night by the I'rince John for Huckley Hay on a business trip. Lacrosstj. I'raclicft. Gajije, Wed nesday it iff lit, Acropolis Hill, i p.m. All nlayers please turn out. 4 Anglican Church Tea and alc f home rooking at the home oil Mrs. I'illsbury, lourtli Avenue West, on Thursday, June I-', from li tu C. 137 William MolTatl, pleading guil- ly in the police court this morn-J iug lo a charge of drunkenness, I wa fined $25 with the option of JO days in jail. l. II. Willemar, surveyor of Smilhers, arrived in Hi city on last uigliCs train and proceeded lo (he (Jueeii Charlotte Ulauds onl (he sleamer I'rince John. Union steamer Cardcna, Capt.l . K. I lick-on, arrived "at 12.15 noon from Anyox and Stewart and will sail Ibis cvvning at 5 o'clock for Vancouver and way ports. Mr. J. F. Ilulhie arrived from ealtle yclerday aflcrnon tol join Mr. Hutliie who has beenl here inspecting his various niln- ral holdings in the district, lhey turueil to Seattle last night. I'rince llupert women are in vited lo a meeting- lo be held inl the Council Chamber on Vedne- day evening al 8 o'clock for the purpoe of forming a Women si Canadian Club. A large meeting I is expected. - Mr. Justice Gregory, who ! presiding nl the. Supreme Cour' asies in session liere this week. arriveil from Vancouver on the I'rince llupert yeslerday afler- noon. He is accompanied .on this ;rip by his young son. Chief M. N. McKay ami a num ber of native fishermen and some women- arrived at l'ort -F.ing-ou Sunday to work for I he Ilrit- h American cannery. A largt' umber of native from Kitsela, ire expected to arrive next Sun day. Manager A. M. Ktpp is looking afler the arrangement for 'heir accommodation. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays Salurday and Sunday , afternoon every half hour from I p.m. un til G.30 p.m. and on other week days al 2, i and C.I5 p.m. The last boat homo each da will leave the Sail Lakes llou' diarp al 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic liarlies sieeially arranged for. Launches, rowboals and canoes "or sale and hire. Prince llupert lloalhouse. ANNOUNCEMENTS The lew-Drop Inn Frolic, 'Iks' Home. June It. Pacific Goes to the Country if JMrataTts We have a long letter from a Mrs. N,, who says slit; is a frieiul of Pacific Milk, from this time on. They moved into the "back country" where there is no fresh milk ami she was prejudiced against canned milk, F.very brnnd obtainable was tried in turn but Pacific Milk I now (heir accepted standard. Mrs. N. says they use I Vi eases per uVontli. During the extreme cold of the winter in the hills amd the hot weather so fur this year she has never found a can of Pacific Milk lo be other llian perfectly fresh. Pacific Milk Co. Limited 381 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories) at Ladner anT Abbotaford, l.C. 1 0GDENS CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN , Mi ALWAYS THE SAME Hi 1 0GDEN'S W W y LIVERPOOL Vzlb.TIN Restmore Walnut Bedroom Suite Including CHIFFONIER, DRESSER, DRESSING TABLE and BENCH, ROUND STEEL BED, COMPLETE WITH SPRING, MATTRESS and PILLOWS. Our Special Price is. $150.00 Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. The House of Quality. Phone 123. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equippctl to handle all kinds uf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. NOTHING BETTER The Aiitocrnl of the Uandy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Heauliful Box. . Hole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. STRAW HATS Light Underwear: Boys' Sweaters Reasonable Prices STEVE KING I hird Avenae Phone Green 85