PRINCE RUPERT Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phone 671 BUTTER ORDER FOR MOOSEJAW American Firm Orders 728,000 Pounds to be Shipped at Rale of 1,000 Boies a Week MOOSKJWV. June H. The Saskatchewan Creamery Company has jut r4oed one of the 1imI important butler tninsac-1 is ever uinile in Western liriada. They have sold to Ild-siit! Brothers of Philadelphia H.iMiu pounds of uncalled but- tf U he shipped -at the rate of. I .unit lmxes a week, each ship-ineic mi ronlain SO.nixi pounds. LAD KILLED NAAS RIVER James Perclval Fell from Wagon When Horse Bolted and Died Within Hair and Hour Special to Daily News AIYANS1I. June 1(1.- An nr. riilent which terminated ratal!) in -nrieil al Oillakilamix last eek , lad named James per-nval was riding on a wayou wilh 'wu others when the horse boiled and threw him olf under the wheels He slood up. but fell analn immediately ""J died within half an hour without rcKuiii-ing consciousness. WAGE INCREASE FOR POSTAL EMPLOYEES Order In Council Granting Changes Is Tabled In House of Commons OTTAWA, June 10. An order in embodying Increased tales or pay granted postal employees has been tabled in the House oT Commons. The sealo Is retroactive lo April I and provides thai the wages id postal workers run from a minimum or lt)8u to a maximum of f 1080 m year, Leller currier gel from HtUtfU to WlUj 111- jM'lll JUIJ Mill U- l Ull" M 2 o'clock (hi uflerim.'t to which hour court win. adjourned. If 11 true lull is returned 1- Hie tiraiul Jury, the raje rase will he llie first one lo Im proceeded witli I his iifli runn. will he followed hy the Huekley May eae ami thr civil cue will follow 1 1 n-eoinpletioii of tlie rriminat r;ies. Is Postponed The eivil rase nf Oeorgc Horie. trustee for Die Klratiza Co. Vf. Djnrnstad et al asking fur a cim-cellaltou or niortgase wan traversed to Ihi' next on application of counsel on both sides. Two tilher civil eases are to he heard: O. T. Lindlaud vs. II. D. (ia.anolf, accounting of partnership ele. 1.. V. I'almore for the plainlitr ami I.. S. Mrtilll of Kmlthers foMhe ilcfemlanl. 1't'inee lluperl Losing Co. s. J. Polls et al. a ease involving a sum of atitiul 9:1,200 in accounts, S. V. Taylor for the plaintiff and I.. S. McUill for the ilefeinJanlc. The k rami jury empanelled 1 in follows: (ieoriie Hill ( foreman . John Dyhhavii. J. E. Davcy, A. II. Sil. crsides. A. J. Phillipson. Douglas Sulherland, II. S. Allistonc, A. C. Iteatly, J. C. McLennan, D. Melt. Hunter. II. It. Love, H. E. Parker ami Thomas MeMeekin. The Jury List The pi'lil jury list comprise llie follow - j ii jjc : Charles II. Thomas (Terrace), Fred V. llalrd (Terraee), John A. Murray. John II. Tail. Murdoch McLean. Anne (llennie, Arthur II. Phillip!. V. F. Binns (Purl Essiuglou), Oeorge Smith. Sam uel Massey, Harry E. Astoria, lli-u I'. Self, Leon lllaine, P. I .a porle. J. O. Vcircck, Harry Day, II. It. Thomas, S. A. Bird, II. McKay. Charles O. Howe. Henry Smllh, I.. C. i:i.y. W. II. NV. Murray, Oiler Besne.r, James Slur- jteon, William Ilolib, M. Al. Mach-lun. Joseph K. Ilalcliford, W. 1,. Saiulison; J. W. Momehouse, ThoniHs Priest, llol ti. Barnes, F. HI. Amour, Margaret Cornish, Ernest Unwlu und Frank Morris. William llolih and W. F. Blnns asked lo he excused from petit Jury service and the request was granleil by HU Lordship with niii fiiu'J on puy! "ij HARBOR DUES ON FISHING VESSELS TO BE EXEMPTED Capl. MrOtskT i'', luirlmr master, has rwoiviil nil-firatiun from (lie Jiepari-uient of Marine ami Kish enes at Ottawa lo suspend collection of liarhor dues from vessel . 'iijra!Jed ex. clusjvely in the lniinr of fishing rexardlesf of size until the Canada Hiippiint Anl has lieen formerly umeuded t o exfiupl siieli ve"ls. This applies to txilli Canailian and I'niled Stales H Mi ins.' Itoals. All fisUuu vesils herelKfoi-' h.'iVT paid an-nuul dur of 'fitmi &0c to 87 aerordlng to si1. PLEADS GUILTY PUNISH JAPANESE WHO BROKE UP BALL Police Will Make Example of Some as Deterrent to Others TOKIO. Juno 10. Police will punish five of llie ruffians who broke up the hall al the Imperial Hotel Saturday night as a protest against tlie American exclusion of Japanese. Punishment Is regarded us advisable us a wainluj 'Yu other hotheads. 4 1' 4-1. r ! SERIOUS CHARGE Qun-Co-At, After Belnq Fully Warned, Admits His Guilt at Asslxes A true hill liavnie been lirouht in a;atut him. .Meander (iiiu-BO-aL Suiilhers Indian, pleaded guilty at tlie Assizes Ilii after noon to a charge or rape. He wa repeatedly asked hy Mr. Justice j (-esory IT lie realized .the ser-loiisnvuM id" the crime and I he penally that might he imposed therefor. Accused still admitted. his guilt. Sentence was reserved until the close or the Assizes and court adjourned lilt 10.30 tumor, row. the Grand Jury in the mean time having the indictment in the Srinley fraudulent waiver-don case under consideration. Mrs. V.. H. Cox arled as interpreter in the (iun-go-at ease. Accused was not represented hy counsel. ALBANIANS FLY FROM COUNTRY Members o f Government Tako Rofune In Italy with Nationalists In Pursuit HOME, June Id. .private ad vices stale llial ineinhers or the AlliHiiian Government have lied across the Aslalie Sea and taken rcRme In southern Italy. Nationalists are in hot pursuit. The Latest In Restaurants. mm BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. PRINCE RUPERT Private Boxes for Party Use. "Take Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XIV NO. 130. PMIXCK HIPHUT. B.C., Tl KSOAY. JI NK 10, M2i. yHrUf' Circulation, 2060.' Slrfl ! B38 PRICE FIVE CENTS. T1) J. ERT GETS TERMINAL ELEVATOR NORTH SOLID FOR LIBERALISM IS ASKED AND 15 CONFIDENTLY EXPECTED Announcement Made in Parliament Today That Rupert to get Elevator OTTAWA, June UK Prm i-ion tur a terminal grain elcva- u" rrniee iiii ht i i im' mane in suiiiuemeniary rumuic pvmrr Mackenzie King staled in the House (if (.ominous today, i Tin. trr viriiiifiiil Mn tireoiier kind luiil received u reddest for ail ! eic alor hint year from a deputation and since then rrprescuta-luul been made lo it ly Allred Stork, M.P. for Skecna, mid p -uv sion for it would lie made tins year in the Miiilenicntary e t mule Light List of Cases at Assize Court which Opened here Today Shows Absence Crime in North W illi Mr. Justice (irrgory presiding. Uie spring session of (he .Supreme (Jmirl .Wiies opened ut 11 o'clock this morning. The grand und elil juries. Slaving Iieen railed, tlie former was sworn in did i-liarged and was frnl out with the indictments in the rape case irom Siinllii r- against Alexander Uuu-go-al and lhe Hockley iluy-inrfl against CharlcHriglry dale slorc-Keeper for thu Massclt Timber Co. There were two charges of frnndiilent roneriioii in the latter ae involving sums of 3,- (100 and SU1. David Whiteside, crown prosecutor. nked fori wiiiiurawHi in i im lormrr ruare.i ti i..... . . ... .. i i' ......... Presented President with Steel Spike "SkleHHRLHLHHHLHLVHLIVHLSL! Georse JJunro. pioDr track layer of the Canadian Pacific Railway, rwelved birthday congratulations on May 21 from Mr- E. W. Beatty, during the tatter's recent Tislt In Vancouver This meeting between one of the oldest employees and the executive head of the Canadian Pacific also marked the. forty-ninth anniversary of the timing of the first sod on construction at Fort William In 1875, an event at which George Monro was present Another Interesting co-Incidence in connection with the meeting is the fact that tbe 8. R. C?oshec, which carried the handful of construction men Including Mr. Wunro. from Sarnla to Fort William, in May 17, wu ownsdal ana optruca vj imm-iiif oieamsnip use, 01 wnicn Air. ueaiiys tamer, the late Mr. Henry Beatty. was president In 1SS1 when construction ws begun on the last lap of the company's lines between Vale. B. C. and the Coast, Mr. Munro was given chrge of track laying at Emery. B. C. and when the last and famous 'gold spike was driven at Craigellachie by Lord Strathcona in 1S85 he took possession of the steel spike which replaced the gold one and after treasuring It for the past S9 years as a keepsake-presented it to Mr. Beatty. A Solid North Kcrgin of Atlin, Pattullo of Prince Rupert, Manson of Omlncca, Perry of Prince George and Yorston of Cariboo by co-operation and unity of action were able to accomplish a great deal for Northern and Central British Columbia. In the next House the North will be stronger by two seats, namely.Skeena and Mackenzie, while Lilloet, adjoining Cariboo, seems certain to go over to the Liberal column. These eight seats cover three quarters of the area of British Columbia. By standing together, the representatives of these eight ridings can put up a strong front In the House. As matters stand, the only way this can be accomplished is by the people electing eight Liberals, which there Is every indication they are going to do. The slogan for the North should be "A Solid North." CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. Prince Rupert Girls, Though Beaten 26 to 8, Played Good Basketball with Easterners Though no one would argue Tor u minute but that tlie Cleveland Favorite Knits, former champion ladies' basketball leutu oT the ii world, should a be uhle to show the local girls many . . fine .... points on me game, u was sneer weigui ami speeu more man skill or anything else thai caused the defeat of the Prince llunert all- to S in the exhibition game, al the Fair Hall last night. Tbe niatcii wus interesting enough ami tlie large crowd thin witness ed it was well pleased with tlie performance put up by the borne team, in llie eany stages or tnei jrauie, the Hupert girls seemed a III lie excited and backward iu checking, but towards tlie end they improved in this phase of play and it was then that the weight and speed if the visitors had ils telling ctrert. Both sides being more or less unaccustomed to the Exhibition hall venue, a good many baskets were missed. He It said, however, (hul the visitors were given inure open chances while the defence on almost every occasion made' it hard for t he home. Irani. Several pret ty up the Hour exhibitions of passing hy the lluperl girls were broken up Jut Under thu buskft by llie visiting defence. The Cleveland girls failed to manifest anything extru in the way of combination as had been generally expected they would but I hey were tricky in their methods of keeping the ball in their pos. session, llie visitors were In clined lo rough It at times and the local girls met these tactics gamely. dlcTeree Eddie Mann called a number of fouls against either side but the visitors took belter iidvantai;o of llie Tree shots that ensued. Well Set 'up Lot The ladies Irom the East wcro (continued on page four) Writ is Issued Against Gen. McRae by Sloan Fifty Thousand Dollars Damages Claimed for Libel in Searchlight Connection with Campaign Funds, NAXAIMO, June 10. lion. William Sloan has issued n writ of libel against General A. I). Mcllae, head Of the Provincial Party, claiming $50,000 damages for alleged defamatory statements in the ,4SearchIight," the organ of the Provincial Party, which charged the minister of mines with having been the recipient of campaign funds from P.O.FL interests The writ calls on General Mcllae to file a, defense within eight days. LONDON COMPANY SENDING COPPING REGARDING ELEVATOR A letter lias been received hy the Board of Trade from the Prince Huper! Uruin and Elevator Co. Syndicate Ltd, Loudon, England, staling that their Mr. C. A. Copping land about May 30 or June G to complete arrangements and arrange a construction contract for the elevator which it is proposed to construct here and lo decide upon a suitable site. SERVICE TO ISLANDS Canadian National Making Plans' to Take Cars of Increasing Freight and Passenger Business Owing to the increasing freight and passenger business, plans are National Coast Steamship Service ;to augment llie service to the ueen Chorlotte Islands now performed liy the steamer Prince John. A ilefinile announcement i win ne mane in u.e course 01 a NvH, under the iai arc wviy. pro- lew oays. Jvincial public works office re MISS ANNE CLOTHIER also won special distinction as stars al the bauds of llie experts from the East by a score of aojeditor of the.year hook, the rirsl to be published by the nurses since the hospital was rounded. Miss Clothier was educated at : MUCH BUSINESS IN PARLIAMENT House Has Yet Large Program of j Legislation Before It This i Session , OTTAWA, June 10. A list of a tt-nii it miiew Kill lis Km Itil ri 4or4 -iuUfcurrija men t j t tij vvx r s- utdksi f-iwr lliu rrs jftin man I w rr i v n tt lo Jhe House by Premier King. In addition to the measures to come from the committee on re- distribution, banking, soldiers and old age pensions,, the premier announced that there would be amendments to the. Dominion Elections Act, the Yukon Act, Hi's .Criminal Code, the Immigration (Act, Feeding Slufrs Act, Dominion jLand Titles Act. Gold and Silver '.Murkinir Act. Annuities, and an IS TO RF. AUGMENTED et in regard to lake freight rales on grain. ROAD CAMP IS READY TONIGHT being made by tlie Canadian Cutting Out Rlght-of-Way For Kalen Island Highway to ' Start This Wsek Preparations for the starting or work on the Kalen Island ported this morning. A base camp has been established on Sliawntliitw I'uss.-iue mm! Ilia WINS HIGH HONORS cam,, about half a mile !away in the bush will be running will then be. "iiglil. Supplies Graduated from Jubilee Hospital at Victoria and Won Scholar- ,aKr" C,,M "l l"" week, a crew of fifteen or so tiurn 8nl (will start on the work of cutting he right-or-way. TI.e will Miss Anne Clothier, sister or crew be gradually Increased therearter. George Clothier or this city, pre- sidenl or the Jubilee Hospital .,.,. graduating class or I'Jit or Vio-lLIUUUK rKUMI iui hi, is me vs inner 01 uie uoiicri S. Day .memorial scholarship and IS INCREASING Ovor Million and Half Dollars Earned During Six Months Ending March 31 hemptville. Out. and holds, in ad- VltrrOHIA, June It). The au dition to tier nursing certificate, nouueement was made yestcnlay a .second class teachers ccrtui-.that the liquor profits for the rate and lias taken a rour month's six mouths ending March .11 of training at the Toronto Orlho- this year amounted to 91,031,000, paedic hospital. Her portrait np-iau increase of more ihau S20u,u pears In Saturday s edition of the. COO over the 'preceding six Victoria Colonist. inonlhs, when Ihe receipts BIRTHS There was born on Sunday at the General Hospital a daughter to Mr.' and Mrs. Harold Marshall of. Port Simpson. At the Oeneral Hospital Sunday a son was born to Mr. und Mrs, Alexander Storrie, Sixth Avenue, Edst. amounted to 7, 1 35,(100. COLORED BOXER iT WINNER OF BOUT NEW YOHK, June 10 Harry Wills, Negro heavyweight, won the Judge's decision over Hartley Madden,, a New York Irlidiman, in rutepn round.