PA OR rHJL WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 "Icebound" A William Ic Mille production. A ihoto-jlay that will Iiold you pcIIhotmd. The only thing cold about "Icebound" is Ihe title. The story is just a big, warm Uve of life. There is a tremendous power in this romance of icebound, storm-swept soiils seeking sunshine. A moving gem with a soul. t Richard Dix, Frank Shannon, Lol Wilson, Edna May Oliver, and excellent cast. FELIX COMEDY CARTOON "FELIX IN HOLLYWOOD" INTERNATIONAL NEW8. Admission 35c and 10c HaKr72EaHBFmLjY Fresh ! Strawberries ! Arriving Every Boat j Today s price per basket 25c : NO. 1 ALBERTA POTATOES 12 lbs. for 25c Per sack $1.50 Special prices for quantity lots. We Pay Highest Market Prices for Live Chickens I and Fowl Write Us For Prices. We can handle from 73 to 100 weekly. RupertTaWeSuppjy Three Phones: qk,1m.2I2' i i,7V Wp did. and while ur color selection may not please everybody, yon have lo admit that wc did brighten up. Our paint wil help you to brij.'liU-n borh the inside and oufside of your home. "Mariin - Senour 100 per cent pure" mixed paint for the out side, "Alabasliue" or "Neu-Toiie" for the inside walls. "Kyanize" Floor 111 ami'l, Varnish Slain, or "til" Floor Varnish for the floors. We have paiulH for every purpose, so- let un know your paint problem. Kaien Hardware Co. The Handy Andy fclorc. Hardware and Sporting Goods C08 3rd Ave. I'hono 3 Sterling Furnace COAL Dalltarad In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Thli It a very auperlnr. furnace roal. It (ivea a rlean hot fire and la entirely free, from aoot, cllnkrra, alack and dirt. Some of the laraeat heatm plains In the city are now ualna It with entirely aalliraitory retblta. 8TERLINQ STOVE COAL, Detlverrd In Sack. At $12.50 per ton. We are alao Ar?nli for the Tainoui LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co, Main Offlcai Hotal Canlra). Phona IS 4 LAND ACT. Hollc of UltntlM U Laiut. Aplf In flmu Lao J UitlrlrL KrounJIor III trnd lo anrlr tor r-nnttoa to Irate the rollolor deMTlbcd land: Cuaaoea-n t a pot plintnl it the hta oi bar at Ibe r at end if Campania lU4 tnJ atx.ut one mile rriKD the aoutti rnd of tlar lUnd; tbHs follonlnr ttte luuottic of tb stmre Hoe al bird water line around the I land to Ihe place of fommMKWirnl. land roouinlnr .( arret, more or le. U E. BM.AIIK ft MILS JICVULTT. Htme of Applicant. Per W. E. WILLIAMS, ireot. Dated April tod. Mil. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Lata Lant. In oueen Charlotte WaiHi. Laiwl KMrlrt, Rerrdinr IHMrlrl of Skretia. aitd Ituatr In front or Block It. It.L. 7. Plan ti. Oueen Charlotte Itlanda. Take .Nollre lhat Hutue It. BabturKin of Uaelt. nrrupaiktn ramwrr manarer. Intend to apply for wrminUm to leae the follow Inr denrrltied forelKre: Cnnnten-rlnr at a ft planted at the souttirt Ter of Blnrk l- thenre et II iter, vuiih about jno feet to lorn- water mark: thetwe ivirtlierlr alima low water mark to a point h 31 dr. WMitb nf twnh-et mnierrif BWrk It- thenre eterly t the ix.rlhwe! r.fwr f.f BWwk l: tbenre 'mithertr alunr hlrh water mark tn pnL no ctniaininr ' arrefl. mnre w iei. ii. p naniiiTii. Jtame of Applicant. IN rttOBATC. IN THE SUPRCJC COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA. Id the Matter of the AdminUtratlMO Art: and In the Matter of the Catale uf Robert VI1. rereaed. TAkE NOTICE that by order f.f 111' llnor r. MrB. Vounr. loral Judre. Supreme Court, nade the ftb dav r Aonl. tan , letters of admlnitratlun with will annen-'t or tne. estate or Robert Wllki. derrated. , mi-re rranled to the underl riied. and all inie uMimw ruinii aaainti tne tain r late are liereby renitlred to forward the Mme. properly verified, to the under alnied frank Wllka al Maxell. B.C.. on or wrore tne Join day or June. 1JI. and all partlea Indebted to the elale are re quired to pay the anHHinl or Ihelr Indebt-Jedne to the ald frank Wllka forthwith. V. I CLT IUI1 rVIII Itf .iaT. 1971. EIJZIrlF.TH WILkS, rBAXK WILIS. Aduitniflralom. Maelt. B.C. LANJ ACT. Attln Land Olatrlet. Dlatrlct of Caaalar. Take .Nollre that Herlnald Hn,k i.t Atlln. occupation miner, lnlenda to apply for permUelon to nurrlLiw the foiinmm dewrltied land: ConmieiKlni at a pot planted one hundred yarda to tlie eait of the month of Rupert Creek, one mile eat or OVilden Gate on Tarlh Ijke. thenre o!lb inenty rhalna. thenre weit to ahor line, inenre aioni toore line to iiuint of commencement. . REGINALD BROOk. April tl. ittl. Cash & Carry Seme of Our Regular Prices (iraiiulated Suxar. ner lb. 9c l)ry Prunes, per b. ... 10c Strawberries in syrup, 5 tins for $1.00 Lard. 5 lb, tins 95c Pure Honey in Jars, only a few lefl, lo clear, per II 20o liiiiirei Snaps, fresh -slock, per lb 25c Creamery Huller prints, per lb 35c Ontario Cheese, per lb. 25c Candiaii Kraft Cheese, ner lb, 40c Strictly Fresh Ki-'ifs, per doz 30c Milk, per rase, any kind $5.50 llorden's Kaglc Hrand M'lk 20c Jelly powders, per doz. 90c Matches, per carton ... 35o Campbell's Soup, per tin 15o I.ibby's Pork and Hearis 15c l'ure Jam, lb, lin .... 75c Hulk Cocoa, per lb, .... 15c Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.00 Little White Ileans, 3 lb, for ... 25o Jnp Hire, 10 ll.s 75c Corn l'Kikcs, 3 for 35o King Oecar Sardineg, iwr tin 20c Ilacon, host, per lb 41 o Laying Hens Hi-own and While Leghorns $1.60 eaoh. Phone Blue 428 Orders of $5,00 Delivered. Farmers Market QUANTITY OF SALMON Kyo-u. 7,000, at 1.7c and 7c, In iVdd Storage. Inez II.. 7,000 ut I3 ami 7c lloyal Fish Co. Scrub. 1.50(1. at 13.1te and to Allin Fish Co. Nuba. 2.500. at 13c and 7c. Hoyal Fish Co. Plop. 00. at 13c aud 7c. Hoyal Fish Co. Salmon All fun I Hay. 17.000. at 10.50. to Lm,(.oI(1 Slorajre. ! Taplow. 3.S00. al IS.30, lo At net of Cuul, tod annate on ttmiiuu tin 'Uliirip "c' " - aland. Tale Sotlr Ibit Clirtwr E. Balntr TODAY AT EXCHANGE Only 10.50 Cents a Pound Paid For Large Consignment From Islands Two boats brualil 20.J0O lb. of salmon, most of it from the Queen Charlotte Islands which was sold at (en and a half cents a, pound. Sales today were: American Sumner. 35,000, at lie and C-to llooth Fisheries. Vesla," 13.000, at 15c and 6c, to Pacific Fisheries. Canadian STOR Phone 84. 417 Fifth Ave. East. E tn c to t ixl Jarura Mc.Miltr. er Prince Kurort. B.C. , . lnuT ,,.T nr .,. occupation Insuratxe ir" nJ bnArr. ln-u,u,,r LI5T UF Casts T AS SIZE COURT WHICH OPENED HERE TODAY SHOWS AB- SENCE OF CRIME IN NORTH. (continued from pare one) soiiii- rrhirlanc. I.. V. l'almorf. iT,uiifl for the defence, conctil- "iff. Addrcs.iiifr the retiring jurj'neii. .Mr. Justice (!rc?or' re- terrwl lo the importance of Jury service and poistlcd (Mil that no one should refu-e if it could be IMissibly avoided. His lirdhlp wa ry jovial Forejroinjr his rivilese of com- mentiii? on Hie imimrlant cv cuts' of the day. he said that there was only one topic ijuw' in which everyone was inlerestitl. It would not be iroxT. however, for him lo cuiiimelil on thai. The jud;:e was keepin? a watcliful eye on LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ACT. PROCLAMATION OF RETURNINQ OFFICIR PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the SKCCNA Clactoral DlatrKU TO WIT etBUr. sotii:e ta lierrby alien to ihe Lleclora of the Electoral Dlntrlct aforcsaHl that I bate received Ilia J.jct) Writ to uwn uimicu, mini urmrmu uaie um iiiio ai) of May. Ilitl, i irfiiiuaiHlin me to raue the foliowina qiiertlon. namely - Do you appro? of Uia aala of baae by i th glaaa In llcanaad pramlaaa without bar under Ooarnmnt control and regulation? In be aubnillted arronlinr to l to Uw Elecpira qualirlcd lo vole for the election of a member or the Ualolallte AMrmbly for tlie Electoral bialrirt aforrMld; and, further, that In obedience lo the aald Writ a poll shall be o)-rn at elrtit o'rlork In tlie foretHem and tnall be rkiicd al M-reo u'rlik In Ihe afternoon on the tuth day of June. Iil. for taklnr and rerelvin Ihe yolrs of Ihe raid Elector In each i,. Inr durltl'si of Ihe Electoral ni.trirl afore aia at tlie rr.prriitf tiiacea rollowlna:- P0LLINS DIVISIONS. ButeJale l.litle anjon Odarvale Vorlrrtown lailou ew llatelton l olirier Clly Imtlile Miues Erelyn icouima llaiull llaiellon kitwanra klllinat kiiKuinkalum kl(ikii lrne Creek l-aclfle Port EihIiiiUsi Renio I1owokI Skeena Croalnr Sinlthera South Mairlton Surr Inlet wanson Bay Telkwa Terrace Of which all IM-rarii are lierrtur r quired to uke notice and to r'eni Ihetn- ric acntroinriy. OIVE.N under my hand al tlii'lloii, B.C., Uila Twentieth day of Nay. mi. AS. Tl B.Blil.l.. Iielurnina Officer. THE SUN Does Not Shine Every Day but we have 7 bai-gaiiiH every day. Follow the crowd lo Kconoiny Market fur specials on dry fruits. Prunes, 2 lbs Seedless Ititisins, 'i lbs. While Figs, 2 lbs Apricots, 2 lbs Currants. 2 lbs Peaches. 2 lbs Apples, 2 lbs Special prices oft 25 box lots . 25o 25 c 35o 35c 35o 35o 3So lb. All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. ECONOMY TTIR OAf1T NITtVS. T 'fgJay June to Optician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANCE of Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think, it over, ir not satisfied return them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. Max He Hbroner Diamond Specialist the procrHuiefs ami ratuhl of Hie arand jury men who did not kis the bible lo hi liking age of his own ' eonvielions be says "liara." aV- WIIH.V a wooi.iu is faint henrt- etl ie s-s "(iomh. I SOMFMIMILS wonder iii.l liowl wicked a man eioild be if hewrrej LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Wa.liliigloii I, Cleveland 0. I'hjl.-iilelphia :i. K.-lmil 5. Hosloit Ti, ('liii ago I. New York 3, St. I.ouis 3. National League SI. I.ouis J. lolou I. I'.llicllillilll 2, Philadelphia I. I'illsl.iirg I. New York 0. Chicago ;i, Hrooklyu i. BASEBALL SCHEDULE June 12.- Kuighls of Colum bus vs. .Sons of Canada. June 17. (ill's vs. Sons Canada, June 20, Knights of Columbus vs. (Ills. June 23. Sons of Canada vs Knights of Columbus. June 20.- Sons of Canada vs. Oil's. July I.-Oil' vs. Knights of Columbus, FOOTBALL SCHEDULE June 10.- Callies vs. Sons of Canada. June 13.- Sons of Knglund vs. Orcal War Veleratis' Association. If you find you cannot get the dally News regularly, call n ami subscribe, for It and have It do- Jllvered to your home. If ! LOCAL NEWS NOTES I A. C. (iarde. M.F.. is returning to Sunt tiers on tonight's train. i ln ion freighter Chllliwack. Capl. J. I. Mcl'hee, arrived in port at noon from the south and will conl inue this afternoon lo Alice Ann aud An) ox. - - The American freighter ller-mjon. Capl. KIHnarii, left Swun-'mih Hay oh Sunday fer New York ,via port Alberni, after loading 7:t.i.7 reri or lumber and 0555 lials of pulp. V.. V. Neil pleaded guilty in the jlMdiee court tlii morn ins to a icliargr- of u-nig iabeiiie lausuage jaiid va dUitn-xwi 'with a wum- jii.. .it- fu4 w.i. ci Nirr.iTii near tne i -i i nee iiutxrn noiei. Miuanl K. Crwwell relunird elrrday afternoon oh the Prince lieorg' afle; a trip to Norway where Ur iMMisht a strain trawler for the l.wel halibut filienr The v- i hUII in Norway. Allan Morion levies of Proire Hit wrl has been appouttiMl ?ciHMsnisiouir for taking ull)-jilavil vAithiM Ibe province lb- tune he is in llw service of the Provincial (iovrmmrnt. II you nave oi.jcruon irom a; The ,tmm yurht liuohibl. whn b .anilary -lawlolwl. we will ge-t , ParryiiiK n Ihealriral outfit on another book," lie said. While iIHlr ,it mtrih. enternl Ho-Ihe Kilt jury wire filinr out of ,ry jock this morning for clfan-Ihe riKm he caulbmed oine of i- ..i ...i,,!,-,, its member'' alniut putting on their hals Iimj soon. There was a brief r.sloti in chambers before 'nMin. The Man in the Moon SAYS:- THK way lit exc.-l in inditics is lo let it oe known Dial you will be a candidate and Hon force someoue to endore you. UNCK uioh m Ihne a nickel lip was eOVelive . 'Ilbday It. bring iiwncl by ei.uver. ijiii Ibe doHto Ibe wralli of the ambit gIMls. JH03 1 WIIK.X a matt ha not the cour Raiika llad kwkVr liar Cmii'licwa Inlet fteorrrtown llelrt lnertieaa Jrdwajr ian ion lM-krnort Maawtl Oceanic Ihsia Of whlrn a Mr. Couture of Van- Application 1 4 purchase n 15, bloek tl, section K by F. A. liim-eroo for 51.I7. the amount of tae- afiiin! it and jt IM In Hie aine blork by W. Itiilliw-ell for a similar -aNHrunl wa referred to Ihe Finance Commute for aellon by Hie rily eouneil at its uirfting lat night. AMBASSADOR DIES I'ARIS. June In.--Sir Mortimer Murand. Tl y-ar of age. alor lo W Ji-liinglon from , tWOC, . .tea.l to cuiuvaie Hie hi-te for wlrkeil- roclamation or niTuaNiaio orrictn ness. 1 ONK oflcm hears nursing ait opinion, comparatively easy iiursi-. riiiii Ihiiiii man i a lo A I'KIISON who I gubbd by reason is likely lo become lost. THINKINO AND TALKING A candidale. ruhing lo aiblrex meeling al a by-elerlion, wh acrosli-d by a friend. "Whal do you think of the political situa tion now " he was aknl. "Hon'l bother me!" rciull'lcil Ihe 00I1- iclan. "I've got lo talk. This is m lime lo think." - Yorkshire I'osl. LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ACT. eaoviaicc or aatTiSH columsi In tne emmet HUrtaT Klacwral Oiatrki TO WIT- ri Hi.n: oTii;r nen-by rtn i the Llrcion .f the Iral ol.tnct afuta- I MM lhat I luc n-reio-il III. Maleal) VV'rtl in me dir.-Mci aixl lrm dale tne latb da "I Ma. 191. nanmatxjini Uie 111 raue Ike follow Ini qnelifl, nin-l D ye appeaaa at is aaia r ' hr tna flaaa In Ikteaea pramtaea oltSout See tinaar Oattremanl central tn4 ref uletlen? lo te autrfiilllM accordinf tn law to tlie tlrrlnra (1'iallOrtl ti le fc tlie elerlKsi of a nietiiber "f tne trlrlatlte Atvmblr for tlie i.iermrai ni.irKt anieMi. aim. fnrUier. Hut In iitrfwlienc ii, im mi I Writ a '4I anall Im tinned al eidil o'rliirk In llw faretwMi and lull Le rhMml at aeaen o'rlork Hi Hie afleneem 'Hi tlie tmh iUr -t inue, ll, fr laklna and reeelttna tlie vnlea nf the aaM l.lertor In each pullina dooan of tlie l.teetnral lilttrlrt aforeukt al tie- rr-ctle place rMklnf - POLLINO DIVISIONS. all o.ruiel I'.irl Clement a l-wrl Sltnjwin Vrntrm lluerl Oueen i.lwrMle ':ilj llefnae Hajr sand.ptl skiderata lhirtm HaiUMir Hell Tnw lllll Woden Hirer Iierwma -are hereby re quired to take notice ami to pivern ihein-elea arrorilinrlr. i.ivr.'a emier mj nana at rnncE hl'1-I.HT. R.C. Iblf aevrnteenth dar lit Mar. IVII. ti. 11. MOHTivrn. heturnlni Officer. m TIMBEn SALE X 6267. Sealed Tflnler will I rrreOc) t) lie-lllrirl ihiI tiler Ulan leem mi the Hili day of June lfl. llw pur rhaae of l.lcclin- X Uti.t adjacent lo I M III, Wark ( liannel, U- "il O i.oi-.i f.bjn. of spruce. lenilMk ami d-dar Savior. Twit if years will be allowed for re liHital of lliulirr. I'urtlH-r naillciilara of tin Chief I'oren- !ler, Victoria, or tlie liMrlrl lorealer. Ul'i-niice 1111 pel 1. n,' . Sport Hats In Orsat Variety SUMMER SKIRTS in new designs The Latest Summer Dresses Vanity Corsets. Iris Brassieres. Venus Hosiery. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Cash and Carry Specials for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (No Deliveries) (No Telephone Orders) uniu runner notice mis store win upen at 8.30 a.m and Close at 5.30 p.m. dally. Sunkist Oranges, lleg. value lllli J, 3 EXTRA SPECIAL 45c doz. f&jjj? On Hale 01 lr goods Dcp" Silks! Silks! The drm. Hid lor Silks of eveiv de-rnpii u 1- ti r Hi, hi orr, I'riure IIiimtI Iiom - inn k io rr ili.e no longer i it profiled. to send n il 1 town. a toir Itriet". nre biwer th 1 ; jirii-et. and our range to selert from 1- sinij Here are only it lew of the newest tabro imw l.harnienoe. lii hee, .S11U11 Canton. (Iree Satin. Printed Oee. Hroeaded KiiKt. and llroended Tn- THREE SPECIALS IN SILK DEPT. Black Paillette l.olnHi fiiii.h. 3d" wide S ami giiaraiileed not to rrark. I leg. s.2', Special, per yard J1J Natural Pongee- wide. Hug. tjl.W v.irl Special, per yard 9Sc 30" Messollnet in X dilferertt lide. Il-g a.- vanl. Special, per yard $1.91 The ali.v- lines are guaraiilred new slu a v worn giKwU in loir SilW llejil.. w we gel lu-t this dai ttoi ut. $3.75 Special Men's Black or Brown Shoes lifalij(i.ili"n li' -Wear. Solid II w s lllll her roL Here i rel m 11 ' sinl.ible for any o" Ihe most ridiriib'iis ! ; Hint a good wearmp -'i'!P ever been sold in K' j ' Maid of Clover Creamery Butter In bulk, 3 lbs. for $1.00. Limit H lb. lo eni'h riislorner. On vile in S!i W: .Moiiil.iy, Tne-diiy mid Wedtiesdiiy. 95c 100 Pair Women's White Pumps 95c SHOES VIA PANAMA CANAL. V list below fue lines of Wonien's Shoe- ) 1 reived via Piiiuimii Ikiniil. Our siivniK' i freiglil Jr over rail shipment hne been Ireinendoiio. The new ping route will solve the shoe problem in Hit perl- Cm Ihe snappy -tylen with Ihe renl low priees, mid then I' v Women's Black Kid Oxfords tiootleur vve- llalf llulilier Heel Women's Dark Brown Kid Oxfords May fair Lal. (ioodjenr Well Sides. Half Ilublier Heel Women's Patent Alice Pumps Dull l.ealher. Cro- Slrnps. (liiixlNfiir Well, Low Heel Women's Log Cabin Buck Oxfords (loodyear Welt Soles, I.11 Helle Last Women's Medium Grey or White Buck Oxfords High or Lew Heels, (iooilyeiir Well Men's and Boys' Department Cranulated Sugar, 10 lb. sacks I. iiinl Km tn (Mi i'Ii i'iikIi inter. Boys' Jerseys I IID'i Pure Wool, in Plain, $5.45 $5.45 $5.45 $5.45 $5.45 95c anil ntripes. nizes si in ;n. lu'tr- ?.. -e 78fi r a n-iL.l r L. I I I"" uoy- oaioriggan womoinaviuna Closed t:rolrh, Short Sleeves, itml Knee I.eiiKln. Sizes 22 to .'IS. Men's Black Cashmere Socks In Hlai'k, Hrovvii, llenvet- mill (irey. lleg. 7oc value. Special, 2 pr. Men's Athletic Nainsook Combinations H, slvln. lleg. I. fid value Special, per sun 85c 850 Lemon Cakes or Graham Wafers 0 lb. wooiic boxes SPeclfll llf: Universal Trading Co. This AdvL changes Wednesday Watch for lb