i Formal Resolution Passed Clt- Council at Meeting, Last Night Lake; Mr. and Mrs. HAD A WEAK HEART by' Al Hi' meeting of I In eily council last ni-hi a revolution ratifying I hi ajneenienl between Malcolm V. Mfl.eoij ami Ihe cily by which (lie former is in pay! i in my .i(I0 rm- ii'inoviiiK the ruck fn Ihe l wo loin nl Hie corner of Second Ave. .in. Fiflh Sired, opposite to hi Prince lluperl dull, Hu work to Min t at iiiicp ami lo In complcti-d by lifccmlicr .11, 1025, was ratified. I'lic niol inn wai iard ami tlii'ti t tin Mayor, who hail been uway elect ioneerinjr on the Islands ihirinif llio previous mool-ing, iiiioiii-il a lo whether llii was'Hic n.4 inihlf ajrrce-ini'iil thai cniilil ii malic. Alderman .Mc.Morilic sii?;resi'd lluil if anyone had a hdler proposal lo make, llii wax I In- lime lo make i. Silence ensued. FIRE LIMITS BYLAW DELAYED BY COUNCIL Set Over Until Future Meeting to That Objections May be Taken to It. Al fl Hireling last ninlil Ihe cily ciHincil decided lo postpone1 ciiiKiileralion of Hie fire limits! bylaw in order lo ive Ihoocwho mi wished an opportunity I n oli. jeel in its provision. II win eilaii'. dial there wns in material change in Hie pre- eenl fire limits Mil Ihc Iiylaw would rnalile the cily council lo who ft wa Dial had complained. I'he Mayor suit) it wu a repul- ahle eilir.en, liul tliix did not sut- Ufy Ihe iniiilrer who inltcd. liliiiiinti Pni IIiaii ttftirl l t WAS YERY NERVOUS FOR THREE YEARS Ml. Jestle Peterson, Zealamlla, Sak., wrllesi "I wish in r you know how much rood Mllbiiru'i Heart and .Nerve PIIH have dune lor me, For nearly three year I was very lut'tly run down, Imd a weak heart, and wa so uervoiis that sometimes I would almost ralnt away. I hoard or many pei'l'l" who bad recom-uii'lided your Heart ami Ntrvt I'llls, so I decided lu xlv thelu a IrUI. Afler I liad uxxl two bines I rmind they had dune me rood, and iflir havlnir taken rive boxes I wui roinpletely relieved. I cannot rei'uiiiiiend your I'llls enouth. aii I would aJyl anvoue Imvliijt a weak heart, or troubled with nervouinesn to il luem." Mllburn'i II, fc N, I'llls are tnc a boi al ill dealers, or mailed direct on receipt j One of the many advantages of a Happy Thought Furnace is the cutting down of expense by burning fuel ef all kinds. You get more heat for less cost. Every installation is guaranteed by the makers of the famous Happy Thought Itemges, of which more than 300,000 are in use. There's a Happy Thought Furnace to properly meet every requirement. Get full particular! this week. Send direct to factcry lor free interesting booklet" . Air Htatlnt." SOLD BY KAIEN HARDWARE Co7 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MAM AT HUIKW UM T MeMeekin had ' npoken In l.in PYTHIAN SISTERS nliout il. The mailer was then allowed In drtip afler Alderman I'erry had explained thai il wan iup(isilile In u m' any more water Ilia it at prcseul. I. sler; HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert, Wliilesiile, .New Vcdniin-X. A. Kllioll, I'. I. Scliar- siuiill, A. V. Morris, A. (",. Knight and NV. (i MctJalpin, Vaucouxer: . I.. iMlchhurn and Mr. .luslire HieRory ind 'on, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. NV. I.ep, Inverness; )r. I.cariiyl, Anyox. Mrs, K. 11. Cox and S. Oline, llaellon; W. V. Itintis, llalnmral: C. I. I'atmiiiir, W. .1. Service and l. II. Willeiuar, Smifhers; Miss 11. (I. Scoll and Mrs. A. Wood, Kilinnntnn; Mr. and Mrs. (ionlon. II. Ilolih, Hums S7 tOVMMV COATY II fTf O "Ji FEEL BETTER IN FEW HOURS OR NO COST! provcnl I lie creel inn or buildiiifc ii j., the ime ..f year when which might he considered dan-,,. liver heroines sliiirnish anil jjeroiis. I here, wax nnllimj? in'your inlesliires heroine rli-f:pil I lie present rrjnilalion. defining ; willi unisonous wusIp. Your the rlac of buildings Ihnliiiver does m( properly purify miwlil e creel e.l. boo Ihal flows to your skin The WHO COMPLAINED reult s sallow" complexion, ilark cirrles and pimples. .Ml lliee nutttiitia iikntitini -lo flnnd volir DUST NUISANCE? ytP"'i. ur resistance Is Iow- iered, yon feel dull anil tired and Al Ihecily council meeting last night Alderman .Me.Mordie in- llcd on knowing who il wai "tick. Make lhh lest! Cleanse and lone your liver with Mr. Thacher'.. win. I, ...I .,i.. rnnmlMini r n,..l'lvrr and Wood Syrup. O.n- du.l nuisance from Ihe operation,1"""" ln",r l,r", r,"n' 01 i iip men crusiier al Hie rriuee llllperl Cluh eorner. The mayor had staled I hat complain! hail heen made ami suggcslrd the ue of water lo lcscn Ihe iul. The Colonel wanlcil In know hy Physician". Helps nature slretifslhcri your lomaeh, soolhe lireil niiil nver-iaxPil nerves, hraee up syslem and .purify jour MihmI. Notice quick difference in way you look, eul, sleen'nnd feel. You. loo. will hej salisffdl, as others liHe. or no cost. Ir. Tliaeher's is sold and re commended hy Ornies Ltd. in L'rince Itupcrt. ELECT OFFICERS Mrs. H M. Blake Chosen to Head Ladies' Order For Forthcoming Term of Office I he local loiliie of Pythian Sister elected officers last niphl as follows: l'asl Chief -Mrs. (ieorpe Leek. Most l-lxeelleul Ciller Mi-s. II. M. Illake. Kxcellent Senior - Mrs. A. eron. lloWMll. Mistress of lleenpls .anil Cnr-resondence Mrs." (Jilelirist. Mistress nf Finnncc Mrs. K. J. Lnrire. ' ' I'roleelor Mrs. 'P. J. Shentnn. Outer fiiianl yMrs. Oeorire Norslranil, Jolinslonc. Seallle; .1. A. Iliown, llocstnll. Central Anion l.anluh ami Unlf Iver? sen, cily; II. II. i.eisjhloii, Inslallinp Officer Mrs. Oeo. Leek. lleprcscntnllr I" (IrniKl I.odjre Mrs. W. r.ilehristf- Press r.orrespondent Mrs. Oeoryre .lohnslnne. Anditnrs-Mrs. P.J. Ityan. Mr. V. Hart and Mrs. II. M. Itlake. BETTING IS STRONG ON PATTULLO'S RETURN Tory Backers Have Reformed and Will Not Enfjage In the Vicious Habit Until Af -ter The Elections In local nnnrtln'R' circle lellinjr is slinnnly. In fnvnr Pattullo as the winner al the or the forlhconilnir election. Money" is (.eiiiK rreciy iiffore.1 on him with-mil any lakers. I.arly In the cnmpalpn, all sorts Of reports were seiil out of hit iniiney iiffercJ on JN'ewInn and ImI the Liberal were afrniil to lake It. The bluffs have all been or price by The T. Mllburn Co., Ltiiilled."',1l TP Js IHU now a Toronto, ont. murmur. In fact all the local Where Shall We Go This Evening here I , .willi as little delay as nossihle. BOAT ARRIVALS Arrivlni on lime from Hie 'south al a o'clock yesterday af-y tcrnoon, (I.X. II. steamer Prince Itnperl, (lap). I). Iliinald, limunlt the filowiiijr ial'njrers ?- you decide to spend the evening in FREQUENTLY town with some friend. The first part is easy. Dinner at a swell restaurant. But afterwards , . . What will you do to carry on this business of having a good time? Easy! Five cents. An evening paper. A glance at the advertisements Suggestion agreement, and you're off! You didn't go round to the different theatres, to be driven to an unsatisfactory choice by fatigue and time. If it's worth while to consult the advertisements about amusements, how much more worth while must it be when it comes to the spending of household money. Read the advertisements. They place before you the. full choice of the trustworthy goods in the market. They describe advantages, and give you full information before you have to stir out of your chair.. Pursue for every article you buy the method you use when it comes to amusements. The way to be sure of what you buy is to buy advertised goods. Reading advertisements is an education in better buying. backers of the Tory candidate or' NOTICE. sa " d to ' he so ripliteous that they l.x the matter or in tpptirition ror , . ... ,, him Uoue of a I'rovliloml trtinr5 or refue to lie! any mure until after tuie ror Lot rourte?n (u. Biork wven- il. .lli,.n. . nvr v tfM !?. .TowiHUe or DrlkalU. .Mip t. P.G.L COMPLETION Hon. J. D. McLean, Minister Railways, Spoke In Prince George Last Week ways, addressed a meelinfc of . PIIIXCV: tiKOIKiK, June 10. Hon. J. I. McLean, provincial secreuiry ami iiiiiiisut oi rau- $alurartorr proof or the CerliriraW of TU kits of llw lk rovtrlnr the bov land tiavlnir brrn produred to me. It I my intention to Utile arter the riplratlon ut on iwaiih rrvm tl rirM publication twrrot, a rrtivisiomi t.tnir rai or iiu to id above land In the name or ole And re n onubrak. Tbe oritliul Cerllflcale of Title 14 uaiea tne ein J my ivu, ami is iiuni-be red 41111. Land HerlMry Ofrire, Prlnre Rupert. llh February, mi. II. F. MACLEOD. RetUtrar or Title WaTER NOTICE. (Olttrilon and Uii) TAKE NOTICE that Hume H. Bablnrton, iihiu aiiilr.. 1. Ua.tl will annlv rur last week in Ihe interests of II. . a lu-cnre to take and iite'&.ono talloua of l.,.rv MI A II... l.il.or...l Pa,..ll. WJ", Jt "M ..-... - will u iiiverii-u inmi lie- nmu iki.u. , ... i . ... t I.xeellenl Junior, .Mrs. Jc , in ,,, the r.u..min forll.eominp ...v proviiul' l about ioa reet north or the " north-ea! ;date "J'"" n rial elrcli,,i. He staled ilerjnile- Ouen charlotte inand. and win ..... .. i .. . ..'for Ian l. be used ur Indualrtal Indiulrtal purpose purpose uimn usn the the land de- iy I Mill il wouin ne me iiouey oi imrt as block l n.U 7, plan 4. Vueen the jiext Liberal Bovernmel lo ?"!!'. TiJi r.'ic " ,p'5,", Ion Ihe rround on the Ittth Hit or Mar. complete. Ihc Parific (!reilt Kast-:lil. A copy or lbl notice and an appl'l- . i . i. ration purauant therein and lo the "Water c-rn, Hailway into Pnnco dporBeut. iu.- win i tiled in th. orrtce or ine aier iieoruer mi rnnce ituperi. i'O' Jertlons to the appllratkm may be riled with the said 'aier Iterorder or with the Comptroller or Water RlrhU. Parliament Biiililinw. Victoria B.C. within nrty dayi arier the first apin-arance or this notice In a loral newpaer. The date or the first publication or this notice la May Itth, II. B. R sBINOTON. Applicant. NOTICE. f ' l.s I nr. ir.n ui an ..'puraiiiiu iir I'T.lhe Issue or a Provisional Certificate of IiImAa iim....i- . iTUIrt lor Lot rive " ' MM). Section . V. , one Mr inn Mrs. 1.. .1. I r:nm nml RuoerL Man SIS. l. Block City thlrtv-rlve or Prince children, Pele Hairoslrier, . K.'cenirirate or Title roverinir tbe abov. Und laci,ics (Huckley 1 lay . , V. K. Ililclitnirn, Major P, K. Schar-siuidl, Mr. Johnston, X, A. K-liotl, Mrs. J. I.aiuh, A. Vallarc. Mr. l.rowell, ). Pirillo, II. Wari'cn iltmns Luke), ". Marshall (.Horns Lake, A. K. Cos, A. W. MorrU, .Mr.. Hln lumi, Mrs, liordon II. llolili (lluins Lake), H, O, Kary (Masselt), K. lle.id, J. IS. Hebby, .Ml Mctlovorn. Miss Mc-Uovern, Mtss Kli'k, Miss Pearl Alien, v. smiih. Mr. nml MvI. ('. lavisoi (P'Tt t.oniul). K. Il, Aiiilersoii, Mis Lucy Pills-liry. Mr. and Mrs. Ooodrick, Mr, and Mrs. V. perclval (Jasper I'mk), G. TaiiKHnlalil, Xnls Itok-kyar, J, L. Uusclt, Mr, Justice Orejiory ami son, Mrs. J. F. Duthlc. havlna: lwn produced tu me. It la my In lent lun to Issue, arter the expiration of oiwt month, rrom I ha first publication hereof, a Provisional Certiorate or Title to the above land In the name or Mah .Noey nd Mah r Chuni. the orlrlnal Crrtiri- cata or Title Is dated the 13th .November, li. and Is numbered 47481. . Land Ileaistrr Office. Prince Ruoert. B.C. . II? F. MsCLEOD. Ueruirar of Title. IN PROBATE. IN THE. SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH " 1 ' ' COLUMBIA. lit (be Matter or the Administration Art am! Ill the Matter or the F.sUle or Wonr Koua. ' Oei'Mted, Intestate, TAkK MiTlCK thai bj order or 1114 "ytor i. sirn. lounr. made una Tin dav vt June, A H. IV4I. I was (Piuilnled Artlna .sdiulnlstrator or the Kstate or Wonr k'nnr, tieivaseil, aiwl alliparllea bavlnr rUlnis arahiKt Ihe suld fiuie are hereby reipilretl o (uruiMi saiuv ITtH'env .vrnneii in me. VSVr M1- l day vl iulv, A.n, Ivrl. and U aarllH' liHlihled to the Mie ire required to pav the amoiinl or ineir luucnieiinrs in m rrthwith. ' WALTER Osl.K. Arllnr tirrirl.il Ailuilnlsiratnr, i-rince iiupert. B.C. Diied this .th day or June, It4. Savin? shows you're .sane and witty Save ami '''H can dress as pretty. Dainty Dorothy Dorothy saw a spring suit that captivated tier dress lovins: fancy. Then her ingenious mint worked out an alteration plan' that made her last season suit blossom out in style new freshness. Our dry cleanliifr hrouirht hack its pristine newness ami Dtrnlhy saw lo it that II was altered lo the Hprinpr limn mode. PHONE 6 PRINCK 50X392 St, Regis Cafe lrlno4 Ruparl'f t,allri Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. I Hi Tui'i"i!y, June 10, i054. TOT DAILY IIWB. not nyi. 1 ESflHHa"! liJUllUlllHLAI CtTY AGREES TO MOVE Pattullo's Record ROCK FROM LOT CORNER OPPOSITE RUPERT CLUB There are a number of people living In Prince Rupert today who are not familiar with Hon. T. D. Pattullo's record either In this city or In Parliament. For their benefit and to remind, others here who know but may. have forgotten, here are lomi of the more Important Items i AS A PRIVATE CITIZEN Pattullo took an option with others on the Woodworth Lake water supply to be turned over to the city. This source of supply had been alienated to a former president of the Conservative Association of Vancouver. Pattullo played a conspicuous part in creating a public opinion that forced (he McBrlde-Bowaer Government to take action which resulted In the transfer of the Woodworth Lake water record to the City of Prince Rupert. The right should have been reserved to the city In the first place but it cost the taxpayers $15,000. Pattullo secured the telephone franchise for the city. Two 'companies had franchises for the telephone service In Prince Rupert and Pattullo called a meeting of citizen through the Board of Trade to preserve the privilege for the people or Prince Rupert. He offered to install the lyitem and give the citizens the opportunity to subscribe for stock In the enterprlze rather than have it pass to outsiders. The meeting decided to call for subscriptions to Install the system and turn it over to the city upon Incorporation. Pattullo was one of the largest subscribers to the subscription and the system was turned over to the city, pattullo's action saved the telephone system for the city. A8 MAYOR OF PRINCE RUPERT Pattullo Initiated the bylaw for the hydro-electric project to be Installed by the largest financial group in Canada and In a written statement ho strongly urged its passage. Pattullo's opponents used the occasion both to defeat him and the bylaw. Had the bylaw passed, the strongest financial group In Canada would have been working for the city and It Is the general opinion that this city would have now been several times Its present size. The people who engineered the opposition at that time are trying to do the same thing today. AS MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATURE Aa member for the electoral district of Prince Rupert Pattullo secured! (a) The erection of the Provincial Oovernment Buildings. (b) iA large appropriation for the Booth Memorial School. (c) Five times the city's quota for soldier's houses. (This was made possible through other municipalities holding back for political or other reasons) (d) Eighty-one acres at Salt Lakes for park purposes for the City of Prince Rupert and also annual grants to build the approach to the lakes. (e) Appropriation for the building of the road across Cow Bay, linking up Third Ave. with the waterfront, The completed work was handed over to the citizens free of cost to them. (f) An appropriation for building floats at Cow Bay. (g) The Terrace bridge which Is well advanced toward .completion. (h) The appropriation for the building of the Port Clements Tl-ell road, work on which has been proceeding for two years. (I) Appropriation for the road out of Prince Rupert, work on which has already begun. AS A CABINET MINISTER As a cabinet minister for the north, Patiullo has consistently fought for the rights or Northern British Columbia against heavy opposition from opposing political and other adverse interests in the south. AS MINISTER OF LANDS Pattullo Initiated and administered the Government's Umber policy which Increased the export timber business over 1200 per cent. He initiated and administered the Provincial Government's grazing policy for the upbuilding of the stock Industry. He Initiated and administered the Provincial Government's Irrigation policy which saved the southern interior dry belt from ruin and preserved such prosperous towns as Vernon and Kelowna. Pattullo has been one or the strongest Influences In bringing about a vigorous Immigration policy In the Dominion of Canada and has pledged the Provincial Government tp co-operate In placing Immigrants on the farms or the province, In this connection it U notable' that when Immigration stopped, emigration to the United States started nd continued until the commencement or the present policy was beginning to be folt. The periods of heaviest Immigration Into the United States were the periods or greatest expansion, the largest Increase or wages and the greatest shortening or hours or labor. He secured the settlement of the foreshore question as between the Dominion and Provincial Governments, which has been outstanding since confederation. Also the Indian reserve question. GENERAL RECORD PattuJIo has been one of the most powerful Influences In the progress or the Province and the City or Prince Rupert. He has worked consistently and persistently for the city. f elected he wll continue to use his Influonce for the advancement of the city and district and ror all Northern British Columbia. Such, a man is worth a great deal to the district and Is rooeiylng the support of those who wish to see the district go ahead, CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE