PACUt TWO. Blue Ribbon Tea Rich, strong, full-flavored tea Is the most satisfactory to use, and BLUE RIBBON possesses these qualities to the fullest extent. You can undoubtedly make more cups of tea of equal strength with a pound of BLUE RIBBON than with any other tea. TRY IT The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. It. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION The best Toba for ihi pipe Monday, July 14, 1924. Play Politics But Stick By The City. It is all right to play politics. Xo one objects to that as long sis it does not injure Prince Rupert. When the interests of the ity are at slake, however all. other-matters should be allowed to Jsink into insignificance. I I .t I lit. tin 1 111 tl li. V f IIIU U'fllll Ilk lif'a in o It..-.! Iig -UllflF,IV. mi im- uuiiio 111 lit II -lt llllll j pot making progress. We must, if we are good citizens, take a .pride iu the progress of the place in which we live. If we have this civic imtriotism we shall refrain from doing anvthiiig which will hurl the city, even if iu duiug so we fail to advance the cause if our political parly or our own particular individual political vims. AIT are liable to make mistakes. To err is hiinuui. Yet jvhen we look for a man to act as the representative of the city ur province or country, we look for one. who will make a miuM jpium number of mistake. A leader should be one w)io leads jmd who is able to do it wisely. . Bad Conditien Of Several Streets. There are one or two streets in the city that should have attention as soon as possible. Attt'ntiou has been drawn lo the bad condition of the road lending to the cemetery and also lo the lower end of Third Avenue. In one case there must he improvement if we are to continue lo use the cemetery; in' the other, the loss to owners of vehicles is very great owing to the rough condition of the road surface. The road lo Cow Bay is lised a great deal both by light vehicles and also by trucks, ft is in marked contrast lo the section of road made for the city by he Provincial Government which crosses Cow Bay. Complaints have also been made of the bail condition of the road iu the railway yards, the keeping up of which seems to be the work of the railway company. ii : Election Of Perry Strengthens Government. y The election of II. 0. Perry as member of the Legislature for Fort George riding strengthens the government and weakens the opposition. It makes the position of Premier Oliver muro secure and seems to indicate that for several years to come tfiere is likely lo be a Liberal Government in power nl Victoria The condition under which Mr. Perry was elected makes the result interesting. Just ns he wns iu the thick of the cam-pfliga he was stricken down with appendicitis and had to spend the days which would ordinarily have been the most active of tHe political fight, lying on his back in the hospital at Edmonton. Irince Rupert's member went to the rescue and others lent their ad with the result that the former member has been re-elected by a sukstantial majority. ; The result seems a little hard on Mr. Burden, who, on the first count was leading by three votes, but that is the fortune dS political life;. Someone has to win and someone has to lose. H speaks well for the Conservative that he polled as high a vote a$ he. did against as able and popular a man as II. G. Perry. Where Is The Horse Gone From The Streets? The horse has practically disappeared from the streets and his place has been taken by motor vehicles. While many will regret to note. the change, the concensus of opinion will he that it is jietler for the horse and better for the city Hint he should not be he,re. Now there are no charges of erueltv to animals brought against horse owners. The rattle, of the old flivver is the only cruelty and it is to the general public. With, the passing of the horse the streets have become more sanitary than formerly. But where js the horse gone? All we know is that he is not here. BIG SOCKEYE RUN EXPECTED Predictions of Good Season on Skeena Have so Far Been. Borne Out AVERAGE 350 TO BOAT Within the next week the big sockeye run on the Skeena lUver should he tin, if t lie prediction of those who have studied the conditions cnnVe true. lAlready the fish are more plentiful than jlhey have been for three years 'past at this time. The only difficulty has heen lhat the weather has been' too rough for regular outside fishing. Catches for last week averaged about 350 to the boat according to unofficial advices received from some of the canneries. High boat has gone about seven hundred for the week. This at the price paid, twenty-two and a half cents when the canneries supply the gear or thirty-Jour cents when, the fishermen supply their own, Jias provided a fair profit for the fishermen. Spring salnfon have been com ing fairly well. A good many canneries have been canning these fish while others have mild cured them. Cohocs have been coming in only smiall num bers so far. Last year (he canneries did not want rnhnes but this year it js announced they will take all that ire offering. The Man in the Moon ! SAYS:- WK'VE beard of the hand-to. lip girl but now we hear of the liand-to-moulh girl. IF the players on a football field did all the rooters on the benches thought they should do each player would have his own whislle and his own football. IT might be. a good idea to supply individual whistles to the crowd and send the referee home to lied. ' i ; HEADLINE reads: "Bishop hits prohibition." We sincerely hope il was not for the first lime. WE henr that a buseuit factory was recently closed down owing lo the foot and mouth disease. II seems that the disease got among the children's ani mal biscuits. - THE minister ami guests were. rccehlly taken violently ill afler partaking a wedding luncheon,. I'ro.iahly the Pride made the wedding cake. - IX the ohleii days ladies' bathing suits were sold by the yard but" today they are sold by the fraction of an inch. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert July 14, 1914. J. Lagon, of the forestry department, Victoria, is iu the cily on official business. Ho leaves tomorrow lo spend a couple of weeks iu Hazellon ami will remain here for some lime on his return. Mrs. H. L. Mcintosh gave a delightful tea yesterday for Miss Long who is iu the city en roulr lo the Islands to visit, her bro-I her, Arnold Long. Chief Vickers returned, from a trip to. New Joe Hnerig leaves tomorrow for a two weeks' trip lo .Vancouver, Banff and nlber points. OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL 'CUT PLUG THE DAILY NEWS. ; Mn'Jjuty 14, 1924. MILLIONS SPENT ON MARKETS MAINTENANCE OF SALES! FORCES A HEAVY CHARGE ON FOREST PRODUCTS INDUSTRIES Every British Columbian's Duty to Render Assistance to the Lumber Industry Every man and woman in British Columbia should endeavor to realize what the lumber industries mean, to the community they live iiu and should constitute themselves active boosters of B.C. fore si products'. This is one of the readiest ways in which I hoy can help the industry that has- jiut this province on the map nod is busily engaged in keeping it there. Xo merchandise, however unique, can sell itself iu these days of substitutes and keen competition. The searrhin.? task of finding steady markets for their products is perhaps the most important the lumberman of this province is up against. Market Expansion The maintenance of costly sales forces and far-reaching market extension organizations is a very heavy charge amount, ing to millions yearly on he lumber ami allied industries nf British Columbia. Xew markets must be found and old ones preserved. Agents at home and abroad must be employed in keeping open the channels along which B.C. wood products are distributed to consumers iu every part of the world. Iu exchange, for these millions of dollars spent iiv the marketing of our forest products the people of British Columbia receive what '.really amounts In their principal -means of support. Every British Columbian should therefore .ask himself or herself how best Ihey can help out the industry, that, means so much lo them. This series, of articles communicated by the Timber Industries Council of British Columbia. ANYOX LADY IS MARRIED TO DOCTOR Miss Myrtle Swanson Is Now Mrs.' Arthur Gee and Will Live In Victoria The marriage of Miss Myrtle V Swanson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Swanson of Anyox, and Dr. A. M. Oee of Vic loria, was solemnized on Thurs day morning at 10 o'clock at the home of the bride's parent, the Ilev. Berdnian officiating. The young couple, who will reside in Victoria, have left on a honey, moon trip lo Vancouver Island. Mrs. dee is a sister of M;iss F Swanson who recently graduated from the Brinro Rupert Nurses' Training School. Dr. Oee is a son of W. H. (lee, principal of one nf the Victoria public schools. TERRACE I.O.O.F. INSTALS OFFICERS TERRACE. July M. The I.O.O.F. held their semi-annual installation of officers Monday night followed by A banquet. The following otllcers were installed. Past firand, J. II, Young. Noble Fraud, B. S. Crcehnan. Vipe-Craml; Ilnrry King. Rec. Secretary, H. Cory. Financial Sec., Fred Bishop. Treasurer. Mr. Anderson. Warden, Elwood Brooks. Conductor, Mr. McLaren. Chaplain, W. J. Parsons. R.S.N.r... Bert. Kenney. I.S.N.O., Sid Marsli, LOYAL ORANGE DANCE i . ON SATURDAY NIGHT k The dance held under Hip auspices or the Loyal Orange Lodge, in connection with the July 12 celebrations, in lh Melropole Hall on Saturday night was n distinct, success. About. fi5 couples attended and dancing was thoroughly en He ate 8,000 biscuits Vice-President ami Managing Director of I lie Remington Typewriter Company nf Canada, ft. Id Mr. Stiles, who was born in London, Ontario, has had a dis linguishcr career with Ihe Rem ington typewriter Company, no only in Canada ami in the Unit cd Slates, hut also in Great Britain, Europe and South Africa, where he formerly tra .veiled extensively ns the Com pany s Assistant General Foreign Director. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE DIlBtVDP In thA Uallep i.f ilwi Valuta .r rir.t...-. t it an. ii r, in juiiii, in me enmity or " " ."M-,i, in tun rnivince or HrlUMi Columbia, heceased. who died mi lha f .1 ituir it 4t,ll .ii. NOTlr.F U hin.lii' iflufin tl.a, I... iii ii . ..' . .. uj an ururr ii. ni in in. mi r. .iirn. loiinir. jiiiir or the County Court, iluK-il tlm 17th day of 'April. I4. the unctprslimed mj appointed And notice I hereby further irlven that all iK-rsonx having i-lalin inralnst the said entate are rermlred in fii .,.t. .1 duly verified under oath, with me nn or " ? I'nireeii 10 UH r illte the axuet. nf the unlit vinia .n...J . neri,lia ntlrh.ft ,..., - ' . only 10 tlM) rlalrrn nf which I hull then nn.ij nuinr, aim I will IKII lie liable for Mid assets or any part therenr, to anv rnii or wtium claim I 'hall not then have nr.tlio Hated Hi A t II 11 ll'r 11. ! ami. . Not all in one day, or one week, or one month, but during twenty years of a busy life and he is still eating them. That's the record of Doctor R. B.Thayer of Somers, Connecticut. And he further adds, "I think your claims for Shredded Wheat are justified." What higher tribute to the food value and healthfulness of Shredded Wheat could you have than the voluntary testimony of a physician? Shredded Wheat is all food, ready- C. !.. MOMlOE. OffleU I A dm Inlmratnr WATER NOTICC. (Dlvtrilon and Um) TAkP MlTlfP ihai ll.,,., 11 1.. ... 1 - , .....i, ... iinuiiiiriiiii uhiiso addrea la Masiiett, will apply for ,11,1. ,.F um,; nun unif o.iiuu raiion. or water out of an unnamed (Kind. Tlw walr iu 11 uiiriiru irmu um- poiiu Bl a point ahmit Jufl feet north nf tlie. north-eat corner of Muck 40a H.I.. 7. plan 0A. Jtieen Charlotte Island, and will he ued rnr Iriiln f rial iiiif.r.,utt it...... ti.- ..... .1 '"i"n" ii"fii 11, inii'4 lie cr men n tilncli 10 Ii I 1 tvlnn mi tt.. ' ' lFM,, iii vuceii . ..... . . . Charlolte Inlands. Tlili notice wai th,umI nn ihe ifFoiind on ihe tvth dav or Ma v. lull. A ropy or Hilt nitlc and an application iMirouant tlierelo ami to the "Water tct 1011 Mill nl 1 - Hie Water Ilecoriler at Prince liupert, op. Jecllon to the apidtratlnn mav be riled villi tli said Waier Itfcorder or wlib the Comptroller or Water !llirht, rarllameiit hiilhlinM, Victoria, B.C.. within rirty dayn arter tlie rirst appearance or Oils notice In a local newnpaper. The date or Ihe publication or- this notice la May th, H. B. BABINQTON, Applicant. , cooked, ready-to-eat. Th Canadian Shrtdded Wheat Company, Ltd. M.f.r. Fall, OuUf.'a Shredde joyed from 8 p.m. until midnight, to the melodious strains of A at Easson's dance orchestra. Delightful refreshments, were served at It o'clock. The. Success of the evening was title I lo the efforts of .I .A. Teng! and' C. E. Barnwell who hadj charge of the arrangmenls. E. H. STILES BOOKS ARE QOOD COMPANIONS Keep them neat and clean iu an improved Sectional Book-case Wo sell Den and Library Furniture of the best tpinhty. Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. The House of Quality. Phone' 123 NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the. Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A, Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. I his advertisement is not published or displayed by Lbpior Lonlrol Board or by (he (Jovermnent of ' British ColumbIat the I