I LINDSAY'S DRY Birch & War Wood Gut any length., HydeTransfer 139. Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. - I Dybhavn $ Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, R.C. Dr.LS.TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 U.S. Phone 088. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. - M, S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit .. ..75c Phone 774. 820 Third Avenue P.O. Hox 88. Prince llupert, B.C. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson. Goal. From now on we can supply the same In any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co Cartage and Storage Phone 63. Cartage, Warehousing, and ' Distributing, Teaw, or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Plant) and. ' Vurnlture Moving. i WOODCOCK Pairies, Ltd, Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 210. P.O. Box 895. BRINGING UP FATHER Money By George McMaruj? MT DEA.V re L LOW VOO SHOULD know eor A,e CRCiCXyo HOO OOivt lOO wE.ii UO TO A HObPiTAvL- OObT STAM; On the VEPf.P nr a. HLUOOOC: i hoph oo oi os; to be, Orders I've oeciodp ERVQU3 5RAK. OQw- 'bKVS. A LORD V vNO LAO'f ALC" TO co to ie, QiX Norway, Sweden. and. out ooo : i'm not r ( elu i'll phone ti xt n (.OMinc, ? TO tPENQ NweEt; HOfcPiTAL : kk VsJV OO LATER -DOCTOR 1 ii ii r -a -y - cooch l DonmarK. to pf; Exchange,. t. Current Rate CO TO A HEMTM HjS. Y C'ME TIME TO THINK Make your, reservations for that Summer Vacation, at I visit tg the Old Land early. For Tickets, Hates and Information,, see us. j' 1 Oliver. FlUE Cary INSURANCE. Typewriter. Safes. 1 OUTRAGE OF RED DEMON Fine. Essay bjr Joan West But It. Was Not Strictly on Subject Fire is I he crrea! lied Dnmnn who hauiils man wherever he goes, no matter how far the nirRing lied Enemy, ever tint ready to hurst out in bright wick ed lillle red tongues of flame. Alter a long season of dry weather a risrarellc end. sfill burning, a small snark. thrown anwng heaps of scorched, dried leaves, causes the fierce Red Demon (p. lean inslanlly into ac tion. Soon the narehed vetrptn.. tion smoulders, and a small rot. jumn of blue-grey smoke slowly, hut determinedly begins to rise. rreseniiy nialicious little red flames shoot up like dancing ! . , juiiuiuuering camp fires un guarded, sawmills, cigarette ends sun ljurning. or cinders from lo. comnti.vcs, from which t.e can tiltpinn. lln rt . .1 .1 1 Homes of man and beast. Come on, come on I My merry followers! Rule while, we. may. for when lio. learns wisdom and gives a thought to his green forests out power will be at an end." J'.ach year thousands of of the country's richest and mnsi plentiful wealth are destroyed, ami great trees which, for years have stood the stately monarchs of the forest fall. Kaeh year the lied Demon extends his nower over more and more of-the mven forests. Some day before it i loo late the lesson, dearlv rwiid for, will be learned. n mnrn will tho Bed Knemy consume and uevour at I lie very vitals of our prosperity but. safely le.isl.p.l will contribute for ever in nany a iurnace Ins share towards tin. perfecting of the very forest sprilcs. Now a pile of dried .wealth he so eagerly twigs calclies on fire and is destroy. quickly consumed. Soon a shrtih jculches, roars in red fury for an instant, and subsides to the grey ghost of its former self. The invincible lied Demon has now a strong hold. The triant I are blazing. "On, on!" shrieks the Demon. (Nolo The fnrecoimr essnv was adjudged one of the best pieres of literature that was sub mitted in the forestry department's, recent contest. II could n f be awarded a Red 'for it was nntslripflv n)a oni. ject of "Forest Fires, Their Kf- Slop at nothing., Man shall payfccl, and How to. Proven! Them.'" for this! Yes. indeed, lie. shnll pay for his own thoughtlessness. On, Fire-sprites, on!" Roaring trHimibantly -tlnj ii. un. iiuw mi loiiKcr snrieniiv. hut great, ravenous nuinsters continue on their trail of de struction. On, on, ever readilv obeying the comminds of the Fire-fiend, they devour all thai lies in their way and scorch and overwhelm all before them with their fiery breath. All That Is Left Where, shortly before. Nature had dyed the forest in many different shades of green, where ill secret glens and haunts wild beasts had found in security their lairs, 'and birds had built their nests, only charred and desolale wastes of land are left. The merciless flames reveal many of nature's most hidden, secrets. All living things are driven from their haunts, the terrible Red Demon often destroying them in their flight. Hourly the Fiend 'devours moro and more of the country's wealth and with it the homes of both man and beast. leaving behind, in his deadly trail, stretches of inhospitable desolation,, where, so recently all had, been rich and green. Yearly the great Red Enemy Is devouring with his great pitiless longhe I he riches of his master, bt'UiR released for deslruclion by the latter s carelessness. Kneli year the Demon and his band of active followers rage furiously throughout the land leaving behind vast slretches of barren country and rocky, bare mount ain sides. The Rule of Fire Deslrny all ye can!" roars the F.nem'y. "Destroy all ye can, Fire-fiends, for the time mav icome. when man will learn to be careful, and there will be no It was. written by Joan Winnifre.l West, a pupil of I). II. Hartness at Mooth Memorial, School . Sport Chat The following is the nuldoor sport card for the week: Mnmlay Stuart Shield football semi-final, Sons .nf Canada vs. Callies. Senior baseball. Tuesday Soils nf Canada vs. Knights of Columbus. Junior Football organization meeting. Wednesday Senior lacrosse. Maple Leafs vs. Kaiens. Thursday Stuart Shield, football. Sons of England ;s, Oreat War Vclerans. Friday. Senior baseball. Trap-slmoliiig at Park Avenue. - The third football trophy competition of the. season opens tonight with Ihe first play-on" for Ihe Sluarl shield between Hie Sons of Canada a.nd Callies. The second; ylay-oir will, be on Thursday between, Ihe Sons of England and the Great War Vclerans and lln; final, will be played, l,n August. Willi the Oilhuly Cup compel il ion also slarling Ibis month-, the Sons, of England and Callies are hoping that it. will be their turn next, lo cop some silverware. The. Moldcv Ciin si !snifn.'int nf pilv championship, went lu Ihe Sons BRIER K r "M Int i Fl.tuRf StRVICl Inc Cretl BnUinrigtitM,,rved voted by newsnnnpr pdilm-d ( uie noxiiig snort. "Slon fiirhi ing altogether." they broadens!. and the only stop that results, is the one that, comes about the middle of tho sixth round when loo Long, the Chinese bantam. smacks Holder Harvey. Hie Phil aiieipiiia (Jhost. for a row of nip-side seals. Kidilincr is nn instinctive game. It is evident m I he babe, who nutrnaeioii slv pulls and lugs-al a disturbing pillow ease;- The newspaper man is only catering to the favor of his thousands of fiirht fan readers when he gives iwo-coluinn headline lo Hip iinsberg-Denneblein fist in frnv unit an inconspicuous typo to e account of Senator Sleen. more's address at 'Corner Crossing. Ontario. No one has ever lenied the right of David to slav Ihe giant Ooliath. Many a re former has probably chuckled wit hin his unconscious self at Ihe courageous and victorious bailie the diminutive shenliprrt gave the behemoth. Under the guise of sacred reading, the lernal fight cropped ui before the approving Purilan. "Ah. lie sighs as he puis aside the biblical sporting page, "What wallop that bird must have acked in his sling." JACK BURNS 'aaafl aaaaaaaap light-heavyweight wrestler ol Spokane. Washington, who art rived in Ihe eily yesterday, is seeking a haul Willi Nels .fepsoii, light - heavyweight chanininn wrestler of Canada, Edrunnton. ir any local promoters are willing lo slage the bout in Prince Ruperl Mr. Hums is willing lo wrestle the champion qn any lei-ins and at any lime suitable lo him (Nels Jepson). ATTENDANCE POOR AT WEEKLY RIFLE SHOOT or Canada and Ihe Dominion At the shoot of Ihe North Day cup to the Oreat War Vet- H.C. Ilciriment Rifln Assopinlinn erans. It is somebody else's jon Ihe McNicholl Creek ranges turn now, lha unsuccessful con- yesterday afternoon only five tender aver and thev will, enli-i iiinmtmps flll'iWtil mil (i ml non. .iini.iii in 'iiMim wuii miu i-wdT, the conlesls with, much enllius-Lm-quently no spoon was offered lasui io nring atjout iiieir uesire. ifor high man. Malcolm Lamb "r" ;and W. llrass tied for firs! Purist and Purilan comnaln , nlace with -a snnrn nf 7n Tim Vehemently of the. attention de-lparty went across lo Ihe ranges --- x. r I r ' ' LULU . JLI J sought to Daily News Classified Ads; . CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adr.rtliem.nt Taken for Le.. thmn 50c t J WANTED Ilolel, South Hazellon, Jt.c. George, H.C. BOARD AND ROOM I ( Hi WANTED.Furni.shed room, close in; privale family preferred. Stale price and location to Hox 193, Daily News oflicp. 1C.3 WANTED Furnished room am Kitchenette, close in. Stale price and location. Address Ho.x 193 Daily News oltlce. 103 WANTED.,- Position as time. keeper mining preferred Have technical knowledge. coioman,' Windermere, H.C. WAiWfcu. furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone 652. EXCHANGE WILL TRADE Ifid acres farm, well improved, in Ihe rain belt of Alberta for an island that is granted and improved. Y rile G. A. Garvin, Prince HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Otllce, 830 Second Avcn. Phone 137. tf FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Ooorls. GEO. PAPADOPULIS. 839 Third. Ave. Phone f.iO. on W. Ilorrobin's launch. Scores were as follows: Malcolm Lamb.. 21 2t 2." 73 W W. R. A. It r ass .... Ho r rob in Wilson .... Squires .. 200 500 600 Tl.. 2t 27 . 2t 20 1 9 IS 19 21 13 73 09, 59 57 FISH ARRIVALS One. American and eight Con. adian boats niaketed , a tola) calch of 7i 000 pounds of hali but on Ihe Fish Exchange this morning. Of Ibis total Hip American boat landed 15.000 pounds and the Canadians 59.. 000 pounds, price advanced several points on bolh Canadian and American fish. 'Ihe. ar rivals were: American Vesta 15.000 pounds at lrt?n and 8c lo IIih Royal Flsh'cn. Canadian Volunteer 8,000 pounds at, I S.2c and. 7c: Ingied IL H.r.no pounds, at l.i.2o anl, 7c; Plop, 2,500 pounds, at 1 1.0c ami. 7c to the UoQlh Fisheries Canadian Co. Hippo, 1X000. pounds at U and 7c; Cane ,Swa,lii, 5.000 "at l l.tc, and 7C to the Atlin Fish eries. Joe linker, ikooo noumis ni I I.I.C ami 7.5.C.; Dolnhin. o.onn pounds at He, and 7c. rt thn Catiadiiut Fish A Cold Stora.. Co. Murineag L()00 pounds. :)' H.5o and 7c to the Royal Fish Co. Salmon Karen 1.100. noumU ip,i mm.i 100 pounds while, .sal.mod a! 11.5c and- 3o to llieAllln t.'iu- eries. FOR SALE WANTED. Immediately. Smarl FOR SALE. Sixteen room room- girl for general work in hole!.. Wages a inoiilh and board, permanent place. for suitable girl. Send parlic nlars. II. Carvath, Orandview ing houso and store: all fur nished. Full sized basmenl with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue. If 'OR. SALE. Pleasure launch, 32 foot, a h.p. Palmer engine, in first class condition. Also 28 foot trolling boat willi, new 0 h.p. Yale engine. Make an of for. .Must be sold by July I, N. M. McLean, Cow Hay. If "OR JALE. Walerfronl lots, one and two acres, surveyed; good anchorage, .Inn Inlet. Porcher Island. Apply Ho 191 Dally News Ollice. FOR SALE. Oiinnfilv of used lumber, frames and, snslev Apply Filer's Planing Mill. Cow Hay. KVt FOR SALE. Pleasure boat 7lm lenglh 28 feel, beam 5 feel. L. L. Heindel, Cold Storage. If FOR SALE. New and iisp.I Machinery. Hoals ami Engines. Northern Exchange. tf Royal Cafe for Sale. For full particulars, apply cafe. If FOR RENT FOR RENT. Two. large anart- mcnls down town near Post Otlirc. Apply Stork's Hard, ware. tf ROOMS TO RENT. Hoard op tional. Home com Tort s. Terms moderate. CIO Sixtli Avenue West. 103 TO RENT. Furnished house keeping suite. Apply ilOSixlh Ave. East or phone Hlue 217. OR RENT. Palmer House for cheap 'rales and home comforts. Houses for rent also, tf FOR RENT Four room, modern. healed aparlnienls. Apply Smith ..v. Mallclt, Ltd. tf THREE ROOMED HOUSE lo rent on Summit Avenue. Phone 023. 100 MISCELLANEOUS FOR DRESSMAKING ami plain sewing, phone 427. - MODERN Four Roomed Flat for rent. Weslenliaver Ilros. FOUND FOUND. An I.O.U. Owner caa have samo at Dally News' ollice by proving ownership and paying for this advertisement, l.f, 'OUND gold walch chain. Daily News office AUCTION SALES. Goods Houghl, Sold Exchanged rtveXfi mm Apnly tf X or H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioned. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. hones Hlack 130 and. Rod 442, TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service nnd Comfort Day or Night Stand : nOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Moeker Block, Across from Empress Hotel. CATARRH ef lha iBLADDER Sift, acmifgl MAIL SCHEDULE For tho East --r Mondays, Wednesdays,nit(r,l'r1'. days, closes a! 3.15 p..iii. From the East k Mondays, Thursday and Saturdays, 1 p.m. To Vancouver Mondays, mail closes at (o I' M. Tuesdays, Mail closes at 4 P.jil Thursdays fn ;p y Saturdays Saturdays jo p M CP.lt. June 11, 21 and 25. rom Vancouver .Sundays Mondays Wednesdays Fridays Fridays To Anyox, Alice Arm P. M. I P.M. ; p.m. ... A.M. 3 P.M. C.P.R. June 9, 10, 20, 27 and 30. Wednesdays :l . 9 I' M. Sundays :..r 7 P M. From Anyox, Alice Arrrj-r. luesdays P.M. Thursdays PM To Stewart and Premlaiv-pit Sundays .'t'l'M, Fridays .' n' P.M. From Stewart and Premlor - Saturdays P M. Tuesdays p M To Port Simpson-Sundays .T":7- -PM, Thursdays' ....1D P.M. From Port Simpson Tuesdays 1frJi'i..P M Salurdavs '...M To Alaska Points June 9, to. .'0. .'7 and")0; From Alaska Points--, JuiiP 1 4. :'l and :'5. To Queen Charlotte Island Points. June 7 ami 21. .-. From Queen Charlotte Points June 5 and 19. .If. To Naas River Points' and' Port Simpson Thursdays lit J.M. From Naas liver Polrits-U' Saturdays -.'"A.M. BOX COLLECTQN. , AVM-w I' M (traham . Allin Aves. J!.ri .8.U 1st Ave. Eighlh SI 2.20 8, '0 0th Ave. A Fulton St. 2.25 8. 5 81 Ii Ave. iv Thompson . . f St fl,30 8,30 I lib Ave. Slierbrooke ; Avn 2.35 8 T I I h t Ave. A- Don rad SL JL I ft 8. i ft 01 h Ave, Hays Cove Ave. 2.IR 8 15 0th Ave. ,1 Hays Cove Circle Klh Ave. qotloa St... 51 Ii Ave. Mcltride St. Pro. Gov. llhlss 2.50 O Kr. 8.50 3.(1 9.01V 3!5 9,5 Prov. Gov. 'Wharf.... :iMfkM).IO, O.T.P. Wharf --- 0 15 2nd Ave. 2nd SI 3.20 9 () 3rd Ave. Fulton St. '35 3rd Ave. cth SI 3.28 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 9.T 9,2 Monday, July 14 High 12:09 p.m. 18.5 " '"W 5:18 a.m. 1.9 " 17:52 p.m. 0.1 " Tuesday, July 15 High ...... 0:0 1 a.m. 22. 1 f 1 3:0 1 p.m. 19.? ' '"w 0:39 n.mf ' 1 b'.8 " .18:17 n.in. Wednesday. July 10 5.5 " Higli 0:1!) a.m. 3?.0 fl ' 13:50 inn. ?0.l I-ow 7:25 a.m. 0.1 , 19:38 p.ni'. ' 5.0 " Thursday, July 17 "Igli ;30 a.m. 22.7 H. l:3.C p.m. ?0.l I-ow 8:09 a.m. 0.5 20:20 p.m. 1.0 "