barker New York and the demand for it is increasing. 1FIVE DROWN aeroplane are searching for the oilier bodies. FIRST NATIONAL BANK KETCHIKAN KETCHIKAN, July i I. The application o establish the First National Jlunk of Ketchikan has been approved by Ihe cunVptroller of currency and within a month or two the institution will be an established fact here. It is to be located in tho Koel Pudding at Ihe corner of Dock and Main Streets. The capital of the bank will be $50,000 with a reserve of 812,000. The Prohibition parly has filed n protest against the returning fashioned (fi'icer cuiinLing the absentee ballots, alleging Ihat the plebis- Several of" the Skeena River ,cite Act gives him no jurisdiction canneries are pulling up spring salmon in big tierces in stead of canning it and it is being shipped right through to the, to do so AT VICTORIA Lieut, and Mrs. Watson and I Threo Sailors Loso Lives off i Ross Bay VICTORIA, July 11. Lieut. Watson of the navnl barracks, 1 squimalt, Mrs. Watson and three enlisted sailors who left Ls mil inja It at three o'clock Saturday afternoon in the naval cut ler were drowned off lloss Hay in Uio evening. The body of Mrs. Watson has been recovered. The destroyer Patrician and an 1 ,1 have iulimalcd their intention to ask for a final count. on the eleclion ballots in Vancouver, Hiehniond-Point flrey and possibly oilier ridings. The probability I hat the absentee vote will make considerable change in Vancouver lias materially diminished when It was noted thai Ihe absentee vole was comparatively light and it was found that irregularities nfay spoil two or three hundred ballots. Supporters of Mrs. Italph ith are hopeful that she will yti lie returned. I'he absentee vole inlay make changes in oilier ridings, notably Albernl, Hiclinion-Point flrey, North Vancouver, and tho Islands. The vole in Fort fleorgc has already been completed giving Perry a majority of 51 over Harden, Conservative. LEAGUE BASEBALL SATURDAY GAMES National Leaguo New York 1 1, Chicago 3 Philadelphia 5-2, Pittsburg 0-3; others rain. American Leaquo Detroit 0, Philadelphia i. SI. Louis 2, New York I. Chicago 17, Huston 8. Cleveland 7-2, Washington l-U. SUNDAY GAMES National League Cincinnati 0-0, Huston 1-0. Chicago 0, New York'W. SI. Louis I, Hrnoklyn 9. American League Washington 15, Cleveland II. New. York 0, SI. Louis 2. 25 TAXI and BOSTON GRILL Ambulance Largo Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. dances, banquets and wedding Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. parties, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Poslon MATT VIDECK, Prop. drill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XIV., NO. 161. IMUNUK HI PERT, IJ.C, MONDAY, Jl'LY 14, l!)2i. Saturday'! Circulation, 1,825. 8trt Salt! 638 "oronto Rowing men and Swimmers sailing on the Canadian Pacific S.S. Minnedosa for the Olympic games included, back row from left to rieht. J.M.S. ' , .. . " . . ' u. ucii.iiu. i, , ,u. n auace, airoKe. n.u. i nompson, spare. Tommy talker, ,, m Turner Chapman. Front row- M.W.Ttjylor, Bow; H.B. Little. No.2j Mrs. Louden, whojwith her husband, PrQXIudcnjof TorVnto University is aceoupaajrin the rowing eight; J;D.S. Sniith, No.3f W.B. Snyder. No.- V.J. Campbell, coxwainT " " ''H'S'MUS'JSL'ft Adrift Five Days in Fishing Boat Two Haysport Men Fast Three Days Before Picked up Swept out to sea in an open gil-nel boat and adrift for five days with little to eat and drink was the stirring experience of Messrs. Iledman and Hrovvn, two fishermen engaged in fishing for the Haysport Cannery. They were picked up and brought PRICE FIVE CENTS. HJMf RRY . IS ELECTED FOR FORT GEORGE 1 1 v, i FISHERMEN LOST AND HAVE NARROW ESCAPE RESULT OF BAD WEATHER Perry is Elected as Fort George Member Gets Good flajority over Burden in Final Count of Absentee Vote and Strengthens Government VANCOL'VKH, July 11. II. (i. Perry, Liberal, who lias re presented Prince (icorge sjiice the Liberals have been in power in the lust two Legislatures, lias been elected by the absentee ballots, which were counted on Saturday. The election of Mr. Perry wus not unexpected us he was but three votes behind the Conservative candidate and he is well known as a champion of the needs of the Prince George district. The final figures were: Perry 1.079 Hurdcn 1, 028 Shearer 200 The eleclion of Mr. Perry is welcomed here, not only because of the particular filness of ihe candidate to represent he 'urisHtiiency hul also because tt si rongl liens Ihe Oliver fiovf'nnient and make it ccrj? 'am 'ha' they will .remain 'r during another lerm? MING HOT In DOG OF SALMON! , ABSENTEE VOTE BEING COUNTED Number of Ballots May be Spoiled Through Irregularities In Vancouver RECOUNT IN BEER VOTE . Hoped That Mrs. Ralph Smith May be Elected and Other Changes Possible A.NCOIVKR, July i I. Open ing of the absentee ballots in . Vancouver begHii on Saturday oHr."H ..-. but apparently aclual counting River Sont to new York 'may ic ,eayed tint i 1 the end of to Feed Hungry j t lie week as Ihe task of checking .up the 3,200 voles to insure (hat Spring: salmon valued h I those who cast them were en-soniedilng like $150,000 arc tilled to' vote, will he long and Iikeiy to be senl lo New York tedious. during the present season mild The Moderation League has cured to be used in making hid demanded a final count of the d for the hungry transients beer ballots and has announced ui place of the old fashioned .that final counts will also be ariiMy So popular has this demanded in eight other ridings iass of food become in some.wiiere iiecisions are close (luai-ers of the American metropolis that it has practical ly ousted Iho old Representing Canada at Olympiad. hi on balurilay to Inverness by one of Ihe Inverness (Jaiiuery lenders which sighted them 10 miles beyond Port Simpson anil 80 miles from their own station. The two men went out to fish on Sunday evening, July 0, at 0 o'clock and were missing until picked up Saturday. From VANCOUVER WINS WITH FOUR OARED CREW AT OLYMPIC - - - reports to hand Boat Swltiorland and Will Row With English Crew Noxt Thursday VANCOUVER, July 14. Vancouver four oared Olympic crew beat Switzerland easily ovor a mile and quarter route, the time being 6 minutes 31 seconds, according to a cable message from Bert Tennant. The mile race with an English four Is to be rowed on Thursday. Tennant Is optimistic over the chances of the Vanconver crow In tho finals. TWO MEN WASHED FROM A FREIGHTER ACTIVE PASS RIP VANCOUVER, July l l. Two men were washed overboard and lost when the freighter Morning Star, bound from Vancouver to Seattle, was cnughl in u lido rip Sunday morning in Active Pass. STEAMER ELSINORS WRECKS LAST WEEK OOltK, July i I Steamer Elsl-noro belonging lo tho Cork Sleani Packet Co. was wrecked off the .coast of Wexford on Friday amUH Is feared nineteen members vpf Ihe crew have been drowCL), it appears Ihat ino nnai was driven out lo seat by a gale which sprang up on the evening of July 0. Unable to do anything to help themselves they drifted away until it was impossible for. them to pick up their bearings. The small stock of provisions and water on board was soon exhausted and they had nothing lo eat from Wednesday, July 0, until picked up. When found both men were in good shape physically but naturally very hungry. After, a good meal ami a good rest they appeared to be none Ihe worse for their exciting adventure. PREMIER EGYPT SHOT SATURDAY Said This Morning to bo Out of Danger: Student Fired Gun LONDON. July 1 1. Said .ag-loul Pasha, premier of Egypt, who was shot in Cairo by a student on Saturday, is said by bis physician to be out of danger, ac cording to advices received here. PRINClfwiLrSAIL FOR NEW YORK AT MIDDLE NEXT WEEK LONDON, July 1 1 The Prince of Wales will sail for New York on the lle.reugarin on August 23 using Ihe Incognito Lord Renfrew. Ho will proceed to his ranch in Alberta in which ho Hikes a great interest and where hV proposes lo speud.a holiday;! Storms of Last Week Played Havoc with Fishing Boats off the Mouth of Skeena River After being posted as missing for several days John Lang-don, a fisherman operating for Siiniiyside Cannery, was on Saturday morning picked up off South Dundas Island heading Tor Hecate Straits in the fog. He had been out fishing near llachael Island on Tuesday and when the storm struck him had cut adrift leaving his net in the water. When his non-return was reported search was made for him under the direction of Manager Field Strang of Sunnyside Canery and he was eventually posted as missing, jt being thought that he had fallen a victim to the ..T.. ., storms which raged for several MRS. HARRIS KERR , Usxirninrrn1 Nearl'r a" 11,0 canneries lost nice 1M mho m VAnlUUVtR;l'oa,s wiic f most cases idashed on tho rocks. One boat Funeral Will Take Place Hcroi), m1'?Al,e,1 on ceenfop Is- t I.'ltlll IfJlIltillV nil nrnm..kiilu Soon as Body Arrives - , " '. Iv , " ! Mrs. Harris Kerr, wife of Harris Kerr, 100 Eighth Ave., East, died in the Vancouver General Hospital early Friday morning last. The sad news readied thocity in a wire to her husband on Saturday. The de ceased had been in indifferent . health for some months past and left for the south only a week ago to heller her condi tion. The remains will be shipped north and interment will be made at Fairview cemetery at a date to be announced later. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of Haynor Hros. The death of Mrs. Kerr came as a distinct shock and a wide circle of friends will nioUrni her loss. She had always taken a prominent part in (lie social J activities of the cily and Avas organizer of the Women's j Moosehearl Legion and also held tho Olllce of treasurer in that organization. The laic Mrs. Harris Kerr lived for somo time al Hunker Creek, Y.T., coming to Prince Rupert with her husband some seven years ago. She was born in Nova Scotia and is survived in addition to her husband, by her mother and sister who are at present staying in California. F. J. Fuller left on Saturday night's easlbound train en route lo the old' country on an ex-fended holidjij trip. though some suffered considerable hardships. MACLAREN LEAVES ACROSS PACIFIC M1NATO. July i 1, Stuart MacLaren left this morn-morning al 0:15 on the first stretch of his flight across the Pacific by way of the Aleutian Islands and Western Alaska to Prince Rupert. TORONTO LADY WINS TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP BEATING MISS LEEMING 1 British Columbia Champion Goes' Down to Defeat Before Eastern Player TORONTO," July 11. Mrs. Harry Uickle of Toronto won the Canadian ladies' tennis cham pionship for the tenth tlmo Saturday, defeating Miss Marjorie Leeming or Victoria, champion of Hrilish Columbia and Oregon, Lafler losing the first set'j The score was 1-6, 0-2, 6-1. F. llick.l is booked to sail on the Prinne John for Port Clem-entfr Uu venin. CENSURE VOTE ASKEDTONIGHT Notice of Motion Posted at City Hall by Alderman Collart to Come up MAYOR IS BLAMED Long Resolution to be Introduc ed Charging Lack of Capacity by Civic Head The following motion of a vole of censure on Mayor S. M. Newton, moved by Aid. Theo. Collart and seconded bv Aid. S. P. McMordie is ported on the notice board at the Cily Hall. lake notice that at a meeting of the Council to be held on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, July 14, I shall move the fal lowing resolution: Whereas I was informed on Wednesday evening. tio 9th instant that His Worship the Mayor proposed to send a telegram to the Right Hon. Mackenzie King; Prime Minister of Canada; a telegram reading as follows: Prime Minister, Ottawa, Canada.. A'eryV'g.really disappointed' ;f?VrrfpriaJipW fd grainy elevator. It is Viewed as meaning that there will be no elevator hero for a year and a liair al earliest. Citizens led lo believe million would have been placed in estimates to complete elevator this year. (Continued on page 6) JUNE TIMBER BUSINESS BIG Scalings for Month Showed 23,-. 073,978 Feet Measured by Forestry Department Timber scalings for the month of June were large, according to a report issued by the Provincial Forestry department. The total measure by officials of Ihe Prince Rupert office during tho month amounted to over twenty-thrca million board feel. Details of the scale follow: Douglas Fir Reil Cedar i .. . , Coast Spruce. . . Hemlock Halsam ... Cypress Interior Spruce Cottonwood . . . Cedar Piles . . Cordwood (cords) Spruce Ties ... . Hemlock Ties Pine Ties . . . , Fence Posts (cords) ... Mine Props 'lineal feeO Pulpwood (cords' . . . . 62,161 2,166,873 12.652,97 5,719,928 1,644,289 2,491 316,185 468,774 Total 23,073,978 In addition to the lumber mian-I i ties of poles and ties were cut the scale showing: Po,les (lineal feet) ,. .. 65,875 Hemlock Piles .. .. .. 15,869 39,788 218 5,122 5,182 101,181 21 7,350 575 CUMBERLAND WINNER OF CONNAUGHT CUP IN WESTERN SECTION VANCOUVER, Jul i. Cumberland is the winner of the Con, naught Cup western section by playing a scoreless draw with llullhursts of Calgary here on Saturday. . v , The Island team-Is, the winner by two to one,-it, having won in the Nanaimo Rame bv that score on Friday. 1