I Saturuay, may DAILY TH1 RBWfl. FAQ1 THREE You can make a Crepe Paper Costume iiipply your HiM'll huoks I'Wi'v 'iiiin,iiicnl. of iiMruHmu. Fur a masquerade, er-lin ps, for 11 play or pageant; for a small in-fonntil parly of your own lliere ore ninny occasions which require a gay crope paper costume. Let us licl you plan one. We have Dcniii-son' Costume Hook Hiving many suggestions and directions,. We have just received , a large sliimciil of len-riisun - (iiHtds ami can AUo ix different lien- YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "RuprtBrand" " " 1 1 1 11 1 Selected Skeena Sockeye For picino. 'hoo-p ituperl Hcmd" Salmon. A few tins in IIe pantry are alvv.i hnnd. tiloek u supply on vour hout IImi s i good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. s u Five Only STEEL CRIBS in White Enamel or Ivory This Week $15.00 BASSINETTES, $9.00 Barrie's Home Furnishings The Houto of Quality. 3rd Avenue., Phone 123. Freo Delivery In Prince Rupert. Insist on cBcer without aPeer The better beer pure palatable high in food elements At all Gov't Liquor Stores Vancouver breweries limited ThU aertUement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control r Yaioard or by the Covomtnent of Urltisn Colusbtx. J Local and Personal D.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Pbouej Hayoers, Undertaker. 351. tf Pattullo's Committee Rooms EMPRESS THEATRE. If Cut I'lowcrs, I'ot Plants. Mrs, McCarthy, the Florist, Kmad Mock. If Mix. S. P. .Me.Mordl will not receive on Monday or again until October. For quality and preparation, get llunlci' Coal. Phono jrcen 6i2 or lllue 515. tf Moo.e WhUI lrive and lianre, Melropoh; Hall, Wednesday, June I, at 8 p.m. 131 Knights of I'ylhias nouiiua- Ifons and election of officers, Monday, Juno 2. Please attend. Anion llcuson, charged with intoxication, forfeited 125 hail when he fulled In appear In the eily police court this morning. We sell Laminated nalerials aNo Fir Veneer. Consult us he roic buying fiuislitnx for your house. Albert & MrCafTery, Ltd Alaska. If Mr. It. I. Tusie and family returned In Ilie city Oil lit Pi -iiieeoM Mary elerday afternoon after having spent several month visilinir in Ontario. Mr. ami Mr-. O-ear Smith and family relumed lo the city on the lnnre Mary yesterday after noon after having sjwnt two wci'kc holidaying in Victoria. . Ouring the summer month commencing tomorrow St. Paul' l.ulheruu Church Sunday School will meet at .t. in the morninK in el cad of 2.30 in the afternoon I'. mler"liil in nntiing in the Ter riic- district, arrived here from die youth on the steamer l'rin vrr-n Mary yesterday afternoon Jude MeAttlry of liawxm and Mrs. MeAuley were pasenger. bound north on the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon after ha viiij: penl Ihe winter in Kasl- ei n Canada. J. I'.. Merryfiehl. organizer for Hie CoiiM'nnlivp Parly in ltrilih Columlda. left on lal nighl's Icain Jor Terrnee. 'He will be back tomorrow 'and will procee lo Vancouver eallin? en route at Ocean Falls and other litter mediate points. Included In Ihe Princess Mary's paenger lil yelerday afler-nooit were ten members of Ihe lloynl tlaiiadiau Mounted Police hound to lake up duly in Ihe Yukon Territory. Ootstahtc I horulhlwaile, formerly of Prince Ituperl and latterly of Telkwa, was ainims Ihetii. C.P.It. steamer Princes Mary, northbound from Vancouver lo Alaska ports, was here from S. 15 lo t o'clock veslenlav nricrimoti. j Tin vessel had a full passenger list. MO having left Vancouver on her. Six debarked here and ;i.'i boarded Ihe vessel. Included in Ihe steamer's passenger lisl vvrc four passengers who made the Irip-round-lhe-woild on Ihe jFnipress of Canada and who are , now winding up their five ;iiinnlh's toitr with Ihe run lo ANNOUNCEMENTS The Dew-Drop lun Frolic. F.Iks' Home. June 1 1 HKUXKKJUUUUUUUUiKHXJUUUIH $otel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 2W ROOMS 100 Kits Prlvilt 8tht BUROPIiAN PLAN I WINNtr IMOMPtON, MAN'O. DIR. KKwnnntKnwMn?wmwrnti xz $)nncc &iorge ONE 50c BOX BROUGH I HEALTH Years o! Constipation Ended By "Fruit-a-tives" The Wonderful Fruit Medicine Anyone who suffers with mikf rabla health; who ii tortured with Headaches; anl who Issuable to get any real pleasure out of life; will be interested in 'this letter of Mrs. Martha de Wolfe of Kasl Ship Harbor, K.S. ' Mm. do Wolfs aayi, "For yean I was a dreadful sufferer from Contipa-tionand Headaches aud I was miier-able in etery way. Kothin; in the way of medicine teemed to help me. .Then I tried " Fruit-a tiTe"and the etrect waa splendid ; and after taking only one box, I was completely relieved and now feel like a new person". 60c. a box, 6 for I2.S0, trial size 25c. At dealers or from Kruit a tires Limited, Ottawa, Ont. Mi II. V., Arthur, who has been visiting in the city, is sail- in;; tomorrow night for the south euroute to her home in Scotland. C.P.It. steamer l'rinccss Heal rir, Capl. Thojuas ClilTc. arrived in port froiiiaiicouvcr at 7 o' clock this my'rnjng and returned couth at II. Mr. Howard' While and family are nailing tomorrow uigiii uy the Prince ior:e for Seallle where they will upend a couple of month holidaying. O. A. Me.Mcholl. C.X.IL peneral agent, ancouver, will arrive in the city tomorrow night with the Canadian Oaily Newnpaper' A ftocialion welern tour party. -v - - charge apalnt Jerry Murphy of aaulliug Kflher llylaud wai dimiel in the city police court thi morning. There wan in Millieienl evidence to establish the charge. A. i:. sirugncli of ihe cx.it lurchainir w'cnti olllce, Van eouvcr, who ha-hecn in I lie city for a few day on buine.!, re lumen to Vancouver on la nijlit'. train via Jasper. Prior lo the mine strike fir of April, we filled our bunkers with eual and "are prepared lo deliver any nuanlily of our famous Foothills Coal. CON Sl'MKUS COAL CO.. LTD. Phone Mr. and Mrs. (Seorge Scolt sailed today on Ihe Princess Healriee for the' south enroule In Olagow. Scotland, where they visit Iheir old home. They plan lo shH front (Juehec on Ihe Mont- la u Her .June I?. The Ketchikan power boat Prince of Wales arrived in norl this iiiorning'at lotd with a carload of mild cured salmon for transshipment 1u the United Stales over the Canadian National Itailway. The vessel returned north this aflertoiott. Charlie Wing, Chinese, was found wuilly by Magistrate Mc- Clymoul yesterday afternoon of supplying liquor lo Imliaus and was fined ?hi with the option oT sixty days' imprisonment. City Solicitor K. F. Jones iroseculed and S. W. Taylor appeared for the defence. F. It. Hunt and W. It. Waddell of the C.N. II. accounting dcparl- tnent, Mont mil. are in I lie eily in connection with dry dock business. They arrived last night by train, and expect lo spend a few days here. Mr. Hunl is well known in this eily having been local auditor for Ihe C.N.Ii. here and al Vancouver some years ago and later auditor for Ihe Prince Ituperl I try Dock Knglneeriug Co. when the !.(!. M.M. vessels were under const ruction. FIVE NURSES WILL GRADUATE IN 1924 AT LOCAL HOSPITAL Five trained nurses will be -graduated Mils year from, the Iramiiiw school of the Prince lluiieit (ieneral Hospital and ar-angentents are now being made to have Ihe exercises and other functions attendant upon Ihe graduation ceremonies lake place about (he middle of next week, The nurses cntnvrlslng the lt)2t graduation class., are Miss Klla Frank, Miss Yvonne Hoberge, Miss Florence Swansou, Miss '.lizahelh WelleV and Miss Oraco Hlooks. , . Church Notices Baptist Church 1 1) 1 0 Anniversary Service 192 1 II a.m. .Sunday School and hurch will worship together. Sinsfimr by S.S. scholars. No Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. .llev Uaisler, 1J.I)., subject: "Uy My Spirit; saith the Lord." A special program of gospel song, iuarieltet solos, etc. Lutheran Church St. Paul's Knglish Lutheran Church, Mefropole Hall, Third Wenue. llev. P. K. Uaisler, It. I). iiastor. Sunday services Morn ing worship at 1 1 o'clock. Ser molt Ionic, "The Christian a Wit ness-hearer." Sunday school will meet at U.S5 a.m. livening ser ice at 7.30. Sermon topic: Sowing and'reaping." Speaker: II. I.incy. Preabyterlan Church Morning worship at II o'clock, I'll: communion of the Lord s Mippcr. Sunday school at 12.J0 veiling service at 7.30. Subject: "llcligiou a National Asset.' readier: llev. II. It. Urant, U.U. BEER! BEER! BEER! How shall we vote on the com- i n v I leer I'lehisclle? near Hits Ionic discussed al the Methodist Church, Sunday night at 7.30. WIRELESS REPORT 8 .m. HULL HAIinOIL Foggy, calm, barometer 30,31; temperature, dense; l':3 p.m. spoke steamer Prince tieorge olf Sunny stand northbound; 2.30 a.m. poke steamer Camosuu, Shu- sharlie May northbound. DIliltY ISLAM. Cloudy; calm; barometer. 30. tO; temper alure. Hi sea smooth; fi -p.m. spoke tug Cape Scott abeam North Point southbound; H p.iii steamer OrilTco and low 50" miles front Vancouver south bound. Noon HULL IIAllHOIl. Overcast; lislil northwest wind; barometer 30.3r: temterature, GZ: sea smooth. OHiHY ISLANI. Clear, calm barometer. 30.15; temperature. 55; sea smooth. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnoo Rupert Jerry Pointer. Portland. Ore 2on; F. It. Hunt and W. I. Wad dell, Montreal; C. A. Proeunier, Sunnyshle. Central F.. A. Masel and F. J. Lancas ter. Vancouver; K. .1. I.elchford Telkwa; O. W. Jenkins, Smilli ers; p. Sheehati and A. Lindset eily; J. A. I.egree, Toronto. SALT LAKES SERVICE the Launch "23" will leave Swansoifs Float on Thursdays Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from I p.m. un til 0.30 p.m. and on other week days al " i and 0.15 p.m. I be last boat home each day- will leave I lie Salt Lakes lloat harp at 7 p.m. .-somtay ami Holiday picnic parties specially arranged fur: Launches, rowboals and canoe for sale and hire. Prince Ituperl Hoal house. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS The Canadian National Kail ways announce low Summer F.x cursiou fares lo Hasteni Canada and the United Slates. euctlvc May 22m. also to Jasper National Park, Fdmouton, Calgary, on sate May tr. Choice of routes slop overs. Make a trip around the famous Tri-Angle Tour In one direction through Vancouver, hull information. City Ticket or fire, 528. Third Ave, Prince Ilu peri, mono 260. if OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Hook now for Old Country, Passporls secured and tickets Is. sued via While Star, Cunard, Anchor-Donaldson lines. The Canadian National Hallways make direct and convenient connections wilh steamers of lhee lines, hull informalion at Cilv Ticket ofllce. 528 Third Avenue, prince Hupcrt. H.C. l'honc 800. Dr. Mtrtel's Fcaalt Pills Bar aaaiited naturt tbovMadt catwlMthatf naivrr. eorrvctlaa inn, tuiMinf ap n4 awl raiNrtrL Menstruation, nervousness. BACKACHE, IUZZ1NES3, tc iMdaiuroMdnm.8oldtta aMldHia. Cvr TIN BOX with ouriiriitt'ar Dninltta mrfMn.or biime bt hi ail viImib . to 00 KalckoUtkn Iwh C.. Tl I. hnl U. to Cab Ctxilar aaM m nmmt. 0GDENS CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN f ALWAYS THE SAME Vzlb.TIN VIUK Hi m ogden's WW LIVERPOOL For every occasion A BOXIOF Purdy's Candy The Autocrat ofijthe Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful llox. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. SPRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince Gtorge AVill sail from PRINCE RUPERT fur VANChllUPR. VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami intermediate points each Thursday and yitnda'y at 11. 0(1 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.ut. FOR STEWART Saturday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN Mr VANCOUVER via Queen Charlotte Islands, June 7. PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I.rat ITInrw ltu-rl s.Otl p.m. Tur fHIMCK UKOKUE. EP.MO.NTON, Wl.N-NII'EO, all pulDts Eastern Canada. I'mted states. AatNCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. OUT Ttekat OfMea, S2S Third A, Prlnct Rup.rl. Ph !80. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. Per Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, May 2, 13, 23 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, May 9, 19, 30 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swan son Bay, East Bella. Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailtnrs From Prince Rupri. r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Ocaaa Falla, an Swanios Bay, Tu.adsr. S PSJ VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AI.M Bay, an Swanaoa B, Saturday m'. Pf ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wal.a. laland. Sunday S PJS. Mr PORT SIMPSON and Nvaa Rlr Cann.rlaa, Friday A.M. Oil tixt ATtou. 4. aarntl.r, Ayanu Frlac. Rupan. S.C