r VT 41 TtZ. T I & n ru ro xu in Bki rt I is ar f rt r US IT" . ' t V v e -m r Sh M' n ft K r- i a a t c M k v a T) P ft M i m m .4 S ww f U"arK k P.HE TWO - THE DATJ.T NTTkV-s jlNQUIRY INTO The Daily News; CASEY CHARGES I'KINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMWA fcoiiliniifd from page H Published Every Afternoon, except Su inlay, -,the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenmi. II. F. PL'LLKN, .Managing Editor. ; Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION FUNERAL SERVICE FOR LATE CHARLES BLYTHE BEING HELD A funeral service for the late Charles Hlyllie,' Sr., is being held this afternoon al the JI.C. I'nder-takers Chapj-J, Rev. tr. II. It Grant ufliriatihg. A large number ' ;of iriond of deceased and hi family gathered In attend Ihe obsequies which commenced al '3 o'clock. W. Vaughan lavies 14 presiding at Ihe organ. 'J'lle remains of the late Mr. Mylhe will he shipjied on Ihe ; steamer . Prince Rupert tomorrow morning to Vancouver where 'iiilernienl will lake place. Accompanying Ihem will he Ihe widow ami da u a liter, Mrs. Mc-(lowan. as well as two sons, William and Charles Wythe. TJie family will locale in. Ihe south. i Mrs. Itlylhe taking up her residence with her daughters in Vancouver. Among I hose sending flowers vweVe the Presbyterian Ladies" Aid, Prince Rupert Ilasketball KA&oe&tinn, Rupert-IVafcrry, L.J. Marreiw-Mr. ami Mrs. O. V. i. iy. II. A. I.re.-n, Mr . Hi-lit iiinl family Sons of England. ,v. PYTHIAN SISTERS 98 80 Transient 1)1 piny Advertising. .. .$1.10 per lncK" per Insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page ....".$2.80 per inch lieul Headers, per insertion Classified Advertising, per insertion Lfcgal Notir.es, each insertion. Contract Rales on Application. threatened with a heating if he did not hurry, .vIcHi- wns-tiol efficient and did not know how In. handle men or to outline work. f Alderman Cney said he had been driven to make lite position he had by the workers. He wanted to inow if there was any rtiundatlon for the complaints. Witnesses J. II. Rogers wn the first. witness. He had gone lo work In 2.1r per line j ihe .ravengering department be- ...,2c per wonL lieving he w to gtd . a l&o per agate line day taking the place of a regu Thursday. Iee. II. I2t and Mrs. and the lar man who was iek. A oald man in the engineer's office had told him that wn Ihe rale of: wnges. He had been W out although he had been told bis work was satisfactory. Alderman Perry aid he had told Ihe engineer In get a liborer. le thought four dollars sttffl- . . . i . i eieni io pay International Dog-Sled Derby For February w hile I hey were wailing for Ihe oilier man lo ge back. II was jnl here Hint Ihe pa took place between Alderman , . . . i t it'll! - - rt. - tLttl UrrlttKj latter drew- attention In the fact' that Ihe chairman hail taken the Mrs. D. McCulloch Chosen to Mame to himeir ror Ue re!ue-Head Lodge For Forthcom- (Hon of wages on the scavenger Ing Term of Office : wagon. I Inquiry a Farce The local Pythian Sister..-, Alderman fiaev said If he had bulge has elee!e,l officer for th : knnn-n Ihe iniiuirv wn lo be forthcoming term as follows: I h(,e. up bv a legal 'man he Past Chief Mrs. H. M. Illake. ' Wn( have got a legal mun Mm- Most excellent ChiefMrs. I. McCulloch. Lxcellent . Senob-Mrs. Ivar-son. ; Excellent Junior Mrs. J. Rowatt. Mistress of Record and Correspondence Mrs. W. Ilns. ..Mistress of Finance Mrs. F.. J. Urge. Prole or--iiM rs. P J. Ryan. Outer Cnnnl Mrs. F. V. WescJi. Installing Officer Mfc. Geo. Leek. Grand I.o.g Representative Mrs. O. W. Johns lane. eif. We Ibniigfil it wa a farfe. Alderman Perry: "It w a farce from the beginning." Mutual recrimination fnjlmv-ed in which Mr. William charged that Alderman Casey did no! know what Ilrilih fair nlay rtas and litis wa follow! hy IHe healeil reJort: "Xeilher do you." '. , Tha wtlneis nameil Valpey wa difficult to understand. He I old of having applied at varim limes for work ami Ihe lat lime ws lTlil In "gel out of here." J. 'W. Jorgensen 'claimed' he had heen nnJu-Jly diseharge.i He had written a letter In the! Ji'atoi .Harnes Mr. andi Mr. and .Mrs. it. W Marlln council ii.t. ,11.. , mm- In a irulde to "The City of QueW one reads that among otber thins Quebec Ir celebrated for Its torse race, which for more than a century were organized and kept golns; by the wealthy officers of the Urltlsh crack regiments stationed there on farrleon duty, and that the organization of the Quebec Turf . Club-datta back to 1789. Horse rtcinic la still a nea-bnarattraction. to the Ancient. City. The meet , brlnga horses and racing enthmiaFts from practically all over the continent, and has done for years, but the natlre Quebecer Is Inclined to fnthuse more over the trotting racef that Uie lce when the snow Is packed band on the course.. Then there are horses he knows and really belong to him. Horses from "way back", perhaps. One has only to attend a trotting meet In Quebec te know jujt how much of the true sporting spirit is Inherent In the French-Canadian. It la not always the one who has placed most money that is the moxt vociferous as the trotting nags near the post. Racing 1 In their blood. They eze'tedly shout (heir favourites name, and wave their r.ntij for Its encouragement, and If It wins,-all right. If not, all right, It's a darn rood horse, anyway, It Is perhaps the enthusiasm for the race shown by the people of Quebec that la responsible for the ron-thmanc-e of U Eastern luternatlcuui Dog Sled Derby; In and around Ourbrc. Ton lrf t Trotrln on EihlM. tlon Crounda. RUM -Krl Br)da htuklM, olnnrri cllaat mr' Urby,nrarlnt Ihi pct, Lrfl A fair ikUliia fnlhu.U.I. Brlom The (.hatrau Frealenw dot tram with "MvuniW," famous 'KVib-onl liuakjr Inid.r Inset. held annually In, that city. The Derby la supported by winter ..sportsmen from all over the continent, and entries are made from all parts of the continent upon which snow falls to stay for the season; but without the support of the people of Quebec the event could not be the great success it is. On the three days ror which the Derby is scheduled, everyone who can declares a holiday and gets as close to the starters' stand as Is possible for the crowd, and Svben the dogs come ' panting borne, it Is not so much the visitor at the Chateau as It Is Jean Daptlste of Quebec wjio cheers them In. This season's Eastern International Dog.Sled Derby has been definitely scheduled to take place February 19, 20 and 21st As in former years the distance to be covered will be 120 miles, at the rate of 40 miles more or less each day. Earl Brydses, winner of last yearns Derby with the Ontario I'apr Company'a team, will defend his honors In tie fare of much competition. An American team won the gold trophy In 1922, aid It 1 expected that several teams will try to regain It for tne Ln.tea mates. rossibly fifteen or more teams will try to keep It from going across the border, In-I eluding one of five Alaskan huskies which Is being ' entered by two McOllI students. This is headed by '"Vth'Ja" which led three teams to victory" to thre rw'eepitakea to the Yukon district last y4ur. t I '.M.r": Ju,,r',' 3lr and ,r- ri j..! 11 jrffl on the Prince credited nr denied by the engin- . .Nickerson. F. O. Dawson, j Rupert yesterday afternoon re- r. I LliL Aid. and Mrs. Then llarl. turning lo ?lewar( after a fori- .Mayor Newton said he had) City Transfer. Albert & MrOaf-j nihl s trip south. jg.mc lo Ihe engineer and asked, thai JorgiMis..i ,c pivcii an op-portutiily mid tin was agreed lo. W'lial bad happened after that he aked. Must Hit The Ball Jorgenscn said he had been told he could go lo work on, con-! dilion llial he "hit the boll." In oilier word he wa eMcted tot work harder. He wa a married i man but he did nt return to' work on thuTe condition. I In answer to Alderman Casey! witness said he had never gone In sleep on Ihe Jd. He hail man-! aged to keep awake intst of the I fine. I "Mr Mae said he bail given mote' rhancfM to Jliis man than lo any oilier. 1 I T. Finniiian said he was re-1 mo ve front, rock work because Ihe was lol.l. he talkl loo miieh. He wti told lo.jret in n mhdhnle and Ihf looked In' him. ng good as being fired. He then nked for hi time. MeIIa,e had said he wa. daingi his wftrki jhllf right. He w.mleil lo know if they were lo be treated n convicts in prison. II. H. Morgan said he had been Mid by (lie foremnn Ihnl he, wa not using the shovel right. A slrnwbo named MrKenzie had jbeen told in stand over him and' which in work nun ee mat lie bandied Hie tools rfglil. Objects to Casey AvHihrane look exception In Afd.t-isey's remarks on n former occ'nrfoft-ahAtil floaler. He nld it wdlhA flotilnr who built Ihe railways. He came here In 19in! and iigain in I'Jl i and he had worked on Ihe tnr when married inen would not do it. Now the married men enrde Into town nf-ler making ''big wages all summer and aked that Ihe lngle men should null and let Ihem go, lo wnrk. If they bad depended on Ihe men who were hollering Ihelr heads off, Ihe streets here would still . be planked. He clairiied Ihril Casey was getting ntile and a squabble between them ensued. He said he bnd n'Nii'ii IJIIIll'r .IL-llllT llll iniir months and Ihe foreman had never said anything lo him. He bad worked for the clly for fifty cents nn hour when die other men were getting six blla outside John Jackson, a powderman; l 11 I.nllone, ,i featiMler; I'. W .nabanc a shotel mn; Thos. Wilson. Alfred Nelon, Alex. Mr-, Ki-iuie, straw loe; James Hi ibren. a truck drier. alt gae f idenee fHoralde to Ihe fore-m in. whom I hey said they had not lung again!. He did not interfere with a man a long as In did a good day's work. Foreman Questioned lack Mcllae then was ques-li-med by Alderman Casey and h (old in detail alnxil the. work. H- followed out the (wdicy laid down by the city. Married men Willi familie were bard lo gel ii 1 In summer. He often had to !h .e single t)i(n It wa difficult 1.1 iir-r.tk m mi"', pvifiec-illy when &JMtlaj. r . a -llMMBBl " 1. yotir service every day, AT Please your sweetheart, wife or guest. He who gives us will be blessed. : v. Dinner parties, cards or dancing With our aid become entrancing. Candy-lovers, heed our ditty In the country m tne c.v Anywhere, at any time, ' You'll discover we're sublime. Why You'll Like the "Home Made" liox If you'r looking for choculatr that tatUly com pletrly. both i to quality and .oMment. then you'rr Joint o b JcllghleJ wllh Nriltun't "llom Made" box. The box I plain; alt the value la In the contrnti. Coating o( flnet Neion cbifolatej centres uf smooth, fruit flaord cream, fruit r nut filled, delirious caramel, nougats, lame, crisps, brittle and fudges the kind ol centre you are sure fo like. Altogether, the bt all-round uoi of canditt at anywhere near the price. Tun Kind i ; itorttd and Hard Ctnlrti, One vne Price: rrue: Wc wc the tne lb, ip, w rPl Half Pounds 60? par pound -Pos;ds. ' Two Pounds UV IX We We will will make make your your parties parties fray, gay, J&4&iZlA U N.B. Nt-iUon't "Hume Made" liui Is When h-tnily t you want the )el lit candy. Home Made Chocolates Hoy did nol speak I ngli-li Mol I ppiMfC Al RFRT rivinLL HLDLnl ..r 1 in, moil uiin h.,i i..r u..irk. I ii. they viere marrie.1 it ml he' AGAIN LIBELLED nan no way 01 iinoing imii. .o i the 111 a tried uoa were given a li h Ike eitauieer bul lltey! ....1 .11 II. I. ..I I I A iid " ' """ bl the tU, inn,. always given work to men Sj yrnue Iinitiglil in him by Alderman, PWT-jn Caey. He told of having etU.j,, a man lo C.eorge Oa.ey Idling, , w p , ll I tw lalw u aal ml'm.I a likuw mu &e 1 "V 7 .Wl WSptMI.lt.. - 1 . A . 11 .. a .-ill lo gel a fair day' work for a fair day's pay. If Ihe men were loafing on Ihe job Hi lawer fw V ST lime Island. lHnri Albe rrel in roftiplaiiieil Mint be, (lie foreman, writ liv tln w;i not doing hi wrvU 1'' - daui.r. iii'ieil on page 5, c;( I 't ' ' .it. . H Deep-Seated Chost Troubles Yield to PEPS. vjtst nRONCHlTiS BRONCHITIS lavs lays hold hold of of the the . chest chest in in JB mj ' ,! y .t slow ;..:.i: insidious r .t...r. .1 way. Do not, therefore, neglect to take prompt measures tocounteract the tiint symptom of tins ravapinR ailment the first diflkultv in lueatliing, the orriiidnal made-up feeling in the ihmsit with Ms arruniulatff.ns of phlrcm. He warned bv that irritating cough and thoe frequently-returning colds. Get a box of IVps, ihe well-lnnwn .breathing retiMitly. Alter removing ihe silver wrapping place a Pe ublrt on ihe tongue and brtatht in the healing furnt as tin: tablet ids. .He. 1 Vim ate Minply invaluable for allaying that teavrg, tickling rntm.-i j tor softening and loosening the phlegm! and s-Mirhmg thu iiiitated and sniu-ndlanied hronchul lube.. K.ere i;.v as you b earhe tn the powerful gurui.. Ki d I i urs v h -h Me ernuted from (hese I'epi a bealniK mthier , .-xlended den. into the lungs w-lie;e li,iu,! rrti mixture -annot penetute The teicular tiie of Feps at beHHrn m enuie healthy slumber iimlisf'ii tl f1 Iwuts-ot couching. y day, tbc UM'tJ't" should be continued 011 the aMiraiu e 0." the throat, broncbt and lungs ate, all wM healed and tfensthrd by this "fd,t,'7I Feps ate guaranteed to be tbtoWl freefromopiLm,Uudanuiii,rilfl.woM'' and any haimful ingredients, of TheW. fashioned cough medicines. . p.I0RMNITIUS,.M.B4 t-H, ''! W v.ry lull cold. Kp iVr n'' nd ' rida iiniinphamlr clrr ul Uon , 1 ;,. Ilut,!i- fur louihur. nl "' "7,' brom:h,l tuh, V0''!1-inlm.iion. n.l go directly lo it" '' ' in'" Wkilat Siet arc ta eaa fJ2 tka t.iai.a Sal a ...ma a iraat tkal It ': faaas aaaalkl ta kat l r " - ana sal ri laa.f i an araa- i SB1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1BW KM W M SJalH mi T JmW UMT MW M iOSlIlM'r laaWI.Hi aWTl