ill in hi ' LINOSAY'S Cariage and Storage Phot ft. Hit??, 'nrflhoiHinRj, M)(l ')i-!riiii!lijt. TftBB 'W Mt'r Hervlp. , ' '..H' S:ui. Jind .rttwritH ' Wa focTallt In Piano Furntlunt Kov'nfl. l m 1 "-- Ki THB H COVER It Sei , as it Sweep) . to ll Ciean.-; i,,,,. C,iW We c n srjid ' acojnBiend i.i'w Tfuure :". .flu ' -!ire Ut'-i ii lh;..' ill'1 ' lover, ovfltav ii in:- (it de-1 1 .-ery. .ii Cnri-iina. A lit '!,., . TP ; sums hM1-"M ... 'tier .. " ty tieiW d $75.00 -'Kisj lit . :'aieEardafi!Co.' Sfc?!if;fcjr not GflJtt, o4r ts astir- "' At SM.00 par too. i i i- i very tugWOT farsra i iflvnf rU'sB ool nc tfl ii its uM (tn fr.ii M"l, :li..n.T .injniis n; ,s '1 Ui niflrclj Jj(ifSi 19 p , 3TER'.tC 8T0VI OOAL, iiriqiird la Sok. W" tn Afpnl for Mm KSUMO LADVSUtTH-WELUNOTOji t. -"a . - , ; . TELXtoA COALS. - : I llf.'U UjU Mfa 0(flx . ni 4 oisvsi. SHi ' ..AM. f'T ; j, .it.llni- ' lin-i 1 1! ill. ) : !Hi I !' . ! i l' ' S fill.' I'HI , I .' ... . ..1 ,, , 1. , t '.I '.' . ,Vi ,,....ll 1 ... 1,-11." rani 1 1' .1 t-. -.i.f.h itft ill ll" ' it. i '1 1 1 1,, 1 1. .1 11 I cimliiiiiiii.' ,s f . 1 . . 1 t "I BILLIARD HALL First Division Billiard League Ends First Half or Season's Sotted Uie with Standings Unohanged TIip I'rirMT Rupert Billiard ParlOf drfpalmt the '.rrl War V'lcrant' AsswialiMi ly an rk-iiifnalp sctirc of 113'.' I" 1071 in taV 'liTtflifs fTrst division billiard Itturaamenl and increaxtnl its ) ail In tf.c 1agSe standing al- lliouh botb ti-aius ilroppwl in ivefap. 'liar- Bimard Parlor won lliree ganip and T lie Umat Var Veterans, two. I I'iip individual scores werc as follows: C.l. 8. 1. Mr.Mor.lie (Great Velraiwi.2l; Unr Mr- HHMylt (BfWald JtmtrK Kr.-.l I'ylt-, 168; Fred .Stephen. 250. , - f Atex Volume, -212, A. A. Kattt 8(1. v k: - ... ;j game of the titM half of he -!'a,in,' schedule. 1'he second half Will fart in Jnuai7 In (he fifth yanie of the seeond livision lolirnamenl lielwen the ;ann4ikn fish & Cold Storage Co and rtb St. Andrew's Society. loe Hrwn (SI. Andrew's) iron over, John Rnlger (Gold torare) by 150 "lo lt'5 making (tie ait- jrate score for tae tournament :06 lo 6ZI in favor of St. An drew's. . League ialatjUfiir to date are an. jfoUows; fim Division P. H. B. P 4 .4742 V. V. A 4 45 (iriitto fc 4 I25S SaconrfW vision P. 'IK B. Jl.i'A 3841 V. V. A 3 iMS . Andrew's t '6il IU Slofaee 4 21 to 'nllies t 2? 38 HMT'YOtJTH AMERICA il HERE AND EVERYWHERE Sport Chat -a ii a I'liiTi' will likely lie no eliaifses in Hie second division Initial. I league slaiulinif ar a result of the tournament .scheduled for to-niRhl between the Ureal War Veteran.'' Association anil the Jrolto: The Vels, even if they niak a cUym sweep, cannot overtake the lltllianl Parlor in find plaee though they would he The Duriis Lake Skalin? and Hwkey Oluh ha been organized at liurii Lake. The inaiiirural ueetin? wax held last week and fllrrr wer eleJfrl1ii fiillow: I're-idaiiJ, .ly IttUdy VicerJ'shleill, A. B- KIoek. 8eriHary, Vln'rifon ?! wVxl. Treasurer. Hev. W. II. Ashford. J)irecWr, F. C U. Hampden. &jlrtbdf?deat of interest is worked up in the lfi;rh-treuk billiard ciulest in ororeHs I Ms fctwVi aTfne- Pffnee Ruiterf TTri- 1186 1161 1063 710 681 67.1 612 590 liard I'upUtr tins a turkey thai is being offered by Hen Self. There .s no pulraiiee fee and the prh will go In the pstrly who scrVs the highest run 4n general playing during the week. The competition dose Saturday nigll. Dr. Iludd held the high record up till Tuesday night when his ti was broken By CharMe llalaauo with 10. The line-upsv for tonight's second division billiard tournament between the (irollo and (real War Veteran .Association be as follows: W. J. Nelson (initio) v. S. L. Warrior (!reat War Veteran Association . . (i. Illytlie vs. Dr. J. A. West. .1. Heesley vs. C. J.. Ynuiiginan. .1. IliUinan vs. K. Fenelon. S. Suga vs. II. F. Wi-armoiith. SHIPPING BUSINESS TENDS TO IMPROVE THKIO, l)i e. 1 1. The I nyo LONDON. Dee. 10. A hint of Klsen Kaixli.i Will shortly coin-. Iieller things in slope fur (lie lilcl,;' a ivew . 18.tM0-4on steaiii-lsliljiping trade was given at Hie shi;, the Bokuyo Mani, for its lucent annual dinner of ihe ln-rie between liie Far Kast yidjfflule of Marine F.ngin-erH by Flie wraj Voast of South Anwlca, r I.rnesl (S lover, president in liy way rif, Haa Visio and Mexi-l'.23 of the Chainler of Shipping, ran ports. Tlie'iiew vessel Willi .There were indications. Hie rnulie Irep ftrst erasing iu Dec- speaker said, dial shiowners eiuher. 'were ncariuir the end ,if lh f r t . "I I ae mMemrtc. L'vut wis MACDONALD S MONTREAL FOOTBALL BILLIARDS HUNTING First Division within Iwo points qf the lop. The j." j.p.,, (1 ) (Si-otto, ty a elwui weep, would j,:; ,u; i'inr iiiiiii diub 10 me .-i. .n- drew's leant iir tniri,)plee. In either cae, the slainlin? would at leas I l.e lightened up A. A. l-'asson Col. Me.Mordie Sgt. JeloH ( V.) . . a. Mcllmoyle (II.P. W. J. Neloirij . H. Jelich ILI:) ;. K. Stephen- iJM.l'. Alex. Vnluntff (Y,; t. i. i inaer v.) 1). Mnrnan (ti. F. Pyle Y .. i. Hlylbe I. Hrown (.. (. Wmurtt ((L) llabe Fort in H.P.) F. Pieman ( ll.l'. . . D. Howe fll.P.i .... W. J. Nelson . . H. Fsaelon (V.) ... J. 1 leeley i(S.) .. . . t. Weir ((i. ...i,... A. ltonald lll.P.; .. J. Brown (.A.i .. F. Ahlridge (H.P.) . J. way (ii.ii.' . . . Dr. West 'V.) ....., L. Warrior V.; . J. Maclean m:. .... M. WjtfI.achant-.A. O. Itlylhe :.) .... J. Andrews (S.A.l '. . C. L. Voungmaa (V,) (!. Mallet (II.P.) .. M. Andrews (S.) . D. !r.ul HI.) O. P. Tinker (V.) .. J. Allan 'S.A.) S. Suita (G.) S. Macdonald iS... S. Darton (G.S. ... W. Murray (C.) W. Mitchell (lt.p.t . M.. Lamb 'C . . , . "t. Kelsey ((3.8. i .. f. McUan (C.) ... H. Parr G.S. .... J. Bulger C.S.).,. A. Hale (G.S. M. Stephens '(i.) . . I. McDotigall 'fi. . . W. Anderion (C ' . . W. Wiliiserofl O.i W. II. .Iiirman (;.'. Vslb.SO also in par a BILLIARD AVERAGES -- (tames. Ttl. Av. ,11.1'. i UHHj 250 i I0UO -UMl V 100(1 t t I t 'J t i 3 4 4 t Second Division 600 I Tin 361) Ibuj 4ft0 I50 188 150 I 136 ttf 488 US 572 113 423 141 267 134 385 133! 23 131 3 3tl 130 386 12V 386 128 380 137 503 126 iM 125 181 121 197 121 217 121 187 122 362 117 351 17 421 105 in I nr. I .iu H'J 89 82 243 fi'J 82 81 f.9 SILVER BLACK FOX FARMJWJICTORIA YfC.IOHIA. Ii,.,. . A silver black fox farm is lo be established right in ihe city by the 'losedaln Silver I Hack Fox Com-i-any and an acre of land for the purpose has ben eorcl on Ll 1ST. vtriil waleh, down town. Kind-1 er pleae return lo Mr. Jotrn Sahlau, WeHteru Hoouis. He-ward. 22 BOARD AND ROOM I!! 1 lU).ill sod Itoom at tne Inlainler 815 23H: 887 242 482 231 878 2rt 8H0 222 872 218 86ft 218 86ft 210 860 21ft ill 2o 817 20 t 788 187 located, one half block Iroin Post Ofllce, 8311 Second Aven. i'hono 137. tf TAXI Tail G7 Phone (Gail (ieorge. Paul or (lu' Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nl'.t Stand: .1033 BROS. POOL ROOM Mooker Dock, Acri'ss (roiu iiuipr so Hotel MEN'S WHIST 458 1 50 Loyal Orange Lodge Beat 480 160 Andrew's Last Nlaht by ISO 150 scoro 6 to 4 380 150i . Soi of Kngland .... 3 Oddfellows 3 K. Of G. .ite S . W. V. A. 3 K. of P 2 Moos 3 I.. I 1 3 5 4 1 1 5 6 St. The Loyal Orange Lodge and SI. Andrew's Society met in the Fraternal Wuial I ."ague las! ! night. Hie former winning hy 5 lo i!8 13Vj j, league alaiidiiig: 277 138 W. 553 138. .son of Canada .... 112 l7KJk- SI2 mist. Andrew's I 401 131 liiival I trails Lod 4 Pis. 6 6 5 t 3 3 a s 2 t ronighl's regularly scheduled leaatie games will be between Moose and kike; Knights of Columbus and Sons of Canada; Knights of Pythias and Sons of Rnalaiid. The postponed aame between lite Klks and Oddfellow will In- played nexl Wednesday it is ar.iioiir I MANY CLAIMS TO VALUABLE LEGACY Correct Use of Famous Title has Encouraged Pretenders About the year 1880 the pioneer prospectors of llritlsh I'oliimliia .Uncovered a reinarkuble coal.' After many Dials and let it was (sisilivety established thai this coal represented the acme o( economy, efficiency ami comfort. To this fuel Ihey gave (he new famous name of "Naiiaimn-W i l . 4.. ...j.- sluiop. I,al,l-up lonnage l.Iav IW Avenue. will be ""n. representing nil thai mtw.m. its shone Ho. said, was a great deal less i'lce where tonr- lluin at any lime during the last M wil,f1"' 'd'1" 'ini- Huns fehuatrinir boil -Is IJiare 18 months, and ,,,all 'heir homes. "we. we :ir are nn on Hie Ihe arvylliinvni ifo liettel' than nmd In eslabllshing eiuilibriuni .iMv no, else 'if '' belween (lie .iiiimnil nf limnuvii . (.. Scherk ;i reive, I nn Hie. was best in coal. No si Miner was It the public Insisted this Wonder Fuel coals were put on found that on gelling than other the market ; &m'1&'' re4l ' niy own available, and I lie amounl of ear- ''rioee lliiperl yesU-rday aflcr- '"W' very similar names 4'fcplt intr, ! . . ' cnes lo lie enrrieil. noon from Surf Inel So much o thai Die public were at n loss lo sny willed was the gen-tlne and which the imilalion. Of course it whs easy after a trial a single sack will prove it - -more lasting and more powerful lieal from a few shovelfuls. Imrdly any ash, no clinker or rock, nil these points stand mil when you make a practical test in furnace, fireplace, healer or cook-slovc. Tills famous Naiiaimo-Wellington coal is sold only by Albert k MrCafrnry lo whom all orders should be plumed direct. Prompt delivery service given by I heir own (cams and Irurks. Their phone numbers arc llil and 5(1',. tf Adverlisesin ttio Daily News. b-iililh :i.'l feet; heain 8 (eel; I foot draft. For further particular apply lo undersigned, iteakd tenders for purchase of this; 8oai fstll b feived until Daeembtr CtUi Inst. Normio A. Wall. OUtotal Ad-uiinislratnr. Prince Kupnrt, B.C. FOH S I,K. Faweell range. 35.00: Wheeler Wilson jewing machine II.Ufl; oak eheel drawers $18.08; baity buggr 120; heater, grass chairs, beds, etc. Apply 611 Hays Gov Circle. 281 KUH J4AI.K OR HKJTT. Mrs. Harry Lipsell's reMne8 498 Fourth Avtmue. Apply, Lip-- sett, Guiiningham, S-eoiid Ave. nd McUride. If AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult us when yon dire to sail or purchase fnrnltnre or an article. PHIMCB HUPKItT BX-CHAKOK. AueUonaers. FURNITURE. New ami Secondhand Furni ture Sior. We Ituy. Sell and F.x- ich".age New and Secondhand Oootl. Qk.O. PAPAUUPULI8, 889 Third Ave. Pbina M6. CHIROPRAOfOR R. E. EY0LFS0N Oraduale of the Vilmnal Oilleae of Chlioprarlic. Chlcngo, ' No. 1 Stephen's Block Hours. 10 to I?; 2 ft. 5: 7 to 8. Palurday afternoons and Sundays by appointment P'inne Illuu 86. Thursday, December tl THE DAI Y NEW 3 ni.uu'.'i 1 " 11 im-i-L.ucwg DRY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu B'rc'i Wood FOn .MALL ftgATHt, 4 BO Ir Sack v I v 7 a in m Mvdelransler I 11 f 139 Second Avftiiti. Phone S88. Ntgln r 0r. WE 8UY BOTTLES. 01. L ri S. T AIT tiCKTIST. Hslgaraon Block, PRINCE HUttUff, 0. OfflCs 'Hours. 9 t t. , fhOM M. Opon Cvantnas Only Pa ;eiaJ appointment. 3J r. ; Kegis Cafe rtn Itiwest's LeadJmj HsptauranL A Bakery tJosurpessod ss. C-C " V"T DOOR HE TAvuvca Ail CV IT tfV III. COULD "bTAMO HEeili 1 I If t'AJT Vc OOMT I HWCN'T trftFta -OR MOUK Csisb TfTLU I -'I -r I I U -V sT I A' T I V J I . IT, A Pl.CAstiUe To MCCT HN or touK Mie.uLccr OR THINK, wmkt IT HUM T BASEBALL BOXING WHIST SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CKNTS PEK WORD IN AUVANCK. No AtlvrrtlMmenl Tnkon for Less than B0c LOST FOR SALE WANTKB Lady's until bracelet FoH SAI.F, liashoai "Sadie: ;Hll I'luinlnnic nu Phone lilufl 518. WANTED, Male H. grapher for I'm salary 980 per in-: dhlate report ( Jtrady. High Si'li....i. Ins 'ion, Decembei j TO RENT FtR MKNT Three. U FOR RKiri'. Sk Maehiiie. PIioim I) If k ;.;- ft.. :j (.., housekacping niii r . eomplete. 21 ft s j i'.'J: H HSIHHKI) 081.. a ) C . room lo real. Af.) c it 588. . , KttM RENT. Fiirm-ii. ! U keeping ault, tin - v Kasl. Plwma Hlu- r.n YUH RKjrr-Mo.le.1, i, . ...r rooms and bath. i . r M Bros. TO RlWlV-Hiree and room. Fri : Wesm bawlod. D. X (o. TWO Roomed fun- -for rent. Pliom- II i iir : as i .1 NOTICE Advertisers are remLid ml that copy for ad'fr lisements should be (n th 4 Daily News ofllce bt;re ( p.m. tinlay to ensure in- sertiun In lomnrrow i U- sue. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Chop dUcrlminately, obtaining the highest values, yet caplug unwarranted prices. Carry this list to Ihe Government Liquor Stores and accept no substitutes. BOOTH'S LONDON DRY CIN8-- House ni .unl. 20 2-:i ne. Hollies. a.7D. High iinil Dry. 2i oz. Hollies, U..0. BLANKENHEYM A NO LETS KEY BRAND HOLLAND GINS lied giinrls. 1.2."; Ilreen lleptitrd V fj.oll; Violel III .1. Ibdlle, $.:i.i. DENIS MOUNIC GOLD LEAF COGNAC, 12 Years Old Muni!-. :.7."i: I'niN. S2.n. ESCHENAUER CLARETS AND SAUTERNS SI. .lull. 111, Medoi and Clarets. (Juarts Pints. IT..-. limit Kaiileriieo. Ouarl. l..'t:i; I'lllU, 70r. (haves Hiipcrieur, (Jiiarl, S.'r. GONZALEZ BYASS SHERRY AND PORTS I'lim (llil, l. (to; l.igh) (i,,,en, !?l.nil. Ilml Label. l.!Ml; ltlue Label, $.l)lt. One Kagle Purl. xl.Mi; Three Hajfle I'url, 'M. IIEEniNQ'S CHERRY BRANDY j 1.75 per hotlli'. LEfylON HART RUM It. IV. 1 1 ;m .1.. 111:. 11. 1 '!! Mil llui. I illllirt. . 1 0(i I Imperial fjHarU, stl.OO. Deiiieiarii, O.I., II) ,x. Ilollle, $S.50; Hepiil''l Onarls. L0ti; Imperial (.liiarls, JfO.ttlt. Di'inciuia. Proul. lo oz. Mottle, !f'.illl; Heptill fll.flt); Imperial Ouiuls, jji . nil. NUYENS LIQUEURS Ciinn no Hmige, 1 . 7 r per Ilollle. Crcme ie Menthe, $i.(MI per llnUlc. rVIITCHELL'S HEATHERDEW SCOTCH WHISKEY - Hepiited yiiaiU. :i.7o; Iniperinl (Juarls, 5.00. MITCHELL'S FINE OLD IRISH WHISKEY Hi piilcd Oiinrls. iK'i.00; Inicrial Qiiarts, ifd.00. This Hilverlisemetil. is mil puMislicil or ilispluyed l l1' hiijuor Control Himnl or liv Hie (Soveriiment of Urili"' Cnluniliia. tf 4