Thursday, 1 Member It. 102 i- (term-Grip rrhvr V. t YOU. -trrstj-r - . VlttOHlA. I.. II II..- lax nn linmir liikt'ii liV III' I rdTnl A TIMELY REMINDER i t o. u m sa nun wuitpviiv w i- Nature's complete food in its most tempting form. Dr. Martd'i Female Pills wtrf. MrmMf cu. p 4 VOUSNES. HACK Ai HE. MiaiNRBS.ete Crf TIN UOX with our fMtur. Irur(l. Tit mi, Cm. Ontlu mtiti m ihh TAX ON LIOUOR "-"tjsksl -r GIVE FURNITURE THIS CHRISTMAS Barries HomeFurnishims PHONE 123 J&.ir Sum iUmi. V -.j SHARKS TEETH STAND RAYAGES OF CENTURIES MINIMIS'. Dc. II. Shark's i.'H h and foll, believed to Ioiir to a Hril of Ml lil in,-,(MM years ago, have been found . ..... . .ii . t; 1..: ill a I, ion iihu wen hi nrniinu Water, near WimUtir. The discovery bears out the uppnition that at one time the llritish Is- r.overtiiiM-iii aiumu'iiml yiarlles wer" Ihundatisl ami that they Irt IS.ySS.lMMl. I'm- I'vrrv five dol-! wi-ie fonneil by the ebanvinx of lar sr.eiit m Mn .v,uv.- fi.r'itie nulf Stream. a holllr of Imi...i ri .r.H, ,iv, r'.se in the Haily News 1 1 ng-T 3RD AVE. AND 1ST ST. SUM OF $100 IS REALIZED IN AID CHRISTMAS TREE FUND Soiiii'IIiiiik in I In- neitililmrbood :f 01 (ill which will If lined lo-w.trds stuiriui: a ('.hrisliiias Tree i i lerlainment for children on liivniilii'r it was reiilii-il hy the 'Moose Lodge Hi n successful whin) drive and daiH-e which was held lal evening in the Metro-pole Half. Titer' were two liiin-drel nermi jiresi-nt ftinf, iween the playing of rar1s and 'ilaiinnjr, refresliim'tils were nerv, rd. The prlw- winners at vvlilsl vi-ie: ladies' first, Mrs. O. Sleg. liiMg: ladies iroiixolaliou, .Mrs Sam Ilaiidenocliild: mens first .1. MorrNon; inen'-t coii-.nlalion P. Wold. Muic for the dance was fur-niheil by the Vethbline Or- rhestrn and .ln Sla?Rard was innler of ceremonies. II. .1 llacon wns chairman of the gen eral conmiillee which comprised aNo (iillt Moyer. Percy Cameron, N. Mnssallcm, Halph Kiefhaher, M. I.. Stepp, Kinar Iwtrsen and A. (Ihnesarir. The ladies' commit tee enniled of Men J. Field, Mrs ( Kdward-i and Mrs. Kd Medium Titn daily ntavs pa.-.f. rnnRR- Local and Personal Ilayners, Undertakers, Phone 351 U.C. Undertakers. Phone 4i. ".SUPRF.Mir Coffee. "Has 'em all beat." Save the coupon. (( You'll like our coal I Coal (Jo. Phone 7. If SI. Andrew's SoejMy rnontlily meeting on I riday, December 1 at H j.nir" .1. A. i.urlis j galling tomor row morning on the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver. W ft t .j Mrs. .i, ai. Morrison leri on last nlghl's train boiiml for I'ic-lou, .')v.1 Scotia, oii u holiday visit. AM. r rank Clapp returned to Hie city yesterday afternoon after a weeks, hiKiness rii to Vic tnria. Mr. ami Mrs. Milton Oonzaies returned home, yesterday after noon after spending a couple of weeks in Vancotiver and Victoria. Onee more we ran supply the famous I'M son roal in any quan tities. Phone 58. Prince Rimerl Feed Co. tf W. F. Trant, post office in spector, arrived from Vancouver on I lie Prince Itupert yesterday afternoon. Karly next week we can Telkwacokinjr steam coal quanlilyc Philpolt, Kvitl Ltd., Phone C 1M. supply-in any A (Vi., 291 Miss S. Nickersnn and Miss C. S'ickerson, who bare been oh a holiday trip south, returned home on the Prince Huperl yesterday afternoon. W. Watt Tit Ibe staff of F. K. Hunt, l.fd., returned yesterday from a lengthy visit with his relatives ai-Kelso. Washington. Friday and Saturday only, the Ciirtin Music Co. will sell the latest bits in popular music at for fl.OO. t 592 J. II, Pillshury, putiager of the dry dock, is expected back by the Canlena on Sunday from a business trip to Vancouver. Capl. Harry Selig, who' went to Seattle to obtain ear treatment at the bands of a sneclal- 11, returned In (he city on the Prince Hupert yesterday after noon. $150.00 in prizes. Otiess how long the candle will burn. Con test closes llecember 20 when candle will he lit. Deposit your coupons now.. Elks' Christmas L.iirer. if I am asked to vacate Immedl lately to make way for new de velopmente on the waterfront. Selling out complete etockj dimension and double drtiuit lumber, doors, windows, mould lings, glass, shingles, veneers, ete. snookieys Planing Mills, Cow B tf At the Rotary luncheon litis afternoon the program consisted of a series- of stories told hv members, Including Thomas Mc- Clymont, W. V.. Williams. C.enrce Rorie and Consiil Wakefield. There was also a much npprc ciateit Instrumental duel by Miss m. i.yr. piano, and Art K.issm saxapnone. for I equal BAD BLOOD IS THE CAUSE OF PIMPLES AND BOILS Wlml yon need hen ITM bkxvl rM out of order l t tixxl lonlP In ton ami Imlld up lh ytin and nul the hl.iort lni prop-r f Iwpe. this prfpiwe lfre li hothln to BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mr. t. A. ti'ltiert, AlUft. sas wrll! 'Tor irvral jars I u troubled I With boll and Mhmirs. I trIM manvl trratmenli .but roiild ri nn ffsiilt. I then took Burdork (Unnd Siller ahd beeanie free f my trouble, h is the only medicine I ever took thai did me any rood." B.B.B, has been on the market for the IpaM 4t yeari put up only by To T Mllburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. For your Christmas gifts iee our window. Mrs. J. Field, Second Ave. tf Miss Nora Kenny and Miss Jean Stalker sailed on the Prince Hupert last night for Anyox wbcri they will spend a week. Mr. and Mr. M. V. Nickersnn are sailing tomorrow morning on the steamer' Prince Huperl for Vancouver on a brief holiday trip. It. F. McNaugbton, C.N.R. dis trict passenger agenl, sailed last night on the steamer Prince Huperl for Stewart pn company business. The notary Club of Bristol. I'.ngland, ban written the Prince Huperl llotary Club asking for the names of all those members who have relatives in llrislol. The hamei will be forwarded. 11. T. Willett returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yes lerday after a holiday trip to Faslern Canada ami the south. Mrs. Willett is remaining for a while in the south. Mr. and Mrs (Scorge Woodland returned on the Prince Hupert yesterday afternoon from a trip soul It. They were accompanied ionic hy their neice who will viil with Ihem. Last night there was another gusty tdow which tested roofs ind windows. So far as cotibl Im ascertained this morning I lore was little if any damage liigby Island reports the velocity as having been 50 miles pr hour around C o'clock. the Rotary Club at its lunch eon tins ailernoon receiver! a notification that llotary fiovcr- nor Frank Higgs would be visiting Prince Huperl early in the Sew lear when he goes to Ket chikan to present Ibe charier to a Itolary Club whiclr is being organized in that city. The general public and en gineers in particular are invite! to the Savoy Hotel tonight at 8 o'clock prompt to hear an ad- hy .vi r. Howler, the in ventor of the It.C. Valve. Mr. Howler is a manufacturer ahd lesiftner of valves of thirty-six years experience. Cieo. Ross, owner of the 67 taxi business who returned from a business trip to Vancouver cm lie steamer Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon, brought back with him a new 1025 model. seven passenger Mig Six SI tide-baker car. ORANGE LADIES ELECT OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR The Ladies' Orange Ilenevnlent Association at a recent meeting elected oflieers as follows: Worshipful Mistress, Mrs. N McRnbbie. Deputy Mistress, Mrs. S. V. Cot Chaplain, Mrs. W. Denning. Recording secretary, Mrs. F.. Harber. . ' - Financial secrelary, Mrs. J. Boulter. ' Treasurer, Mrs. U. E. Tcng. First Lecturer, Mrs. J. Morin. Second Lecturer, Mrs. M. Leek. Director of Ceremonies, Mrs. M. Munro. Inner guard. Miss L. Boulter. Outer guard, J. Munro. ENQAQEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Ozhtirn, IG0 Broailway East, Vancouver, announce the engagement of' (heir second daughter. Olive Ed- dnra (Dora)( to Alfred Donald p Plan) of Prince Rupert. The wed- y ding will take place in Mntknllg I Pleasant Methodist Church on'g Sew tear s Eve at 8 p.m. Mr. g Plant is one of the proprietors of the. Electric Window Eateries 1 in this city. ia HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. alid Mrs Kdward l.ipsetl .... 1 1 . -ii iiiui -irs. narry i.ipseti, cuy; J.,is S. Council, Stuart Cameron, V.'( S. Richardson and A. Ferguson, n A CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY MAH-JONGG A most popular game. One thai is being played by Imlh young and old. Kasy to leant arid very fascinating. A beautiful five drawer cabinet with handles and corners of metal, contains the "hand-carved" bamboo tiles, ivory topped, also the solid ivory winds, counlers and dice. This beautiful set complete with book of instructions for . . . . $16.00 We can also supply you with racks for holding tiles when playing the game for $2.50 BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED This ad. written by Mrs. IF. S. barker. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK - i Vancouver; Sam Senior. Surf In-' MaBkmBKBmmiBraiMm lei; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAfee, fieorgelnwh. sk X, ANNOUNCEMENTS ICEMENTS Methodist Church Bazaar, Deo- ember i t. tf AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Tori Floating Dry Dock Enfllnoert, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDtNQ. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F "The Family Shoe Store" "MEN SO pairs High Grade Shoes. Broken Lines of "INVICTUS" LECKIE, TETRAULT and ROYAL. Values to $11.00. SPECIAL $6.85 LADIES SO Pairs Ladies' ONYX Pumps, Strap Pumps and Oxfords. Value to $10.50. SPECIAL $7.85 Phone 357. scBXByvsi'iaisisBrji i YOUR CHRISTMAS Am IS FULL OF PROBLEMS What to give, where to buy, and how to make your allowance cover your list. Step In today or phone for a copy of GIFTS- This beautifully Illustrated book, filled with welcome suggestions, will solve every perplexing problerri arid point the way to satisfaction with economy. "IT'S FREE You'll be glad to have IU" II ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Ave. & Sixth St. Phones 82 and 200 mm vW.MMfcSBV uSsE. I.TAQa.k I. l&m CATARRH . el the BLADDER Each Caotuli tMita Dimt KJBMK'BUfBllfl I C. S'. R. steamer Prince John, from Vancouver via Ihe Queen Charlolle Islands, is not expected In port before Saturday or Sunday The vessel did not get away from Vancouver until Mon-'day- two days late. 11 j'l Mi