Tlitirfoy- fwcnhpr II. 10! I. g prillffll I.'IIUIIIUI.. . FOR THE man-silk SHIRTS PYJAMAS TIES IN LARGE VARIETY SUSPENDER SETS SILK MUFFLERS FANCY HOSE INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS CUFF LINKS SWEATERS COLLAR CASES ARMBANDS CLUB BAGS SUIT CASES FOR GRANDMA WOOL HUG-ME-TIGHTS BEDROOM SLIPPERS KIMONAS LARGE WOOL SCARFS FANCY APRONS WOOLLEN GLOYES 3 C-rnr rf 4h S'reet and 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. 1 1 a vk n mi- I KUL w x 7" BEA laljr ufufl ! 10 'i-ui i.iinii, h n nin in jurii, il,; II., 1 1 1.' TWO FISHERMEN AND OWNER OF Bl-PRODUCTS PLANT SPEAKERS AT ANNUAL FISH DAY BANQUET rnnllnup.l from papp oiip) .wi'ri- palb'd Inlit rnnsultation by 'iikHi Canadian and Aiuprican I aulhnrillps whpnPvrr imrWtnnt !inalpr alfpplinp Hip flshpfb's vpi beinjr ili'all with. TIip As-xnrialinn r"i vril markrd ron-Kiilornliitii and rpsppct from lhP nllh-ial of Itotli pnvprnmcnts. Tlii' Union had horn inslru-iiipiiIiiI in obtaining IIipiukIi Fred iSlnrk, thr lornl mpmher of par-luimcnl nn, 1 1m iloparlmont of iniirim antt fishprips, an order-In-roiiiiril passpil making il lupppssary llinl no pull rish rnuhl Slip markPlPil rxrppl wilh thP Hnovp(ltrP nnd rnnsPiil of thr ifisliprnirn owning II. TIip Union im.i rimiplpil dial Hip 2p duly on Canadian halibut and Hip l '.iniv nn Ampriran hn rrinovoil or rciiiPiliPil n flint fifth of both f mnricnn nnd Cnnnrl an fishPr n..iil.l ln cnlil nn nn onunl . Iill il ri'iiin c.'t'. '. i" 11. " lL tnion advocated, hart been FOR THE BOY GOLF HOSE BELTS SWEATERS GLOYES, "GAUNTLET" CAPS HANDKERCHIEFS SHIRTS U'raiilPd ami ollipr miillpr! for( ln lioiipfil of Hip indiilry had j lionri inniiiilnrd. i g - nin proii'l,' punriii'ii'ii .ir. IMpadlipr "lii rpnii'Piil H'C nifn of iIip tnion in Prinrp HutI and will cnnlinup In fight fr HiiMf f.inP. ThPfp 1 nnollHT piindidatp llii! ypar fur IIip pmi- tinn I fill In Hip ( limn aim, u I am itefpaJpd, I pan "il lm"' . . i .. ...hi .i . i.i. I hill Illy Mirrfnr ni m in-' duty nk I havp Iripd In do." James Coombs Tin iinii'iial cx-piirrpiipp wliprp llip fjliPrniPii IIiphispUp wpi-p Hip. yu.'st of Hip fi'li Iiaildlilip ililPTP"!. Jaiiif ('onmlis slated, wa fully amupoialpd ly Hip inipmlM-r of Ihn ljnlon. Il, was, J jl 'wyfc; ..A?'rljrt'' man nrta mapr tarn iirotipm lokptlipr to ronvprsp and tie lliniijiht U could do nn harm. Up linppit that Mich affairs in Hip fulurp would takp dac inoro frpiiurntly than in IIip past. Siiipp Iip hail pauifiii liir iii'm halihiil for Hip New I'.nsland l Uli C.n. in mill). Mr. CoomtiK said Iip hail followj'd Hip husiiipss al- ninl cunt intiolisly and, aflpr many np and downs- nunlly lowus was sllll "iiiimip I hp hiph .li"ts." Al Hip limp Hip "Onward Oh" was lol wilh all hamU on tioard. hn was a fish erman on IIip .lamps CarnilliPrs which went Ihroush HiP samp storm. The Carriilher painp I tin samp falp as IIip On ward Ho. When Hip ship went no lis sliln and il looked like ail was over, oiip man said to him "flood Hyp, .llm." Hp had renlieil Hint Ihev would f!C Ilirmiirli nil rlelil hnl lliiil after- Ward it would 1 him for Hip IrcncliPs. To I hp trptirhes hp w pnt. 'I'ho flrsl Miere he iiiekeil tin ..... ..... - -. -- --- - -1 n Vanoouvpr pappr IpIIIiir about a Iuhp cod caught by Oapt. Chris .InhiiKon on Hip llorpalis. Hp was never so fish hungry in his life and decided that as soon as "this business was over it would bp me for IIip fishing and here I am." Mr. Coombs rpiuarkpd incidentally on the expansion of the THF, DAILY KRWS PAGE SEVE FOR THE GIRL WOOLLEN GLOYES DRESS SPRAYS BEADED BAGS BRACELETS RIBBON NOVELTIES NEEDLE CASES CREPE-DE-CHINE HANDKERCHIEFS SILK VANITY BAG WITH PUFF 1,000 BOXES JAP ORANGES SPECIAL 65 BOX Thli offer I contingent upon the purchase of goods In any part or this store to the value of $2.00, and will be withdrawn within a few days as Jap Orange stocks are snort. We limit each customer to 2 Boxes. Jap Orange Shipment for this special will arrive C.P.R. boat 8aturday. All orders taken up to noon Saturday will be delivered on Saturday. FOR THE BABY WOOLLEN BOOTEES SHAWLS EJW JACKETS ' BONNETS AND TOQUES RIBBON SETS CELLULOID NOVELTIES MLK SIIK UKtbb" DRFSSFS BUGGY ROBES WOOL DOLLS UNIVERSAL TRADING 0 Atfk. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAV B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle Nov. 7, 21 Dec. 6, 18 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway Nov. 3, 17J Dec 1, 15, 29 St. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For lutedale, 8wanon Bay, Eait Bella Bella, Ocea.i Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-Oliver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Age.icy for all Steamihlp Llr.r Full information from r mtnuAnn n.ntril Anant fishing industry on IIip Pacific j fishprmen. Whilp you ppoplpj t:oat from Hip limp Hie Nw,slay safp ashore on yoyr pilps, I'.nglanil Co., operated Hip oiiP aiid ooiipipIp rnundrtlion, you( and only boat unlil IIip prpsent uiish! sonielimps rpnipinlipr thatj day. "It is wonderful whprp Hip wp havp only a small boat uiidpri fish sop. and Hip money poiiips lis and. snnieliuiPS wp don't from," Iip said. Not all Flowery . "Day dav". tsaid. Mr. Coobs. "wp rpad almut IIip" great trips and Hip money made by Hip filipnnpn. llnwepr, oiip might rpiiiPinbpr that il - is only IIip big trip that are lalkpl aboul-not Hip many limes that a, man pops oul and does ' not make a single ppiiI. I wanl. Ii IpII you Ibis fishing industry, as far as IIip fishpruiPn is coiipprnpl, is not as flowpry a II. is rrnekpd up In Iip. This ypar it is IrupL snnip men n.iay Iuvp uide but I think I am safe in sayinx Dial IIip avpragp has not been nvrr ?2.nnu at IIip nhtpiilp. When you lakp inlo considpralinn Ihp money investineiil Hint is re'inir ed, it is unite a gamhlp. "In no' pxpprlpncp, I havp fsh Pd from Vancouver Island In t'.app Noiiip nnd I IuiVp niPt many a slid brpp7.p wliich I nmrp Ihan oiipp llioiitfht would bp my last. II is a bard, routtfi life but il i roiiusi ami lipailhy ami l am slud Ift throw' my 'lot with the WA1CR NO.IC (Dlxrilon tntf Um) TSK NOTICE tint mlrw 8tit Alfiil lor Umln.rr OnlJ ilino Ltd.. Ini-.. 1h i.1i1rr. I its. no llrnadwav. .N York. .N.Y., will apply for llrrnre to tikr mil um su nitm- Irt ptt m.l ol lrr mii llii Winn nivor. whirl) tlo Wvulrrl and drain Into Taliii Ann alMiiu two and a half mllr oiilh of Knamm Minr. Ihn watrr will t tlivrrtrd from lln Mm in at a nolnl alniui nn mils un irrain from Taku Arm. and will Iip nwil fr pnw-rr ptirpoje upon ihf "Knrinwr MI'wi," dfsrrllx'd a Elerrft Crown-grannsl Mlivral Claim, urvryi'd as inn ynt. is ja ii. A A..v ana Ala AAV. ttiia. avil, I, in, .,', WV, VIC, 1 , , 171. and l SA4 Orotih I. Caslar liUlrlrl. Till lKillr was postrij oir ih around on ih ?llh day of Junr, ll. A ropy of ilil notlrK and an application purtuanl Ihrrrto and to lh "Watw Arl. I4." win tie rild in ttm nrrirr or th vler llrordr at Allln. B.C. iWfsllon! to thf ppltrailon iniv I filed, with th nald Vatr rteordr or, with lh Comptrollrr of Watrr Illa-htS. Parliamrut Hnlldlnir. Vlrtnrla. B.C., within thirty davs artrr tlv first apparaiM' of Ihli, iMiilrt In a Inral nrwspaprr, tiip date r um nrl puh ligation of lhl notlre Ortnhrr jnth II4. romiNFm norn vixf.s. ViviTEn. nc Andtrtnt. By AcdrcW Scalld, ial oiiip hark." ' George Bushby Tiporgp fl. Ilushby. in bis ehar- aclprislic brppy and oplimislie inannpr, said Iip had. been inler-psled in halibut fishing sinrp il wns slartiil on Hip Parific roast aii.l'bp had a greal and deep admiral ion for IIip fishprmpn. They wpi-p not only fisliprnipn but sPaniPii, riggers and earppntprs. Al first il bad bepn coiisideiPd n lerrihlp dlslaiipp to go from VnnPtMiVPr to lippatp Straits. .Vow Hip fisliprnipn wpre going to Vin ,a)i thf Arplie clrclp, Ashnrp'lhtl)' wVip nuipl and mallpr-of-faPt indiviilual. One bad In go to sea with them to find' oul what lliey really wpnt through. "Why. Iheir pperi- piipp.s would makp your vpry hair stand on end and. if any of us wpnt Ihrou'gri HiPin. HipVp would bp pnunlless pulumns about it eonlinupd on page 8. ml. 5 What About Giving a Sort Warm WOOLLY CARDIGAN For a CHRISTMAS GIFT? Wp haP madp a sppcinl re-duct inn on, all our Wool Cardigans for Chri,slinas tradp. rrnd $2.00 Wool HosiPry for t.50. DEMERS' "The House of Quality." FOR' WIVES AND SWEETHEARTS DAINTY SILK UNDERWEAR BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS 3 UMBRELLAS IN LARGE YARIETY KID OR SILK GLOYES TEA APRONS BOUDOIR CAPS FANCY TOWELS IN BOXES HAND MADE LACE D'OLYS EMB. PILLOW SLIPS RUNNERS AND SCARFS . FANCY GARTERS SWEATERS l; - . HANDBAGS ' BEADED AND SILK WAISTS U fr i Y IY APPOINTMENT VAV HIS MAJESTY ft X PURVEYORS TO A KING GEORGE V, Ui I x7 -' K 64 Whisky may be old yet not matured. To be matured it must have been aged in cask. (gjADIAN JB, 7imiao WHISKY are thoroughly matured in Oak Casks stored in rack warehouses. Observe the guarantee of age on the Government Stamp over the capsule of every bottle. , DISTILLED AND tOTTLED BY Hiram Walker& sons. Limited WAUERVIUE - ONTARIO Momrtl, Q. DWiWeri of Fine It'Aiaies tint ISSS London, Ent- NwYofa.U.VA. This advrrtlsfmrnt I not puLlishrd or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government oi Britinh ColumbU. w.j This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Cio'vertiinent of British Columbia. Advertise in "The Daily News" THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS