25 TAXI nil Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. laHaTBeVflBleflHBBaMttBBMHHIIBflffVH oi, xiv xo. "J " , VANC01M THIRD PARTY IN U.S. Out of Leaders Says Will Act as li :il Independent Force In Con-Junction With Other Groups v S;tlNi, HN Dec II. The J llinl purl) movement m- I Miked of su much' ' ' M presidential ram-j im'I come to u heml ' i In tart, II may not a' nil. i li i- iM-en made ilaill l'.vi "-vv Willi Heureeiilalie, , . mil' I iniuvir'.t ...... ,M. Nfl-i.ll Iff l-Cllllsllt.j i . - utiliiaiKit. Mr. Neln "ays. CHRISTMAS CHEER a : I use lu influence lo J lie nnlciendeiil iirguiu-U I VMi ItUlIt Ui III the 'i't an. I Mraduully to en-u :i i (eel it. He thinks i'--ie iiiiiveiiietil ran le t'lTcllue lor the present hy ; us an indeiemleiit force. r'il join with either ia' no's up good men and -Uiun il rim hy launch- Inrd I'urly. 'inn when the iudepeml ' iiHKii-sBivtv have had tij'porl unity lo increapc Nf-i'iilh in I ami ji less and lo an orgaiiiialiiin. the party movement ran tie lauiii-hed, u Mr. .Nelson "(le'liri the Nelson plan will iitiimrfi'il hy the hulk of Hie '"'") Hint nle. for l.a l ol-" emains lo he seen hut il is ""iialilc ,1 will I.e. It is siip-i'ih,., I,,.,.,, a, yir Nrlson's "'xv 's similar lo the view nf "r I. a l ulletle, as Ihey aro ''"" friends itixl i'tilitieal co-'"kers M Nelson sees a alroiiK i'-ui'iiin f,, ii tegular repuhlN f"is and Uooliilije, despite their '"'"i-y Noemher t. tinier his I'lan the priiri'ssiNes would fU't '"ly fnrn In, id llh! m the 1 "iiyiessloniil eaiii)iitiKn. GATHERS MUCH TOBACCO MANILA, her. II. The areal- fl Inhuncu crop produced in the "7 ""-yeara in Ihc l'liilippiues "HI be liarvcMril in the UaKityan M"J l'ainpaiiKii valleys of iiorlh- ' i.uion (his year, accordinn; l ""y.'Pi's lo ho i,un.nu ,,f ntrrl nure. M0Hl (lf (l0 lobacco """li icachnf. Ih,. LTnlleil Slulen Manila ciKurs .is jtrown in the iynn vi,n,.v and Olof Hanson are the prmci-pnl ami J. S. (ioitnell, I. Id. of Yanromer, jrenentl wnilmislor Jasfier S. Connrll, head of the latter coiteern, nrnuil in the rily from the sotilli yeslenlay aflemtxin arctunpanieij hy hi asMtciale, Sluart Ctimertm. S. S. MHioflln. ho litiill the ocean dN-k. i ciierled in the city from the Kal shortly and it is ueuer-nll uiiilerslooil that he too will nliinii a tender 1 here may lie ACflYITIES ENGAGE ATTENTION OF ELKS Ihc hu candle ui the lllks Chtistinas cheer (iiiessiiiK cm- will he III in the window' of the "si. Ile;:is llafe mi UecemJiei ill hy Mavor Newton. Ihe prizes heiiitf orrered will he aMarded to those who KUess nearest to II,.. actual linv; that the candle will continue burning. At Ihe lod;?c. meeting last n ik lit. it as reported that fl37 hud been netted Tor the Chrijil-mas cheer ruml as a result of Ihe musical show recrntly sinned. On December III the lodge will stage a cnhatel entertainment in honor or Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, who cniiduclcd the show, ami Hie personnel of the companies who plaed in this and the minstrel show. In rollahorulion with the Ladle or the Hoyal Purple, the hlks arc making plans for a Christmas tree cnlerlaiiuueiil at it dale In be decided upon later. FIRST KILLED HORSE Swiss THEN SHOT HIMSELF Could Not Live His Animal Without HI'.HNI', Switzerland, Dec. II. A man's affection for his horse ended in hi ileal li recently in the lillle village of Dompierie, in Valid canton. Jean Tenlhurey, a great sportsman ami particularly fond of his mount, had to shoot the animal to put an end In il suireriug from disease. Jean vveul immedialely In his bedroom ami, with Ihe same pislul, shot md killed himself. The uixestial mil into the cm-! duel of the city foreman. Jack! Mcltae. following charges made airainsl him h Alderman Casey held in the Council Chamber last' nielil proved to be a tedious and long 1 1 rami out affair' lasting from seven o'clock to half past i cn and no evidence of any importance wits giien on cither side. Five men. im.-lly discharged employees spoVe agaiifl the foreman. These were Messrs. Itosers, Valpey, Jorgen- sen. Fiunigaii and .Morgan. while for the foreman Ihere were a great many more, although only eiuht were heard. .-TJiey were Messrs. Cochrane, Jacffson, I.idslone, Wfiigham, Wilson, Nrl-toi. McKenzie. and lladden. iiMtstly straw bosses or teamster: "Hi ere was a laree crowd ill to watch the proceedings and imi several occasions (lie mwd eipresseil its sympathies piifp freoly. In Ihe course of the proceed- Iiih Iher- were several lively nassaiies, fine between V. V.. Williams, who was acling for Mellae. and Alderman Ca-ey over matters of procedure and between Alileriimii Perry andvAld-ermait Casey. The latter aeled somewhat in the rapacity of prosecuting aUorncy. There wers present Ahlerimtn Perry, chairman: Mayor Newton, Alderman Cney. Alderman McMortlie, Ihe city engineer, and Ihe slen-ngrapher. Miss Itlanche Curtin. Objects of Meeting Chairman Perry stated the ob ject of Ihe iiH'i'liiiji ami asked nil witness m either side to leave the room. Alderman Caey repealed Ihc Charges which were that the tmlicv laid down by the council had not been adhered to with the result that continuous com plaints had been made from married men and properly owners thai they could not secure employmeul. The ciimmillee had laid down the rule that married men should come first and single men second. The men were lo apply lo the engineer who would give them n nole to Mcllae. Since that complaints continued. The Alderman also charged thai an attempt was mail.' to reduce wages of men employed on Ihe scavenger wagon from six to four dollars a day. PRINCE RUPERT' Northern and Central Britirh Columbia's Newspaper PHINCK IllPKHT. H.C., Till HSUAY, UF.CKMHKIl 11. 102i. r..t.ri.,'. circulation i.tjs. CHOOSE of man named Valpey had been, 'own. continued tin page 2. col. 3) GREAT ACTIVITY ON PORTLAND CANAL IS PROPHESIED BY EDITOR Thai Portland Canal Mines are now known and recognized everywhere and that next season will show a great advance in lhe amount r activity in the Slew-art district is the word brought from Ihc south hy II. M. Hol-slon, publisher of the Portland Canal News, who passed Ihrougl the city yesterday after several weeks spent in the south. Mr. Hnlslun is very enthusiis-lic a In the future of lhe town in which he lives. lar Fortnightly Meeting at Home of Mrs. Hlnton Yesterday Sacred music taken un li v the e day arternoon al the home of Mrs. J. A. Minion, Second Ave. A paper was read hy Mrs. Bryant; Mrs. II nit on. accompanied by Mrs. Wanl, sang "Rejoice (.really" ami "I Know that My Redeemer Livelh" from Handel's "Messiah;" Mrs. II. C. Fraser sang lie shall Ice I Ills mock also from the "Messiah. an Miss Murium- Lancaster, accom paiiied Vy Mrs. Minion, played a violin solo. Handel's "Largo." GALE LAST NIGHT DID v Farmer Job uajfcr'Ltnin-ii'r Iiu. tinned deficit into snrplin? SACRED MUSIC WAS iinil balanced (he budget SUBJECT OF'CLUB Lad'es' Musical Club Held Regu DAMAGE TO TELEGRAPHS!;,,; This morning was once more dependent on the wireless system lor its communication with the outside world. The gale last night put all Ihe telegraphs out ol business, but beyond that does not seem lo have done much damage around MANY NEW MEMBERS INSURANCE BECOMES POPULAR IN STATES Increase of Over Mill'on Dollars I In Business of Last Year the Association of Life Insurance presidents he -e this moriiin? Walton L. Crocker, president of Ihe John liisuraiicc ii i M..1....1 i :r.. achieved hy Die people during a in which Ihe general busi- in mm an rrnn lr Street Sle. i Davie was accompanist. The proceedings opened with Ihe singing or "O Canada" and clos-cil with the National Anthem. Telegram Read In the course o.r his introduc- l.lii.n Kii.liiHMiw V umh I inn and NhAV YOIIK. Dec. II. L.-aping , jnj ja,or nf (ltJ Xaiona, Fish far ahead or all Tonner tlirift u.,v idea. the ,,, lelgram staled ,he AmPrl, was the subject ir0"0' '"al observing or a National i.duns Ladies' .musi, Musical W"My Fish ,Jay had doe much to pop- "',,u0i00U of lire insurance this ;,. the regular forlnightlyi ' ..,..:... ularue the consumption (i.. oi iisli Club at ,. , , uiuii ai li". iisui.ii """"'"'! vini ni-onrilintT In n rtMmrl nli- ... : meeting which was held yealer- . ... .... " .... al"1 develop the in.lusiry. Con- i... t...... ..ri c- frriit ill u Mnti unro f iITppoiI In I lip I s ii. a i i i -r .s... .if,, man .uu.ua. 1-uu.n.uun u, . ,ocal Aji!ioejalio ani, COIin uation or zeal was urged. Mr. Johnson staled that com- mencing with this Fish Day, t " ,.isl .luirii.uior.s' advertising Company of Huston, W!ia ,n ,lP (ar(.1i who is Ihe presiding ollicer ot Uirou!houl Canada. To rilian(.P the convention, added that this i ue former record year, by fully I 1. 000,000,000, an increase it, 1 0,000 had been raised by the year's total or new paid-up in-j,,, ,nsribu,nrs ,1Pms(.,ve and will exceed thai or IttSJ.i suratice iltlilur almiUlll ,lai, bePIl vo!pd hy Ihc Dominion Mr. Johnson drew government. attention to i ikiu p-r c- ... Mr. i,rocKernM. m).nu rans wIich col,alrt, eniphas.zed lo lie insurance men valuii,,,,. sKli!i,ical inforutallon inai mis limit recoru nan neen , regarding Ihe fisheries and urg ed that, after memorizing these rigures. those present mail the or the has been ness country on cards (o ieir rrit.nJs rnuce uuperi . i. had been decided. Mr. John- son said, on Ibis occasion MKT n ST I All KV hear the rishermen's side I.IUlllVVIUI UllUIUV ' .. . . ,, iisneries prooicms ins Ml) dAlAAK lUUAl "x'sc who were engaged in llm business or buying, storing and ( Very Attractive Affair Auguring marketing. Therefure Capt. Success was Opened this , Meagher ami Capt. Coombes had Afternoon by Rev. a!-k,'l In speak., G. G. Hacker j J. H. Meagher CAD UUD CTCDVC le annual Referring to his own 2ti year bazaar of the experience as a fisherman both rUI MrtIA T LI LlXrtPIJ Ladies Aid of the Melliodist on the Atlanlic and Pacific coasts . Church, which was opened Thirty-rive new members were Rev. (i. O. Hacker this arternoon come ask retail merchant til Ihe city. iarl ides both 'ornamental and in obtaining extra help during the Christ mas seasnn, lo use uu employed relumed men IT pus sihle. Philip Auckland ami Celina McKay, Indians, were each fined $10 and cosl in lhe city police court this morning for hy prior to 1017 when he had be-'..., v admitted to Ihe local branch nf in the social hall or tho church, Fishermen's agent lor lhe Deep Seal Union here. Mr. Ihe (.real War Veteran' Assort- should prove a very- attractive! Meagher spoke ol the dangerous ation last night. Business was allair. The decorative effect be-'.life of the halibut fisherman, largely of a routine nature deal-ling in green and red Chrislmasl i had slatted fishing in 1888 ing with internal affairs of Iho'colots, the various Indies arefout of filoueester, Massachus- organizaliun. It was derided lo loaded with asplendid variety opclts. ami had worked on sail useful. The conveners are: Home cooking Mr. V. Malheison. Fancy work Mrs. fleorgo W, Kerr. Novelties Mr. Frank Dibit. Plain sowing Mr. Krikcvsky Candy Mr. W. It. Cornish. Tea room Mrs Olof Hanson. BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing f'oor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding parties. For rales, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MAGISTRATE LARGE CROWD ATTENDED CIVIC BOARS) OF WORKS ENQUIRY LAST NIGHT I D TmJr ;c FJ.rt.J INQUIRY INTO as Mayor of Vancouver to Serve Fourth Term A(;ul VKH. !-. II. following a rather stirring and ::: .vfmi bitter campaign in which jmt history wax raked oer pcr.-oiiHlities indulged in. Limit D. Tuylor uu elected mayor vf un unwr yesterday by a mujuril) of 502. Tin 'he fuiirlh tunc Mr. Tnlor has been chosen to fill ib liiff lii'tKi-lrHlP'" chair in Ihis sly . lie was elerte"! first Hi I it and again in ItMI. II was in lulTi (hut K- ered his i; J In in. Ilr lia- been h i umlidale uiaiiv tunes miicc hut willi-t: ' :!'-) tliilil Ihi- ear. liraduully lie has been 'oniing hark, ': .wing last rar luring hei- . Hi 1.il"i- mus ul one iimv SEVERAL BIDS ARE ; : ait' of Hi'' I hilly Pro liter; l 1 a ' i was owner and editor EXPECTED ON JOB f V ld, which lie conducted e; ' ten yean. Contractors will Compete for M uti li.i- always liatl ' Elevator and Warehouse f .iiiMMt froitt I Ik- labor' Foundations Here ai'd in. my Inisim'-- and " - "-.it ii, ii lin.k : It i tn lq It l exieclrd llial there will .'.sly Willi lln he considerable cnlhpclllioh ill r - f tin la eon tier I ion with Ihe tltl 111 ir for illie construction of Hie elevator and sacked rraln warehouse fuundalioiM litre. St far, two MAY NOT CONTINUE ' ?; n"5! know ii of. I hey arts I lie loc! rntieernjti uhWi M. P. .MrGauYry Much Trivial Evidence Given Long and Tedious S'UIng Last Night MANY ARE PRESENT Dlcharged Employees Tell Grievances and Others Commend Foreman at MAKING BOTH ENDS MEET Two Fshermen and Ojomr of Bi-produds Plant Speakers at Annual Fish Day Banquet The annual National Fi:li Day luncheon held yesterday in the HI. Hegis Cafe under the auspices of the Prince Hupcrt brunch of ihe Canadian Fisheries Association look the form of a gt'l-logellier between Ihe fish dealing interests of the port and ihe fishermen themselves with a goodly number of ladies pre-.-iit to further enhance Ihe proceedings. The nature of the affair was commended by both interests represented and it was promised that il would nut be the last time that such gatherings would be held. With T. II. Johnson, president of Ihe association, in the chair, the fishermen , . had Ihe flow and interesting ad- pioucd the fishermen's cause and gave some exhortations lo Hie "bloated capitalists" ashore speeches and musical thai followed. The soloists were Miss numbers Jones l who sang "When the Great Ked and llie front. II significantly stal- uresses were ue.iverci 05 ""' ,.,) iat one s chances In the well known members of Uieir ... .. ,,.,.., . s, ranks Cnuinln' II Meagher and James al)OU, as as lhe diance!( of Ihe third speaker, a M ,i(irv it the (eorge (i. llushhy, also cham- ,; ,,.. .. ... .. v... r.. December gale. "Vou pimple, wlien you are fttnfrrf ulilv mMIp1 in viiitr thai might well be heeded. Ihe hoMiM whj,e a souieasl gale tendance was fair and couple u a a , fu an(J lh(J of hours were spent n pleasure. . lorrenls doing justice to the banquet of .... .,,,. atli, Aoori ral. tie and every moment you expect your house to come down over your head, do you ever think ol the halibut fishermen engaged in their trade? When -i i mm .Aiiilnnl liiikfMr iinrl nit Mrs. Jarvis McLeod who. ."i. ...s.r.o. ,, ,, , . I, : . are caueu uu utc in n.c iinuum "weel and Low. . aughan' f ,. ;,.. h u ; ii.. ! J llltTi vi ijr; uauuivatU s o mw fisherman's duty lo save his vessel from foundering and himself from a watery grave. Some of you may say we earn too much. I would advise any who make that statement lo try a season's ilory remarks Mr. Johnson read falling. You would soon find ia telegram from J. A. Paulhus of ju,at wc earn and are entitled to i Montreal, president of the Cana-Iever dollar we get." Value of Union Mr. Meagher went on lo speak of the activities of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union and the pro gress il had made from The time it was organized in 1912 at Seattle by some 10 or 50 fisher men. Now it was one of the best organized bodies on the Pacific Coast and its representatives (continued on page 7, col. 2 PLANS FOR REOPENING NOT FINALLY DECIDED Fariy of Mill Directors Returned to Usk Last Night and, After Visiting Vancouver Will be Back Here Plans' for the reopening of Ihe Skeemi Lumber Co.'s sawmill at Usk have nol yet been finally decided upon but it will be known ,i..r;..n..l.. ....-I ,. ..l .. I...I I.. i u. l .mi': J mini iv r be done. The parly or directors ..r!nd shareholders, consisting or i,.... ll.Ul i oi ! ... . v.. .1. liiui lisi tin, .1. iiguoi- slad, W. A. Hjornslad, Chester Swanson and W. II. Petrrman of Minneapolis, and John Willman and Joint Heed, which was hero yesterday lor the annual meeting, left on last night's train lor Usk. They will proceed to j Vancouver via Jasper and cx- l!l!ni'cl In he hack in lliti citv next JAPANESE SPOKESMAN COMING TO THE STATES TOKIO. Dec. 11. Kotaro boats on the Atlantic coast audi Mociiizuki, member for parlia-on steam and gasoline vessel onlmenl and one of the legislators the. Pacific. To tell in any kind most actively interested in ro of an adequate manner of all he had gone through in those year including Ihe stories of men shipmate or his own who had lost their lives would take the whole arternoon. During the (real War he had received a postcard from ;i fi-horniaR at latiuns witli the United States, has announced that he wilt leave for America shortly for an extended speaking tour. Me says he hopes to speak in eyry slato in the union, presenting Japan's case in the immigrqlloti