PAGE EIGHT WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 0 p.m. HOOT GIBSON In "THE SAWDUST TRAIL" A fast, funny, thrilling romance of the Great West. A pholo-play full" of cow-ponies, anil six-shooters with a Wild West Show as one of its principal settings. The story of n Kastern "tenderfoot" and a hard-boiled Western cow-girl. She was bom under a canvas and knew nothing but the smell of the sawdust and he was the only one in the outfit who could tame her. Come and see how he did il. All the world loves a lover, don't miss seeing this one. (iibsou is the breezier personality on the screen. Come and see the wildest riding and the fastest love-making you ever saw. Josic Sedgwick, David Torreuee, and strong supporting cast. MACK SENNETT COMEDY "SCAREM MUCH." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE Admission 35c and 10c. MERRY CHRISTMAS BUY NOW Haisins, best bulk, I lbs. 50c Currants, cleaned, 2 lbs. 35c Peels, Orange and Lemon. per lb -35c Peels, Citron and Mixed, per lb 50c Mixed Nuts, best. I lb. $1.00 Japanese Oratifres, lox 90c Almond Paste, pekg. . 35c Table Tiffs, best layers, 5 lbs $1-00 Table Haisins, clusters, 5 lbs $1.00 Hulk Dales, per lb, ... 15c Christinas Stockings, Crackers 'lion -Bona , Candy, Nuts and Chocolates at Bargain Prices. See Our Window for Meat Bargains. Farmers Market Phone Blue 423 Orders of S3. 00 delivered HAVE YOU' MADE YOUR Christmas Cake? We have a nice fresh stock of Raisins Currants Peel etc. F.W.Moersch Phone 13. GROCER IN PROBATE. ' IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. lu llif Matter of the Ailiululstralluii Act, ami III the Matter of Uie Elale uf Alexander i llerltler. Iiereai-rd, Inteitalc. TAkK WITICE that by Older of lilt Honor P. Mel). Vounir, made the S? ill day : of .nvMnler, A.D. ISil. I wa appointed ' Adinlliliitrator of the estate or AleJaiider : llerlller, dereaved, and all partlea having flaliiu ajralnst the nald ruate are hereby required lo ruriiini Mine, properly verified. In me on or before the S7lh day of December. A.l. 108 1. and all partlea Indebted t the entate are required to pay I lie amount of their ludcblednesi to mi : forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Orrirlal Administrator. Prince nnpert. B.C. ' lialed Ihla S7tli day ot .lot ember, 1014. Advertise in the Daily News IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA lu the Mailer or the AdinliiUtratioil Act, and In the, Mailer of the Katate of Olaf M, I". I.amen, lii-i-eaM-ri. TAKE NOTICK that by an Order of UK Honor JndRe Younir made the tGth day of October, IV. Waller liale a appointed Arthur Administrator of the e-late of the nalil Olaf M, I. Lawn, At- l-lU.Uf1 All periwina bavin? rlaim aralnni the said Kmale. are hereby required lo rur. nlh name nronerlv verified In me. the midernlimed, on or before the Srd day or January, A.H. 1 VIS. And all persona Indebted lo the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness, to the undersigned forthwith. nnriMAN a. watt, Offrlal Administrator, Prince rtuoert, B.C Pan d iui 3rd da or ieciimtr, tvyi, WEEK END SPECIALS Jap Oranges, per box . . 8&c H.C. Eggs, . guaranteed At for cooking, per dot. 50c Fresh Steer Heef, briscuit. per lb 6c Pot Hoasl, per lb 10e Fresh Liver, per lb 5c Freeh Finnan lletblies, ner It 20c Kippered Herrings. 2 lb f. 25c We specially solicit your order for Chrislnins Turkey!. Our prices will be the lowest. Phone 84 or 18. Fifth East SERYICE NOT SERVITUDE Has il ever occurred to you thai the multitude of "Household Helps' offered for sale are of themselves lifeless and incapable of sen ice unless controlleo and directed by the already overburdened housewife. Laundry service alone is alive, vital, imposing no new obligations, and asking nothing but your friendly disposition, to change servitude into service. May we call? Phone 8 kV J :i.ll.'l,.l.lf73 PHONE 8 yfe 60X392 THE CHRISTMAS BOAT TO ENGLAND The Wonderful Cunarder "CARMANIA" (20,000 tons) due to sail from HALIFAX TO LIVERPOOL Calling at Queenstown DECEMBER 14TH Due Liverpool about Dec. 21. Make your reservations oarly through Local Agent or CUNARD S.S. CO. LIMITED 622 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B.C. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. III tli Matter of tlic AdmlnUtratluti Art, and In tin- Sin iter of th F.atale of I'elo Mlulrli, liprcitscrt, Intcnalf. TAkE OTICK thai by ordfr nf III Honor F. Mrll. Ynunir, mad the 9 7 tli day f .Novpiiilirr, A.D. 1914, I waa appnlntrd Adiiilnliitratiir of tlio Mlatp of TpIi- Mlnli'li. (liTcnsfil. and all partlr havini- riauna aRaiiui nil- nam entif arc n-rriy rt-nulrrd to rurnlnti aaini-, propfrtv vrrl-fl-d. to me m or tirrore il 7lli day of fii-miilM-r. A.n. Itx. and all nartln Indelili-d lo Hi Mati ari reqiilrcd lo pay tni aiiimini or ini-ir innrnirnnpaa to rnr fortliwlih. .nnv A. WATT, orriciai Aaminimrator. Prlni- nnpert, B.C. tialcl till- 3't6 day nf N' 1 ' einbt r lfl?. JEWELER. asBaaaaxtizi NOW IN. FRESH KILLED TURKEYS 45o Lb. We will have Turkeys, Chickens and Fowl In plenty from now on. Order any time. FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT now at Us best. Prices will not be lower. Special this week, 3 for 35c Per doi $1-30 Rupert Table Supply P.O. DRAWER 1712, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 3 Phones, 210, 211, 212 THOR. JOHNSON'S GENUINE SALE WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN MEN'S WEAR. LADIES! A new line of SILK EVENING DRESSES Will Shortly Arrive Walt Until You See My Prices MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. TENDtrtS WANTED Sealed Teni'era addreijed lo til under iKtied and et Jorsi-d for the "Construction and hqummeiii of one Hi forty foot Motor I aiiiii-ir win be ren iveil up 10 aoon. .Vivi-mber ilHh, 1114. Plans. siecirii'alioii and form of lendet may be obtained al the offlrri of the i:nier rnreaier, Mi'lona. me uisirici for-eter. Court House, Vancouver, and th lilntnrl lorester. Prince iwi-erl, mi iU poult of 1 10.00 which will be refundei. on I lie reium of plan and specification. The lowest or any tender nut nevea-larlly acrepted. O. n. KADF..T f?t Deputv Minister of Lands. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, Uecember 11 JliKh I :rjH a.m. IU.I ft. l.lrlli p.m. Jil.C ' Low 7:rJ2 a.m. 7.9 ' IU:riU.p.iii. 3,t ' Friday, December 12 Iliah 2:ir, a.m. I'J.I ft. 13:50 p.m. 2I.G ." Low 7:58 a.m. 8.0 " !!0:3t p.m. 3.0 " Saturday, December 13 Hiph 2:51 a.m. 10.2 fl. tt:2t a.m. 21,3 " l,ow . .... 8:3.1 a.m. 8.2 " r' -08 (i in . a i " THE DAILY SEWS REMEMBER WHAT YOU SAID LAST YEAR YOU PROMISED YOURSELF TO SELECT YOUR GIFTS well in advance of the Holiday Season. IT IS SO EASY TO PUT IT OFF AND OFF UNTIL the first thing you know you are right In the midst of the old rush. THIS IS JUST TO REMIND YOU THAT YOU WILL find Shopping now more enjoyable and satisfactory than during the last week before Christmas. OUR STORE IS SMALL AND WE ARE SHORT OF SPACE to display our large stock and as It Is our desire to give you prompt attention we shall do our best as usual up to closing time Christmas Eve. WE KNOW YOU WILL FIND IT MORE SATISFACTORY to start selecting your gifts now. A SMALL DEPOSIT AND WE WILL PUT ASIDE your gifts for late delivery. OUR GOODS ARE MARKED TO COMPETE WITH THE keenest competition In our line. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. OUR OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST IS AT YOUR SERVICE, but advise morning appointments for this month. Max Heilbroner DIAMOND SPECIALIST. I Ten Years Ago ) in Prince Rupert December 11, 1914, Sfori'ket'prrs h-r of merit: Willi .- it I i m Kin nuUNFn " TWO FISnLnmi.ii f OF BI-PBODUUia ri-"". SPEAKERS AT ANNUAL FISH DAY BANQUET continued from VB ' Hl l,"'y in the newspaper. mooch into Um fler a a lad happened nnd as it nolliiiirT nolioily ever hear or thinks any-llmm nlioiil it." Mi. Hushh.v llirn lamiolied inlo( an rxliorUlion for the conM'rH-j lion nf and fW products., Tliinkmif nothiiiR of posterity hut only of immediate train. Hip iin luuiliiiii now was to waste. Tlir pri'wul ifiraliin iliil not ; seem tn rare for anything hut hew much Hipy could make and li-.w easily il could he made. If Ha.!,, continued, future genera-j would nuffpr. rtie' l"t-i munition oT Hip rloP sphimi wh hut I In- first aim "f onpra- linn. i in- nay wn rimun, -(iii-ilK-li-'l. wIipii it wtuild lie ilti-irat to throw ovrrlioBrd any .pi'l'IC: nf fl-tll (?UVll. Concrete Example ii'iia i-ourivli- uli-iii-i- of Iikw a commiMllly forim-rlv vut.-il mir-lil bp pul to imm iii. Mi ltnliliy rpfrrel to the work nf In own hy-proilueU plant. I. mix !ih- of liHllbul lifrnK In--;... priiitneml thirty rnltonl ill flll nil HM.l t(MI IMIIIItlU of ililih- fi-h iiipmI. TIip iianrkfliiiK r xurh proilurln a thii h at iii-i-i-nl liHiuiH-nl by lark of ttaiispnrliil(oii but tliPHP rotuli-Mon for Princp lliipprl. In- pri--ilirlfil. wpi'i about to rHpidly anl iniiiiPdiaUly nhmiaw. Hip PM-Uir rit barf a mar-plou prrpomleranep in - i;hriliiia.- ,,i,Hy "f fp,,,,li'n Mr iiuviiny uiTian'ii, '"""". .ami iup iiiih- .... ...i .t. ... 1 . "r,c .. .l.i:... . . r wi.i.low dipplayp arc- rwoiiMiiend-t ...t: the use of the!w1'.,,M ln-rl.i (hat frry lime a brevzu blows it rises thickly. (rail" XII. Alice XpIcoii lli'iiry Jiick'iui, Perry Ivan Cauu'rmi. firade X. Mary O'llricii. ltopinury N'lii!low, John Dane. ipii'il ''""' "mr wiit-ii alii -aiicoi-- -i j fih would be Uamll'-il witlmul . " ' ..... . , : ',-1 I . , , ,. ro..ii.iu.-.l dry, frosly weuUnrr of ""'V . . 7 . , Hit- pa-l few wppI and ttie b-"!1 ",,,, J"" f,f pence of pnow ha, iwrniKlnl Ilit,.1"" :""'"""'" ,lp A Hep I'illidiury- (iriule XI. Irene Swana Olaf-on. horothy Iieam1. (rade IX. Dorothy I'atmore, Orade IX. II l'rtiel Meheml, hmigla Stewart. Miuoru Sakamoto, Agile her-on. Second Year ('.oiniiie-cial VA-wnrd McLean. Winnie Hury. Kirl Year Coiiiiueicial Jean Maikay. Minnie Wyatl. Aileen Stephen!. Millicenl Obornp. niuiro ni irii-ir town, n wa n HtPp lit Hp rtftht ilimrlion for thr MbloalPd rapHalUN'' lo in. i'p Hie Hhprtnpri lo HiPir lun- ehann jsnH il v I ho "armo nf .-. rrri iMi-. wrr aiinouiH iiiKjut,.. ( M b ,.,. the di-atti or Hip Kai-er but no fr,w. hl, y ,, u antJ ollicial conriniialioii uf lliie l'f(.f irt if. n-. t-ied in nrM. dejatil.eS here ioo mw, f i,irm. All thai is dcfinilply known i.a11 u-i;v lo M MroMnij JUid that ilhi'l... II. m ill.jWJll fOP ftIPe relhw In com.- land put yonr fonl tnln yur A vt-rdi. l of not guilty wan rp- ,,. f yiH1 llo , IP yr. lunipu uj iiih jury ai no- mi-iv,.. norMly pUp i. a..iiir lo1 prpni.' l.ourt .taxMtvi in the I.Hyi y,Ml. i woU,,, ,.,, vtl ,rt Ham- lliefl iitM- UiiP ufn-niooii. f(l,ow .xMtTMlf "f lh.-p -rrrrr I fihr'inii aril am out and lake HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS ! "f y"ur " w,,,,orlu" CHRISTMAS EXAMS.! Mr. Mubhv -oiirinp.l hi rp- ;iuark b rpferrlnjt l Hip in- Al Mip (hritiim.' i-.Hiniiiatloiip atlpqiiApy nf arriimmoilalion on in Hip Kinx I'jUmi r.l HmIi Snhowtj Ibf walprfrAnl for I bp ino.iiuilo I In- liialic! maik we re- oblalio'd fli-i'l. "II Ip rrinn-." lo- aM b' the following 1 u J 1 1 1 -. in or-! "thai you do not gp llii-i ik-ii- pip a phanee lo p ii-hmt- deepnl manner without liavmu ! impipp Ihemnelvp on privalp hminly or ak favor . Tlipy ItaUler ' -lirnibl mt havp lo ak a favor In lie able n crimp In and uppnd Mnry -Vi)leri,l their money in your city. he Advert! i ,n the Daily ewt cent niPan nboiibl be prmlileil for lliem ami I Include nnr-pe. lo land. II U our riuhl May Clark, J ami we arek not anklnit a favor. iiipi or waienroni i nwneii here by Hip Provincial and Dominion iloverniiienlx ami liow in lie h of II i bpliifr iimi-iIT Am1 we hap lo bejr a lanrlinirf' Afler Mr. litiMhby' aiblre Hip procepiin(jN rlonetl. Mr. Jnhnon IhankitiR the -pfaker-hiuI artiulp ami aUn the ladle who had graced Ihe banquet with lln-ir atleiidiince. ' III JJIKBI'Ia H VI : f BIS MJBiB IS 11 1 1 TX THJrBl BUBKIlIIIIBri WE OFFER A FEW GIFT SUGGESTIONS IN USEFUL EVERYDAY PRACTICAL ARTICLES Dainty Lace Tea Apron, from 7fic to $1.50 lloudoir ()ips, from EOc to $2.50 Silk (JaniiMiIe, from .,. $1.00 to $3.50 Silk Underwent', Vel mid HIuiiiiht tu inaleli. Fancy Hoed llutnlkercliiefs from 65c to $3.50 box Fancy Worked' Linenx in grcol variety. Pun Linen Till 1 It; (Mollis uud Nnpkiu- to mulch. (il.OVK.S-The fmiioii TUKKOCHK. Frem li make. In sve the new heavy Suede, priced from Ask $2.50 to $5.50 per pair ft Hundreds of Oilier Suiliilile. fiifl Articles mi display. See Our Windows H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave, and Fulton SL Flats for Rent In Wallace Block- Phone 9. -Apply Store. ' UBIatJ tea.". H3 i'IrH2'I3 B3 ttl3 OTTST! UTM I U? OTO ! m :" 0 Thursday. Dci rmh i (g, EXTRAORDINARY SPECIALS Tin pmliaMy will he thu lust Mile vi- ti . un.itjrl n . .... M I. at it a-Ml Itll It fit II f fit 11 II tf f V I rill I I'll ill .... a . Jl'UI, HtlHV V "MVIIIIQ V.llUWlmM j 1 Ulllt)' ft) lioitally low riiTH. Ilentl carefully : FLANNELETTE BLANKETS I.I I .11.. Ill ...I, ..I ... W l. l I 1- .. r lauiit lout' iiiuiiivt in in mil- uiiii iri--v, cuik m di'r. K- for $2.15, It for $2.50, 12 i ,, If yott nt'fil any, tirt ipiirkly, fit lluinc pi . ;, aiiro to go. GINGHAMS ;t'l iiichu, good itirilil, KiikIiIi (iiiiffhuin. Il-. . per yjlrd . . :t iiiclipp, giNtil quulily Kiign-li fiiiifflitu. u , 3 ywrrtx fur , 2? inrhea, tlnnnilinn fiiugliiinii-. Itpg. 3Ur. fm . ' PRINTS Light and lark (iolori-d l'i nil-. He-g. :i5c-'id. h . fur I.iglil and l)rk (lulnird l'i inN. Iti-jr, :jt,-. Sii. FLANNELETTE White I'laiiiu-li'llc. I S.i!f. t wi-.. SllipPlI I'lnllllt'li'tli'. Hood iiinlil, .'til no li w ... i: Sale, a aid- fur CHRISTMAS GIFTS Fresh Frozon All varletloi. Fresh Fish- All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well Known "Rupert Brdnrji," Finnan Haddlo --"Thistle Brand' Nova Scolln. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, OUck Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. rep. It,r 52.95 45: w S1.0C 10. IB; Fur your llliri-tniii- tltli- m-p our -Im k I -i--. We hiiw Minii-lliiiiff thai on can n-i Hip Chrmtnni- rliper luil to rhper yon after I In over. Jabour Bros. Ltd, Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7th St. ( 51. Of 51.00 Phone 645 Rupert Fish" Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. Prlr'a Rupert. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C Lib- Saiimrt fitiM mat Rupwl. VAMCOUVtP, VICTORIA, tl)i a4 l.fl Tu.vOt. IP r VAKCOUVtn, VICTORIA. AUM t, t4 Bar, tautaa,, 111" f" ANVOX, AlICI ARM. STIWART, ,, S P.M. rf ANTOX, PORT SIMPSON t4 Hut Rltr Caanariaa, frKa, AM 2S ii4 Ati. J. , AnU rrmn x. WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE II. PRiriCC nUPIRT .n. fniHi priori liuprrl fOR VARCOUVIR. VICTOW. SMTTLC, ii.Ii him dial (iuU nrb KrHy V.ov am for STEWART ami ANOX W"1 "' ' II. PRINCC JOHN rut .nn.lir U QUIIN CMARLOTTl ISlB-(Hi I), 7, Jan. ID. II. PAIItNO.tR TRAINS LEAVI PRINCE RUPIRT MONDAY, WIONEIOAV, SATURDAY, inn pill fur frill' f ' tOOONTO WINNIPEQ, all iliil l.anlern i.aiiaila, I hltnl MK- AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. M Cll. Tltk.l Offlra. RJ Thlrtf 1.. -.l. B.,n..l rnc". I GET IT 21 A -GROCERS g I PHONE 586 n I S'l EVERYTHING IN CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES K H -t 'iaSji