PRE-EMPTIONS V ant, unrwrvHl. urvvt Cn a ; ini may ! pra-empte-l ljr frt Jn o r 1 yean, of ir. ,r :i3 on ) Inrinu Intention -r :m Itril.t h iuIjJkH. tomli-' u: n r""lm. ion. lit." csyroTwoent ivr aaricuimrii. ai " "y distressed With Pams in the Back" Mr. Alfred McNeill, Chapel Rock, AlU., write: ..ifunnition conrarninu regu. ii rrstirdln, ireemiliini la j .a UullrUn No. . tatm! KrriM. , II ; rr nil I .and. copni of i!.r r uc in 'i obtained it of chara I i, --, na 'n iMpartmmt of lis ;. ; 'iim, h.C or to any .kiv- r. 1" ' 'II ' icranled ilitrrilis e. ;n ; 'ii.iihv lor acre-uim, j. ;r nl v . hlrh l n-t Umln-r- :ti nln! ovr ." hi Imii.i I f: i :r r I ui thr 1 on.t luiiix ir.l .ti feel per scm nan of iii a ine .r nilllii'i .,n n ti ai ' 'l f" 'h 11)'' rnn ciiil ;3r of I.o.d ISaeor'ni in. :! i :a :i,i.ii Hi luihl iinii.i' I i! .':J are maa n or. noil ftren. t l'lr. of 'ilrh on. ! 'il-( n "a I-.hi'I i oitiii-.i"iiiT 10 ill il -t I Ui' (i I'lT f. t. ' n l ImprovmiiriiU in "K In .' a r ;f If IM-r am) liirlu.l.n c u X rrs-J ' ulti ui ing at Imfi fi.r tit, tutu a Cmwn Oram ran il'-i.iilt.l Intunn.i. mi f :tin How to I'n- piiiih PURCHASE 1; ') f fn'll fur I'll f iU ..III in' I UI ' .nr . . l r j ii ii 1 1 iKiriiftM. triimri m I ;w i': s.:h' ' in mrilllPi mit'i l Ii mi i " uti'l 'mnni-tlaM in r - "t iti't I" " I'll""-' " N I r-.-. I'mrhair anl V r. or in"iu'rtal !in a Ii"! flri-nl'IM rr. ' i )m)vUna iMyBMnt of HOMESITF. LEASES "M;:r ! ! 'f' jt nl irlinr I Dl1 : t'.ll'tl aa humr-lltt. M1L ;.-. i'ion a ilwalilaa tinc 'tti m frt var. Illlr t"in l' ii:-4! edit rvahlt or and im- r.i: -t rnn im n ar fulflli.l si ur.l Lis l' o arn'jrad. LEASES tr us:-, ft iil IB-Iiiatriil iur- Wh r. i ( .-.r.llll 4 )! I t ItiMj by on nrm r a GRAZINQ r.1r ti (iurmr Art lb I'rov- ,lf.'i l di 1 Tnla rr iln rtlntn-1 M j nun :nlininir)l unlr ' ninmiM.unrr Annml ,rjBltTi rinse t, prlori'v linK i'-n i' mat lihcj onr. lck a ni ' form mux for tuna toicitrmtnt. I . . or panljr fr. tnn:ti an luiiiliit fur iiu.rn. 'Dpira and travrhari, up o in LANK 4U1 '" ChiflolU Ulin4 Lind D'' !ct. "'I'Wt 01 Pflnei Ruplfl (Ik. vii,, , , tmwt 9liiip)ii. uf B.' :n iiitlui riihrriimi. In ai'pl f"r H" lnllll I" loai-o lli - - . ... - , tin ,( .milium' mk- J I lint' 1 m il iim MtnUMat ni. i (. I Hlil. mil ttldlrr I I llllllt li I t ,;. r-fk Hi' ii' ' '"iliiuinr ii.w n I, " ' ' ruirt.iwriiH i h dli. i! i ti- r ' ' PO t'liilnt I mil. - Itutii Hp.' ii ""'n ihrnrfl iiitlM-rlT " niain 1 ( ' I n .1 ,.r .i, lir.:ti I', t-lfr unnrv li'. Mt'KL MI'S. AppHi'liU ""n' .. fflU not only rfvtnt bad rttult$, but mailt you to trtfutlbtn f'lt from tht "b;t fond jouevcrote," Lunng the winter 0f 1920-l.lwai greatly dittrested with Pim in my back and felt ,irf j d dePre.,ed moit of the timt. I rticulary during the night I wu troubled with frequent urin-tion, iome nighti having to rite most every hour. I t,i,d .ever-I different treatment! without ucceii. until finally I began u.-in Dr. Chaie's k'idney-Lver iT j 77 ' ". ' lnd. Iht ,f,itvtd i l before i had fim.hed c t the t my con-Attn first box. I .m feeling better thi. .ummer than I have for yean, and although in my 67th year can work all day without any undue fatigue." ' Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills U n. a hot of 85 pill., lidmanion. H.lis, JS. Co.. Ud, Toronto SYNOPSIS OF UNOICTIENIIINTS 1 V Before It Is DIGESTED Foodiscortain tocauscdistrossuntilyouim-provcitpesttvo action undnvee ten thestom-nch. You c i .i do this quickly and surely by takinjrBcer.harn'pI'ills. Tb.eirnaturalaction si imukaest heflew cfpat trie ju ice, increases activity of liver urni bcwels and improves diRetition. Tulce Itfeck.m,sPili3 with confidence, for 80 y.-.-tirs' exvciicnco prav- they arc good (or the stomach. Sold Everywhere In Canada oEECHAMSPHIS Home Mode Dread FnEE-St.Charlcs Recipe Book SrnJ today for thia collrdion el teiird rt cipi (or Soupi. Dread. Dilreei. Hili, Vege-tiblei, Slad and Drrtiin;, Cakti and Cockiei, Pattiiei, Oeiieflt, Ice Cieaini, Sher bet, Cam'iea and Detge. It will ba lent to you tree. The Rordcn Co. Limited YatV' Miivrr r C mi ST.QIfi5.U5 it. !! i i-i- ii i!in 11,'iily .Nuws. is good for ihc Kiddies Che the children all the fresh, home-made bread they can. eat. Nothing make them thrive no v. -JL KOYAL YEAST SAKES 1 lie Standard oF SO years H ere an dTl iere immigration to Canada for the month of AugiHt, 1924. totalled 20r 186, of whom 6,708 were from the British lales, 1,784 from the United iog j.ujo jr0rn 0t,fr coun. trie. Immigration for the first five months of the fiscal year totalled 76,719. In the same period 23,861 Canadians have returned to Canada from domicile in the United States. As an Indication that the tide of settlers has definitely net in the direction of Canada, it has been made known by the Department of Immigration and Colonization that 6,000 acres ct land near Lethbrldjje haa been sold to ten families of 75 pemons from South Dakota. This, it is announced, is only the advance jruard of a considerable northward movement from that region. "We will have a good report to present when we reach the Hebrides", said Rev. Father Alex. Mac-Dougall, a member of the Hebrides?! commission of inquiry which investigated conditions of Ilebrldeans in Canada. The members of the com- million, mflmr iri. ,'. I r. .. A 11 . the tourist season, plana are being laid for the continuation of con struction work at the Chateau Fron- tenae, the Canadian Pacific Railway' palatial hotel in th city of Quebec Some of the interior decorating and the completion of rooms pf the main corridor in the Chateau had to be left unfinished a hen the present tourist season opened, but It is expected that work on these parts of the hotel will cr- mence very shortly The billiard room and other room In the he. ment w ' also be completed a soon a ponible. MANITOBA FISH PROVES POPULAR IN EASTERN CITIES WI.NMPI.ii. Dec. II Manitoba while fish and other -penes of Hie rinnv tribe from Hie lakes of lliis prnxinqe are iiipidly Kiiiuiiii: io'v friends in New York and other eastern cities because of rapid delivery facililies""furnislied lo shippers in Winnipeg, acnoitliug to It. I,. Faii'bairn, manager of the pas. senger service bureau of Hie THE DAILY NEWS INQUIRY INTO CASEY CHARGES continued from I'Hgn Z) In uiiNwer to furlln-r quea-tioii.i. Mnllae mild Ii Iini ICO men with five straw Iiumih umJ lie was iilmul to appoint unollier this week lie u gennral rrt-maii uml kepi Die men'i lim after hour, lie a1"o keit a re-i eniil of crtt If Ife licfd a car lie could do beU-r work and .nave me city nitieii niiiy. lie was: paid US veipt.Jibui- and al- lowed ten aldVi IialfMiwui -i a day.' At tin clu(M((VltleTliiun I'.nmy waid lie did hoi' know Dial Ihein, were any iiif)re iiui'stlon- lo ak.i lint Hie fnrenmn aid there were a lot lie would like to answer. , World Court ! A ineinlier ofi Hie audieuee' ported the new . H. I" wi" satisfied with Canadian conditions. Among the passengers sailing for Europe aboard the Cend'n Pacific Steamship "Empreaa of France" on Octob.-r 8th, wa Gft. A Walto-General Pan- igor Ajrs-nt, raMd i Pacific Raiiway. Montreal, whu w. represent the co-npiny on an tensive lour of D m- arr- ? j fo the American A mo lat ion ,f Pa. senger Trtfrle CffJcvn by tran Atiar.tie f.e-i hip cornea lien ar, the ra,lroid. of Great Rrila;n an ke continent. Chre .1. rVn'-oH a native Dinb y, Corn, ha rx-.fiv a r"-niMion front S Prtsw of .VaU int some of hi bV-d'-d tu.?k he E. P. ren n,- H!Th n the Canaan T.i -'f ijr. in erta. Perrifo'ti wh.. Y Mm a reputatmr a 'n'n'rr -f - y the cmtHitim ws aw durine the Prince' M.iy at Svo He will cor -Twn.e work the iMt. oart of OetcHer As a result ol tlw orve : ducted hy the n'wly trmi OrtnY. Art Awoclat'on. nrintint and "! trade are now ih.wn ( rNrstHr the second larre t inf-atry in V.'ii "'P, Mn r r--nliit an mve- ment of HlOttum. tt,.i proviimj empteyment fr 2.n crotW Th- report show h? ft r n; 1328 th- sum of naiii In salaries. With the approaching edoe of ask1 for peiinirtion lo speak ami' put n fur ii'1iiikiiiy wlictherj this was a world court or a I en File of nation and mentioned! that (liere was an elect, c.iiii- cil lo look after Hie city's husi- ness, wtin lie was stopped Uy he cliaFrman and' 4Iip proeeed- inus closed. A report will l made to tlie city Council on liiTcinlier . ami in the meant line the ,. . -'iiayi x i i-n i i ii k ner n -in-s iimi I lie Hoard of Works will cmi-iiler (lie eviilenee. GOVERNOR BONE MAKES REPORT ABOUT ALASKA Tlls of Progress Made In Terri tory and Says Camps Become Towns WASHINUrO.V.- Ilee. II. l atadiati Press. The annual reiporl of iorrnor rVolt t'. Untie of AlHska lo Hie Secretary of Hie Interior, made public today. Iimvs lliat tk ..4MUiaiidiiip ac'.irvfiiioi't of Hie yer of liene-fll lo AlHsktt waVUl eiifctlneiil f leHstilioii ly ("ongrrss lo pro-' it, HHtl conare its filieries. Strict rpjrulalions now coiitp.d and will control tins eoloal in-lulry ami (iovernor Hn says the territory ' will upiorl Hie policy of couseration. 'I'lic governor aays !! is sieudily iroai-siiiK hmI Ie itupitiif. and faith nf' il- tnl-t urr is jrlrrmg, Jakina flrt pUcel 01 :orinr cainpa, pi'rtiianein vtllajren and town ur Hirivma. Industry i eamaiiiinx auU capital Is lie?iuiiin? oiifi' inort' Id sepfc invo-.nienl in I hi ntfion lie ay iniprovinj transiortaiiou facilities arc making Hie country loinotfeneous. Hui'dintr of tlie Koveruuient railroad and of roads and trails and inereasiuK uo of iiutoiiiotuies am accompli alt i ntt! niiicli. ' Further impel u was yiven Im ImininR during Hh year, Papecial ami soulliwestern Ala-. Ili.ritig the fiscal XMkr ended June 30, I U 2 1 . total siiipmenls of merchandise to Ifjb I'ltMcd Stales nmouitled lo I ;3, 'tnnadinn National Hallways, who, duslry. Other minor 'lailustries .-cached Winnipeg this inoniMg. uch a fi-oxen fish, VftrTI risli. i'n.ler Hie new time schedule nf.flsli oil, furs, inarblai jnlc. re-N'alional Irain mil of Winnipeg, malned ahoul Hie sain Ha-.Mr. Fairbnlin staled Hsli ship-'ineceiliiig fiscal ynr. pel from Winnipeg in Hie even-j Value of H'h hi. Mii,.i S.H.- in ,X(.W 'I'L, vhIiii. of ntm three mornings later. Ivvpress oap conneclions are insole at To-i-otito. Uuffalo. and other points mg the past riscal yur, ?3I.- wjlli I7:u7r. is grcnler lhau,iH.olhw.luiuh. WEEK-END SPECIALS AT Thor, Johnson s Clearance Big Sale PAGE FIVE HEAVY ALL WOOL JUMBO KNIT COAT SWEATERS. "PRIDE OF THE WEST." REG. $10.00. CLEARING FOR $7.45 HEAVY ALL WOOL PULLOVERS. REG. $7.50. - CLEARING FOR $5.45 HEAVY ALL WOOL "PRIDE OF THE WEST" JERSEYS. REG. $4.00. CLEARING FOR $2.95 THE FAMOUS "O.Y." HEAVY RIBBED PURE WOOL UNDERWEAR. REG. $4.50. January and several tiyros from the south, it is expected, will i viait, the city for the installation'; ' ereiuoniis that will follow Hie; eleclioii, Under (iyro consiitu-j lion a contest is required ror an oltloes so Hie meiuhers last tur'lif made sur' there will be no dearth of candidates. r-'tMio followiiiK were luuiiinal 'Ml For President doe Uiei an increase oer thrWWdii K. Unmphell, K. A. Mann. I.eo l akeifisPHl year of Ssaft.tffltn The alue of gold (fji'il silver -hipped during Hie frMal year ended June ;ill. I'.)-' I. 'aHiuumled lo 6,lM.:t1. or u dr'iie of l,3l:i,a36. making a' it total deeieusa in shipnielil s , t, all products of $t?ft,?. ? The inciTiise in ineehandise shipment is represerrteai prim anly in (he eniineil-tillncm Wuugh, .M. .M. .Macl.achlan. It. W. Oiiuieron, A. It. Nichols and lr."K. W. Korjrin. ! For Secretary - Nnrris Pringle t:. C, Mills and S. Harell-.loni s. for Treasurer - S. Hazel I -lone and ti. A. Ilnnler. For directors succeeding Dr. W. Kergin ami Joe (ireeri whose leriMs now expire ('.. t'. I n-lMills, S. V, Taylor. W. I'.iui!.- shaiik, It. F. McNauglilOii ai"l 1'nil liwiiuiug. Tlie Hyro Club received a eln ek ' llroiu Hie llolarjr .,t:iul of for the playground fund, heiiu lln j pliieeeds of iil.l iiiler-club bridg ' .1 ...i.:..i. ii... ii. 1...1 , York at Hie opening of the stores L.i,.r,..,i re..... ii... i-.Jiii...v. i-.-i. -..t ... i i ' !i..i .i . .l-r-- v. .... 1 Y i ' ' i 111 1 1 n' r ii air t?- uuitiivm iiri.-rn uri the thanks of tlie tiyro. t.l'l.llllf! w .if AIimLN. l.lll..,Jul I. .it. I ....... ...I I . I... I .' Tvn.hl,Pi',l0l'7- im-luding gold and sWvfr. The com en. ion is l be held on . r r n,,"lu of fish and fisft pro.Wls'July to. iiihmii ih.k hi nine, Atlvcrltsc in fho Daily NVws. Do You Know? THAT It you neglect the minor Mkiih ui oiwiuni ii U I F l I tWcl VUCIl JIM pains. Hour burn nir mnmu.h 1.1.;.. Hie, tttlchlng, and after-eailua nils-fry. you are roiidpittnltiR your Isnlv V feara of chronic stomach trouble Jo-To Bolrt l.y driiifitlst every wlnn ll (julrklv rl ,i am,.h nil -.'I y. jlogelher, ;t(i,Hri,0?5; ronstitut ;e.l over til per cent of Hut ship imenls from the yiVrilpry Tolal imports inlli from the United Slate and U, ltiS5, in Yan- emiver and I (11; local club Uh derided lo send 'Sn otltcial dele- j ,gkv Tlie nitMiibeV-Nvilh Hie liigh- Aliiska est alleudanee fi't'ord between! for the now and the etVd of June will lei It months ended May.31, I . i. I In d.-l.-sale. I ainotmled to 2H,lr.liK, nn in-1 The lolb.wing tjjro playmouniH crease yer Ihu ourKpomJing'rommilt.'e lias been appointed! pei-iou ended .May 31. IDSf.i; of for the , mm year: 11. A. Har- t,03 1.505. in the 'Dally Nev. tow i-liairmau),iH F. MeNuugli-ton. W. W. W right K. A. Matin and V. J. Nelson. Iec. 1 1. "(iiiess- its uo use. I migni as wen ' r ; iiurt lo live, iieciareu ratrica .mo- (iinly when he was picked up! . nnH iiieeliu last niirlil m Ihebl... ' . .. ..... ... . ... enneede right of way to a mixed! l;-ain. Hie engineer of wlin-Ii was; CLEARING FOR $3.65 THE HEAVY WINTER WEIGHT VIKNG. ONE OF THE BEST MAKES OF PURE AUSTRALIAN WOOL CASHMERE UNDERWEAR. COMBINATION AND TWO PIECE. CLEARING AT $12.50 SUIT WE HAVE A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SMOKING JACKETS AND DRESSING GOWNS IN ALL THE WANTED PATTERNS AND A FINE LINE OF SIZES. 15 PER CENT OFF THE REGULAR PRICES. THE PLACE THOR. JOHNSON'S "Society Brand Store" NOMINATIONS FOR , TRIED TO SUICIDE OFFICERS OF GYRO ! BUT GIVES IT UP CLUB LAST NIGHT Meeting Last Nlnl.t Makes Pre liminary Arrangements for Annual Meeting In January At its regular inoninl uusi- Patrick McGlnty Threw Himself In Front of Engine but t Still Lives nnal:le to stop Hie train before Patrick, who was walking on the track had been struck and dragged three car lengths. When lloadmaster Dennis hauled Pal-rick out from under the engine, I lie w ould he suicide informed him that he had jumped out of a hotel wmiiow during I lie rtgiit lo try and fciii-4:uself but only foot. f....... iimtw il.- ititiii nf ;i Can.'. HE SHOULD BE HAMMERED Kaaris uafe. Hie Prince miner! . .. .... . i ly in II Fairbanks nfc club uominate,! candidates a,,,fa,T,e,io., Ctur th Seward PU..sula.aidtl.lIo,r ,,. various oUces in IfiS. "'" Ha J""'V ", o, ' Jr" :l.,...l .,r .,...ll.u... tUAs .... ... ,. . . u : leriiiKin. i annn iiou n-iu.-.-u Teacher What i the function ' iron in the blood? '"""'"" i-.'utw." .. , 'I'Ue iue ejection eieciion wilt win lake iaKe place oiacr in in ... . n ... i.-. .,... i Fox Farming l'o fanning lias develoied oh a large scale and l tie growth 01 this imluslry justifies llm establishing of fox farmiilsx experi- :iieulal stations in soutlicanlern IH'llll IJO II ! WIIUL III.1KU8 ur nails. a 1 My choice ?ov aged, mature quality! I BOURBON WHISKEY 1 BOTTLED UNDER FEDERAL I GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION I Hits advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control lloard or by the Government of Uritish Columbia