Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Hates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 tit. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. M. S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit .. ..75c Phone 774. 820 Third Avenue P.O. Box 88. Prince Hupcrt, U.G. Ager.l for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Kdson Goal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Puro Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 218. P.O. Box. 885. ACTIVITIES AT THE ISLANDS Mill Still Running At Buckley Bay And Gold Mining Goes On. I'hat I lie Mussel! Timber Co.'s mill at Ruckley Hay is still working on double shift sawing up lows already at the chute, is the news brought to the city by pas sengers on the steamer Prince John, which arrived from the northern Queen Charlotte Is land points this morning. They tale that the northern islands are in a nourishing condition and there is quite a lot of commer cial activity there. Gold The gold mining operations by the P. II. C. Mining Co. are go ing ahead and the operators are very enthusiastic over the out look, and seem to have plenty of faith in their proposition. There are about twenty men working at the smelter, recently erected. and operations are now beinir conducted on Hose Spit. 4 Canneries. The Wallace Fisheries are preparing 1o operate their 'can nery at Woden Hiver, and a number of men are already on I lie ground. The crab and clam cannery at Tow Hill, operated by Capt, Hahington and associates, has been closed down owing to the closed season being on for this class of shell fish. The cannery will be reopened in September. The Langara Fishing iV Packing Co.'s plant is running full blast and 2,000 cases of empty salmon tins were landed by I he Prince .lolin on her last trip. BTIFICATES GIVEN ANYOX PUPILS FOR WRITING EXCELLENCE ANYOX, July 23. U the end of each school year Mr. II. S. Mc Lean, author of the McLean Writing Method, at present used in the schools of Hrilish Colum bia, has agreed to examine all writing forwarded to him, and to award certificates where the results are worthy of recogni lion. As the standard is used in all grades in the province, all have the same advantage. Certificates have just come to band for the following Granby Hay pupils: div. I, (irade vtii, senior certificates Annie Humphreys, Olive Selfe, Grace Stevens, Isa belle Thompson. Christian Mc- Leod. Grade VII Gunard Anderson, Ernest Harclay, Honnic Chapman, Teresa Gordon, George Johnston, Annie McLacliIan, Hob ert MotTall, Glyn Owen, Stanley Sawrey. Div. II, Grade VI. Hose Cane, Inez Leslie, Dorothy Davies, Ida Vantellini, Winifred Wilkinson, John Gillies, Leon ard Drown. Grade V." Dorothy Harr, Faith Cameron, Marjorie Cloke, Margaret Marriott, Helen Vincent, Antonio Caldcroni, Rus sell McMillan. Div. Ill, Grade IV LAHK 1b1b - I iS'UUUlSLM Beans cannot be better nor better cooked than Clark's Beans Cantda't NHonl Diih. 1 V Canada Apvnitd" ou nry tin. m-i H ClABU IhalM. MONTH YANDERHOOF El Freddie Onrilon, Gilbert Simp son, Dorothy Waterman, Edna Owen, Kalherine Morrison, Lor- une OurdiriK, Agnes Krusick, Marion Sawrey, Joe Wah, .Jimmy oxley, Joan Whelan, Angus Harrison, Isabel Gillies, Dora irigg. Div. IV, tirade III. allot la Rohertson, Frances Kel- ley, Hose Hico. Grade 11, Senior. 'rank Mikili, Dorothy Dod.l, Ileanor Wilson. Grade II, Jun ior. Hosalie Hooth, Violet Vin cent, Annie Dunn, Div. IV, Mine School, Grade III. Iloryl Owen, Anlonetla Dardessono, Jean .eslie, Audrey McMillan, Freddie ableroni. Grade II. Margaret onway, Tommy Kirkwood, Mais-) Evans, Jack Wilson, Helen Harris, Frances Wilkinson, (Jurenie Harris, Dora Peterson, Harney Hallner. Grade I. .John Martin HatVner. Hull Talbot, .ouhse Coulter, Jack Talbot, iordnn Drown, Stanley Snyder, Mary Conway, Andrew Snyder. Certificate of incorporation of the Neebako Valley Co-operative Kxchaitgo has been issued. Mrs. Kdwanfo' and Miss Nora Walilon, rf London, Out., spenl last week end with Hoy and Mrs. I'aylor. Paul and Mrs. Hoor left on Wednesday last for Forsyth, Montana, and raped In return to this district next spring. Mr. Stains of Vancouver is ex pected to arrive shortly for re lief work at the local branch of Ihe Canadian Dank of Commerce . Miss Margaret nowm?in left for Vancouver on Sunday night on an extended visit. John Hnskins returned home on ihursuay riigni rrom a irip lo the Edmonton exhibition. . Mrs. Drain and her daughter Evelyn have left for Toronto. A carload of good grade dairy I ! TTTK HATTiT WlHn BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu, ( A.HD 5EV DRErttEO iff! r-Q VERY H N,CE XE'b- fi-t )S5aX'm OCH A DEAOT1FUL v , . ft fNOw ) WELL! EL. L LJ RQOH! -J MORNING - ' UTTlI L--J j JpT? r 'I'jP waLK H V .... I WWrwy I I 1924 91 Int'u frAT'JUt Sni'Ct. Inc, Crut Bnuirmt.tiicrvfd ' S 2 T" I i. -rr imiiir.- uim iu tni Mm ah" uuiijit ... w . , 'CALLIES WON i I AT FOOTBALL Beat Sons of England In Third Match of Series For Stuart ! Shield I The Callies defeated the Sons jof England by a score of 5 goals 'to 1 in the third game of the j Stuart Shield series, held on the Acropolis Hill grounds last night neiore a good crowd or soccer fans. Unlh sides made a tally in the first half, Hamilton for the Callies scoring one and 'Dickens for the Sons scoring one. In the second half Elder ' and Wiods scored two each for the Callies. The learns were fielded as follows: Callies J. Campbell, goal; Hamilton and Williscroft, backs; Sims, Currie and Harris, half backs; Hamilton, Woods, Elder, Cochrane and Andrews, forwards. Sons of England Howe, goal; Hales and Kelsey, backs; Hod-kinson, Caneron and Tinker, half backs; Hill Jr., MathesOn, Munro, Dickens and Hawthorn, forwards. T. Jones refereed the gam and Clapperlon and Jirryny John son acted as linesmen. The Game The game was a scrappy one throughout although the play in the first half was the best part. Iloth teams started out at a merry gait ami the play was pretty even. Good scoring opportunities ivnrn rtilttoH liv llin fnpt&rnrila nn owe, in goal for the bons, lor Ibe first tally of the game. From Ihe centre the Sons got busy and ifler some considerable exchange of play Dickens successfully negotiated the leather past Camp bell. The score stood 1-1 at half time. In Ibe second half Ibe play was loo one-sided to afford any ex citement. A penally against the cows arrived tiere on luesuay one. wi course proiessionuis in last, and were distributed amongjany line of sport have to under-tbe crearni shippers on easyigo weeks, and sometimes months, terms. The directors of the. of arduous training and living cream'ery have now adopted this to fit them; to engago in a cham-policy lo increase the volume of pion boul. On the oilier band BRIER Sport Chat To those who desire lo shine as amateur athletes in nny branch of athletics Ihe question of pro per living is an all Important. Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Le.. than 50c if a person .interested ins amateur athletics will only live up to the simple rule of "tooder.alitin in nil things" they will find themselves not only more fit for play but morn fit for work, ''Over eating is one of the most disastrous habits and Inck of proper sleep is also very injurious to ones health. The secret of the excellent health enjoyed by tho men composing Ibe llritMi army and navy is the regularity of the life they live coupled with a suffici ency of fresh nir and regular exercise. The International HoxinprFed-erafion of Franco will shortly have before them the application of Scandinavian boxers that anfotrurs taking part in international contests should bo allowed payment for actual lime lost. The Amateur Iloxing Association of I'ngland is against the proposal and threatens to withdraw from the federation if it is passed. PLAYGROUND COMPLETED Gyro Apparatus Has Been Installed and Wading Pool Constructed; Opens Thursday w" ,1,p T0 (mil. -Mp'.,. Tl.n r.nlli,.s ,lrnw !l,n ....... ....... - - I i II.. i- . . - i IWI l.l.wwl -!.,. Ilmillrm K "Umi 111111 I lie Waiting p.MIl ill completed and ,. i - . o . ..... McCIymonl .vici.iymoni Park j'arK is is tho children are already using the apparatus which has been installed there. Kadi evening frnnx two tf three hundred children tnke advantage of the oppor tunities offered there and enjoy Ihe fun. The lank has been tested and the waler will be turned on for use on Thursday afternoon when Sons, taken by Currie for ll.e' ho11f,,"nnl .. ""T", "l ' ,'rl ' ' 1... II. n wmr.a and llllkflfl when n the IllA -riiilillrt public Callies, was bungled and consequently wasted. Elder and Woods for the Callies scored two goals apiece, thus putting a double cinch on the game. The result of the score was 5-1 In favor of the Callies. Following is the stnndlng the series to datei ' G.W.V.A. S. O. C. Callies . S. O. E. . Wm.Losl.Pts 0 0 1 by Ihe Gyros are being invited to attend. A great change has been nuide in the park. In order to install Ibe apparatus it was necessary to underdrain the land and this has been done by the city and . the .whole covered with a thin in i . . covering or gravei. If the city can now continue In clear un the land there a little each year, there wild soon bo creditable playground and park that may be enjoyed by the young folks of the city for all lime.' iiCARNIVALIS TO HAVE QUEEN Sports and Attractions Commit teo of Fair Appoints R. E. Benson to Have Charge The sports and attractions conimillee of the full fair, Chairman Den Self presiding, defin itely decided last night that Ihey would hold a carnival queen con lest with prizes for each distinct locality wilh H. E. Ilenson In charge. There will be first anil second prizes iu each locality as well as a capital prize, particu lars of which will be adverllsei as soon as complete arrange ments have been made. , ' There will bo several new fea tures In tho contest and Manager Ilenson promises a lively llmu in entitled Ion I herewith, If you find you cannol gel I he dally Ncwh regularly, cull n aim subscribe for It and hvo it de llvererl to your homo. tf WANTED WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prioes paid. Prince Hupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone C52. FEMALEHELP WANTED EAHN Money Weekly Snare Time addressing, mailing circulars. We pay weekly. Send for full particulars. Hiea Co., (r8 Mroadway, Dept. K-H, New York. 175 FOHiSALft. Sixteen room room ing house and store; all furnished. , Full sized basement with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of the Dry Iock, 029 Ambrose Avenue, tf OH FOR SALE OH SAIjH. Waterfront loin. one and two acres, surveyed; good anchorage, Jap Inlet. Horcber Island. Apply Dox 194 Daily Nevn Ollice. Household furniture, piano ami phono graph. Phone Red 271. 170 I'OIt SALE. New and used Machinery, Itoats and Kngines. Northern Exchange. If OH SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR RENT 'OR Hi:.NT. Two large apart ments down town near Post Ollice. Apply Stork's Hardware, tf OR RENT. Three large house keeping rooms, furnlsheil, complete. 218 Second Avenue. TO HUNT. Furnished house keeping suile. Apply 410 Sixth Ave. East or phone Hlue 217. FOR RUNT. Palmer House for cheap rales and homo comforts. Houses for rent also, tf FOR RENT Four room, modern, healed apartments. Apply Smith k Mnllelt, Ltd. tf MODHRN Four Roomed Flat rent. Westenhavcr Hros. FOUND for 'OUND. An I.O.U. Owner can have same nt Dally News ofllce by proving ownership and paying for this advertisement, t.f. FOUND gold walch chain. Apply Daily News office. tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Ollice, 830 Second Avon. Phono 137. tf AUCTION SALE8. Goods Dought, Bold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 130 and Red 442 FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Fumi turn Store. Wo Duy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phono 040. TAXI Taxi 67 Phono (Call George. Paul or Gust) Prompt Servlco nnd Comfort Day or Night Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Across from Empress Hotel. Advertlso In tho Dally News. MISCELLANEOUS FOH DRESSMAKING aewing, phone t '7 Saturdays Saturdays C.P.H. July 2.r an,) From Vancouver-Sundays Mondays Wednesdays Fridays Fridays C.P.R. July 21 ami and MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri. days, closes al .'LIS p.m. From tho East Mondays, Thursdays and Sat-unlays, K p.m. To Vancouver-Mondays, mail doses af 10 PM, Tuesdays, Mall clones at 4 P.M. Thursdays 10 P M. JO To Anyox, Allco Arm' Wednesdays Sundays From Anyox, Alice Arm Tuetsdays Thursdays To Stewart and Premier .. A.M. 10 I'M P. M. 3 PM. 3 PM, .... A.M. I'M. 9 PM. 7 P.V. Sundays 7 PI Fridays . . 1 l1 4 From Stewart and Premier Saturdays .P 'Tuesdays pi To Port Simpson Sundays 7 Pi Thursdays 10 fi From Port Simpson- Tuesdays - . ... I' i Saturdays . Ai To Alaska Points July 21 and 28. From Alaska Points July 23 and 20. I To Massett, Port dementi, Buckley Bay-Monday mail closes 0 30 V V From Massett, Port Clement!, Buckley Bay Wednesday mail due To Naas River Points and Simpson-Thursdays 10 From Naas River Points Waturdays PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Low .. 1:31 a.m. vf-G 13:32 pjn. 8. AM Port P.M. A. Wednesday, July 23 High 0:39 a.m. I f 111:12 p.m. I R Low 0:29 a.m. i 12:30 p.m. Thursday, duly 24 Hltrh 7:fil n.lil. 1 I ft 20:13 p.m. 1 0 0 IN PROBATE. ...eU IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In tin1 Matter or tin- Ailmlnlttriillfi- mm In Hie Matter of thn Katate uf tJtu fc liiM'oawtli Inti'sliitc. T A k K MiriCK Unit liv oritur llfiTmr lV Mrlt Vriimv iiiuiIa thl.s or July, A.I). 1024, I wi appnlntril A' AC f sni ,i 'IT it Administrator nr thn rtl , ,, Kokm-, (leccmeil, and all imrtte-I'lalma araliiKt ttm nM etat ar liy ri'iiuiri'd to ruriilsh name i Vfririod. to inn on nr hefnrM tl" -' " of Ainrust, A.h. 1 04, anil all iiaft'; nriiien 10 me estate are reMiirn ,. the amount of llirlr tliilebteilne- forthwith, ., WAI.TEII Al.r. Actlnir orrtrlal Admin ' 1 lTlnci! ruipi';:t, " Tialeil thl Ulli ilay of July. I"4 IN PROBATE. ,,n!M IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITI8" nm ilium A. In the Matter or the Administration Ar anil . ... r In the Mattpr nt the K.Mnte of Anti' " swreiiey, liereatrd; lnteiaie , m. TAKK NoTICK that l).V nnier Honor K. Molt. Yotinir. ninilo tlih- ; ' 1 , of July, A. Ii. 04. I was l,l"l,"!!.'1r,if't Aiiininiairator or thn esi.iie """;,;..,nf SUI'I'IIKV il,.i,.n..l mi, I iill t;irUi - Mil"" fUiitiM ciainm ...inji i... ...i,t mini AatuiA esiaie ar j aitainst lli , ',hi liy rcqulreil to . furnish wu 'IVi? verified, to me on or liefore tlie ' .,' of AiiKtist, A.H. 1094. anil all rartif , rtehted to ttie estate are ronulri'd u' L the amount of their indebtedness i forthwltli. . nAtE. .,t WAt.TF.ri lftr Artlng orrirlal Ailinlnlstr",r rrlnre nmf rt, Dated this 8th day of July, IC"