Wednesday, July 23, 1921. i Keep a Kodak Handy Just outside your front door, all summer long, you'll find these intimate home scenes that make such splendid Kodak pictures. TJicy'rc the ones that form the "priceless" part of any Kodak diary. We're here to help you photographically. Kodak all models; film all sizes; acceaidries all kinds; and helpful advice on pic-. turc making. At our Kodak counter Ormes Limited 'Che "Hexall Store Phones 200 and 82 itraction o Third A Venue teeth (luring (lie .summer mouths it is udvi-able lo have the TEETH Ihal should lie extracted removed and preparation will lie made Tor PLATES or DRIDGEWORK before Hie winter moulds set in. Pain will be eliminated. I need no recommendation to you. Your friends and neighbors are my patients. ASK THEM. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST. Phono 575. Get Your Appointment Today. Smith Block. I YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON un , n V7 uvert Selected orana Skeena Sockeye For pinilrs, boose "Rupert Hruiid" Salmon. A few tins in the pantry are always handy, block ,u supply on your boal Hints a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prlnco Rupert, B.C. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sad from PRINCE RUPERT fur VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and inlermediale points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART . Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Massct, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skldegate and all ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENQfcR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. l eave Prince Uuprrt J.00 iuu. fnr PHINOE fiKonOi:. KIiMO.NTO.N, WIN-NirtQ,. til polnu Eiairrn Canrnlv Untied Platen. AOiNOY ALL OOXAIM STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlektt orrie, 821 Third A Prlnet Rjprt. Phon 260. Local aod Personal II.G. Undertakers. Phone 41. - Hay netn. Under taker. Panne 361. tf 1'ylliian Sisters Bazaar, Nov- mber Hlb. 173 U Huperl Annual Exhibi tion, September 1 to 13. tf Moose Whist Drive and Dance Mctropole Mall, July 23. 172 - Father Goeola and Father Wolfe are booked to sail for Vancouver on the Prince George tomorrow night. Miss Tidy arrived from Iluck ley Hay un 'the Prince John this morning, and is slaying in the city for a few days. A. M. Mavica, of Victoria, will give an address in the Uurpenlers Hall, on Wednesday, at 8 p. in All carpenters invited. 172 C X. steamer Prince John, Capl. Xeil McLean, will sail for southern (Jueen Charlotte Islands points at 8 o'clock tonight - Tills afternoon at live o'clock Hie finance committee of the Fair is hoMing a 'meeting and the full board is expected to meet to morrow. L. J. Thompson, who lias been visiting in the cily for the past week, is sailins on the Princess Louise this afternoon for Van couver, enroule lo Calgary. It. K. Warrior left on last night's train on his return to Fdinonton, after having visited in Hie eily with his father, stall sergeant Warrior of the H.C.M.P Union steamer Cardena, Capl A. K. Dickson, arrived in port from Stewart and Anyox at 1.30 yesterday afterno'n and left on her ret urn to Vancouver and vviiyports at 0.3U p.m. . Dr. II. I.. Dickey, of Vancou ver may be consulted at the Prince Hupert Hotel on July -3, and -I for diseases of the eye. ear, nose and throat and b the fitting of glasses. 17 - - Mrs. J. (). Walsh, accompanied liy her small son, Pat, lias, left for Prince Huperl, where she will be Hie guest of . her parents, Capl. and Mrs. J. T. Saunders, for two weeks. Province. Mrs. Cecil Maker and child ar rived from Massed on (he Prince John Ibis morning, and will con- linue soulh on a visit to Van couver ami southern cities on the Prince (ieorgc tomorrow night. Hoy Allen, wireless operator at Muekley Hay, arrived on the steamer Prince John (his morning, and will slop over in the eity for a few days prior to go ing south on his summer vaca tion. J. P. Habcoek, assistant com missioner of fisheries, who has been in the district on inspection duly for the past few days, is booked lo sail for Vancouver on the Princess Louise this V. J. Hireh, of London, Kng- land, who has been visiting with his brother, Hurry Mircli, Fourth avenue, east, for Hie past few days, will return soulh on the steamer Prince Hcorge tomorrow night. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Pbllpolt are sailing on the Princess Louise this afternoon for the soulh. Mr. Philpolt is enroute to Fngland and France, on a combined business and pleasure trip, and Mrs. Philpolt will visit In Vancouver and Victoria. . - The Alberta legislators, who have been louring the Peace lliver country, have been con-dueled by Hon. Vernor W. Smith, minister of railways and tele-! phones in Hie Alberta government and formerly of this city, lie is a brother of Alderimin Arthur Smith, of Prince Hupert. EMORRHOIDS H Do not sutler another day with H Itching, lileedln?, or rrotrudlng riles or Hemorrhoids. No surgical operation required. Dr. Chaso's Ointment will relieve you at once and afford laming benefit. 60o' a box", all dealers, or FMmannn. Bates & Co LtmluO, Toronto. Sampla box free. THR DAILY NKW8, THRHR WR1GLEYS After Every Meal It's the lonncst-lastlnrr confection you can buy and it's a help to digestion and a cleanser ior me mouth and teeth. Wrlgley's means benellt as well as pleasure. C. M. Adam n-Uirned to the eily on the steamer Prince John lliis morning, from Masselt. Mr and ,Mt&-, Fred Stork are now in London? having sailed for the Old Country, on July 12. J), Mel), lluukr reports (hat there is a good demand this year ior concessions una nooins at the fair. r St. Andrew dblsket Picnic to Digby, Sunday,. July -'7. Moats leave Cow May? from 10 to ll. 30 a.m. Adults; 50c. Wiesllin'!els Jepson, Can adian . cliahipjOit light-heavy weight, vs. JadvAllurns, Spokane, Fmpress I healfw August 5. tf Miss Cameron, who made the round-trip on the Prince John, will return south on the steamer Prince George tomorrow night. Mrs. A. K. Dipkson accompan ied her hushauil, Capl. A. h Dickson, on tho. round trip from Vancouver to Aiiyox and Stewart na the steamer Cardena, over the week end. T- The children-and parents o Prince Hupert are invited to at lend the official opening of the Gyro Playground,,, at MgClyinonl Park, on Thursday, at 3.30 p.m Ice cream. . .Miss Hose- Dunroe, of who has been visilimr her parents at Port Clements, arrived on the Prince John this morning and will return south on the Prince George l.oinorrow nighl. C. M. Adam, of this city, returned this morning from a visit to Masselt, Port Clements, Muekley Hay and other points on Queen Charlotte Islands. He says everything seems prosperous over there'. G. X. steamer Prince George, Gapt. II. Xcdden, Is due lo arrive this afternoon from Vancouver and wayports at 3.30. The westbound train, due to arrive this afternoon at I o'clock, is reported on lime. " H. J. llopen, oT Cow May, appeared before justices of the peace S. 1). Macdonabl and W. H.. Golllsoii, in the cily police court this morning, pn a charge of keeping liquor for sale. The case was adjourned for eight days. - 4. Passengers leaving for the south on the Unioirsleainer Car dena, yesterday evening, included Mrs. P. D. Cameron, I). A. Peter son, Mr. and Mrs. Tints. McCly-i moot, C. J. Stevens and son, A. M. Evans, P. J. Shenlon, H. J. Colps and F. Ilelheringloii. ... . - Daughters and Sons of Picnic, Sunday, July 27, weather permitting. Moats leave Cow May fi;r Digby Island 10.30 and 11.30. Gentlemen,; bulies and children free. Mring eatables and cups. ColTee, lea, cream ami sugar provided; also ice cream for the lilllo ones. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 'OH SALK Heater, Linoleum, small table, 3-piece suite, suitable for living room, den or olfice; all practically new. Phone 771. 173 iHOAUD AND HOOM For ladies, with private family. Phone Green 115. FOll HI'.NI' Newly decorated furnished house. Apply 215 Ken-Hi A :. tf- i-asl. 177 MISS CAMERON IS MARRIED AT STEWART Becomes Bride of Jack Gray and Qoes South on Honeymoon The n Hi triage was solemnized at Stewart on Monday of Miss Phyllis Canicron, daughter of W. C. Cameron, postmaster, and Jack Gray, storekeeper, at the home of the bride's parents. The happy couple passed through the city last night on the steamer Cardena on an extended honey moon in southern cities. Mr. and Mrs. Grey will reside in Stewart. ALICE ARM The Keystone Mining Com pany have engaged a small crew of men who are repairing the trail from, the beach to the pro perty. Xew buildings will be erected on the properly. v J. Calvin arrived in town dur ing the week from the Hunker Hill properly, where he has been doing development work. He ha also made a pack trail from' the Dolly Varden Railway to the La Hose property, and has built a foot trail from there to the Hunker Hill. A. Davidson, who is working on the Wildcat, took up a quantity of supplies by the Alice Arm Freighting Co. yesterday. One of the most enjoyable lances held for a long time was given at the Alice Arm Hotel on Wednesday evening last. A large number of people were present, and a thoroughly good time was spent. Whn. Meehon's sou Charlie, ar. rived on Thursday", froii Van couver to spend the school holi days with his father. - Mr. and Mrs. J. o. Tretheway left on Thursday for Vancouver, - .Mrs. Anderson arrived from Prince Hupert on Thursday and is spending a vacation willi her sister, Mrs. G. Anderson. Miss M. Leitcli of Anyox i spending a vacation with Mrs. I1 Whelan. V. Siitilovich is away on a tn'i lo Prince Huperl. Mrs. M. W. Marretl and Francis left on Monday for Vancouver. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 p.m. Digby Island Cloudy; calm; barometer, 30.58; temperature 50 sea smooth. Dead Tree Oear; calm; barometer, 30.11; temperature, 57: sea smooth. Hull Harbor Cloudy; light northwest wind; barometer, 30.19 temperature, 58; light swell; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Admiral Watson 337 miles from Seattle, southbound; 10.10 p.m., spoke steamer Prince Hupert olT Pult- net Spit, southbound; 2.15 a.m., spoke steamer Prince George olf Pointers Island, northbound. Noon. Digby Island Clear; calm; barometer, 30.57; temperature.. 0(5; sea smooth; 8 a.m. spoke tug Lome, abeam Cuinshewa Island, hound for Captains Cove; 9 a.m. spoke Canadian Highlander bound from Vancouver to Prince Huperl, due in at I p.m. Dead Tree Clear; calm; barometer, 30.12; temperature, 7S; sea smooth. Mull Harbor Clear; light northwest wind; barometer, 30.18 temperature, 71; sea moderate; U. 15 a. in. spoke steamer Cardena approaching Xaiuii, southbound. NOTHING LEFT . Alice I hear Jack has broken olT his engagement with Gladys. How did she lake it? Virginia Oh, it completely unmanned her. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leavo Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. until C.30 p.m. and on other weekdays at 2, 4 and 0.15 p.m. The last boat home each day will leavo tho Salt Lakos lloat sharp ul 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale and hire. Prince ' rtuperl Hoalhouse. s r tsi I Joy those who discriminate BOND UNDER & FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 'JL r5l , SUPERVISION jwfak I HI DDCuwuOOp,' (f I Zhe EMBASSY Special Old jigaeur Whisky 1 XM tvf In t! This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the fiovernment of Hrilisb Columbia. FOR AN EVENING'S COMFORT ea-grass Chairs i n i ana mam from $8 to $9 each Cocoa Matting, in pattern squares, $2 and $2.50 each Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. The House of Quality. Phone 123. NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Hox. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. The Old-timer says Electric Bread is "The Best we ever had" "Patronize Prince Hupert Stores and support tho town that supports you." How, About S 'i S Don't worry nliout your milk supply this year. Place n tin of Klim Hrand Powdered Whole Milk in your pack nnd then wherever yon nrn you can hnvo fresli country full cream milk the moment you want it. Klim incompact, economical nnd wilt keep sweet and absolutely fresh for months. CANADIAN MtT.K PRODUCTS L1MITKD Montreal Toronto Wlnnlp4 Gold by RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. in