PAGE FOUR Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange Make your reservations for lhat Christmas visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket. Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, Itii. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. St. Regis Gafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready to Wear S18.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, H.C. Phone 774. P.O. Box 958 EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Kdson Coal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Go LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehouses, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered dally. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 6S7. McBrlde Street BRINGING UP FATHER SMITHERS SCHOOL TO OF THE DAY PLAY RUGBY FOOTBALL SMITHERS, Sept. 19. The lo cal school hoys have visions of 1)0111? yel proclaimed the champion rugby players of the world, judging by the preparations un der way lo pet the game in force here. The school grounds are undergoing a course of treatment in readiness for I he ("rough stuff.' and the sporting poods catalogues have usurped the grammar and arithmelje books, nenrilr. teacher, will act a coach. TWO GRIZZLIES ARE SHOT IN BABINES Jack Joseph Brought Them Into Smithers Tuesday; Oyer Seven Feet Long SMIT1IERS, Sept. 19. Rig game is the rape here now, and lo start it off auspiciously Jack Joseph drove into town with dwo grizzly bears on Tuesday. The animals were shot in the Habijies and are splendid specimens, Jhe largest measuring in excess or seven feet long. RINCE RUPERT MEN FINED AT SMITHERS Two Exceeded Bag Limit When Hunting lnfBulkley Valley This Week The rosy reports broadcasted on the coast by Hie members of be Prince Rupert Hoard of Trade who recently spent a week n these parts spelled disaster for Oeo. Findlay and Wm. flejd of that town, who, carried away hy the glowing accounts of ex cellent shooting, backed by nu mcrous exhibits, made a trip to Harrell on Monday. The condi lions were found to be all that was claimed and the hunters started right in, which was quite within Iheir list of privileges. Hut J i failing In stop at the bag limt they fell foul of Constable Fairbairn and Chief Service, who confiscated the total cut together with the weapons. Last night Ihe men walked in and pleaded guilty lo exceeding Ihe speed limit on game, paying in ten dol lars and costs, which they charged up lo the rattling good Ijnte they had in a country where the grouse are plentiful and lempling. Interior News. Charles Ryan of Port Simpson, charged with the theft of a gas engine, was commilled for (rial by Stipendiary Magistral II. F McLeod yesterday aflernoon. Ac cuscd will come up in the County Court for election on the relijrn of Judge Young from Smithers HERE AND EVERYWHERE Sport Chat It Is. sixteen years since such : THE DAILY .VEW? Friday,.,, FOOTBALL TNNIS SWIMMING an exciting wind-up as that now!, CAM CUHT IN MKT A If P in nrn?ro hion,l ir,;0"1' VllU I 111 miJlilUj Ihe big baseball leagues. Every game from now to the end of Ihe season will count In the deciding of which feams are lo enter the world series. In fact the games are now attracting as much general attention as the big series probably will. Hold the Giants and Yanks arc ffghting hard to be in the big fall garden parly but whether this affair will again be exclusive lo Gotham is indeed a mailer of doubt. The chances of the Senalors in the American Leacuc and the HrooElyn Dodgers are just as pood to get in on the finals. It is a pretty sa-fc bet that financial return's for club owners, officials and players will be higher this year than ever be-i fore not to mention Ihe pro ceeds thai will go in the way of taxes lo Ihe United Slates, treas ury.;. The closing stretches of the Iwo pennant raec. take one back lo 1908. Thai was the year when New York and Chicago had to play oJT a post season lie in the National League, with Pilfsburg nly a game away. In that same season Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis and Chicago were all snarled up in another tangle where the final run in Ihe final game decided the issue. Through Ihe laMt few days a base hit meant a pennant in more lhan one camp. The same status mav.i -8 Alarms of Johnson and Vance will jbe just as important before Oct-jober reports wild f lie final FOR A GRIZZLY BEAR Antoine Isadora of Morlcetown Victim of Hunting Accident In Bulkier Valley SMITHERS, Sept. 19. The provjpejal police were called on lo Investigate the circumsfanres surrounding Ihe death of Antoine Isadore, aged 16, who, was killed at Moricelown on Friday last. It appears that the, deceased jn company with his father and another Indian, One-eyed William, were out after grizzley, and in Ihe, hunt became Separated. Some lime afler Ihe father seeing a stealthy movement in tlie ' distance, immediately concluded jt was a bear and placing his rifle lo his shoulder made unerring aim. Hastily proceeding to the spot where' tb'e supposed bear should be he'tvas horrifed lo find Ihe lifeless Cody 'of his son another victim fo mistaken ideality. Chief Constable W-. J. Service was eommurijc'aled with and, accompanied b.tbc coroner for the district, S. H.; Hoskins, was luirkly on the ground. All the facts of the case being fully investigated it was decided thai an iiiipiesf was unnecessary as the shooting was purely the result of an accident. Next Thursday an official visil exist the last few spans of Hie j will be paid lo the Prince Rupert present race. It was mainly the (Rotary Club by Frank G. Riggs, pitching arm of Wild Hull Dono-I district governor Snceial r' van lhat pulled Detroit through I rangements for this are in the sixteen years ago. The pitchingjhands of Ihe executive. C7 w s BEST PROCURABLE BLEND B0TTUO ft SUARANUtOJY iTnlju MOOUCt Ot SC0TIA.H0. nottoi o MivcaK-tLtNUvtt eurrrowM Ken. wo The original label look for it al the Vendors, and insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." f This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor t .. I I fl...l - t... ill- rt i ....... I. . . . ouiiuui uuuru ur uy nits uuvunimeni oi uritisn uoiumDia BRIER Xlb. 80 tmi ECONOMY buy FOR RENT I'WO Rooms Tor Renl wilh private: family. Gentlemen only. Phono 329. 223 FOR RENT. Furnished house keeping rooms. Phone Hlue 217 or 18. 110 Sixth Avenue East. At )F1TCE FOR RENT with modem living quarters. Westenhavet Hros. If FOR RENT. Two large apart ments down town near Post Office. Apply Stork's Hardware. tf FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts. If FOR RENT Four room, modern. heated apartments. Apply Smith Si Mallelt, Ltd. tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room al the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Onlce, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If AUCTION SALES. Quods Houghl. Sold or Exchanged . H. H. KEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. 1'honeu Hlack 136 and Red 442. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Ni?ht Stand: 3088 BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Empress Hotel. BOAT REPAIRS FISHERMEN. The close season will soon be here. You can get your boats overhauled by contract or day work, at a moderate price. We build anything up to 200 tons. Marine ways. Call or write Erikson Hros:, boat builders, North Vancouver, H.C. 222 LEAGUEJJASEBALL American League New York 2, St. Louis i. Hoston 3, Chicago 7. Philadelphia 5, Detroit 3 . Washington 1), Cleveland 5. National League i Cincinnati 5-5, New York 3-7. Chicago 4-1, Hoston 3-3, Pittsburg 5-0, Philadelphia 6-3 St. Louis 5, Hrooklyn 7. W. .1. Rooney plant superin lemlent of C.N.R. Telegraphs, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. I" linlIlOoirkt m CATARRH el Hit BLADDER Mil, JlKOuCul EachCimuU hnnC nmmnofemmUTftlU FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR SALE. Rooming house, furnished. Apply 92D Ambrose Avenue. tf FOR SALE. Fumed Oak Davenport, good as new. Cost $H!S. K"r Quick sale $t5. Phone Illue 737. 210 Ninlh Avenue West. 222 FOR SALE. Pleasure boat Echo. Length' 28 feel, beam 5 feel, powered with 48 H.P. Winton Six engine. Hosch ignition, storage battery. Windshield, canopy top and curtains, 2 auto seals. Seating capacity for eight or ten persons. Price $350.00. C. L. Ileindel, Cold Storage. if FOR SALE-Old Jiancrs by the bundle. Daily News ofllee. tf ROOMING HOUSE, for Sale; cen tral location; steam heal: cheap rent; rooms always full; Owner. Wrlle P.x 202 Dally News. if FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Boats and Engines. Northern Exchang if FOR SALE HOUSES G rooms and bath, two lots, fine harbor view, $3,000.00. n rooms ami nam. ciose in $2100.00. 5 rooms and bath, good garden, $2200.00. 3 rooms, high ground, $750.00. Terms arranged for all. McCalfcry A Gibbons, Ltd. FURNITURE. - New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. OEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 646. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Grndualo of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 5: 7 lo 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Phone Hlue 85. Positively Ihe leal lhat Money can buy I i GOODYEAR TIRES FOR FORDS $8.50 to $16.00 f RIDE ON AIR Fit Your Ford With BALLOON TIRES ' 1 and eliminalo the rattles. MODERN WRECKING EQUIP-MKNT Service and Night KAIEN GARAGE HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. J. A. Hrown and Miss Mao Donaldson, Port Kssington; Thomas Robinson, Cleelhorpes; Mrs. R, D. Prosser and daughter, Francois Lake; F. R. Currlo, Arthur .1. Curson, W..G. Mnlcalr, IfT Myers and W. O. Rowan, Vancouver; Mrs. J. Haslolt, Anyox. By George McMai I I rjuJ I I DOKTW JF I'LL CO OOWTi IN U II n ,-M CLAOTHAT I WPKlttmmmmKtKM AOWMTHE L'KC THSX- I'LL (Jj! 'L M W I 1 I MOW V KTAy ALS " ' T ' Vt-OVE. V- P k 1-I6HTATALL' Hl i kw ! 1 h I sJSijlllB " ' ' i BASEBALL BOXING 'LACROSSE SPORT NEWS Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Le.. than 80c WANTED. -Hot 205 WANTKB WANTED; EXpefienrt'il folder. Apply Pioneer Laundry. 222 -Small safe. Apply Daily News Oillcc. GENERAL SERVANT Wanted. Mrs. O. Hesner, 303 Fourth Avenue East. If WANTED-Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone 652. FOR SALE 1 MAIL SCHEDULE For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and FrL uujth, mioses ai 3.15 p.m, From the East Mondays, Thursdayg and Sit uruays, p.m. To Vancouver Mondays, moil closes al 10 PI Tuesdays, Mail closes al 1 1 Thursdays jq p Saturdays Saturdays q p C.P.R. Sept. :i o a ,i 16 From Vancouver-Sundays p i Mondays 3 pi Wednesdays . Fridays Fridays C.P.R. Sep!. .! To Anyox, Alice Arm .3 PI k.l 3 PI Wednesdays 9 Pi Sundays J pjt From Anyox, Alice Arm Tuesd.ivs P Thursdays .PJI To Stewart and Premier Sundays .1 P.M. Fridays 9 P.M. From Stewart and Premler- Knlunlnv Ji Tuesdays To Port Simpson-Sundays Thursdays From Port Simpson- Tuesdays Saturdays . To Alaska Points Sept. 1 and 1- From Alaska Points Sept. 3, 6 and 10 -.7P.1 I0P.5L .P.M. A. To Massett, Port Clemen Buckley Bay Monday mail c'-sm. .6.30 Pa From Massett, Port cumena, Buckley Bay-Wednesday" 11 ; due To Skldeaate, Q. C. city South Island Points-Wednesdays, mail clows P P-"i. . .j From Skldegate, Q. c. wu South Island Points Salunlays. mail due a.m. To Naas Rler Points aimpson 15 fl From Naas River PolnU-Raturdays BOX COLLECTION Pil. A Allin Ave. 2 I si' Ave. A Eighth Si 2.XU 6lh Ave. it Fulton l 8th Ave. & Thompson 8 1 Illh Ave. & Shcrbrooke Ave. .-4 - II hi Ave. & Conrad St 61 h Ave, & Hays Cove Avo. 61 h Ave. A; Hays Cove Circle 8h Ave.& Cotlon St 5U Ave; A McIlrideSt. Pro. Gov. Hldgs. Prov. Gov. Whnrf G.T.P. Whnrf 2nd Avo. it 2nd SI 3rd Avo. it Fulton St 3rd Avo. it 0th bl 2.30 235 2.40 215 20 2.55 3.00 3.5 3.10 3,15 3.20 3.25 38 P.. 8.U, 821 8.H 8.31 8.M 8.U 8 IS 8.51 8.51 9.08 is 9.10 9.U pi ; NOTICE 1 Advertisers are fenc f I ed lhat copy -tf tisements should bo I"1 , 1 Daily !.m. News today lo.fen opi U ; , -.nn n (nniorrows t 01:1 II'"1 " sue. Advertise 1 Daily Nc5' n lho